
Chapter 2 The Fusion and Gift of the World

One who know destiny:….

Snow Queen: If you want to become stronger quickly, you can earn points then use it directly to strengthen your ability, but you cannot increase your potential.

Magician Flowers: It's best to choose the second ability awakening , if you are really anxious, then forget what I say

One who know destiny: I'm not too anxious, I still have time.

One who know destiny: Let me check the missions in the mission hall first.

Mission hall:

· Capture SCP-173 (World Mission): SCP Foundation containment objects that accidentally ran into other worlds due to world fusion.

Intelligence: SCP-173 is a statue made of concrete, alive and aggressive. It will quickly move behind you when you are unprepared and break your neck. Of course, when your eyes are on it, it won't move.

Danger level: 5 (dangerous for you)

Reward: 5000 points

· Capture SCP-096 (World Mission): SCP Foundation containment objects that accidentally ran into other worlds due to world fusion.

Intelligence: Once someone sees SCP-096's facial image (regardless of real observation or observation by other media, such as video or pictures, except artwork), SCP-096 will immediately perceive the person's existence and break through all obstacles to reach here People are located and killed. After that, SCP-096 will return to calm. Has super sensory perception, has regenerative ability, and the skeleton can resist fire, radiation and acid treatment

Danger level: 5 (hazardous, but can barely be handled)

Reward: 5000 points

· Clean up the Violent Reincarnation 9527 (Faction Task: Main God): The Violent Reincarnation is a reincarnation who has had a serious negative impact on multiple worlds and has a damage value of 100. Now it has used a special method to leave the main god space. (Speak out you may not believe, the main god space is a neutral camp)

Intelligence: The Samsara 9527 is an intermediate Samsara. The main exchange ability is LV5 electromagnetic control, fireball...

  Danger level: 5 (similar in terms of ability)

  Reward: 5000 points + the ability to choose the reincarnation 9527 (one)

· Looking for system 10086 (faction mission: system mastermind): system 10086 lost contact with the system mastermind for some reason

Intelligence: System No. 10086 is the weaker one in the system, who was born not long ago. Did not get the title. The specific manifestation is that a large amount of energy needs to be collected to travel through the world, and there is no exchange ability. And it has obvious shortcomings, according to human terms: talk about tuberculosis.

  Danger level: 0 (this recklessness, it can only be found by luck, and it will be prompted when it appears in the same world as the recipient of the task)

  Reward: 10,000 points + one chance to become the host of the system 10086 (just chance)

These tasks are hard to completed and Chen Heng is person who read novel because of that he know major genres of system flow and infinite flow, but he didn't expect that there really is a master god space and system! Even there are also the two SCP Foundation containment objects, which are quite strange from the description itself.

I have a sense of existence: Is there a world fusion in your world? My world seems to have happened, but it is a daily world, there are no demons and ghosts!

One who know destiny: How do you know if there is world fusion?

Snow Queen: Ask customer service.

Future watcher: Customer service?

The customer service interface seems to can be found on the bottom layer of the folding interface.

One who know destiny: Is the phenomenon of world integration serious? Is it common

I have a sense of existence: It is rare happening actually, but let's ask customer service!

Then just ask anyway it don't spend any money.

"Hey hey, is the lady customer service here?"


"Miss Customer Service is really naughty. I have a question here, which is about world fusion. Has there been world fusion in my world?"

[Yes, the fusion started three days ago. This is why you have a vision for the future. To be honest, the probability of your situation is very low, just like buying a lottery ticket three times in a row and winning the jackpot. ]

[There is a world that is basically broken and the leftover gifts are brought along by the daily world that you are about to merge and they are given to you randomly.Because of this the Dimension Management Association been paid attention to you]

Fuck, it turned out to be this way, and Here i Wondering from where did Lao Tzu awaken his ability furthermore this kind of cheating ability.

"I want to ask, can this future vision be repaired? Since I awakened three days ago and looked at my own future , this future vision is just like a short circuit, so I can't watch anything at will."

[its Not bad after all the world is ruined and it's normal to lose some ability]

" its make a sense then can you explain in detail what happened to the world integration?"

[The integration of the world means like when the boss of a company that is about to go bankrupt brings some assets to a company that is operating normally. Just like droping ink into glass of water, the main world will randomly integrate some of the people who carry world luck in the broken world into the whole world and this make that person familiar with you but you don't know him and don't need surprised because you protected by the Dimension Management Guild that mean you will not be affected by the world, but other people will think these people are normal. ]

"What about the time?"

[time your world merges into a world that is basically without danger. ]

"Thank you, Miss Customer Service, for answering."

[You're welcome]

[By the way, even if world is broken it just physically then it will save one person then world consciousness will sleep in her body, Now that you have received a gift from that world, you are also responsible for taking care of her. ]

"Can you reveal who it is?"

[Two ceremonies, the current identity is set as the righteous daughter adopted by your parents, your sister. ]

"This is the legendary girl from nothing?"

[Okay, the Q&A is over, I still have things to do. ]

"Hello, are you there?"

 The customer service did not reply, it seems that it really hung up.

After closing chat interface Chen Heng was digesting the information he had just received First, there were two big guys fighting, and then they affected many dimensional worlds and then causing great turmoil.

i don't understand these big guys very well how strong two of them to make a fight that can destroy so many worlds how cruel of this.

Secondly, the world being merged with his world this time is daily life, Fortunately, at least it's not a world where demons and monsters are run rampant.

Then his absolute future vision come world integration abd because of this to he can joining the Dimension Management Association and then Two ceremonies, she is a Japanese, right?

Since I have benefited from this, I should take care of her. This can be regarded as a kind of life-saving grace to some extent.

Jingle Bell! Jingle Bell!

"Okay, classmates, class is over"

The bell rang when Chen Heng was thinking. Oh, no, it's the school bell.

When the teacher left, most people in the class were discussing what to eat for lunch.

" classmates a, let's go to Lanzhou Ramen opposite the school for lunch. It's closer."

"No, the beef noodles there is too little beef, and it's not cheap."

"What do you think of classmates y?"

"I want to eat beef pan noodles, classmates c, go?"

"Go, classmates b, go to Lanzhou Ramen, lets go."

"Wait for me, I'll go too"

Well, a true portrayal of high school students. I also think beef pan noodles is delicious

"Hey, Xiao Hengzi, what do you have for lunch? If you have nothing to eat, I can give you a bit, hehe." The tablemate patted Chen Heng on his shoulder.

Chen Heng did not speak, but looked at his tablemate with a very complicated gaze. Her shiny black hair fell naturally giving impression smooth and soft with white skin.

She looked at chen heng with her big watery eye that giving people image of cheerful, plus willow eyebrows stayed obediently over these big eyes, her small cherry-like mouth, plus those slender legs.

She is Chen Heng's childhood sweetheart-Mo Qingtong. Beautiful names make people more beautiful.

But Chen Heng used to looked at her and his eyes are complicated because of another thing.

" no , chen heng you still angry at me right ? as I said three day ago I didn't use much effort when I slap your forehead three days ago and isn't I personally took care of you in the ward for a day. Do you need to bear such grudges?"

Yes, she slapped Chen Heng when she was having fun with Chen Heng at her house, then Chen Heng fainted and got a vision of the future when he woke up, he always thought that because of her that he have absolute future vision.

But this is not the point that cheng hen look at her like this, the point is …

"How can I dare to bear grudge my dear Miss Mo's"

My dear... Mo Qingtong's face was smeared with a layer of pink.

"You don't have a door on your mouth, don't you speak through your head?"

How should he say every time he make she angry cheng heng want to laugh but because she is thin-skinned and she is very easy to beat people, The key is that Chen Heng has not dared to fight back. If he really laugh then the result... Please refer to three days ago for details.

"Well, all right its my fault, I apologize. and As a gift and a thank you for taking care of me for the day, I will treat you and don't worry I will take responsible for explaining to aunt."

" just treat do you think this will make me happy ?, let go just the two of us."

The lunch break was long enough for Chen Heng to invite Mo Qingtong to eat.

The gate of Canghai No. 1 Middle School opens westward.

After exiting the school gate, turn south and walk 200 meters. After crossing the main road, you will find Xiao Jiangnan restaurant.

Xiao Jiangnan is the most popular restaurant near this school by students. It is not like ordinary restaurants, In the "Xiao jiangnan", there are small rockery and small water fountains, fountains and waterfalls in the shops.

The different style makes it very popular.

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btw this novel not mine so if you want to red raw link at synopsys and this first time i translated so bear with me, if you can maybe help me to improve my translation , btw english is not my first leangue.

void_zone_98creators' thoughts