
Chapter 3. Unleashed Luck

" look didn't I take you dinner, don't treat me badly next time okay ?"

" yes, yes I will not treat you badly as you willing to pay it and will good as you tell me"

Mo Qingtong look at the table of her favorite dishes in front of her with satisfied expression. At the same time curious and think his mistake maybe she can eat big meal every day.

"Okay, what's the matter? You don't like it all ? after this lunch you cant eat anymore after this"

" alright, lets start"

Mo Qingtong clamped a piece of chicken wings and stuffed it into her mouth then she sighed as she ate,

"It's so delicious. I haven't had such a delicious meal in a while."

Its normal for Mo Qingtong to express such emotions. It's not about how difficult Mo Qingtong's family is, on the contrary, Mo Qingtong's family situation is particularly good. Simply put, the father's family has money and the mother's family has the right.

She in this aspect must be look carefree and in fact this is true , except for one aspect, that is food.

Mo Qingtong's mother, Liu Yunxian, is a perfect woman in sense but she has fatal flaw that she is taste idiotand And Liu Yunxian also has a special hobby, that is cooking. And when the taste idiot and the hobby of cooking are combined, a strange chemical reaction occurs.

In the Mo family cooking privilege in Liu Yunxian hand and Unless there are special circumstances Liu Yunxian take cooking privilege for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The breakfast was okay, a normal western breakfast then \ occasionally tiao soy milk a few times. But when it comes to lunch and dinner, it is a disaster! Chen Heng had the honor to taste it once, and the taste is hard to say.

You might think, since you can't eat well at home, can't you go out to eat secretly? Sorry, no way.

In that case, what about eating secretly? Then you must not discovered. If you are discovered, Liu Yunxian will be angry and then it hard to coax.

That not to serious but if the father and daughter are found to have "committed crimes" continuously for a period of time, the situation will escalate.

Liu Yunxian has a dual personality. This is caused by her ability. Generally speaking, it is similar to Xi'er's situation, with distinct attacks and sufferings.

Offensive personality: what? my cooking is bad? "I" cooks food that is unpalatable but it has to be eaten, as long as it is nutritious

"By the way, have you called my mom yet?" As if thinking of something, Mo Qingtong stopped the chopsticks in her hand and stared at Chen Heng.

" only now you ask this, you just thinking about eat, I treat you of course I have say to aunt"

"I don't believe it, when did you call?" Mo Qingtong was full of disbelief, and she even took out her mobile phone. It seemed that she wanted to make a call at home.

"Just when we was waiting for the food, didn't you see me going out for a while?"

"Okay, okay" Mo Qingtong waved his hand, "It's fine if you have make a phone call." then she started to eat again.

"Oh, don't just stare at me, you eat too"

"Me? I'm not hungry. Hurry up and eat yours."

Chen Heng did not eat, but put his face in his hands and watched quietly.

  Ding! Welcome to the "Queen of Rhode Island" to join the group

Queen of Rhode Island:...

The 17-year-old monster sage: By the way, @ the one who know destiny Is your world amalgamated in the world?

the one who know destiny : Yes, it is just a daily world, with the monsters and demon like your world.

Flame spirit: What about demons and ghosts, it can be seen that the fantasy world of the one who know destiny is quite high.

the one who know destiny : That is on surface world is okay, but the inner world is Hyakki Yexing there are everything. However, under normal circumstances the inner world and on The surface rarely interferes with each other furthermore the inner world and The surface also has rules each.

Queen Mother of Rhode Island: This dimensional management guild is really magical, and what kind of people are fighting to affect countless worlds? What kind of organization is "purple Palace?"

the one who know destiny : Don't worry about that, you should come into contact with it in the future anyway. After all, the Dimension Management Association is responsible for "wiping the butt" for them.

the one who know destiny : And I don't know why, the name "Purple Palace" is a bit familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere

The 17-year-old monster sage: Don't be some prehistoric novels.

the one who know destiny : Do you see these too? No, the topic is off the track, I really saw it in the family literature in my family. I'll check it back later.

Flame spirit : Aren't you in class?

Iron Fist Teacher : Are you planning to skip class? Are there no classes in the afternoon?

the one who know destiny: It's really time for you to come out.

Iron Fist Teacher : Listen to my advice, study hard, and then you can find a good job, you can find a boyfriend then you can marry, don't wait until 30 is like me...

the one who know destiny: Stop! stop! I am a boy

Flame spirit : Don't worry about her it's just started again. Older leftover women are so pitiful.

the one who know destiny : emmm… I can't say anything

Snow Queen : I just took the task of finding system number 10086 in the task hall. I hope to see it when I perform other tasks. Or it would be better if it crosses directly into my world.

Magician of Flowers: I afraid you are talking in a dream

Snow Queen: I also took that task. Not only me, but most people took it. For example, the one above. →_→

Magician of Flowers: Salted fish also have to have dreams, in case I would meet them.

Snow Queen: Shut up, you the one who have lucky C, Can you even encounter such a good thing?

Magician of Flowers: you will make me laugh to dead. Why are you lucky to laugh at me? Do you have bad luck?

The Snow Queen: Don't you just fill in the panel thing at randomly!

Magician of Flowers: Then you laugh at me.

The one who know destiny : What are these two people talking about?

I have a sense of existence: these two people seem to have the same world view, but they may be parallel worlds. That panel is what records their abilities.

Flame spirit : According to the Snow Queen, the panels are filled in casually for the powerful people.

"Hey, Chen Heng, don't you keep looking at me, okay, I can't eat anymore, I'm going to be angry." Mo Qingtong was very awkward when Chen Heng looked at it.

Chen Heng was brought back to reality by Mo Qingtong's words, and he realized that he was looking at her in Mo Qingtong's eyes.

"Well, alright, let's eat together."

"I'll hit you again if you look at me."

"Fine, don't watch."

"Look me, i really will hit you again."

"Good good good"

"By the way, the college entrance examination is about to come, which university are you going to take?"

"I'm not going to college anymore."

"Yeah. Huh? What are you talking about! Are you not going to college anymore? Are you crazy?" When Mo Qingtong heard this, she even put down her chopsticks.


"did your brain blown out by me the other day? Come on, let me touch your head."

"Don't make trouble."

"Who is make trouble, I am really worried that your brain have been broken by me"

"if my brain broken, do you will raise me?"

"I raise you."

"Emmmm, are you serious?" Chen Heng couldn't believe Mo Qingtong could say this.

"Your routine is me" Mo Qingtong patted the chopsticks that he had just picked up on the table again

"Heaven and earth conscience, when did I...well, it's my routine, I admit it." Chen Heng decisively chose to admit it. Well, it was definitely not because Mo Qingtong was hodlding an empty cup and was about to throw it away.

To be honest, with the future vision school test is easy. This is not cheating, and again, this is not cheating. Can the future for those with ability be called cheating?

However, this short-circuited future vision, if you want to see the college entrance examination questions, you may have to try your luck and try several times. If it realy didn't work. Chen Heng remembered that there was high school knowledge (full level) in the Dimensional Management Association. This time Chen Heng really did not expect.

Ding! Illegal traversers have been detected in this world, please go and check them quickly, and remove, exile, repatriate or incorporate them according to the situation. Give rewards according to the situation.

Ding! It is detected that the illegal traverser holds the system number 10086, please go to collect it in time.

Damn it, this luck, lets go

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sorry guys initially i try to update atleast once a day but from yesterday i dont have time. i will tray double update today.

void_zone_98creators' thoughts