
Is It Wrong To Act Mysteriously In the Dungeon?(LOTM/Danmachi)

Protag gets transported in Danmachi with Lord Of The Mysteries system.

Liblord13 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Troubles III

Finally, the formalities are over and the festivities start at night. With my advice, Zanis is no longer the captain of the familia, he is now replaced by Chandra Ihit. Soma insisted I became the captain of the familia, but I rejected the offer by straightforwardly saying I have no interest in working behind the scene and managing a familia. He finally let it go and agreed to my advice. Soma has decided to reform his rundown familia.

Now we are inside Soma's room celebrating along with the new captain and his ragtag group of JKs, Arde is also present due to me, she was quietly sitting in the corner of the table while shooting me daggers. Chandra, as expected was easy to get along with, Chandra was a straightforward man with integrity, a rare sight among a group of drug addicts and greedy idiots.

Throughout the night I have gotten to know Chandra's kids. He seemed to have soft spots for kids but he doesn't show it. The silver-haired bunny girl was Tsukinokami Kaede, a young outgoing Hume Bunny. The fox loli was Shinonome Momiji, similar to Kaede she was friendly and spoke in a thick Eastern accent. The last one was Coco Collins, who seemed to hide when I look at her. The lolis started calling me onii-chan for some reason, making me lose control of my sinful hands and give them head pats that they deserved.

The night continues with the other girls trying to befriend Arde who was too defensive, I thought it was a good chance to further develop Arde. So I threw a challenge at the table, anyone who could resist Soma's wine will be rewarded with anything they want. I saw Arde grit her teeth, while the other girls who seemed to not know Soma's wine excessive pleasure agreed readily. Chandra declined to join. I notice Soma's interest in the prospect of such a challenge and played along.

As expected Arde drank the wine and for a moment there was pure bliss in her eyes, then it was replaced with rage. She began throwing profanities at everyone, especially Soma. Afterward, she became a crying mess retelling her hardships. Soma then asked for her forgiveness but Arde replied.

"It's too late Soma-sama! Lily already has a god that she follows! I only want Soma-sama to agree when Lily leaves the familia!" She announced as she stares at me intently

Soma was initially shocked at Arde's resistance to the wine, now he could only dejectedly agree to Arde's request. But when the other three girls resisted his wine, he became happier and inclined to help Arde. Soma yearns for people who could resist his wine, with the challenge done, Soma was deeply looking at me with gratitude. I could only smile in exchange.

Meanwhile, a certain imp was stealing expensive wine and drinking it for himself in the background. My eye could only twitch as the little bastard partied away without anyone noticing.

The festivities end with everyone's status upgraded and went separate ways. Soma said I would level up soon. I left Soma's mansion under the deep night excitedly. Finally, I can concoct a potion and advance my sequence.

Or so I thought.


I have now moved out from the old townhouse and rented a new room of an inn near the Hostess Of Fertility, it was in the inner parts of the city and near the dungeon entrance. Now I'm in a pristine clean room with proper furniture. The rent causes 10000 valis a month. It is infinitely better than the old townhouse, the only problem was a certain imp whining endlessly.

I found something odd as I took out my potion ingredients from the inventory. Inside my inventory was a certain rapier glowing red for inexplicable reasons. I begin to ponder for what reason for it to glow red, this has never happened before. So I begin divining the possibilities, starting with why.

I learned that the cause of the [Drunken Bone Rapier] anomaly was Soma's wine. The rapier wasn't on a rampage but my divination said it was dangerous but at the same time not so dangerous for me. It was a paradox, something dangerous, but not for me. For all, I know sealed items are the most dangerous to me.

I sighed and braced myself for what am I going to do. I take out the [Drunken Bone Rapier] from my inventory. As I take it out, I feel my hair stand its ends and a chill strikes my spine. Then a voice accompanied by the system warning echoed in my new room. I notice the rapier was a bit abnormal.

"CLOSE YOUR EYES!" it warned

[Warning Higher Lifeform detected! The host should leave its presence!]

[Warning Higher...]

The system echoed repeatedly, I instinctively followed the order of voice and closed my eyes. My entire body is screaming to run away, but I couldn't move it. My Danger Senses went haywire at the situation as I felt a strong presence envelop me. My body is sweating heavily as the exuding power swept the room. My consciousness almost gave up when suddenly the presence weaken and I hear a voice that is neither male nor female.

"Finally, you took me out of the Godforsaken abyss." the voice said followed by ungodly squirming of various unknown voices

"W-who are you?" I asked hesitantly with my eyes close and not daring to move.

"I'm the Drunken Bone Rapier." It answered tiredly


I was surprised at the answer of the voice. To think the sword is still alive! Isn't the rapier made out of an angel? Should I address him as "He" or "She"? For the first time, I felt the inexplicable fear of the unknown and understand the meaning of "Do not look directly at god!". I fall on my butt as I try to minimize my senses.

"The answer is simple, we of the Death pathway have means to connect to the living world as long as our characteristics exist. Although It's thanks to the wine that "He" provided that I was able to converse with you now" Every word caused me to gasp for breath. It felt like I was drowning from the words of the angel. The "He" the angel should be referring to should be Soma.

The angel then solemnly said to me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to put you in much pain, my condition is quite bad you see. I have been corroded by the Tyrant God, that's why I can use Lightning attacks right now, if you look at me, you would see my beautiful skeleton tainted by fishy scales. So I could only harshly talk to you forgive me."

"I can only weather the storm, my lord. So what can this humble sequence 9 do for you my Highness." I ask while bowing my head towards the presence.

"You don't have to bow to me, although I don't know how you send me to this interesting world, I am thankful for it, otherwise the Tyrant would have imprisoned me for eternity. So stand up."

The voice urges me so I followed.

The voice continued

"In truth, this world interests me, when I drink the wine given by "Him" I would manage to sober up from "His" corruption for a bit and explore my surroundings. And in my exploration and our time together, I learned quite a lot. For example, the numerous non-Beyonder gods that this world has..."

The angel begins telling me it's experienced in this world, but I already got the point.

"...This magical new world is perfect for us beyonders to exploit. So I would like to ask you to do something. It won't be free, in exchange, I would swear to help you to the best of my ability."

The age-old bargaining. Since I can't do anything to an out-of-control angel, I'll just nod in agreement.

"What can I do for you, your highness."

"I would like you to resurrect me. To do that, I hope you can ask "Him" to make me ambrosia made with "his" divinity and feed it to my rapier."

I cringed, this could be the worst outcome. Releasing a mad angel to Orario wasn't in my plans. Asking Soma to use his arcanum for a walking disaster isn't in my line of goals too. Unless I want to destroy Orario of course.

"*Cough* Don't be like that. I helped you once slaughtering those " adventurers" from that dead "god". And I promise I'll help you in any way I can afterward, If you help me now, we would be equals and you'd gain my aid." the angel teased me

Although the angel was happily saying it, I could only sigh in return.

"I would try to convince Soma-sama. but first I would like to ask you a few questions if your highness allows it." I said in defeat.

"Go on, don't be shy. This pretty skeleton should answer to your abilities." The angel gladly urges me.

"First, I would like to know your Highness Sequence."

"Second, if I resurrect Your Highness, I would like to know what will you do."

"Third, How do I know your part of the deal will be guaranteed."

I hear the angel humming for a moment then answered.

"I'm a Sequence 2 Angel of the Death Pathway. First, once I resurrect, my sequence would degrade to a Sequence 4 demigod and I will have to sleep for a year or two. After that, I would have amnesia when I woke up. I could only hope you recollect my memories. In truth, I can't hurt you in any possible way, something unknown is compelling me to be loyal and obedient to you. It's an interesting feeling."

I begin to sigh of relief after hearing the angels answer.

"Death Consul and Undying huh," I muttered then I hear the angel in a shocked tone.

"For a mere sequence 9, you sure know a lot. Which family are you from?" The angel inquired and I simply answered.

"I'm from the Iscariot family. You wouldn't know about it, I'm from a different world after all."

I hear the angel humming again.

"How interesting, could you tell me more?"

I smiled smugly and said.


"Pfft, very well, keep your secrets, Judas."

With humor, the angel let it go.

"I would like to ask Your Highness more questions so..."

I begin asking her questions about beyonders and mysticism and asked for her advice for rituals and so on. The angel answered them all. Since she was answering all my questions, I asked for others as well. Finally, I asked the most important question.

"Your Highness should be familiar with the Dungeon, what do you think of it?"

The angel hummed and asked for further clarification.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll be straightforward then your highness. Is the dungeon a Sefirah?"

I hear the Angel choke at my question.

"*Cough* *cough* By the Pale Death! Why are you so knowledgeable about Godly matters? You are merely a sequence 9, could your infinite abyss sealing space be a sefirah too!?"

Shocked the angel asked back. Now that I think about it, is the system a Sefirah? It seemed to be the case, a godly inventory capable of holding and sealing high sequence Beyonder items should be god tier. After all, isn't the system created by the Original Creator, like all Sefirots?

"To answer your question, I don't know, although it has the same breadth of creation as a Sefirah, it is too early to tell."

So she doesn't know, how troublesome, I'll need to find answers soon if I want to go to the deepest part of the dungeon in the future, once I'm at least level 7.

"That's all your Highness, I thank you for your patience. For now, how should I address you, your highness?"

"Hmph! Finally, you asked my name, You have no gentlemanly qualities, this lady was starting to feel troubled!"

Wait, A lady? So Miss Angel is a "she"! I should address her as "she" and "Her" from now on.

"I am known as Death Angel Chaika Ai. My honorific name is The Black Princess of The Coffins, Honourable Lady Of The Graves, Second Daughter of Death. For now, let's get along."

"Her" name echoed in my ears. I pay my respect to "her" and bowed my head to "her" but this time, I imitate nobles from fiction.

"As a word of advice. For now, you shouldn't take out 'that' book from the abyss of yours. Although it helps me heal my spirituality, it wouldn't help you at all, it has the divinity of a god who presides over death. You should understand what I mean... *Yawn* I'm tired now..." The voice slowly fades away and the Rapier returns to its original state. I finally opened my eyes. I was standing in a pool of sweat.

'Those who have the divinity of a god will attract their attention.' I muttered inwardly, I know exactly which book "she" was referring to, it was that attractive book that I stole from Evilus. A death god? Could it be Thanatos, the Father of Evilus? looks like another problem cropped up in my yard, just great.

What a troublesome day has it been. Shaking my head, I begin taking out the potion ingredients from my inventory and returned the [Drunken Bone Rapier] to the inventory. After finishing the concoction, I looked at the Swindler Potion with gleaming eyes and uttered one word.



Chapter End

I decided to post early this week, I'll post the next chapters next other Sunday. Thanks for reading.