
Ironheart pirates (SIOC)

Snow, who has reincarnated in this wonderful world, didn't have much aspirations of becoming a great pirate, and he would never join the Marines. Definitely not after what they had done to his new home. Dying to sickness, left with nothing, Snow decided that if he were done anyway, he would try his luck in this vast world and at least fuck some things for the World government.

Ironwolf852 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Snow wasn't used to his powers yet, so he flapped his wings extensively to stay above Law and out of his reach. His metal feathers rustled as he tried to control his body. Under him, Law looked at him, but seeing that Snow had escaped his Room's reach, he turned his attention to Caribou, who still was holding a polar bear. With one hand movement, the bear appeared next to Law.

Snow didn't have time to tell Caribou to run before Law swung his sword, cutting Caribou into pieces. It looked like even Logia users couldn't escape the effects of Law's Room. And since no one knew how to use Haki here, Law could be considered a god within his Room. There was no defeating him inside it.

Seeing no other choice, Snow tried to hit Law with his metal feather by swinging his wings. The feathers went into many places, destroying the street and the nearby houses, and a brick wall blocked those that went at Law. Still, Snow knew that wasn't all he could do. And he knew he might not get another chance if he didn't find out what he could do now.

Flying a bit further up, Snow concentrated on his wings. He folded them and swung them at Law with all the strength he had. Two lines of metallic feathers shot out from his wings, creating an X pattern as they fell to the ground. No wall could stop these feathers as they pierced through everything. Law teleported himself to safety, sensing the danger.

"Common man, how am I supposed to fight you?" Snow asked as Law teleported to the tallest building and created another Room, trying to catch Snow in it.

"You should have thought about it before you picked a fight with me," Law replied calmly as Snow once again escaped Law's room.

The ability to fly did give Snow an advantage, but he still wasn't used to it and knew that if he kept flying around, he would soon tire himself out. Even though his feathers were powerful, fast, and regrew instantly, it meant nothing if he couldn't hit Law. And it took some effort to swing his wings. Snow knew better than anyone how much stamina he had.

"Hey! Let's talk," Snow still tried to talk even though he could see that Law had no intention of listening to him. "I said, let's TALK!"

Snow didn't know where it came from, but as he yelled, it came out as a screech—a powerful screech that made Law block his ears with his hands and let his guard down. Snow took that opportunity and dove down, using gravity to pick up speed, straight to Law. As he flew just past Law, Snow extended one of his wings and hit Law with it, knocking him to the ground.

Snow wasn't foolish enough to stop and look at how much damage he had done to Law, so instead, he flew back up into the sky. And as he turned, he saw stones flying towards him. They lost momentum as they left Law's room but were still directed at him. Rather than dodge them, Snow swung his wing and shot them down with his feathers, directing them back toward Law.

Even though Law managed to dodge them, Snow could see one arm on his stomach where Snow had hit him. Too bad Snow couldn't knock Law out in one go, but at least he did some damage. A few more hits like his and Snow might manage to take down Law. Just as Snow was going to let out another screech, he saw the Room expand, forcing Snow to fly further away.

At this distance, Snow's screech didn't have enough power to affect Law, no matter how hard Snow tried. And after a few tries, Snow could feel pain in his lungs. The pain crushed him and made him falter a bit in the air. In the battle of stamina, Snow would only lose. But he didn't know what to do, continue fighting and get fucked or retreat now and die of the disease. He didn't have a choice.

Snow knew he had to end this quickly. Not only was he running out of stamina, but it was only a question of time before the rest of Law's crewmates joined in. They shouldn't be too much trouble alone, but if they start helping Law, it might become too much for Snow to deal with. And then there was the question of how long until the Marines joined in, too.

"I tried to be civil with you," Snow said as he prepared for the last attack. "You asked it for yourself!"

"Bring it on," Law replied, preparing his sword.

"Here I go."

He only had one chance to end it, and speed was the most important factor in this last attack. The one who manages to hit another first will win. Either way, with this, the fight will be over. Getting as high as he could, Snow looked down and stared at Law before folding his wings and letting gravity take control of the fall.

Like a meteorite, Snow fell, his bronze beak directed straight at Law. Of course, Snow knew he couldn't hit Law, as he would probably teleport himself out of the way. But he also knew that Law wouldn't go far, as he would probably take the opportunity of Snow falling to the ground to cut him down. So, both of them prepared and tried to anticipate each other's movement.

Too bad for Law. Because of his devil fruit, Snow possessed incredible perception. Snow didn't miss any minute detail, such as Law twisting his wrist just as Snow was a few meters away. As Law disappeared, Snow unfolded his wings. It wasn't enough to break the fall, but it was enough to slow down and twist his body to dodge Law's sword.

Not losing momentum, Snow grabbed Law's arms with his talons and pinned him to the ground. The ground cracked upon the impact. Law coughed up blood as his back hit the ground, and Snow's beak was a few centimeters from Law's face. Without hesitation and not letting Law use his powers, Snow released the most powerful screech he could.

The glass windows shattered around them, and with bleeding ears, Law passed out. As Law's Room disappeared, Caribou reformed to his usual body. It was a relief because Snow thought he might lose the treasure he had spent so much effort to gather. He didn't want Caribou to go and spill all of it on the street. But it didn't seem like Snow could relax as he heard hurried footsteps approaching him.

First, it was the rest of the Law's crew, but beyond them, Snow heard even more footsteps and clanging of steel. It was probably the Marines with their weapons ready. Snow wouldn't stay to find out, as he didn't think he could last long with the strength he had left. So, he picked up Law and turned to the polar bear.

"Hey, I know you have no reason to trust me, and you want your captain back, but Marines are coming. So, how about a temporary truce?"

"Give our captain back first," The polar bear said, staring back down at Snow, ready to fight.

"You know that won't happen, so how about a compromise?" Snow asked as he tried to calm them down. "I won't run off with your captain, so lead us to your ship so we can hide from the Marines."

There was a moment of hesitation as the polar bear looked at his crewmates back and forth. Snow was getting impatient, as not only did he hear the Marines getting closer, but he felt Law rousing up, too. It would be problematic if it went on any longer. But luckily, the polar bear decided to listen to him this once and led them to the harbor.

"Captain!" Just in time, Snow saw Coribou walking up to them. "Big bro! I'm really sorry; I got lost."

"It's fine," Snow replied. "We are going. Follow behind us, and don't get lost this time."

With Law on his back, Snow and his crew followed the polar bear. He kept a close ear to the sound of the Marines and ensured that Law wasn't awake yet. But his lungs burned like hell, and it was already difficult to breathe, and he had to run. So, he was relieved that the port wasn't far, and they quickly reached Law's ship.

Law rose as he smelled medical herbs in the air that was mixed up with smoke. His body hurt like hell, and his ears were still ringing. As he opened his eyes, he saw the bastard who did this to him smoking from a pipe. But strangely, even though Law didn't remember even being able to hit that bastard, there was blood on his lips.

"You are a tough one, huh?" The bastard said as he took a long puff of smoke. It hasn't been even ten minutes, and you're already up. It's a good thing I still had sea stone handcuffs lying around. Otherwise, you would have already done something dangerous."

Law didn't even know what to say as he felt the handcuffs on his hands. Not only did he feel pathetic losing to his guy, but he was also now at his mercy. Looking around, he found out that he was inside his ship. His crew were surrounding him but didn't say a word. Still, Law could tell they were worried. But if he couldn't do anything to that bastard, they would have even less of a chance.

"You can kill me if you want, but leave the rest out of it," Law said, gaining the bastard's attention. "They are only fools that don't know any better."

"Kill you? After all the trouble I gone to gain you?" The bastard looked at Law like what he said was the stupidest thing he ever heard. "You know, the only reason I could defeat you was because I knew of your powers, while you didn't know anything about me. So, don't be so dejected, and don't blame me because I tried to talk to you but decided to throw punches like some common thug."

"Are you bringing me to the World Government?" Law asked as he tried to find out what this bastard wanted.


"You know of the abilities of Ope Ope no Mi; you don't want to kill nor bring me to the World Government," Law summarized what he had heard. "So, the only other reason left is that you want to use the secret ability of my devil fruit. Do you want me to do the Eternal Youth Operation?"

"Even though it sounds quite nice to get immortality, I will have to pass," Law was once again surprised by the answer he received. "I think it would only get troublesome to live for long at some point. The world is big, but I don't see myself doing anything for over a hundred years. Life would become quite boring at some point."

"Then what do you want?"

"All I want is to live," Law couldn't understand this bastard. One moment, he said it would be boring to live, and another, he wished to live. He was one crazy bastard. Law was sure of it. "You see, from where I came, everyone died because they got sick. Still, even though everyone died and I had to bury them, there was someone who was by my side for the longest time. He was the best doctor in the world. He extended others and my life as much as possible, but in the end, he still couldn't cure us. I wasn't sad that he died, as I knew as well as he knew that he would die. I was prepared for it. But what angered me was that he died in shame."

"Shame?" Law asked as he tried to understand what that bastard was talking about.

"He was ashamed of himself; he told me that he was probably the worst doctor in history who couldn't even save one life," There was something dangerous in his eyes as he said that the depths of hatred in those eyes went beyond anger and fury. "Those words got me good. The anger had replaced my fear of the Marines. All I want is to spend my last days destroying his fucked up world where such a great doctor had to be ashamed of himself. But first, I want to prove him wrong. I want to prove to him that he did save someone. That he has saved me. And you will help me with that."

Law wanted to scoff at that bastard's nonsense. But he couldn't. Law didn't know why, but he believed his words. He couldn't sense any lie in his story. And when he spoke of this doctor of his, there was only respect and love in his voice. It made Law believe him and even trust him. Law had to bite his lip to snap out of it. No matter what kind of past he had or what he wanted, he was still an enemy.


A.N. As always, If you want more, up to seven advanced chapters, you can support me on pa treon. com \ ironwolf852. And if you have any requests for stories, I will only take them on my pa treon.