
Is Love Real?

Wryn_Danglow · Realistic
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7 Chs

Chapter Four

Why did I have such bad luck in women? First it was weight then it was race. What was next, a dog hater?

"Sorry, did you wait long?" Amber was suddenly behind me. Hoe did I not hear the door open? I turned and smiled.

"Not at all."

Since I knew that she'd be just off work I didn't bother getting a fancy restaurant reservation. Instead I took her to a small street food market. She seemed happy that it was casual. She explored all the stands before settling on lumpia. She was bright and cheery. She started all of the conversations enthusiastically. She seemed perfect, but I couldn't help but feel like at any second something would happen that would end this relationship. She stopped talking and looked at me.

"Is something wrong?" She seemed concerned.

"No." I hesitated.

"Am I not your type?" I suddenly realized something. Her flaw.

"Yes, you are, but" Her eyes were waiting for me to shoot her down. "you don't need to force yourself to be something that you're not." She didn't move. She started laughing.

"Was I that obvious?" She hid her face. "I've liked you since Freshmen year of college. We had English together." Freshmen year? I was at my worst, why did she like me? "I was too shy to say anything to you and when we graduated, I regretted not even approaching you. But then you approached me and asked if I would join you and your friends in a photo." I thought back to graduation day. I had seen a girl standing by herself, she was black and heavy set like me. I felt bad that she'd no one to celebrate with, so I'd asked her to join us. I had that picture hanging in my room. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable." She said. I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"No, you didn't. It's just that you seemed to be worried the entire time." She glanced at me through her fingers.

"Wouldn't you be nervous too if you'd just asked out the one person you'd been crushing on for over five years?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"I guess I would."