
Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

After submitting an anime adaptation of the comic "Edge Walker", Lin Qingshan embarked on the road of otherworldly manga. And then it was... "Not good! It's the Cybermen! Quickly call the Mobile Uprising Team!" "Run! He's a comic book character!" "That's great! I'm beginning to understand everything!" "No, who told him to draw comics?" "Use the Fist of Hell on him!" "He's mentally ill, isn't he, drawing the plot like that?" "The mental state is good! Get out of the hospital!" "You're going there too!" "Hahaha! Master Dao, I'm a success!" ...... The Edge Walker, Chainsaw Man, Fire Punch, Attack on Titan, Dao Immortal Weird... Lin Qingshan is on the road to insanity, meanwhile, comic book fans unanimously agree that Lin Qingshan is the psychopath! Link where taken : 69shu.pro/book/57140.htm Support me buymeacoffee.com/punhosdefogo

PunhosdeFogo · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 Pochita

"Qianli, you're soaking wet ... Come back quickly and change your clothes."

Said a worried girl.

Gu Qianli instantly looked at her soaked clothes, since it was fall, so she wasn't wearing much.

Only the long-sleeved T-shirt on the top half of her body was already soaked, and the clothes stuck to her body, outlining her magnificent curves.

But fortunately, the clothes on her body were not transparent.

"All right, you're fine."

Seeing this, Lin Qingshan wanted to leave.

It looked like he wouldn't be able to die today and it wouldn't do for him to stage another launch into the river in front of these girls.

"Slow down ..."

At that moment, Gu Qianli hurriedly stopped in front of Lin Qingshan.

"That ... you still have something to do?"

Lin Qingshan blinked, looking innocent.

This girl ... wouldn't want him to make it up to her or anything, right?

Although she fell into the water because of herself, he was out of money.

Gu Qianli, however, took the rescued puppy from his partner at that moment and said, "This ... was saved by you, don't you have any thoughts of adopting it?"

Lin Qingshan was shocked: "It seems there's no law in the Republic that says if you save it, you have to adopt it, right?"

Gu Qianli's pretty face instantly blushed, because Lin Qingshan's statement made her think of the fact that she had been saved by Lin Qingshan.

"No, no, no, ... there isn't, but that cub is so poor ... it fell into the water with no one to look after it without medication, it's likely to get sick."

She said with concern.

"Actually, ... if I can, I want to adopt him too, but we're university students, near the Magic City University of Technology, and the school isn't allowed to have pets."

added Gu Qianli.

Lin Qingshan scratched his head and said: "But ... I can't afford to keep him either. Frankly speaking, I'm currently a bum beggar, I can't afford to buy food for the dog and I can't take him to the doctor, so at most I can only give him a kennel."

His expression was serious and sincere, and he was definitely telling the truth about it.

People who couldn't even eat still had dogs, wouldn't it be hurting people to get their hooks fixed?

"This way."

Gu Qianli instantly flashed a smile that turned out to be like this and said, "Since that's the case, then like this, I'll cure it, buy it some dog food and you adopt it on my behalf, okay?"

Lin Qingshan froze for a moment, at which point he looked at the puppy, the puppy at this point also seemed to know what, suddenly wagging its tail happily, "Woof woof!"

"That ... works, right?"

Lin Qingshan said uncertainly.

"Then please!" Gu Qianli handed him the puppy.

Lin Qingshan also took it directly.

"By the way, my name is Gu Qianli, may I ask your name is ...."

Gu Qianli asked again.

"Lin Qingshan."

Lin Qingshan said frankly.

"Say, this puppy doesn't have a name yet, huh ..."

Just then, another girl said.

"Yes, why don't you choose a name, Qianli?"

Another girl suggested.

Gu Qianli shook his head and looked at Lin Qingshan, "Mr. Lin ..., you saved him, and you'll have to take care of him next, so why don't you help him get a name."

Lin Qingshan looked at the puppy in front of him, thought for a moment and then said uncertainly, "How about calling him ... Pochita?"

"Woof woof!" The puppy seemed pleased with the name and replied.

"Pochita? That's a strange name ..." All the girls blushed strangely.

But everyone was basically fine with it.

"So ... let's help Pochita go to the doctor first, then buy some dog food and come back."

Gu Qianli said.

"But Qianli ... you're all wet ..."

A girl hesitated and said.

"I'm going to the nearby mall to change my clothes, and Mr. Lin, you're wet too, go change your clothes together."   

Gu Qianli said casually.

Lin Qingshan saw instantly that this beautiful girl called Gu Qianli was definitely a lord with a mine in his family!

Otherwise, how could she be so elegant?

Damn, could it be that with money, power and a face, life really was a winner?

It's so ... nice to meet a winner in life!

"Mr. Lin, what do you think? Hmm?"

Gu Qianli saw that Lin Qingshan didn't answer and asked again with curiosity.

"Well, yes! I have no opinion!"

Lin Qingshan said with a polite smile at that moment.

It was great to meet a winner in life!

He even wanted to be Gu Qianli's dog!

Being a dog for Miss Qianli ... must be a very happy thing!


Just like that, Lin Qingshan followed Gu Qianli and his group to the large shopping center nearby to change his clothes.

He then went to the nearby pet shop to make a doctor's appointment for Pochita, to buy food for the dog and vaccinate it, as well as buying a collar, a kennel and canned food for the dog.

Lin Qingshan also received an offer from Gu Qianli: a cup of tea with milk.

Miss Qianli really was a winner in life, buying and stealing without even asking for the bill!

After doing all this, the afternoon had passed.

Gu Qianli looked at the not-so-early hour and said, "All right, Mr. Lin, we should get back to school too."

"Yes! Miss Qianli! You've worked hard today!"

Lin Qingshan said while carrying large and small things.

Gu Qianli gave him a strange look and said, "But I'd like to go to your house for a while, so I can visit Pochita properly."

She touched Pochita, who was in Lin Qingshan's arms, and Pochita obediently rubbed her head against Gu Qianli's slender fingers.

Gu Qianli squinted his eyes in pleasure.

"No problem, Miss Qianli!"

Of course Lin Qingshan had no problem, after Gu Qianli's cup of milk tea, he was now obedient to Gu Qianli.

"Then everyone go back first, I'll go with Mr. Lin to his house for a while."

Gu Qianli turned to his partners and said.

"Then ... ok."

The partners had no opinion.

Gu Qianli and Lin Qingshan went straight out of the mall, then separated directly from the partners accompanying Gu Qianli.

The two of them and a dog slowly made their way back to Lin Qingshan's rental house.

At that moment, the owner couldn't help but freeze for a moment when he saw Lin Qingshan return with a beautiful girl.

"Qingshan ... is this your friend?"

"Yes, Uncle Dong!"

Lin Qingshan replied: "By the way, Pochita is staying with me next, we can keep dogs in our rental house, right?"

The landlord looked at Pochita in Lin Qingshan's arms and said, "That's fine, as long as your dog doesn't disturb other people or hurt them."

"Of course Pochita won't do that!"

said Lin Qingshan with conviction.

Pochita also seemed to respond along with Lin Qingshan, "Woof woof!"

"Don't say that, that dog is quite human."

The owner said with surprise.

"It seems to be true, Pochita is a good dog."

Lin Qingshan said enthusiastically.

After greeting the owner, he took Gu Qianli to his small rental house.

"Is this where you live, Mr. Lin ...?"

Gu Qianli asked curiously.

(End of chapter)