
Is it wrong to be a Pokehero in a dungeon?

Alternate Title: PokeHero:(A tale of a backline mage who wants to be a manly swordman) Jonathan Inferna a man known by many names. The second coming of Salamander by spirits ,Sage of the forgotten age by humans ,Arsonist supreme by the elves. But to him he was just a withered old man long past his time. What happened to the young boy who's soul burn brighter than the sun itself, what happened to that optimistic lad who never gave up even when the world was against them .What has happen to make that boy oh so long ago turn to this. A sad and lonely Wizard hiding from his past and society He was content with this life. Until everything changed when she came into his life. She forced herself into his life by making him take her as a disciple and then forced herself into his heart. Like a raging bull of optimism and positivity she decimated the wall he made in his heart and forced him to realize that life is more than just self pity. Everything changed after her, he joined the hero's party in hopes to finish a dream he long gave up on. He must have not been heroic enough because his story was cut short with no happy ending. But now he's given another chance, in a world where God's walk among us, a world where monsters spew from the earth fangs waiting for a moment of weakness to devour all that come before them. This world was many things: A world where he doesn't have to be a mage anymore was, a world where he could finally be a Hero and have his own happy ending a world where he can live with no regrets. Follow Jonathan now Ike on his journey to find out what being a hero truly means with the last semblance of her legacy.

All_Mighty_Reader · Anime & Comics
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Is it wrong to charge into the dungeon head first:(Chapter 004)

Day 3 part 2


There it was the beginning of my journey. The stairs down to the dungeon went beyond my expectations. It was a large spiraling staircase that went on for what felt like an eternity from the top of it. Above the stairs was a painting of Helios and the sun. The paint seems to glow as bright as the sun.

I walked down the stairs with other adventurers., All seemed to not care that the painting might be the last time they see the sun as they talked and joked with one another.

A minute or two later I was at the bottom of the stairs in front of a long and wide hallway with a few newbie adventures fighting goblins that spawned from the walls.

It was easy to tell which group of newbies were truly newbies and those who had fighting experience beforehand and were just new to the dungeon. Every move a true newbie made was filled with hesitation, their swings were awkward they flinched at attacks, and lacked composure.

While the ones with prior experience did not hesitate or flinch when dealing the killing blow to the goblins. Each of their swings, stabs or punches each held purpose behind them.

I sighed at the lack of monsters on the beginner's road. Whenever a goblin was birthed from the walls another adventure was already fighting it so I could only move further into the dungeon if I wanted any action.

I hope these goblins are only the guards to the entrance surely not the whole dungeon is filled with those green bastards. I want to become a hero, not a goblin slayer.

I reached the end of the hallway after a few minutes of walking, the once singular wide diverged into dozens of smaller ones, I chose one on the farthest left that looked empty and made my way down it.

Less than a minute in the dungeon light blue walls began cracking open birthing a form that fell seamlessly onto the floor before me.

It was a small green figure with long pointed ears similar to those of elves (don't tell them you heard that from me though) it had a long curve and wrinkly nose with green warts littering, combined with its sharp and crooked teeth it gave it a face that not even a mother could love. It was around the size of a toddler and was slight than my knee's in height.

It was your average goblin, short ugly, and sleazy. They were no stronger than a child by themself but would form groups, hide in caves, hunt at night, and would use crudely made weapons to offset their natural weakness.

They were smarter than the average beast but far lacking compared to other humanoid races.

"Clover you ready?" I unsheathed Clover and pointed her towards the goblin with one hand. She felt awkward and heavy in my arms.

I spread my legs shoulder length apart and adjust my body in a poor attempt to replicate a form I've read about.

Clover vibrated in affirmation

"Ok give me a fury cutter" I ordered

Clover's blade began to shine dimly

The goblin wasn't keen on waiting for Clover to fully prepare her Fury Cutter to move and sprinted at me. It's thighs tense up before propelling it forward and pouncing with its short nails ready to claw my eyes out.

I tensed my sword arm and gripped Clover tightly before I stepped forward slicing vertically trying to slice the goblin into two.

Clover's blade sliced through the air leaving a streak of dim green light behind her. It cleaved through the jumping goblin's left arm, the flesh was cut tendons were severed until Clover hit bone I grunted before adding more power to my swing and disarmed the goblin.

I missed! I meant to bisect it not remove it's arm

The Goblin swung its remaining arm at me who was unprepared to dodge. Its nails cut through the skin of my lower arm leaving three cuts of blood dripping onto the floor. I kneed the flying goblin sending it flying to the ground

This pain… I love it. Cutting through the goblin's arm was euphoric. This is so much better than throwing fire balls out.

This is what it means to be a swordsmen. Fighting with your life hanging on a thin rope? One mistake means the death of you with the only thing deciding victory is your will and skill. Each kill is personal every strike needs purpose and passion behind it.

I love it, I love it all

No longer was I a mage decimating armies without even knowing the faces of those I killed ,I was just the simple wannabe hero Ike.

The Goblin didn't stay on the ground for long after me punting it across the hallway, its eyes once filled with contempt were filled with rage.

I rushed forward with a downward swing Clover leaving a path of clearer green light behind her as I try to bisect it. It moved to the side dodging my swing. Clover impacted the hard stone with a cling the green light surrounding her blade dissipating.

The Goblin's legs tense once again before it leapt towards my face. It's nails teared through the air. I moved my head to the side its nails missing my face by a large margin

I grabbed its leg with my bleeding hand before stabbing it through the chest with Clover and pommeled it to the ground still skewered on Clover.

Smack. I heard the sound of its bones crunching as I smacked it into the hard dungeon floor fury was clear in its eyes as it used its remaining arm to attempt to claw at my feet which I dodged

Smack its eyes became dimmer with blood leaking out of its arm rapidly painting the once light blue ground red.

And with one last smack, it died and I pulled Clover out of its now motionless body. Clover removed herself from my hand and began shaking the goblin blood off herself to beside me.

I guess that's one perk of a magic sword, you never have to clean them

"May you be reborn anew from the ashes and burn brighter in the next life" I said leaving a quick prayer for the Goblin and beginning to walk away already searching for my next foe

"You want something girl" Clover tapped my shoulder with her pommel getting a questioning look from me

She pointed towards the goblin before drawing a stone shape in the air

"Oh yeah the magic stones"

I crotched and tapped the chest of the goblin.Naaza told me monsters turn to ash after a battle thought she meant when they die they turn to ash but I guess it's after the removal of their stones.

Sadly that misunderstanding made me forget to bring a knife to dismantle this goblin

wait a minute!

"Mind helping me get that girl," I turned to face my lovely problem solver

"You're the best sword a man could ever ask for," I told my all-in-one pocket sword

I picked up Clover and drew an x on the goblin's chest and opened its insides for all the world to see. Where its heart should be was a pinky size purple stone.

"This should be the magic stone if I'm not wrong," I said pushing aside some flesh and ripping the small stone from the goblin's chest cavity.

"Oh" The goblin puffed into ash as its power source was removed

"That's convenient" I shrugged as I put the stone in the leather pack on my side, and grabbed one of the two potions that Naaza and Miach forced me to take. I drank a quarter of the potion feeling the flesh on my arm mending itself leaving nothing but a memory of the previous wound.

"Let's go, Clover, we still have the whole day ahead of us," I told the still-excited sword as I sheathed her

I walked down the moss covered path guard up prepared for the next battle. I didn't need to wait long though. Two cracking noises appeared Infront of us before two goblins fell from the walls.

"Pidgey it's your turn to shine" I grabbed a Pokeball from my belt and clicked the center releasing a wave of gray light from the red and white ball.

"Cover my flank buddy" I made Pidgey aware of the situation before quickly unsheathing clover and getting into a stance.

"Pidgey use tackle and Clover use fury cutter" I gave out orders before rushing towards my goblin.

One goblin rushed back at me while the other one broke off and attacked the bird pokemon hoping towards it slowly

Pidgey's body glowed grey as the goblin got near.

Pidgey lunged at the green skin colliding directly into its chest knocking the air out of its lungs and forcing it onto the floor. Before jumping onto its chest and clawing at its chest with his talons leaving small cuts on the goblins chest.

I swung Clover in a horizontal arc hacking through a goblin's side and dodging its nails by moving my leg to the side... The blade tore through flesh and muscle before getting stuck on bone. I grunted and put more strength into my arm to no avail

I kicked the goblin in the head dazing it, before taking the opportunity to dislodge Clover from the goblin's chest cavity. While the Goblin was groaning in pain I stabbed Clover through its eye piercing its brain.

I heaved a little, my body unused to all this movement

I looked back to see pidgy clawing and pecking at a goblin's face before walking over to the poor goblin he was abusing and putting it out of its misery by piercing its brain with clover

"Good job buddy we're one step closer to being heroes" I kneeled as I ruffled his feathers

I, Clover, and Pidgy made our way deeper into the dungeon, the dungeon spawned a pair of goblins from its walls every so often, and before I knew it I was standing in front of a staircase leading down to the next floor

"I think that's enough for today, let's return home"

I was feeling tired after fighting 7 goblins in a short span of 30 minutes. It wasn't much but it was honest

Who knows maybe the goblins might just be bait for newbie adventures and the second floor hides a Lich king.

What are the chances? Low but I don't want to risk it. I made sure not to read a single thing about the dungeons so I could get that authentic hot-blooded hero experience

Whistling as I calmly made my way back to the entrance I heard the sound of the earth shifting and rock breaking apart

Then another

And another

And one more

Two in front one to my left and one behind me and pinned to a wall on my right. I'm surrounded my mage brain would be screaming at me for making such a simple positioning mistake but my body was pumping with excitement at the challenge

"Pidgy use tackle on the one back there I got the two in the front" I commanded to pidgy lowing my center of gravity before rushing over to the two green skins.

One pounced while the other one sprinted with its stubby arms ready to be swung. I ducked letting the goblin fly over my head and crash into the wall behind me. I sluggishly slashed the goblin sprinting at me in the chest

Clovers tip tore through its chest leaving a gash in its chest, blood quickly flooded out of the wound

Not deep enough, I misjudged the distance and swung too early, and didn't cut deep enough for a debilitating strike.

The goblin seemly unfazed swung its arms in an arc aiming for the chest. I quickly brought Clover in front of my chest and its nails streaked off Clover's steel chipping off the rust

I jabbed Clover's pommel into the goblin's face before putting my other arm up in front of my face and turning around. I hissed in pain as the goblin which I forgot about nails pierce my arm

Better my arm than my face I guess

The goblin looked smug when it saw blood was drawn

I used the remaining strength in my pierced hand to smash the goblin into the cavern floor before slashing Clover over its defenseless form

The knocked-down goblin got up and pounced hoping to avenge its friends by tearing out my throat

I flung the incapacitated goblin at the goblin cosplaying as a bird

"Clover tackle," I said before pitching Clover toward the goblins

Clover's body dimly shined grey before propelling herself through the air turning the goblins into a goblin shish kebab.

I walked towards the now died goblins and pulled Clover out of their chest before turning around and running towards Pidgey

Pidgy tried to charge up a tackle at a goblin running towards it

It failed to notice the one it thought was dead snuck up behind it and delivered a quick slash at its back

"Gey" Pidgey screamed in pain as the goblins nails cut through feathers and flesh on its back, its concentration broke and the dim light around it faded

The goblin brought down its other hand cutting through Pidgy's wing causing another caw of pain to echo through the cavern with blood splattering on the wall

I broke out into a full sprint carving through the goblin rushing towards Pidgey with a two-handed swing. It would not be able to allow this to continue.

I bashed the goblin whose nails were painted with Pidgeyblood on the head with Clover hacking away a part of its head killing it

"You did good buddy" I patted Pidgey's head

"Get some rest, I'll see you soon" I gave a smile as I tapped the ball on its forehead. Pidgey deformed into clumps of light before being sucked into the ball

I dissected the goblins, removed their stones with Clover's assistance and gave a quick prayer before sprinting down the hallway returning to the beginner's road and walking up the steps quickly before heading toward the guild


"Hey Eina I'm back" I waved . The guild was empty when I came back so I didn't have to go through any lines. This is heaven a no line heaven

I honestly considered just coming to the guild doing these times instead of early in the morning. I was in the dungeon for an hour or so it shouldn't be anymore than a few minutes past ten in the morning

"Don't tell me you went into the dungeon-like that" Eina asked taking her eyes away from her paper work

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing" I asked looking down at my shirt and pants wondering if they were damage

"You have no armor…not even an arm guard" She rose her voice in disbelief

"But I'm completely fine though" I said

"Your arm is covered in blood" She pointed out the uncleaned blood on my arm

"It's not my blood" I told truthful

"Who's blood is it" She asked visibly getting a bit more livid

"Goblin blood" I answered deadpanning

"How far did you go" She ask adjusting her glasses and sighing

"I think I went till I reached the stairs for the second floor and turned back" I answered giving her a smile trying to calm her down

"Ok next time can you promise me to go in with some armor though" She asked sitting back

"Nope" I calmly said

"WHY NOT!" She asked borderline screaming as she dropped her pen in disbelieve

"It doesn't feel the same with protection, I like going in raw" I said

"Is something wrong Eina, do you have a cold, you suddenly got all red" I put my hand on her forehead when I saw her cheeks turning red. Maybe she's overwork, I would be too if I had to deal with so many people everyday

"I'm fine thank you for your concern" She dismissed pushing my hand away

"Don't underestimate the dungeon, that's a sure way to get yourself killed overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer one that creeps up on you and you don't even notice until it's already too late. The dungeon...It's not a game please take it seriously" She pleaded

"I'm not overconfident though" I answered, I may be scheming, I may be a liar and a coward. But never in my life have I felt I was overconfident

"If not for your own sake can you do that for my sake" She begged sounding tired from the situation. A brief silence followed letting the white noise of guild workers doing their job and the few adventures talking to overtake my ears

"If you die under my teaching…" She continued even more distressed

"Fine I'll start wearing armor past the first 4 floors. I don't want to ruin your pretty little record" I told her not wanting to go through the trouble of this conversion any longer.

"Past the 1st" She countered

"4th" I smiled










"Thank you for understanding Eina have a nice day" My smile grew wider at my victory before turnings around and going to the exchange box and putting 8 out of the ten stones I got today into.

"Nice 2,000 vali's " I cheered as I held the shiny coin in my hand just admiring the engravings of a crown of flowers I have never seen on it.


I was able to find Miach's store without Clover's help and I didn't even get lost.

...Ok maybe I got lost for a bit but I found my way here quickly enough

"Miach,Naaza I'm back" I called out pushing the door to the store open

"Welcome back Ike how was the dungeon" Miach waved manning the counter

"It was a good test run, I think I got an understanding of how the dungeon operates" I answered

" That's excellent,do you want to update your Falna"Miach offered a smile

"yes please" I don't really know what an update is but I'll just go with the flow.

"Any costumers today?" I asked wondering if we are going to continue our streak of 0-1 people visiting the store each day.

"Sadly not" Miach chuckled leading me to the guest room. It was the same process as giving me Falna. He asked me to take off my shirt and lay back before pouring a drop of blood on my back with the mild discomfort following

[Jonathan Inferna ]


Age: 18

Strength: I-0 > I-2

Endurance: I-0 I-3

Dexterity: I-0 >I-1

Agility: I-0 > I-2

Mind: I-0 > I-3



Pokemon Trainer:[Summon monsters using your mind as their power source. As well as gain all information corresponding to all that are summoned. Can summon more Pokémon as the level of the holder rises.

Current summons:2

Max active summons:2]

Brand of the Salamander: [Pride of the fire spirit Salamander, those who have walked into the path of fire proudly and come out unscathed are rare and far between, each gaining the respect from the flames themselves and the one who rules over them. Increases affinity with fire magic, they cost half of their original mind and are twice as potent. High resistance to high heat and reduces damage taken from fire-related attacks]

"The numbers Miach,what do they mean" I asked looking down at the paper, my stats seem to go up.I think that's good but I'm not really sure what these numbers translate to.

"Well Strength is just how much force your body can put out and take before taking damage. The higher it is the more you can lift and the stronger your attacks will be."Miach answered

"That makes sense what about the others"

"Endurance is just your overall stamina,how long you can run for or how much damage your body can take before it gives up.An example would be if you have 0 endurance and your arm was cut off it wouldn't take long for you to bleed out but with those 3 extra points in Endurance you would be able to live for a bit longer" He answered with a smile showing no signs of my questions bothering him.

"how do I increase endurance and the other stats" I asked with a bit of surprise that 3 points could shift some ones combat abilities as much as he says.

"Well for Endurance you just need to push your body to it's limits by getting hit by monsters and taking damage, lifting heavy things or just running for a long time. Basic endurance training is very good at the lower stat points of level 1. At level 1 G or 300 Excelia and below are within human limit. Past that and you start to surpass the limits of man" He answered before looking at my face and seeing something before adding"Please don't get purposely hit in the dungeon to raise your Endurance".


I would never do that.The thought 100% never crossed my mind but now that he says that.

Getting hit sounds like a great way to get more endurance so I can get hit even harder thus gaining me more endurance which allows me to get even endurance. The infinite endurance glitch. Disciple I have found it

"How about the other stats" I asked trying to distract him from reading my thoughts about going completely against his wishes

"Well just do things pertaining to them. Lift increasingly heavy things for strength, run for agility and do things that require fine motor skills for dex" He answered calmly

What a saint! This must be common knowledge and I look like country bumpkin asking these questions but he doesn't make fun of me. Sesuga Miach-Kun I will follow you to the end of the world.

He went on to continue explain the other stats in more detail. Dexterity is fine motor skills and bodily control. Agility was raw linear speed and Mind/magic was self explanatory it was just how strong your magic spells would be.

It was an informative and educational teaching session I learned more about Orario in general as well as the Falna system.

If you see grammer mistakes please alert me.Also if you have any tips on what I could to do improve please tell me i'm always trying to get better. So critism is very much wanted

Do you guys like the first person or more of the thrid person point of view better.

See you guys around and have a good day

Bye bye for now

Ps.Miach =Airmid

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