
Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

After submitting an anime adaptation of the comic "Edge Walker", Lin Qingshan embarked on the road of otherworldly manga. And then it was... "Not good! It's the Cybermen! Quickly call the Mobile Uprising Team!" "Run! He's a comic book character!" "That's great! I'm beginning to understand everything!" "No, who told him to draw comics?" "Use the Fist of Hell on him!" "He's mentally ill, isn't he, drawing the plot like that?" "The mental state is good! Get out of the hospital!" "You're going there too!" "Hahaha! Master Dao, I'm a success!" ...... The Edge Walker, Chainsaw Man, Fire Punch, Attack on Titan, Dao Immortal Weird... Lin Qingshan is on the road to insanity, meanwhile, comic book fans unanimously agree that Lin Qingshan is the psychopath! Link where taken : 69shu.pro/book/57140.htm Support me buymeacoffee.com/punhosdefogo

PunhosdeFogo · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: A Thousand Miles

"Too bad ..."

Lin Qingshan pursed his lips, the manuscript fee wouldn't be paid until next month, so he still didn't have any money to eat this month.

After all, the only money the original owner had on him was used to rent an apartment and buy painting tools.

Before that, he spent ten whole days starving. Ten days ago, the owner's daughter kindly gave him five loaves of bread, and he was afraid he would go hungry for a month or more.

It's not right ...

Isn't it better to starve?

By starving, he can go home.

Lin Qingshan instantly regretted it. If he had known that, he wouldn't have accepted those five loaves of bread.

He had run a lot today and naturally planned to return slowly.

At that moment, a cry of alarm came from not far away.

"A puppy has fallen into the water!"

"What a shame, that puppy."

"Someone who can swim? Get down quickly and save him!"

"Don't be silly, going down to the river to save someone because of a puppy? What if there's danger?"


On the riverbank, many people who had been watching the incident had gathered.

Lin Qingshan froze for a moment, then a light flashed before his eyes, he shouted directly: "I'll do it!"

Then he quickly ran into the crowd, the crowd was startled and everyone moved away.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Qingshan took a leap and jumped into the cold, fast-flowing river.

The crowd froze, they really couldn't imagine that someone so brave, like a puppy, would jump straight into the river!

And he also jumped down without even taking off his clothes and shoes.

Some of the girls near them were thrilled that someone was finally willing to step forward.

But ...

"He jumped down without even knowing where his baby was, is something going to happen to him?"

"Ah ... I don't think so, do you?"

"No!" At that moment, a girl leader said calmly: "He's too dangerous now, the current is too fast, we'll have to help him first."

"But ... a thousand miles, how can we help?" The other girls asked after a moment's hesitation.

"Find a stick and go to the river, ready to pull it." Said the girl called Qianli.

And at that moment, in the middle of the river, Lin Qingshan barely opened his eyes in the middle of the turbulent, cold and murky water and saw the little dog struggling desperately in front of him.

In fact, he couldn't see very clearly, after all, the murky current of the water made it difficult to open his eyes.

All he could see was a mass of yellowish stuff twenty to thirty meters in front of him on the right.

Lin Qingshan took a deep breath and raised his head straight out of the water, which confirmed that it was indeed a puppy.

It was indeed a puppy, orange in color, it must have been less than three or four months old, no wonder it didn't know how to swim just floundering around.

He immediately perked up and swam quickly forward.

Reaching the yellow cub in front, Lin Qingshan grabbed it, this time the cub seemed to be frightened.

It opened its mouth as if it was about to bite Lin Qingshan.

Lin Qingshan was suddenly happy, it seems that the mortality rate of rabies is very high, he's been bitten by a mouth and he's not dead!

However, the cub seemed to realize that Lin Qingshan wasn't malicious towards him and didn't bite him, but gently held his arm.

Lin Qingshan felt the warm but not painful touch on his hand and immediately regretted it.

But now it's better to put this puppy away and talk about it, after all, it's a life too.

So he drowned and drowned here, so you've both saved a life, and he can go home as he pleases.

Oh my God!

Today really is a good day!

Lin Qingshan directly grabbed the cub and swam towards the bank. He had only planned to throw the cub onto the bank and then sink straight to the bottom of the river and drown.

However, at that moment, a group of people had gathered on the bank.

A group of ... girls.

They didn't look very old, they were in their twenties.

Very young and pretty.   

Lin Qingshan sighed in his heart.

But it was better this way, give them the puppy and he would have his mission accomplished.

"Quickly! Quickly grab that stick and climb up." A pretty girl at the front of the group suddenly grabbed a thin tree branch at that moment and held out her hand to him.

Lin Qingshan froze for a moment.

"There's no need, you save the cub first." He directly held the cub in his arms with one hand and extended his hand to the girl.

The girl hesitated for a moment, but still took the puppy that Lin Qingshan held out to her.

Lin Qingshan saw that the puppy had been saved, nodded in satisfaction and, in the next moment, gave up his swimming stance and sank slowly to the bottom of the river.

"Not good!" The other girls panicked: "He has no strength left! Save him quickly!"

The girl at the head of the group also panicked and stretched out the tree branch in her hand: "Quick! Grab the stick, we'll pull him up!"

However, Lin Qingshan didn't answer her and sank straight to the bottom of the river.

Immediately, everyone panicked.

The rescued puppy also seemed to have learned that it was Lin Qingshan who had saved him and, since Lin Qingshan would be in danger, he also barked anxiously.

"Quickly! Quickly get the stick!"

That girl was still thinking about saving Lin Qingshan and, as she watched Lin Qingshan drift further and further away from her with the current, she instantly gave the puppy to the girl behind her, while stretching out her stick in an attempt to reach Lin Qingshan and pull him up.

However, at that moment, her feet slipped.

"Ah!" With a cry of alarm, the sound of falling water followed.

"Ah! Qianli fell into the water too!" The other girls shouted.

"There's no one! Someone's fallen into the sea! Help us!" Those girls were so anxious that they were on the verge of tears, screaming loudly.

But it seemed that there were no people with good aquatic skills around, and everyone was deterred.

After all, when rescuing people, if they weren't careful, people with good water skills could lose their lives.

In such a situation, who dares to go into the water to save people? ...

Time passed slowly and the situation became more and more critical.

However, at this very moment ...



The man's harsh sigh and the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

The girls turned around and discovered that it was the "drowned" Lin Qingshan who had already brought the girl who had fallen into the water to the shore.

Gu Qianli spat out a few sips of water and looked in front of the smiling young man, revealing a strange look.

Didn't that person ... just drown?

Lin Qingshan placed her directly on the ground at that moment and said: "Good and dangerous, you're all right ... Well, you seem fine, fortunately you're fine."

He only saw that this girl was drowning to save him, to drown because of him, isn't that very unlucky?

Although he wanted to die, he didn't want to get a girl killed because of himself.

The secret is that this girl is still so beautiful ... Well, it's the same as that editor, she's a beautiful young woman.

Her body is also very good.

It's a shame she died in such a strange way.

So he gave up the idea of drowning and swam out to save the young woman.

"I'm fine ... thanks to you ...." .

Although she felt strange, Gu Qianli still thanked Lin Qingshan.


At that moment, all the other girls approached Gu Qianli and shouted excitedly.

One of the girls even came over holding the puppy.

"I'm fine ..., don't worry." Gu Qianli said immediately, calming her companions.

(End of chapter)