
chapter 7. Another sister ?

as i thought i will update on monday to friday, total 5 chapter, and if you have opinion to help me please write that in comment because it my first translation, thanks for you that read my story


Chen Heng didn't take Sirin to the room that had been made up for her immediately, for fear of waking her up. Instead, he walked down the stairs to the sofa in the lobby on the first floor and sat down, and began to read the book called "Rebirth Chat Group". It took a long time for him to look at it. It wasn't until he heard sound from his own room upstairs that Chen Heng was wake up from reading book.

"it should be sirin woke up but I not yet read information about sirin, . I don't know what Sirin's personality is." Then he sent red envelope and send privately to flame spirit.

As soon chen heng entered he saw calling for blessing, ah… I mean, he saw Sirin curled up in the corner of the bed with the quilt-at the corner farthest from the door of the room. When she saw Chen Heng entering the door, she was shocked for a while, and then looked at Chen Heng cautiously like a frightened little beast.

"Don't worry, I am not a good person, ah no… I mean, I am not a bad person, do you know number 10086?"

"No. 10086, such a strange name, I have never heard of it. Who are you? Who am I?"

" ??? " Is this amnesia? This story came too suddenly

Ask the customer service if something goes wrong, so...

"Is the lady customer service here?"

[what do you want?]

" is sirin amnesia?"

[System 10086 temporarily sealed her memory before leaving, but don't worry the memory will be unlocked after you send her away. ]


[Sirin's current situation is very bad, If she still remembers the things in the original world, she can't even spend this month peacefully and happily, This month will be her last good memory before her end. This is the system number 10086 asked me to tell you. ]

"Then why didn't you tell me just now?"

"Then why did you say it again now?"

[If you ask me, I'll just say it again]

[The reward for expelling the traverser will be given to you after Sirin is goneand did not cause too much disturbance is two thousand point ]

"so little?"

[ dou you think how much effort to restrain 14 years old girl who have no power ]


[Sirin already has a legal status in this world that is your sister, this world's temporary legal certificate plus Chinese proficiency costs a total of 100 points, which will be deducted from your points. ]

"Well... well, just deduct it from my points. There is another younger sister, I haven't even seen two ceremonies yet."

[two ceremonies are in a coma and are expected to wake up in a month. It happened to be able to take care of Sirin after sending her away. ]

"Then I really thank you."

[No thanks, bye. The adoption certificate has been put in your storage space]


"Sirin, I'm your brother"

"Brother? Our hair color is too different And I remember I am not Asian." Answer sirin who have long purple hair almost reaching her heel while Chen Heng has short black hair

"well you are adopted, do you see this ? this is adoption certificate" chen heng stepped forward and handed adoption certificate to sirin from his storage space that came from dimensional management guild.

" well, from where did this come from?"

" you can call me elder brother"

"elder brother "

" good, this is my storage space, Regardless of its small size, it can hold a lot of things." Chen Heng raised the necklace on his neck and show it to Sirin

" then what happened to me? Amnesia?"

"Yes, your head has been severely injured, when you touch your head isn't it painful ?"

"Well, it really hurts little bit." Isn't it? you hit the handrail directly at the abandoned children's train, how can it not hurt

"It's six o'clock now. It's time to eat. Let's go downstairs. Today, your brother will show you how good his craft is"

"alright." Sirin got out of bed obediently and put on the cotton slippers that Chen Heng had already prepared

In fact, how could chen heng can make delicious food? Even thought he live alone several years, his craftsmanship is only maintained at an edible level that happened because sometime maid next door will help with cooking which is why Chen Heng maintains a balanced nutrition

The people living in this fantasy sea manor are either rich or in high position, so basically every family has a nanny, and a few even have maids. Because of that this place did not allow take away to enter which make chen heng miserable. And that mean Every time you order takeaways, you have to go to the entrance of the manor to get them.

Now that he say he can make good meal then he cant break his promise, therefore he can only depend the omnipotent dimensional management.

While walked downstairs chen heng found what he wanted in the guild store.

Cooking skills (intermediate): 500 points (can perfectly cook most common ingredients, located at the apex of ordinary chefs.)

Its not that chen heng doesn't want to buy higher skill but he have no money, the price of Advanced cooking needs 5000 points and this claim to be able to cook most of the world's ingredients (including fantasy species), but the ultimate cooking is even more outrageous it is 10 Ten thousand points and the introduction is very domineering, everything can be cooked, the ground is the pot, and the sky is the cover.

After all cooking is used for cooking and che heng do not need that and intermediate cooking is enough for him.

When he buy the skill he did not fell any special feeling like shock in the brain, then Chen Heng opened the refrigerator door and looked at the few things in the refrigerator two days ago, the maid sister Raven next door When cooking the remaining dishes, he instantly thought of what dishes can be made from these ingredients.

"Fortunately, there are still vegetables in the refrigerator, otherwise I really can't cook today. Emmmm these dishes, make a cola chicken wings, braised pork ribs, ground three fresh and braised prawns. I'm hungry just by speaking of it "

"Oh, yes. Sirin, do you have anything you want to eat?" Chen Heng poked his head out of the kitchen and looked at Sirin who had just walked down the stairs.

" anything is fine"

"Then I will start making it, let you taste authentic Chinese food."

After half an hour, Sirin looked at the table of dishes in front of her and swallowed

" don't just look, you can eat all of them"

"Thank you brother." Sirin whispered

" what thank you, we all family. If you want something in future you can tell me even if it star I will pull one for you."

"Yeah" Sirin nodded slightly, but tears appeared in her eyes.

"??? What's the matter with you, is your head still hurt?" Chen Heng was a little panicked. He hadn't seen a girl cry since he was a child. You mean Mo Qingtong? She can only make people cry, who dares to make her cry

"It doesn't hurt anymore. It's just... but after hearing the word 'family', tears couldn't help but fall on its own" Sirin replied while wiping the tears with her small hands

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as i thought i will update on monday to friday, total 5 chapter, and if you have opinion to help me please write that in comment because it my first translation, thanks for you that read my story.

void_zone_98creators' thoughts