
Is Love Real?

Wryn_Danglow · Realistic
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7 Chs

Chapter Two

Well that date was a flop. I sighed as I walked down the busy street. I heard a shout and my arm was pulled back. I turned. I wasn't ready for Vanessa yet. My eyes met brown ones.

"Amber?" She smiled. She'd obviously run after me.

"I'm glad I caught up with you." She said breathlessly.

"Oh, do I need to pay for something?" I asked. She laughed.

"No. I was actually going to say thank you." She was looking down and twisting her fingers slightly.

"It was nothing." I shook it off. "It would have happened anyway." She looked up and smiled.

"Thanks anyway." She hesitated. "Um... I was wondering." She was playing with her hair. "My shift gets over at five if you want to... never mind." She said quickly. "You probably don't want to hear this right now." She began to back up. "I'd better get back to work. Have a nice day." She turned around and began to jog back.

"Hey, Amber!" I called after her. She turned to look at me. "You said five right?" She grinned.

"Yeah!" Maybe my date didn't work out with Vanessa, but maybe it was a good thing that I decided to come here today. I smiled to myself. Third times the charm, right?