
Is it wrong to be a Pokehero in a dungeon?

Alternate Title: PokeHero:(A tale of a backline mage who wants to be a manly swordman) Jonathan Inferna a man known by many names. The second coming of Salamander by spirits ,Sage of the forgotten age by humans ,Arsonist supreme by the elves. But to him he was just a withered old man long past his time. What happened to the young boy who's soul burn brighter than the sun itself, what happened to that optimistic lad who never gave up even when the world was against them .What has happen to make that boy oh so long ago turn to this. A sad and lonely Wizard hiding from his past and society He was content with this life. Until everything changed when she came into his life. She forced herself into his life by making him take her as a disciple and then forced herself into his heart. Like a raging bull of optimism and positivity she decimated the wall he made in his heart and forced him to realize that life is more than just self pity. Everything changed after her, he joined the hero's party in hopes to finish a dream he long gave up on. He must have not been heroic enough because his story was cut short with no happy ending. But now he's given another chance, in a world where God's walk among us, a world where monsters spew from the earth fangs waiting for a moment of weakness to devour all that come before them. This world was many things: A world where he doesn't have to be a mage anymore was, a world where he could finally be a Hero and have his own happy ending a world where he can live with no regrets. Follow Jonathan now Ike on his journey to find out what being a hero truly means with the last semblance of her legacy.

All_Mighty_Reader · Anime & Comics
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Is it wrong for a hero to have a cute advisor:(Chapter 003)

Day 3

It's been 2 days since I went to the Guild and it was a good 2 days well spent. I gained some brownie points with Naaza as May would say by helping around the store...Ok more like forced to. She really worked me like a pack mule the past two days.

She went from hating my guts to all 9 hells to only all 8 hells. I bonded more with my mentally unwell and overly clingy sword and very cute pudgy bird.

So time well spent .

There were a few concerning things that I learned doing those two days. One is our family or whatever the people here call it seems to be in lots of debt. How much? I don't know and for what reason I also don't know. I pieced it together when I overheard Naaza and Miach once.

I wanted to frown at this when I learned about it but I had to keep reminding myself that no true hero starts from the top but from the very bottom

A hero is born through strive and struggle, a hero needs to shed more blood than they shed tears, and a hero must smile and look towards the bright future not frown while looking at the bleak present.

To be a hero I must be a man who can smile no matter what comes stands before me.So I won't let some dept effect me. Because Is it wrong for a mage to want to be a hero?

No, it isn't and I'll show the world I got what it takes or I'm gonna die trying my damn best.

With newly found conviction I got out of bed and started to prepare myself for my first dungeon dive. My license should be ready if what Moras said is correct. I wonder who's going to be my advisor I hope it's someone with short lines.



Check, Clover was on my back wiggling around excitedly in her sheath as I began to check my gear to make sure I was beyond prepared for my first trip in the dungeon.

Majestic and supremely stylish mage cloak?

Removed sadly, Naaza said it would hinder my vision in the dungeon and would be more of a hindrance and I should remove it so I did remove it, apparently she was level two. I don't how strong that is but 2>1 so I trusted her judgment.

Also trying to swing a sword with that thing is a massive pain, I can barely swing a sword properly right now anyway I don't need any more things holding me back. No matter how Majestic and attractive my Archimage cloak was; it wasn't exactly Hero like it. Have you ever read a book with a hero running around in a Stylish red and orange cloak looking like a failed assassin?


Yeah me neither, instead here I was wearing a cheap black tunic that Miach bought for 300 or so vali and a pair of wool trousers he got for around the same price. The lack of red was really disappointing but I was grateful for the clothing nonetheless. I'll get a good red and shiny shirt when I start making some good money.

I adjusted my pair of cheaply acquired leather combat boots and attached a small leather pack built to carry magic stones, something I found could be compared to mana cores on monsters D rank and above.

I'm both scared and excited that the weakest monsters here have mana cores. Monsters with Mana cores and those without them are leagues apart so I'm a bit excited for the challenge.

It's foolish, maybe even insane to fight a monster that has a core with no Ki or magic. But well what kind of hero isn't a little bit insane? If I survive that means I'm worthy of being the very best and if I die…well that's for the future me to deal with. Present me has more important things to deal with.

Like an Angry Naaza

"Where do you think you are going"?She ask as her gaze bore into my soul as I attempted to leave the store

"To the dungeon" Remembering to give her my award-winning hero smile to appease the demoness in front of me

"With no armor"? She screamed as I realized my smile failed

Was it not big enough? Yeah that's right if I smile even more she'll cave.

"I don't think I need it" I forced my smile to become larger remembering Ike bigger smile = a higher chance to live

"Are you suicidal or are you insane" She was becoming visibly livid, what am I doing wrong? Didn't the book say a smile from a hero can calm any maiden's heart? Why is this one not calming down? Is Naaza a guy wearing girls' clothing?

I mean May did tell me about this;what were they called again? Oh yeah, traps. I think I solved it all. Why my award-winning hero smile isn't working, all makes sense now that I truly think about it.

Naaza is a damn trap and I fell for the bait. Those damn boobs are a lie, I bet they're padded.

"I'm a mage" I responded showing a bit of tooth to spice up the smile, surely no one can resist now.

"Even more reason not to go with no armor," Naaza said even more mad at my answer.

Yup, that proves it, Naaza is a dude.

"I said I'll be fine, just trust me" I reassured him

"Fine go and die for all I care," He said as he huffed and walked away and anger.

"What's up with his problem Clover" Clover just wiggled in confusion

"Yeah I know I'm just as confused as you are" I answered back making my way to the guild with a map in hand, hoping to not get lost again

"Ok so I go straight forward and then take a left I think" I reminded myself of the direction as I hummed with a smile on my face


Ok I got lost

How do you get lost with a damn map?

Am I the problem?

Nope, this is just a really bad map, it doesn't even have red. Clearly a low-quality map

"Clover do you remember where the guild is," I ask the living sword on my back for direction completely stumped on how to get to the guild

Clover led me to the guild without a single wrong turn the whole way. If Clover was human I would marry her right then and there. Who could say no to a walking ma...I mean who can say no to such a lovely girl?

"You are truly the best Clover, when we get some cash on us why don't we go shopping for a new whetstone for you," I said as I rubbed her sheath on my bag giving pats to what I think was her head which caused her to Purr?

I guess living swords just follow their own version of reality, for we mortals must just never comprehend their goals.

I walked into the Guild's main building which was way more crowded than it was when I came in 2 days ago. I guess the mid-day is a down period for the guild and the mornings are a rush hour I will have to keep that in mind.

I got in line for my best buddy Moras, whose line was so much shorter than the rest. Bless the gods for Moras. After a bit of waiting it was my turn.

"Yo Moras, how you doing buddy" I called out casually

"When did you and I become buddy," He asked with a smirk on his face as he waived me over

"Hero rule #32 Everyone is just someone waiting to be friends" I stated matter of factly

"What about enemies," Moras asked jokingly sliding my license in front of me and a few papers to sign

"Hero rule #46 Enemies are just friends you haven't made yet," I said nonchalantly reading the papers he gave me.

The papers were nothing special, just terms of service for the guild. You are familia or friends won't sue us if you die in the dungeon blah blah You will pay your taxes on time blah blah you won't purposely cause harm to adventures or civilians Blah blah and a bunch of other nonsense. When can I get to the hero stuff?

Normally I would read and reread contracts just to make sure there wasn't any fine print but that's a boring mage thing, I want to turn off my brain and just be a hero so I only read it once and signed my name.

"That's dangerous thinking right there. Don't go trying to save monsters Ike" Moras laughed as he took the papers back and read over them

"I want to be a hero, not a moron Moras" I answered

"You sure about that," Moras asked with an eyebrow raised

"What's that supposed to mean, wanna take it outside" I joked back

"I don't think you can kill a fly with those toothpicks you call arms," He said pointing at my thin mage arms that had almost zero muscle on them.

"Just wait, you won't be calling these sticks anymore" I tried to flex my bicep much to my disappointment when nothing happened.

"Sure sure, now get out of here you aren't the only one in line. Your advisor is on this paper" He waved my poor show of physical fitness aside while giving me a paper

"Got yeah, I can finally get away from your ugly mug. Hope my advisor isn't some grumpy shorty" I said smirking as I grabbed the paper and turned around and walked away before I could hear his response.

Got you, bastard, how dare you make fun of my very manly arms.

"Eina Tulle counter #48" I whispered the name of my advisor under my breath for confirmation

I looked up and scanned the room for counter 48 and when my eyes landed on the line in front of the counter sweat formed on my forehead. I turned back to the Dwarf with despair visible on my face

When he caught me looking at him he turned away from his current client to flash me a quick smug smile of victory…

Fucking bastard he did this on purpose. I'll get back at him one day

Happy places Jon happy places. May's cooking, a relaxing lava bath, reading story books, burning Elf princesses on a spit roast.

The last part put the biggest smile on my face, Elf's and especially their royalty are the biggest pains to deal with. They deserve being cooked.

Fire is bad because burns down nature, and Humans are bad because ugly compare to elves. Elves and nature are perfect and do no wrong.

Arrogant Bastards;The whole lot of them

I went into line with the biggest and brightest smile I could muster without looking creepy hopefully. A grueling century or so later I was finally in front of my advisor

Any longer and I would have begun to grow gray hairs and become a Winkley middle age man once again

Short brown hair in a simple bowl, dark green eyes covered by large brim glasses. She had long pointed ears, pointer than most humans but shorter and rounder than the most elf's here. She was most likely not full elf I could presume. She had white and pale and unblemished skin and a fairly curvy figure that was displayed to the world with how her guild uniform clung to her body.

She was an attractive girl no matter which way you spun it, just like most elves. Unlike most elves who come off with a feeling of being around a delicate flower Eina gave off an air of sophistication.

Was she pretty? Yes, undoubtedly so. Was she worth waiting in this line every day to see her? Never in a lifetime, even goddess would not be able to get me into one of these lines

I would rather burn.

" Hello there, I've been told that you'll be my advisor from now. Names Ike nice to meet you" I said sticking my hands out for a handshake.

"Well hello, Ike! My name is Eina Tulle and I will indeed be your advisor from now on" She replied taking my hands in her glove hand and shaking

"So Eina how those this advisor system work anyway," I asked casually

" Well, I will help you in the dungeon by giving you lessons on monsters, telling you the layout of the floors, and giving you advice on which floors you should go to. You must attend these at least once a week for your first month of being an adventure. She answered with the most business smile I've ever seen

I thought about what she said before she continued

"Anything else past that is purely optional but I highly recommends not dropping out. The dungeon is not a game and good proper information can be the difference between life and death. So please come to me if you need anything."

You'll never be a bother, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I knew you died because you died of something preventable because I didn't take my job as your advisor seriously"

Wow no wonder she's popular, I feel if I was any younger my heart would have already been won over by this girl. Pretty,kind and caring but also smart.The perfect lady

"Thanks for the concern, I'll try my best to come back to my lovely guild advisor" I gave her a grin

"My new adventure is a flirt it seems"She teased

"Me? No, you sure can't be talking about me Eina, the day I become a flirt is the day the world ends" I chuckled at the impossibility

"Oh really now," She asked with a small smile

"Yup, I have no Rizz" I answered

"What's Rizz" I forgot not everyone talks like May...she's just special

"You know what just forget it" I forgot that not everyone talks like my weird disciple

"When's our first meeting"I ask getting straight to the point and not holding the line up

"I can schedule one for tomorrow if you would like" She answered

"That would be nice please do that" I asked politely

before looking around for a second before continuing

"Would I be able to go take a first look in the dungeon in the meantime so I can get the hang of being an adventure in the meantime" with each word that came out of my mouth her face became more pale.

"I would advise not to, I believe that Adventurers should not adventure" She answered her business smile crumbling

"That doesn't make sense" I replied, it's literally in the name why would it be called adventure if I wasn't meant to explore and adventure.

is Eina a weirdo too?

"Just don't go unprepared please wait for our meeting so you are prepared enough for the first floors" She signed

"Sorry I can't promise that, but I promise I'll return safe and sound how about that"

'"I can already tell you are going to be a troublesome man to look over"

"Oh don't act like you aren't already invested in this bundle of trouble that stands in front of you"

"I'm invested in all adventures I advise Mr.Ike I don't know what you are implying" Her cheeks became a light pink

"Sure sure that's what they all say "I smirked at her before leaving her counter and heading out the guild.

Been busy this week sorry couldn't post

If you see any errors please alert me,and do you guys think I should change the synposis I feel it's kinda bad not sure though.

Airmid> Eina

See you guys later and have a great day

All_Mighty_Readercreators' thoughts