
Is this the end?

When someone told me "Is this the end?", then let me fix that to be better. only the OC is mine

bluejoven · Others
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85 Chs

Ahh my eyes, it so dark...

After everyone from S7D reached level 40, they have gone towards Sunset forest. Tang San remembers this as the place where Dugu Bo has taken him.

Two days in the forest and now they are surrounded by three thousand pink mistresses. The others were fighting at the edge of the flower barrier to escape from the poison that surrounds them. The only thing that was different from all of this is that most of them were fighting inside the barrier there is one guy who was sleeping soundly and not being bothered by other pink mistresses. The group wants to gawk at this but they were busy fighting for their lives.

Xiaogang told Oscar to make flying shrooms. After that, they found the pink mistress who is about 4 thousand yrs old. Hong Jun was picked to fight the beast then Oscar will absorb it.

Two days later, they were not able to find any beast because they were going to hibernation mode. Tang San proposed a bad idea and Flender approve of it. Tang San started to lure the spirit beasts and a lot of thousand years old.

When some beasts were defeated. Raizen walked to where Zhu Qing was about to kill a beast suitable for her. She was stopped by Raizen.

Wuji: "Why did you stop Zhu Qing from getting her fourth ring?"

The others were also curious as to why Raizen did that.

R: "I want to try something."

He then first heal the tiger.

R: *looking at the tiger* "You should behave if you don't want to be killed."

The tiger nods because he was feeling dread from the person talking to him. Raizen then put his right hand to Zhu Qing's head and his left hand to the tiger's head. At the back of Zhu Qing, a purple-colored halo was being formed.

The others who were seeing such a thing were hanging their lower down so much that watermelon can fit inside their mouth. After the process of making a halo. Raizen focuses his attention on the tiger. The tiger's appearance was changing at a fast rate, at the same time, the halo that is still outside the body of Zhu Qing is turning darker. What Raizen was doing was increasing the tiger's age to ten thousand years old at a visible rate. The tiger who was getting the benefits is being happy. Not only that he did not die but he was also increasing his strength thanks to the person in front of him.

After the process, both Zhu Qing and the panther looked at themselves and see a huge difference. For the tiger, his height is now three times his original and his length is twice as before. His head has a silver crown in it with three layers. Each layer represents 10 thousand years so the tiger is now a 30 thousand spirit beast. For Zhu Qing, not only has she become more beautiful, she is only a few inches shorter than Mubai who is the tallest of the seven. She tried using her new spirit skill of duplication. If she uses 3 copies, they will retain 100% equal power for 30 minutes then when using 15 copies which are the maximum amount will only have 20% of the original for the same time.

R: "Seems it work but I can only do this once. *looks at the tiger* When you die by the hands of the others, they would not get your spirit ring because you were already tied to her *pointing at Zhu Qing*. Understand that if she dies, you die too. So I will give you a choice. Would you stay in the forest or go with her. Note that I can't repeat what I did to you and would still need a lot of time to grow stronger. Your fate was to die by her hands but I changed it. When she steps to titled doulou, your fate will be severed and you will be free to do what you want. In case you still want to continue to be with her then you just need a drop of her blood when the time comes. So what will you choose?"

The tiger did not hesitate, he get near Zhu Qing and licked her hand then look at Raizen.

R: "Good choice... *he walks to the panther and puts his hand to its head* If you have picked the first one then I would not do this."

The body of the tiger is changing again, becoming larger and the crown on its head were gaining more layers. After the tenth layer was formed, the layers have begun to merge together and it became platinum in color. The body of the tiger shrunk drastically until it was just as big as a horse.

The most unbelievable thing is that the ring, which is still outside the body of Zhu Qing, became red.

Xiaogang, Flender, Rongx2, and Hong Jun fainted from the shock after the process was completed.

R: "So who wants next?"

Mubai and Oscar were the only ones who raised their hand.

R: "Too bad, I only did these to know if it'll work or not. Try winning the continental tournament first then we'll talk of your 100 thousand-year-old ring. When your teachers were awake, you can pick a suitable spirit beast to advance." *pointing to the spirit beasts who were frozen in place around them*

The day was almost finished, everybody who is not Mubai and is a teacher steps to the spirit ancestor stage. Zhu Qing has the most gain but she directly breakthrough to level 55 spirit king and she has the highest out of the seven.

But one of them was being brave and decided to go for a ten-thousand-year-old spider beast with great crowd control ability. Raizen had made Xiao Wu and Erlong sleep so that they can't cause trouble. He even pulled out the cocoon that Tang San was in because he already have signs of giving up. When Tang San was finished absorbing the spirit ring, Raizen slapped him so much that his face looked like a butt in darkening mode.

Jun: "It was not fair that Zhu Qing got to have a spirit companion, a spirit ring of 100 thousand years, and became a spirit king all on the same day."

R: "Yes life is unfair. Like how you are able to become more handsome above Tang San, Mubai, and Oscar who has better genes than you. Do you want to exchange your "handsome devil" appearance for a red ring? I can definitely do that."

Jun: "Please don't!"

R: "Anyone else wants to trade their advantage to gain power?"

Everyone shakes their heads including the teachers.

R: *looks at Zhu Qing* "You should ask my wife or your teacher Erlong to have better control of your power."

Zhu Qing just nodded. The hunt was over and they need to prepare for the tournament.

At the academy, Flender was explaining about the tournament to the Shrek seven devils and the three pieces of ten-thousand-year-old spirit bones. Only Tang San and Xiao Wu were not surprised because they know their big brother can casually throw away a 20 thousand spirit bone but now that just a ten-thousand-year-old can cause a conflict, why is it no one try to fight their brother for it?

It continued to why the spirit hall is giving that kind of prize and Xiaogang saying that the seven of them should hide their real strength. So he introduced them to four students where the three were personally trained by Saeko.

R: "Rather than introducing them, why don't they fight. Three versus Seven, then I will grant the wish of the winning team."

Mubai: "Is it disadvantageous for them. I mean, most of us are spirit ancestors and Zhu Qing is even a freakin' spirit king. The odds are not in favor of us being seven to the three. How is that fair for them?"

R: "Yes, not fair for them."

Xiaogang asked Erlong who she can recommend hiding the strength of Shrek's seven devils. Is now having a bad feeling but the data he can see says otherwise.

Five minutes after the start of the fight, the Shrek seven devils were on the ground panting and beaten up. At first, the rhythm of the fight was told by them but when Jiang Zhu, who was a healer, attacked them with her staff then anything they planned crumbles from the assault of the three.

Flashback to the fight

Jiang Zhu engaged first but was just bait for Jing Ling, agility type, to knock out Rongx2 and Oscar just a few seconds after the start of the battle then disappears from other's sight. Not even Zhu Qing and Tang San with their enhanced eyes can see where Jing Ling has gone to. Huang Yuan, power attack type, engaged Mubai at the same time. Hong Jun was about to help him when suddenly he passed out from quick attacks from Jing Ling in the nape of his neck and disappears again.

Jiang Zhu is fighting Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Qing with her speed and staff arts. She just needs to distract them long enough to let Jing Ling and Huan Yuan finished their task. She is either throwing Xiao Wu around to make Tang San focus on her and getting near the real body of Zhu Qing. They notice that Jiang Zhu was stronger and faster even though she was a support type. She might be as strong as Mubai and as fast as Zhu Qing which made them confused from the start.

Huang Yuan who was engaged in combat with Mubai was just finished when his opponent is now kissing the ground and unable to move his arms and feet. Whenever Mubai wants to punch him. Huang Yuan jabs certain parts of the arm to make it render useless for a time. Then do the same to Mubai's other arm and legs. Mubai tried to use spirit energy to his arms and legs but he can't still move it as if his limbs are not attached to his body and that scared him.

After Jing Ling takes out Hong Jun in a sneak attack. He helped Jiang Zhu by making Zhu Qing focus on him. Even the attacks from the clones that she made were not able to harm him because of how fast and nimble he was moving.

Huang Yuan is now helping Jiang Zhu by taking out Xiao Wu, in the same manner, he did to Mubai.

Before it happened, Jiang Zhu baited Xiao Wu to come to her. Tang San tried to pull away Xiao Wu away from her but the action done by Jiang Zhu was slightly faster so when she got a hold of Xiao Wu, she instantly tossed her in the direction of Huan Yuan who disable her in seconds.

Seeing the status of Xiao Wu, Tang San uses his hidden weapons but both Jiang Zhu and Huan Yuan were either dodging or catching the weapons mid-flight and tossing them back at him. When Tang San knows that he can't catch them off guard with his hidden weapon, he had no choice but to use his darkening and try to catch them with his traps but that too was futile because they were fast enough to dodge the traps before it even formed around them. While he was entirely focused on the two, he was knocked out after being given a heavy blow on his head by Jing Ling who momentarily slipped past Zhu Qing and engaged Tang San. The fight of the three of them against Zhu Qing lasted for a minute because she know when she was fighting Jing Ling, he always go for the main body as if he was seeing her and the clones in different colors. They were able to defeat her when Jiang Zhu manage to hold her for a few moments but was enough to be disabled by Huang Yuan and was knocked out by Jing Ling for good measure.

Back to the after the fight

Raizen was showing the S7D of what had happened in the fight with his camcorder in slow motion. Oscar, Rongx2, and Hong Jun were dishearted when they saw that they were especially Jun who was not able to show his handsome devil transformation in the fight. Mubai ask how they were stronger than the seven of them.

R: "Well for one, they are being trained by a Titled Doulou so they have to adapt fast to survive. Second, the training they did was able to make them stronger. Just their body strength alone is equivalent to a spirit ancestor. With the skills, they can push their strength to spirit king."

Oscar: "So that is why Jiang Zhu was strong even though she is a support-type spirit master."

R: "No, you guys just underestimate them just because they were still spirit elders while you guys were spirit ancestors and Zhu Qing as spirit king. Well among the others, hmm * looking at the three* why not show them your spirit rings."

Jiang Zhu, Jing Ling, and Huang Yuan showed them their 3 spirit rings each. Xiaogang, Flender, and the seven were shocked. The three of them have 3 black rings each and their third ring has a tint of red in them.

Mubai: "How...*looks at Raizen*... wrong question. I mean, why do they have ten-thousand spirit rings. Is this one of the reasons they can fight stronger opponents?"

R: "Yes, one of them. As for why. This is a reward for their hard work. I did not just strengthen their ring willy nilly. They had to pass some tests to get them. imagine this. If their body right now can handle this age of rings while being spirit elders, what would happen when they become spirit ancestors?"

Xgan: "From then onwards, they will be able to handle 100 thousand-year-old spirit ring and when they become titled doulou. They will have 3 black rings and 6 red rings.

Jun: "If they can get that kind of ring. Why not just give us the same test as they did and reward us after we finished them?"

R: "Unless you want to die multiple times in training then I will entertain that thought.

For them, they had years to get to where they are now and go through torturous training that always made them see death itself a few times. *looking at the seven* You guys may have better talents and may have a stronger mentality compared to them. It just comes down to time and my decision. In the school, the 3 of them were at the top for their determination but not the strongest. The strongest in school that is a "student" is a spirit king who can fight a spirit doulou."

Xwu: *looking at her brother Rizen* "Who, do we know the person?"

R: "Why yes, you and Tang San already met her in the auction. Her name was Qiang Hua."

Tsan: "But that's impossible, not even a year has passed and when I remember, she was not even a level 11 spirit master."

R: "I have my means and just leave it at that. You can spar with the three and you might learn something before the tournament."

The others did not ask any more questions because they know that this isn't the time. After the conversation, Tai Long just got to the room where they were supposed to meet but it seems that he was already late. Nonetheless, the eleven of them started preparing for the tournament.

Instead of the seven of them beating up the four like in the original. The situation is reversed now, Tai Long even though he has lower spirit ring quality than the 3 having a yellow, purple, and deep black as ring configuration. He still gives the others some problems. The only people he can't beat are Tang San and Zhu Qing in one on one. But in group battles. The seven didn't even score a win from the start of the practices. Hong Jun want to protest again but Raizen just said "Shrek only accepts monsters and those who want to be monsters". This shut him up. The seven might be younger and have a higher spirit level but the four have better training. They can even exert their power without releasing their rings and that speaks volumes to the quality of their training. All of the spiritual masters need to take out their rings to improve their battle power but half of the students who have a black ring for their third ring can hide their spirit ring. The four were just exceptional.

A few days later, the tournament started.

Flender, who has a lot of money right now made a better coat to cover the Shrek students without the "advertisement here" written on their back. He proposed to have that at first but changed his mind after being thrashed by Raizen. Raizen then gives them a better idea by making the cover himself.

Now, the Shrek was the center of attention not because they were wearing a beautifully designed c but because they came flying to the tournament venue. All the spectators around know that the only people who can fly were titled doulou or someone who has a spirit for flying. And to see multiple people flying. Their first thought was that they were all titled doulous but they saw words at the back of their coat and read as "Shrek Academy".


Name: Raizen

Race: Human?

Cultivation: Peak Core Stage

Range of sense: 100 thousand kilometer

Talent: Enhanced:(Strenght, Agility, Intelligent, Vitality)





Martial Art+


Skills: Cooking, Fast Reading, Robotics, Leadership, Assasination, Trading, Blacksmithing, Art and Craft, Business Management Multi-Language

Inventory: Stellar Transformation Manual (up to 9th level), Time Chamber Door(1:10000)upgradeble, Tungsten Sword]

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