
Is this the end?

When someone told me "Is this the end?", then let me fix that to be better. only the OC is mine

bluejoven · Others
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Update much...

Raizen did not help Daenerys to get inside Qarth so the event played similar to the series. He already told Daenerys that he is going first to Astapor because if she got a ship from Qarth, she would need her own army. Even though he said that he would help her to unite Westeros, she is still not worthy of his army.

While he is traveling with his army to Astapor, he is reading a report from Westeros.

Without the Ironborns invading the shores in the north, Ned, with the help of Raizen's men first created stones for the roads that do not hold ice so that they will not be covered in thick snow. The sand used for the stones came from Raizen's chamber and was made in Calor which was formerly known as Dreadfort. When the lords ask for its source, the men can not say because the source does not have unlimited reserve and the use is decided based on importance. Ned ask if they can use it to fix some castles so that cold winds would not travel inside. The men said yes but the building of roads has priority in resources.

The construction started at Winterfell and the people can already see that the stones were effective against snow and people don't slip when stepping on it. With a hundred people for each road line working day in and day out, the shortest road to the castle of Cerwin was finished in less than a week. The men told the lords that it would take a few months or more especially with the winds getting colder.

While the roads were being made, the people of the bear island were taught to make wines so that they can gain much gold and compensation for taking responsibility for Jorah's life.

Some jobs were divided to place with resources. For those near mountain ranges, they found mineral deposits like iron or gold and gems will either made armors, swords, equipment, jewelry, or any other things depending on the resources. For near the forest, they will be the source of lumber and wooden products. For near the waters, it would be either trade across the sea or fishing. The rest would be workers or be part of the new standing army for the north.

The resources would mostly circulate in the north and products created will be for the north and to Essos. Some products would be traded to the south but at higher prices and small quantities. Those were still at their starting phases and would likely have a good result for the next few months. But the priority would be road, ships, and wines. For the crops and animals, multiple buildings need to be built so by the time winter comes, there would be enough stocks for the first year then a continuous supply even in winter is possible. The men of Raizen will personally build the needed farms but if winter comes sooner, especially with the problem from beyond the wall, the food made and gathered from the Gift will be enough to feed the north three times a day for two decades. Knowing how to yield food every second week even if it is the simplest technique that Raizen created from his travels becomes handy for this type of world.

At the wall, the shadow tower, castle black, and the east watch look good at new. Old things have been replaced. The lift was remade with new wood and ropes and better lifting capacity. Traps were created beyond the wall and by doing so, some free folks trying to climb the wall were caught and taken back to the Gift. If before, the brothers of the Night's Watch will kill the free folks, now they don't even bother with it because of the army of the company taking responsibility. So far, the number of free folks that were caught and brought back to the Gift was already more than a thousand.

As for Roose Bolton and his men from the war and Dreadfort, they already met with the wights and white walkers. They were not able to fight because they were tied by a rope to each other, hands cut and with the cold, they won't be able to get away. The same thing happened to the Freys and Ironborns that choose death.

Raizen did not care that the army of the dead gained five thousand bodies. They will be defeated all the same by either him or by the people of Westeros. But it does make a bit of a problem. In the series, when Night's Watch march beyond the wall with a few hundred men, only a few men survive. If they march now, they will be wiped out including Sam. He will order five of his men to come with them to at least keep them alive.

With the southern news, the iron islands were still being manned by Raizen's soldiers and the remaining people continue with their lives. Tywin plans to take the iron islands but he is currently preoccupied in King's Landing. Either by strengthening the defenses or looking over documents. Tywin's men that were stationed in the lands that Tully controlled retreated because of constant harassment from the brotherhood with no banners and the ghosts of Harrenhal. They say that the ghosts of Harrenhal were the people tortured by the Lannisters when they occupy the castle. They keep the soldiers awake at the night at their camps and kill the ones who sleep. In the day, they raid the supply for the camps which made the soldiers hungry for days. With this report, Tywin has no other choice but to abandon his positions in Tully's territory.

Tywin already lost to the wolves and now he lost to a fish too.

Two weeks after his men pull out from the land of the Tullys, he got a message stating that Renly Baratheon was dead and Stannis have taken over the army of the Stormlands. Tywin did not care about the reason for his death but the Tyrells believe that he was killed by Stannis.

Stannis is now consolidating his army that came from the Stormlands after Renly's death and plan to attack King's Landing.

Tyrells have been a supporter of Renly but because of the circumstances, they wanted to ally themselves to the Lannisters to take revenge for Renly. With Joffrey being free from his past engagement, he can now marry Margaery Tyrell to strengthen the relationship between the Lannisters and the Tyrells.

Tyrion Lannister to travel Westeros after the wedding of his monster of a nephew because his father had already taken over being the hand of the king. He just wishes that he has some companion other than Bronn. But with the looming threat of Stannis' increased army. He hoped that the Tyrells came first because his father returned twenty thousand men to his territory to guard against the Tyrell but with the unexpected events, his father wished that he didn't do so.

From the Dorne or more specifically Oberyn Martell. He meets up with the people that killed the mountain. When he saw the "ghost of Harrenhal", the first thing that caught his attention is the black smoke coming out in their dark face that is beings covered slightly by a hood. Overall black clothes with a blue cloth over them. Carrying a single edge dagger but much longer with a spike in the middle.

(image: https://www.cleanpng.com/png-thief-fantasy-anima-role-playing-game-dungeons-and-1009198/preview.html - the face is all black with smoke)

Oberyn would understand the blackness in the face because it would be covered by the hood and darkness of the night. But that is the thing, he is meeting them in an open place near Harrenhal with the sun above their head. He would also understand if they are using a black cloth to cover their face and a trick for the smoke but that is not it. One of these "people" looks to the side then he notices the shape of the nose and black air coming from it so he knows that these "people" were not wearing any mask!

His meeting with them did not last very long, he said his thanks and they give him a letter. He thought that they do not speak and wished that they didn't because he is starting to get afraid of them but one talked to him with the voice of an angel and told him to go back to Dorne and wait for the opportunity to finish their revenge. He left contemplating about his experience in Harrenhal.

As the master of whispers, Varys knows what is going on in the seven kingdoms and across the Narrow Seas. But every now and then, some things can make him amazed and curious from the information of his little birds.

Right before King Robert went to Winterfell and get Eddard Stark as the hand of the king. A mysterious person with a mysterious army landed in White Harbor and went to stay in the north. People from around the world coming and staying in Westeros is not uncommon but having fifty thousand men and women at the same time will alert the seven kingdoms. Other than making Eddard Stark the hand of the king, King Robert also wants to know who are these people that came to the north and live on the Gift without permission from the king.

From what Varys gathered, this "Raizen" was the last descendant from the people of the north that exiled themselves because they didn't like the decision of Torrhen Stark in Aegon's conquest. He recreated the "Company of the Rose" and now have sixty-five thousand followers which fifty-five thousand are soldiers while the rest were farmers, builder, navigators, and many more lucrative positions. To hide such a large army from the world is impossible and he only heard of the name "Company of the Rose" after a month of "Raizen" staying on Winterfell. At the same time, fifty thousand people immigrate to the south of the wall which is called the gift and spread food and other resources to the other houses of the north. They even helped man the Night's Watch with a total of six thousand men. One thousand for each castle and replaced every week. Fixing and giving resources to the Night's Watch were also some of the things that they do.

King Robert didn't bother with those people because Eddard Stark told him that they only fight for the north as long as there is a Stark in Winterfell. Because of King Robert's relationship with the Stark, he knows that when he needs the north. Ned will rally his bannermen and those new fifty thousand men will follow him.

When the chance to see the capabilities of this new army have come to light. Varys and all who got the information were shocked by the performance. Not only that the company has taken over the Twins and land of the Freys. They also took over the Iron Islands. At the same time, they defeated the army of Jaime Lannister before they reach Riverrun. But one piece of information stands above the rest. That the company didn't suffer any loss of life.

Between the fight of the north and the Lannisters. It was obvious that the Lannisters lose more because only a thousand dead not including the Bolton's treason, but the lions lost almost twenty thousand men. It was a heavy blow for the Lannisters especially the escape of Eddard Stark and his daughter that they would have been used but it might have been a blessing. If the Lannister continued their fight against the north, they will also lose the throne.

After the army of the north returned to their land, no more whispers came from them. As if every little bird has been silenced. With the realm divided, it must be a sign that it will be going through another unification period especially that a dragon is making a move in the east and the portion of the company is having an interest in the dragon. If the dragon gets the support of the company, then no kingdom in Westeros will be able to fight her.

(an: 11 months aa)

Back at Raizen just finished reading the report from Westeros and now camping far away enough that the people of Astapor can still see the first line of the company.

A few hours later, a master and a couple of unsullied came near the camp of the company.

Mtr: "What a pleasant surprise. You finally visit our place. Do you plan to buy my unsullied or... sell the rights for your company? Do not worry, I will give you a fair price befitting of their reputation." *talking in valyrian tongue*

In normal circumstances, the master will be accompanied by a translator. But when the masters tried to buy their armor. The masters of Slaver's Bay got to know that the company can speak any language. The master easily recognizes Raizen's outfit because he is the only one that looks like a highborn and has more cloth in his armor.

(Image: https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Arthur_Pendragon?file=SaberArthurPendragonStage2.png - with a white mask on his face without holes)

While he was in Westeros, he has a stand-in when spreading and doing jobs in Essos. He instructed his men to not go near or take jobs from Slaver's Bay. Though it resulted in the lowering demands of unsullied. But when the company stops accepting jobs, the demands skyrocketed so the masters see this as goodwill from the company.

R: "I'm just resting here. In less than a week, I will be gone." *talking in valyrian*

Mtr: "I heard you have ships, very big ships."

R: "Obviously, how can I fight the pirates on the seas if I don't have ships of my own?"

Mtr: "I want two of it."

R: "You do know that I only have three and you wanted two of them? Do you even think how much gold(none) did I spent to build those ships? I will not give you one of them."

Mtr: "I know that my unsullied can not beat you in battle but I still want those ships. A compromise then, I heard you are the owner of ships that were dock at the north of Westeros. I want three of them in exchange, three thousand unsullied."

Raizen was contemplating because he will get the three thousand of the unsullied. It would mean that Daenerys will only get five thousand for her army.

It will be a bump in the road for her but if she proves her worth, then she will get more than she wants.

R: "Why do you want my galleons, to humor me?"

Mtr: "Even in the seas, your company's ship is known. Not only big but fast too. Especially with your ships that can carry five thousand men without losing speed. Even if I only get the smaller one, that is still a thousand on the ship. Anyone would want one for prestige because of its uniqueness. But more so for trades. I can put more and deliver my items faster to my buyers."

R: "Good then. I will give you those ships. You are lucky that two were coming here at Astapor in a day for my supplies, after that you can have it. I will send the last one to your ports."

Mtr: "Good."

R: "Let's put it in a letter so no one will forget."

Mtr: "Very good."

After the two signed the contract, the master give him the three thousand unsullied. The master knows that the company values its reputation. Even if they don't accept jobs from them, they complete their jobs from the others completely.

When the three thousand unsullied were standing in front of the company, the master gave Raizen the whip that symbolize that he own the unsullied. Beside the unsullied were his men that he let sail the ship. Except for the three ships that they saw, the ships that he used for Westeros were bigger-sized galleons that can hold two thousand men. The ships were made with ordinary materials but has many runes in them for faster travel and stronger build. It will even float slightly on water if there is a storm in the sea. So, even if they recreate it from top to bottom, they will never know why it is better.

Before coming to Astapor, he already decided to give Daenerys those ships but this "master" just gave him an opportunity on how to do it.

Mtr: "I saw your ships before coming here. They truly are fast. You said that they will be here tomorrow."

R: "They might have come across a good wind. Just wait for the last one."

Master leaves them while smiling. While Raizen was smirking behind his mask.

While the unsullied are getting in their formation, he was scanning their faces. He did not see Grey Worm in them. I guess it's fate.

While he is waiting for Daenerys, Raizen was looking at the unsullied. He pulls out an item from his TC to let the other people hear him even if they are far away. One of many things that he created out of boredom. He then walks through the formation of the unsullied army. While walking, he says what he thinks about them.

R: "You have been slaves all your life. A slave when you are born until you die."

Even though they don't fear anything, some things will still amaze them, especially since their new master can speak to them as if he is in front of them.

R: "But that is not the truth! No one is born a slave! Those that think that they are better than you, stripped you of that chance to be better! They could have let you learn to read and write. But they were afraid of what you will learn. That is why they keep you in the dark for all these years and only taught you to obey orders!"

Some unsullied that were purchased before by a good master and taught a little, understand what their new master was saying.

R: "But freedom has its price as all things in the world! Even myself is not completely free. But our difference is that I was given a chance and I took it. Now, I will also give you the same chance that has been given to me!"

Raizen made his way at the front of the army of unsullied.

R: "I will give you the chance to be free! But know this! I do not like killing innocents if I can help it and even if you are ordered to kill an infant, you still took away their chance to live. I will not let you live past this day!"

For each unsullied, an armored man will be facing them and show a silver dagger on the right and a black dagger with a dragon head for a pummel.

R: "In front of you is the only thing that is truly free in this world. The freedom of choice! The silver dagger will lead you to death as justice for the lives that never walk the earth. The black dagger will serve as a punishment that you will carry until you die. Choose!"

Thirty minutes later, all three thousand unsullied have chosen their dagger. Unlike when Daenerys gave the choice to them in the series that they all followed her. But when he gave them a different choice, almost half of them chose the silver dagger.

R: "Before you stab yourself, let me say this. I will also bring you justice. I will swear to you! The people that made you slaves will get what they deserve!"

After hearing that, all the unsullied stomp their spears similar in the series then stabbed their hearts until every one of them is on the ground. It was a good thing that they didn't make so much sound because three thousand unsullied will alert Astapor.

The black dagger in the men who have chosen it melted and cover their bodies.

More than a minute later, those one thousand four hundred plus that chose the black dagger are slowly standing up and confused about what is happening.