

We had a small wedding with friends and family. I married Emma, Jean, Hope and Elizabeth together. It made national news considering who I am and that Emma is now a Air Marshal(equal to General in the army or admiral in the Navy).

She switched branches from military back to Air-force due to her leading the para-rescueer super soldiers. She is even responsible for giving commands to Bradley's team and determining where they need to be deployed.

We took some time off to visit my parents in Bahamas and enjoy our honey moon. Emma was already on pregnancy leave, so didn't have to bother with military. All the girls were 1-2 months from delivering the baby, so we couldn't put honey in honeymoon as often as we would have liked, but we loved the vacation anyway.

My dad, as one of the founders and directors of shield runs his own base in Bahamas. I had even given my mom the super soldier serum, since her personality allowed it. It will keep both of them safe, while allowing mom to take more active part in security of the Shield base.

My dad has even sourced some vibranium from the black market to create some Armor for her. With mixing my carbon and electricity based Armor and with vibranium particulates, he was able to create a civilian business suit for her.

While his role in Shield operations here are disguised , he officially runs a research center for marine biodiversity. My mom also supports him there as head of administration while he is head of research.

We stay there for two months, delivering all the babies in presence and care of their grandparents. During this time, I didn't some quality time with my parents, discussing family, the stark industries, the SHIELD and global affairs.

I come clean to dad about foreign spys in our company and about the existence of Arnim Zola and hydra within shield. He is shocked at first but said that he had his suspicions since Winter Soldier incident.

We discuss everything we know about the red room and the hand and how to deal with them. If we could turn those spying on us against their masters, we might find opportunities for dealing a lethal blow to them.

I tell my dad that I'm getting pressure from military to increase our production of super soldiers and insist on introducing the program to other special forces in the army. My dad tells me that US military and others have already been experimenting with our super soldier serum from blood of super soldiers and copies I gave to us military for testing.

Their success rate is atrocious. They have to end up killing or imprisoning highly trained soldiers because of SSS(super soldier serum) side effects of excessive aggression. Especially Compared to us. We sit at a comfortable 100% success rate.

I tell him that I'll introduce a new scheme to military through Emma. Any potential super soldiers from other branches will have to go through training and become para-rescueers before I approve of their transformation. They can switch branches back after they served in Bradley's or Emma's team for a year to adapt to the changes.

The training and tours as rescue teams will provide me with enough personality data to determine whether they are compatible with SSS or not. They need to be able to value life of others more than themselves to be able to avoid the side-effects.

They need to show that they will jump in the line of fire to save their comrades, civilians and strangers. Even though we've showcased to military that women have an easier time coping with the side effects, they are not immune to it as a population. It's just that if 2 out of 10 men are compatible, 4 out of 10 women are compatible.

Since the adoption of the SSS program, the military recruitment has shot through the roof. Especially for para-rescueers. They used to have an 80% rejection rate before the recruitment boom, now only 5% of the people who start training make it through.

It's training program was already popularly called Superman school, now I've made it literally a Superman school.

Since our wedding, the other generals in the military have been making some noise about conflict of interests with me making super soldiers and Emma leading them.

They've gradually promoted Captain Bradley to the rank of Colonel to hand over super solder team's leadership to him. They can't really undermine Emma this way without me, Bradley and other soldiers under her command making a fuss. So they give her command of an Airforce research Base.

To appease us, they've promised a close working relationship between that base and stark industries to develop next generation fleet. I'm perticularly excited because the chief airforce scientist who will be answering to Emma will be doctor Wendy Lawson, or as I know her, MAR' VEL.

Eventually one by one, I became father of 3 sons and one daughter. I the eldest is son of me and Jean . We named him Jean Blaze Stark. With Emma , we named our son Frost Glaze Stark. We named our daughter with Hope as Nicole Pym-Stark. Our son with Betsy (Psylock) is named Sai kun Stark.

We celebrate for another month, before Emma gets the call that she is needed in her leadership role at the Airforce research center. Most of us leave for New York, while Emma leaves for her secret base.

I take stock of everything that happened while I was gone. My head of development, Darren Cross had come up with a gun design. He and Maya Henson were partially running the company while I was gone .

Darren had named the gun as Crosark M-A. It was the size of an SMG , but held much bigger rounds. With his perticularly speciality being optimisation of existing tech, he has created a gun that was 50 years ahead of its time.

The gun was designed to use 2 main types of bullets, anti personal 8.6 mm rounds and anti material .50 bmg round. Because the rounds were so different in size, the gun had to have different chambers like a revolver. Because of 2 interchangable chamber design, the shell of the bullet could not be eliminated traditionally and had to be eliminated from the bottom of the barrel instead of sideways.

The 8.6 is already overkill for current adversaries, but with the world rapidly evolving, it is the right size. .50 bmg might become even more nessasary when enemy get their own supper soldiers.

.50 bmg is a special round. It is just big enough to hold a payload. It can be turned into specialised ammunition like incendiary , explosive , thermal homing and shotgun pallets (dragon's breath ammo). With the right choice of ammunition, it can take on anything.

The barrel itself is also designed to have multiple functions. It has built in suppressor and recoil compensator throughout the barrel such that it helps make sure that all the hard in the barrel are completely burnt, maximising the energy imparted into the bullet.

It's rifling is also drastic, it converts some of the linear motion of the bullet into rotational motion to add stability. The integrally suppressed barrel is designed such that the bullet gradually gains speed and rotation rather than all at once.

At the end of the barrel is a breacher device. This device allows point blank shooting without hurting the user with ricochet. It is also designed to reduce any recoil or light signature of the weapon.

The end product is a weapon with almost 0 recoil, small in size and versatile in its use. If used with correct ammunition, it makes traditional heavy machine guns and bazooka obsolete. While one .50 bmg bullet might not be same as a single RPG, emptying a whole magazine of explosive .50 bmg on the target is faster and does the same job, sometimes even better than firing a RPG would.

The gun itself looks like a futuristic SMG. While it is smaller in length to most current military standard guns, it is much bigger than them in height/depth. This is to accommodate the suppression and discharge of empty shells.

It has a cuboid chamber sticking out of its side, where most guns would usually excrete their shells from. The cuboid chamber holds a .50 bmg Bullet . When it is pushed in, the .50 bmg can be shot, while another chamber is pushed out in the other side.

The gun is mechanically designed to pull in the right chamber depending on the magazine used, but this added push option allows the user to use single ammunition as required. One can even keep using this in that manner like a bolt action rifle, reloading after every shot directly in the chamber , instead of magazine feed.

It is truly a Marvel if engineering. The government didn't reveal any competition or ask us to make them, but we took the initiative ourselves. I pat Darren in his back, appreciating his hard work. I suggest a few changes to increase reliability and ease of maintainance.

We submit our design for military approval and they are excited by it. They order 10000 pieces for testing, but have to announce a competition with our specs to keep things fair. I'm confident no one can match our product.

By now, Hope has left her father's company due to some infighting and joined my company. I leave the company to hole and Jean , to go to Emma's research center with Betsy.

At Emma's center, I met and befriend Wendy Lawson and participated in her research. I am both her research partner and her test pilot, creating a rift between her friendship with her last test pilot Carol Denvers.

During my time working on the light speed engine, I recive the bad news that master of new York Sanctum has died fighting a demon. He had put up my name as his successor.

I'm actually a much weaker Sorcerer than all my girls. They have unlimited access to different dimensions and are much more suited to dimensional Sorcerery than me. My specialization lies in chakra, internal energies.

I'm still trained to use energy from other dimensions, but avoid it since it comes with some backlash. I'm pretty surprised that he chose to nominate me as the next master of the sanctum. I will ofcourse have to talk with the ancient one before anything is finalised.

I quickly portal to her to talk about the death of my mentor and his wishes regarding his successor. The ancient one acknowledge my strengths and weaknesses and tells me that the sanctums are some of the most well protected places in the multiverse, making me think for my children.

She further tells me that my own hesitance with using magic is actually a good thing for a master of the sanctum, but my main problem lies in my ties with the world.

A master in this order is tasked with protecting the planet and the dimension from inter-dimensional/existential threats. If I'm too busy playing kingmaker in our world, how will I have time to protect it. I acknowledge her assessment and tell her that if an interim could be assigned, I can finish my plans with SHIELD, the hand and the red room within a year. She tells me that she would approve of her own student Betsy for such a role.

I call a meeting with the girls and reassess our plans.

Time skip-5 years, -1999.

I live a wonderful life with my 5 wives and our children . Maya Henson has joined the club. She is still subservient to me and Jean though, despite being our equal in all sense.

We live in the New York Sanctum, where I am tasked with protecting the universe. Emma is now the Chief Marshall of the air force after successful integration of watered down version of light speed engine to the forces.

I had coordinated with Wendy Lawson to settle the skrull population in Mars. I will help them turn it into a more habitable place, but they have to be welcoming of humans when we reach a interplanetary stage.

They will create a new history for themselves and leave behind their culture and adopt a new one. Wherever they encounter kree, they just have to pretend that they don't know what kree and skrulls are and that they are martians, unrelated to any such conflicts.

Even after some terra forming, Mars is hostile enough that they will have to create under ground bases and will have to pretend that their species originated there.

Wendy eventually agreed, since even if she could use the light speed engine to escape the kree, it was never a guarantee that they could find a habitable place.

That day, the race of skrulls ended, finishing the war and a new secret race of martians were introduced to history going forward. Some skrulls were unhappy with this, but it was this or fight the kree or run from them forever. This will allow them to repopulate, grow back in strength.

Since the planet Mars is so close to earth, it might even fall under the protection of Asgard as a part of Midgard. I've even talked to the ancient one about the possibility of a Mars sanctum. She is positive about it, but said that it will take a lot of time, until Mars can independently house life, without needing my gadgets.

During my year before taking the reign as master of New York Sanctum, I had initialed my own plan to rule the world. I had converted Malena(my secratary) from the red room and Jade (Jean's secratary) from the hand to my side. They thought they were seducing me, not knowing that I was seducing them .

After some Frank conversation with Malena, we decided that she will directly with under me to take over the red room , the KGB and rule the newly established Russia through them.

With Jade, I planned out they extermination of 5 heads of the hand, also known as the 5 fingers. Jade was a direct disciple of madam Gau and will eventually take on her.

Betsy used to be under Murakami , she will take over his part of the organisation. We asked Malena to take on Alexandra Reid after she has the backing of KGB to further increase her own power within Russia.

Sowande was an infamous warlord and black market arms dealer in Africa. I was bound to find that he was trading vibranium as well. After buying some from him, I gave it back to wakanda and put them on his trail. He is already under scrutiny from chaste, with black panther after him, he is sure to die.

This also gave me an opportunity to meet some members of the disorganised chaste and share with them my plan for the hand. I told them that just killing them will leave a great power vacuume , I need to take over their assets to avoid unnecessary wars.

I tracked down and killed bukoto myself. While the planning part took a long time, they ask had to be killed within hours of each other to not raise excess suspicion.

Once I had control of the hand, I had underground rule over most of the major countries like china, Japan, south Africa and all of Europe and Australia. They had a lot of activities in India and South America as well, but nothing to impressive considering their operations in other countries.

Due to Malena now ruling underground Europe, she could also manipulate the politicians to increase relationship between Russia and NATO.

Jade was given all of Asian operations. She was able to curb the terrorism problem coming from arab nations, making it unlikely that we will see a 9/11 like event in this world.

African operations were shared with a high ranking members of the chaste. A lot of ethically dubious fronts were closed and they focused their resources on improving the continent. Now that they and wakanda were aware if reach other, they even coordinated and shared information with each other.

I kept the leash on American operations (both North and South)until I had to take over new York Sanctum. At that point I handed the reigns to Betsy.

Australia is actually now the new HQ of the New hand. We don't interfere too much there, don't shit where you sleep and all that. We still have our pull there, but we don't use to that much to enact change.

Through the new hand, I have control over the whole world. I am the deep state, the illuminati.