
Is this the end?

When someone told me "Is this the end?", then let me fix that to be better. only the OC is mine

bluejoven · Others
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85 Chs

I feel numb...

Inside the time chamber. Raizen was cooking a meal for him and Bibi Dong while she was outside in his garden. This has been going on for a month now inside the chamber. Bibi Dong took at least two weeks to reconcile with herself because of the things that had happened throughout the years.

R: "So what will you do now."

BDong: "I am at loss too on what to do going forward."

R: "hmm... Then I will create an opportunity."

BDong: "What opportunity?"

R: "..."

After a month and a half inside the chamber. They both exited right at the same place and only a few seconds have passed. Raizen left Bibi Dong to contemplate his proposal to her and continue watching the fight between the two brothers.

The final fight did not last long and Tang San did not need to use his hammer. When the awarding of spirit bones started, Xiao Wu was listening to the explanation of the bishop then tried to attack Bibi Dong but was repelled by the bishop. The flower masking Xiao Wu's scent got separated from her then Bibi Dong recognized her as a "changed beast".

Bibi Dong ordered ghost doulou and chrysanthemum doulou to kill Xiao Wu but Tang San got between them. In a nick of time, Dugu Bo with three others was able to block the attack from two titled doulou.

The people who come with Dugu Bo were the grandpa dragon, grandma snake, and Erlong. The two titled doulou's of spirit hall was taken aback by the appearance of the three other people besides Dugu Bo.

BDong: "Dugu Bo are you planning to go against spirit hall with these other two people and a bug?"

Erlong: "What do you mean bug?! Better clench your teeth because after when I'm done with you, your teeth will be the least of your problems."

BDong: "hmph!... You do not hold any significant power to contend with me."

Erlong: "Oh Yeah!! let see you try"

Bibi Dong showed her rings of 2 yellow, 2 purple, 4 black, and 1 red.

Dugu Bo, dragon gramps, and snake grandma who were listening also showed their rings. The difference to Bibi Dong"s is that they don't have yellow rings but 2 purple, 6 black, and 1 red. As for Erlong, she has 7 black and 2 red rings. The people of spirit hall could not believe their eyes that they were seeing better quality rings even compared to the supreme pontiff.

While they were intimidated, another two people came, a man and a woman. These two were Tang Hao and Ah Yin. Tang San who noticed his father was stunned when he saw the woman beside him.

Ah Yin: *looking at Tang San* "You have grown up, my little San"

Tsan: "M-mom... Is that you?"

Ah Yin: "Yes *smiling*, we can talk later. For now, we have some unsettled business with spirit hall." *looks back at Bibi Dong*

GDoulou: "THE MAD MAN, THE MAD MAN IS HERE WITH HIS WIFE..." *feeling panicked*

Tang Hao who heard this take a look at ghost doulou which made the other guy flinch in the spot and take two steps back.

BDong: "Tang Hao, you are brave coming to spirit hall after what you have done in the past. What makes you think that you will leave here alive?"

THao: "These..."

Tang Hao showed his 9 rings for Bibi Dong to see. The other titled doulou were curious but when the 9 rings manifested, even Dugu Bo, bone doulou grandpa dragon, and grandma snake were also stunned by what they were seeing. Erlong, after being with Saeko for a long time, was not surprised with the reveal and only thought Raizen had to do something about Tang Hao having 9 red rings with the last one having a hint of gold.

Ah Yin who was beside Tang Hao also showed her spirit ring with the same configuration as her husband but the last one has more gold, at least 90% of the ring is gold.

??: "It seems like enemies have come face to face once again."

From the sky, a person is floating with wings spread wide. Bone doulou, who is with Ning Fengzhi, recognized the person above as Qian Dao Liu that sword doulou talked about in the past, a level 99 extreme doulou.

QDL: "Now that you people are here. I will make an example in all of you so that others will not follow in your footsteps."

Qian Dao Liu release his might as a level 99 titled doulou. Other than the spirit hall' title doulou, Tang Hao and Ah Yin. Everybody else is either pushed back or thrown from their place. Erlong is stronger to Dugu Bo's level 93 having level 94 with the help of Raizen and Saeko in training. Is barely keeping still. Even though she has a better quality of ring configuration to his 8 black and 1 red rings. Filling the gap of power to beat a level 99 extreme doulou is a hard task. Only Tang Hao and Ah Yin have a chance but even with their rings, Qian Dao Liu has better experience of using his power than those around them.

Tang Hao and Ah Yin attacked Qian Dao Liu and push him away from the others. The other title doulou of spirit hall came and now they have five-person to their five.

Even though the spirit hall has a higher level than them, only Bibi Dong has a red spirit ring against their opponent's five red rings. So the fight is in a stalemate. Flander, Wuji, Xiaogang, and the rest of Shrek can only watch the fight of many titled doulou and from afar, they can sense the pressure being made from the attacks of three people.

Tang Hao and Ah Yin were fighting Qian Dao Liu with their level 97 and level 96 spirit power respectively. Ah Yin is supporting her husband's attacks to disrupt the spirit hall elder in the fight.

Qian Dao Liu notice that the fight will continue until it became a stalemate for both oppositions. He uses a sword summoned from the home of the emperor of Heaven Dou Empire when the fight started. This increases his spirit power and pushed back the two towards the arena where the other titled doulou were fighting.

Tang Hao and Ah Yin landed beside the Shrek group and Tang San tried to help them but was pushed back by a wave of spirit energy coming from the spirit hall elder. The same thing happened with bone doulou, Dugu Bo, Grandpa dragon, Grandma snake, and Erlong. Now they are divided into their respective group.

Qian Dao Liu seeing the faces of his enemies summoned the other 99999 spirit bone to his side. He now has all the inherent spirit bones that if once merge will turn into a 100000-year-old spirit bone.

While Qian Dao Liu is merging the spirit bones, Tang Hao and the others tried to disrupt the process but were stopped by the group of Bibi Dong. It was enough time to finish the process of merging the spirit bones. The 100000-years-old spirit bone release a pressure that made those people below titled doulou pass out. Only Tang Hao and Ah Yin were considered fine while Erlong and the others were having difficulty standing.

The Shrek people thought that they will pass out like the others but saw that they were being protected by a bubble around them.

QDL: "Let us end this farce and be the stepping stone for a new empire that will cover the whole Doulou Continent."

Qian Dao Liu strikes using his power as a level 99 Extreme doulou with the 100000-year-old spirit bone armor. Tang Hao and Ah Yin blocked the attack with the help of the other five. Even though it seems that they were able to hold it in its place, the attack from an extreme doulou with the help of a spirit bone is no joke.

The pressure from the attack is getting stronger by the second and all of the people blocking it was getting exhausted. Even the group of Tang San who was in the bubble were already feeling the attack.

The spirit power from the spirit hall elder is too much for the six titled doulou. A few seconds later, the barrier they created shattered and almost got hit with the attack. But a person's silhouette stops the attack by only pinching the tip of the spirit bone sword.

??: "I think that's enough showing off."

Another shadow attacks Qian Dao Liu. This made him shocked because somebody wants to fight him head-on and also made his attack disappear. Like Tang Hao and his wife, this person also has 9 red rings. The fight against Qian Dao Liu did not last a few minutes and was beaten up badly and the person put a collar to his neck. The elder wanted to use his spirit power again but was surprised that he wasn't able to do that.

The Bibi Dong's group wants to help the elder but they can't move from their place. It's either they were wary of Tang Hao's group or something is holding them down. Then they looked at the person who blocked the elder's attack with ease. Ghost and chrysanthemum doulou instantly remember the person as the one that stopped them from killing Tang San before but now they were confused that something that important slipped out from their mind.

The person who fought with Qian Dao Liu came back and currently dragging him to the spot of the one who blocked the attack from the elder. That person was currently looking at Qian Dao Liu.

??: "hmm... I won't berate you on how you use your power to undermine others. It's just that, your morals and mine don't agree with each other. With that said."

The person put his hand on top of the head of Qian Dao Liu and started extracting his spirit power. A few moments later, the people from the Shrek group and spirit hall see 9 rings from his hands. He then compresses the rings and made them into marbles. The color of the marble is the same as the color of the ring before and some of them were bigger than the other with the red marble as the biggest.

The titled doulou of Bibi Dong's group were scared that someone can extract spirit rings from a living person and that person seems against the spirit hall. They want to escape but because of something holding them down, they can only wait for their judgment.

THao: "Raizen, it is a good thing you made it on time to help us."

R: "Sorry 'bout that. Need to finish cooking the celebratory feast but things escalated than expected."

Tang Hao just nodded and did not refute Raizen for being late to the fight because he knows that when the guy made his move, it will be over in seconds. Ah Yin also said her thanks and walk over to Tang San to hug her son.

Tang San became easily emotional. Even though he already knows that her mother already revived. In the end, he is still a 14-year-old boy. He then introduced the others to his mother especially Xiao Wu, her adoptive sister. Ah Yin look at Xiao Wu and the little girl started to cry because she remember her mother in the form of Ah Yi.

Tang Hao seeing this is content with all that has happened he looks at Bibi Dong group. Other than Bibi Dong, the rest of them flinch from their spot with the look given by Tang Hao.

Raizen raised his hand to stop Tang Hao from intimidating the other group. Then he looks carefully at them and said

R: "I'll give you people a chance to live. The only thing that you need to do is kill... Bibi Dong"

Xiaogang who heard this wants to say something but his face just gives a pained expression and holds his tongue from speaking. He is having a mental conflict and gambling to what he knows of Raizen's attitude.

Raizen after saying this looks towards the group of Shrek and back to Bibi Dong and the latter just shakes her head in disappointment.

Other people who already gain consciousness after the two groups' fight were having different thoughts because some of them will not live if spirit hall falls today. At the same time, some were happy that the oppression of spirit hall will stop but they did not voice it out yet.

The four people besides Bibi Dong were contemplating on what to do because they know that even the four of them fought with Bibi Dong, they would lose and she will come on top but not without injuries.

They made their decision and when the thing holding them down stops acting on them, they will make a move.

Raizen seeing them made their decision, lift the restraints on them. The two titled doulou who was supposed to fight with the SGT clan in the future scapes rapidly while ghost and chrysanthemum doulou stab Bibi Dong from the front and back of her heart.

She, whose restrictions were lifted at the same time as them, made a last-ditch effort to attack the two but they already started running away. She can only glance at them then at Raizen and then the Shrek group where Xiaogang was already running towards her.

She smiles but she knows it's already too late. The two of them already made a decision and her dying is the result of it.

Xgang: "No no no, you're not going to die! *looks at Raizen* Can you not save her!? I will do anything!?"

R: "Unfortunately she has to die. Qian Dao Liu will also die because they both represent spirit hall."

Raizen then walks up to Bibi Dong and does the same thing as he did with Qian Dao Liu. He takes the rings from her but this time, he added his energy and focused on the red ring. With the help of the other 8 rings and his own energy, a figure emerge from the ring. Xiao Wu sees this run to the figure while crying.

Xwu: "Mother!"

R: "Your mother will be alright but her soul is incomplete or in a sleeping state. In time, her soul will recover and she will remember you little Wu."

Xiaogang who was lost in thought talk to Raizen.

Xgang: "At first, when I heard you that you will let them kill Bibi Dong, I wanted to shout "stop!" but then I remember that you will not do something without reason so I did not speak my mind. I was gambling that you would save her but when I saw that you did nothing, I regret my decision to gamble her life and tried to save her. The wounds were fatal even for a titled doulou that is why I ask you to save her but your answer is not what I expected"

Xiaogang stops looking at Raizen and continues embracing Bibi Dong who looks back at him.

BDong: "I wish that our circumstances have been better. We could have a family even if run away from our obligations."

Bibi Dong said her final words and exhale her last breath. Xiaogang just keeps crying while hugging her dead body.

Prince Xue Qing whos has been watching the whole thing from when the spirit hall elder was captured until the death of Bibi Dong. He was clutching his hands while still maintaining a straight face.

Even though Raizen was not looking back, he knows the change of emotions of the prince and will do something about it later.

Now that the spirit hall will be no more. The Spirit City is in chaos. Nigh Fengzhi suggested that he will handle it and the representatives of the two empires also agree and give their aid in managing the city.

Two weeks after the whole event in Spirit City. Oscar still left to make himself stronger. Tang San started his training with his father for his hammer. Xiao Wu brought her mother into their home with Er Ming and Da Ming to help her mother recover faster. Ma Hong Jun still accepted the earl title and land. Mubai and Zhu zhu Qing return to Star Lou Empire with his brother to tell them of the white tiger's inheritance. And Rongx2 got back to her clan after Oscar left but this time they said their goodbyes and will meet after five years.

Raizen and Saeko said their goodbyes to the people of Shrek, to Tang Hao and Ah Yin, and to the others. They said that they will travel the world and might not return.

Tsang: "Not return?"

R: "Well, we can still see each other in the future but you need to go on that road if you are willing." *looks at Tang Hao*

Tang Hao understands what he meant but did not voice it out for now. Raizen and Saeko then travel to their last destination before leaving the doulou universe.

In a hut inside the Holy Spirit village, you will see a lady with red hair and blue eyes embroidering near the window. Raizen raised his hands to get the attention of the woman which is quite effective and gestured to them to come inside.

R: "So how's the new life in the village?"

??: "It's peaceful *looks at Saeko* what happened to Qian Dao Liu?"

Saeko: "He was publically executed and his crimes were laid bare."

??: What about my daughter, Qian Renxue? What about her?"

R: Still posing as the prince. That problem will be handled by the others and when the time comes that her life will be in danger. You will be able to meet her after she got transported here. She will lose her spirit power and will regress to be six years old. Also, the angel bloodline will be gone. These were the terms that you accepted when you made the deal with me. Am I right Bibi Dong."

BDong: "That is what we had talked about before"

Bibi Dong who is still alive because of Raizem is grateful for the chance for a peaceful life. And in the future, she might be a better mother to her daughter.

R: "With that said, I will not leave you to be defenseless."

Raizen gives Bibi Dong a marble with two distinct colors which were black and red.

R: "Ingest it if you think your life is in danger and you will gain the strength of a level 99 extreme doulou without the rings. Just keep it safe until then."

Bibi Dong did not argue and accepted the gift. Even without it, she has still the knowledge on how to fight and in the peaceful village where she currently resides. She won't think that she will ever need it.

After a few more conversations, Raizen and Saeko left the village and disappear completely from the Doulou Continent.