
Chapter 8. Examination Paper, the Enemy of a Lifetime

emmmm, what's this going on? Chen Heng has never encountered this situation

"It's okay, brother, let's eat." After crying for a while, Sirin gradually controlled her emotions

"Huh, okay, continue to eat." Chen Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

" sirin, you don't know to use chopstick?"

." Chen Heng looked at Sirin's awkward posture holding the chopsticks, and realized that Sirin is a foreigner and she probably can't use chopsticks

"Come on, I teach you, first take chopsticks..."

" ding dong.. ding dong… ding dong…" Just as Chen Heng taught Sirin to use the chopsticks, the doorbell rang.

"Sirin, you eat first, I'll see who is here." Chen Heng walked to the door and looked at who was ringing the doorbell outside with cat eyes

"Qingtong, come in quickly." Chen Heng opened the door and welcomed Mo Qingtong in

"It's so fragrant, what kind of takeaway are you ordering?" The first sentence Mo Qingtong came in was about food this distressed Mo Qingtong for three seconds

"What kind of takeaway? I made this myself. Today I personally cooked dinner for Sirin. Do you know Sirin?" Chen Heng asked tentatively about Sirin. The customer service only said that there was a temporary legal certificate in this world, but he didn't tell Chen Heng how it was legal

Sirin, isn't that the little girl fostered in Siberia after your parents adopted her, did she returned home today? No, the point now is, you can cook?" Mo Qingtong looked at Chen Heng with a very skeptical look.

Well, it better I know it, I event didn't know that sirin from Siberia

" isn't because sirin is back I specially trained my cooking skill these day, do you want to try?"

"Okay, let me try it." Mo Qingtong was eager to try it. After all, he has been training to cook for several days, so it won't be too unpalatable anyway. Its not because she do not want eat today meal, definitely. (〃'▽'〃) The rice that my mother cooks is not unpalatable, but it tastes a bit strange

Chen Heng brought Mo Qingtong to the table. Sirin still waiting him, and she event hadn't moved on her food yet

"is this is Sirin?, so cute." he Forgot, Mo Qingtong has no resistance to cute things.

"Hey, what's going on with Sirin's clothes?" Mo Qingtong suddenly pulled Chen Heng aside and pointed at Sirin

he forgot that Sirin is still wearing a medical suit from the Babylon laboratory

"This is the pajamas that sirin wore when she was in Siberia. Her clothes were soiled when she picked her up and they were still wet after washing. But sirin just came and only had the clothes, so she can only wear pajamas"

"Really? This pajama is really bad. Remember to take Xilin to buy some clothes tomorrow, or you can call me." Perhaps it was the reason for the temporary legal certification of the world. Mo Qingtong did not doubt too much, and went smoothly.

"This is our neighbor, and my childhood friend, Mo Qingtong." Chen heng pulled Mo Qingtong to his right and sat down, fear that sirin would frightened by her The dining table of Chen Heng's family is a rectangular dining table (refer to the one that often appears in Roman's family). Now Chen Heng is sitting in the main seat, Xi Lin is on his left and Mo Qingtong is on his right

"Sister Qingtong." Xilin whispered to her sister

"Yeah (^o^)/ Tomorrow weekend, your sister will take you out to play. you just came to Canghai. If there is anything uncomfortable then you can tell sister"

" alright, lets eat and try my craft , you can see sirin is starving"

"I'll try it first, um, it's delicious. Wait, I'll call home first." Mo Qingtong took out her mobile phone and called, it seems that she is planning to eat here. she didn't call just now, because if the meal was too bad, she would go home to eat, right?

"Hey, Mom, I'm at Heng's house now. Xilin came back today. Yes, it was the little Siberian girl adopted by Uncle Chen. Heng made a table of dishes by himself. he take me to eat together. i couldn't persuade him.. Well, good, got it."

"You, use me as a shield?" Chen Heng said when Mo Qingtong hung up the phone

"It's not like you haven't eaten my mother's dishes."

"Auntie's dishes are not unpalatable, but the taste is a bit strange. Forget it, eat it quickly."

"Good, good."

"Xilin too, eat more."


During dinner chen heng taught sirin how to use chopsticks while from time to time he peeled few shrimps for Xilin, Occasionally, Xilin would be shyly to pick up some dishes for Chen Heng. The siblings were very happy, but it seemed that both of them had forgotten that there was another person watching.

"Why, Qingtong, why are you staring at me like this?" After eating, Chen Heng found Mo Qingtong staring at him.

"What, what, all, no, yes, hum." Mo Qingtong turned her head and stopped looking at Chen Heng.


" you guys can talking each other first, I will clean the bowl first" Chen Heng originally refused to clean the bowl, but he was embarrassed to let sirin do it, let alone Mo Qingtong, so he could only do it himself And it to let sirin and Qingtong talk each other

After washing the bowl, Chen Heng saw that Mo Qingtong and Xi Lin were talking happily, or it was just Mo Qingtong's unilateral pleasure. Mo Qingtong always asked questions

"By the way, Qingtong, what are you looking me for?"

"Oh, by the way, homework. you skipped class in the afternoon. Do you really don't doing your homework now? It's not long before the college entrance examination." Mo Qingtong took out a dozen test papers from her backpack and handed them to Chen Heng.


"Well, now that the homework has been delivered, I should also go, there is still something to do when I go home."


After sending Mo Qingtong out the door, Chen Heng stared at the dozen or so test papers in a daze.

The one who know destiny : does anyone can write test paper for some point ? there are twelve papers for senior third-level students

17-year-old beautiful girl:? ? ?

Flame Spirit:? ? ?

Queen of Rhode Island:? ? ?

Magician of Flowers:? ? ?

Snow Queen: Is it appropriate?

The one who know destiny: Isn't it appropriate? Test paper, my life's enemy.

17-year-old beautiful girl: Not suitable

Flame spirit : Not suitable

The blank is never defeated: inappropriate

I have a sense of existence: To be honest, I am heart-warming, but I may not be able to do it.

Iron fist teacher: @ The one who know destiny still have to write the homework by yourself.

The one who know destiny: Of course, it's just a joke. After all, points should still be quite expensive, so you can enliven the atmosphere.

The one who know destiny: @17-year-old beautiful girl Since you have changed your name, why should you still emphasize that you are 17 years old?

Snow Queen: I know this. I found her when I was walking in the game zone. Yakumo Purple-The old purple lady who likes to be tender, the monster sage of Gensokyo, the true age is unknown, at least several thousand years old, but she always likes to call herself only 17 years old.

17-year-old beautiful girl: Skadi-CBA, one old woman. @ The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen: Haha

Magician of Flowers:...

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