

My first reaction to realising that I'm Tony stark in Marvel was panic. Seeing my baby self so stressed, my new mother brought me to her chest and started feeding me, calming me down.

I was disturbed by the possibilities of demons, evil gods, underground Neo Nazis and meta human accidents. Thankfully I'm Tony stark, if any human could overcome these, it's probably him, or Bruce Wayne, but we take what we get.

In my baby phase, in close to both my parents. I'll try my best to make sure my and Howard's relationship doesn't turn out like the one in the orignal. I'm not an actual child, so I would be more understanding of his busyness, but he better compensate for his absence.

I maintain a close relationships with my mother, showing myself as a genius by learning to talk and walk faster than any kids could. I even started talking to one of our Mexican nany in Spanish, learning it from her.

By the time I'm fluent in two languages, other kids my age would barely be saying their first words. I tell my parents that I want to learn more languages. They are surprised and my father asked me 'why'.

I tell him that a language is not just a language. It is historical, fictional, theological and cultural look into a different cultures. Learning a new language means I can learn about different stories that exist in the world, that are yet to be translated to English.

My father is pretty impressed with me, but is taken aback that I've read any theological books. He is a pretty staunch atheist and looks down on religious folk as sheep. I show him my nanny's Spanish Bible and our butler Jarvis's old testament in English.

I show him passes I had marked out after reading historical texts and talking with the nanny and Jarvis. I show him how each Bible was different in different aspects while holding true to the same mythology.

The English Bible had phases that were ment to keep peasant folk in line, while the Spanish version that was popular in Mexico had subtle differences, meant to assimilate a new culture by disparaging their own previous culture.

My father was happy that I could look at religion with prospective rather than zeal. He agreed to get me some teachers for different languages.

He ended up using his contajcts to find me an old guy. His resume was shiny. Name - Bruce Harold. 20 years in the army, 15 of them as special forces green beret. 15 years as cia operative. Did my dad literally find Jane's bond to give me my lessons.

I give him my full respect as this is a man who fought in the world war with captian America, was integral and forward facing part of the still ongoing Vietnam war and faced the cold war with USSR as part of the CIA.

My teacher is strict but fair. He would punish bad behaviour by asking me to do push ups and sit ups. Sometimes, that's the cost of standing up for what your belive and not bowing down to the propoganda.

He would reward my academic performance and good behaviour with his war stories. He would keep the names out of them, referring to languages they spoke instead of countries they were in, but every story of this veteran was awesome. It almost makes stories of captain America sound boring.

The old veteran even got me into phisical training, even though I'm just 2 years old. When others my age are just starting to walk, I have a full phisical training regime.

After an year had passed Bruce had become one of my closest people, second only to my mother and Jarvis. Seeing my good progress in all languages, my dad offered Bruce a job overseeing our security.

Bruce was really fit, but was already over 60. He couldn't be a normal bodyguard to jump in front of a bullet. But he could be the chief of guards, coordinating with other guards and deviceing the tactics for our protection.

By the time I was 5 years old, I was already a black belt in brazilian jujutsu, teakwondo and jujutsu. These all have aspects of fighting against bigger and stronger opponents that are most relevant to me as 5 year old.

I was still learning boxing, kick-boxing and wrestling. The concept of mixed martial arts is not developed yet. As such, there is no real format that brings the best of these forms together, I'll just have to make one.

After hearing a story about captain America for the hunderth time, I asked my dad to tell me about his creater, Dr. Abraham Erskine. He told me of the days he worked with him to create vita rays chamber.

I was already a smart kid, beyond highschool in my understanding of sciences, so I kept bothering him to show me some of Dr. Erskine's work. No way that such a legendary figure would have worked on only a single thing.

Howard promised that he will try to get anything not classified that he can get his hands on. By the next week he gave me 2 sets of papers.

First was in German and could be translated as "Biochemistry of men and animals". It was his first research project that helped him gain his PhD and was the basis for his life's work. It talked about the role of harmons in muscle and tissue growth and performance.

The second was a diet and training regime that Dr Erskine thought would turn anyone superhuman if followed thoroughly for years. The military thought it as a joke never classified it. In this world, Dr Erskine didn't have any family so it was not controlled by his estate either.

I thanked my dad profusely as I hugged and kissed him. He was happy with my reaction. I took the papers to my room to read at my pleasure.

The diet and training started to show results. By the time I was 7, I was as tall as a 13 year old boy. I had abs as a 7 year old. I would be embarrassed, but these are the spoils of my labour. After the harsh training and restrictive diet, I wear these abs like a badge of honour.

My world changed During one of my dad's ballroom events. I met young Emma Frost. She was a year older than me and second in line to the seat of Frost industries. I even met her older sister Whitney at the event.

This whole time I was under the impression that I just had to deal with the MCU, but now, it seems I'll have to deal with x-men and probably every Marvel comic as well.

After returning home, I begged my dad to shift to New York. Emma goes to school there. He knew I didn't have any friends my age, so after some consideration, we moved to New York .

I joined Emma's school. All my life, I had been home schooled, so wasting 7 hours on this felt wasteful. But atleast I'll make some new friends.

It just so happens that 2 other future Avengers also go to this school. Hope Van Dyne and Stephen Strange. I make quick friends with hope and Emma. Steven is 2 years senior to us, so I just greet him now and then.

After my 6 months in the school, my dad is even more happy with our move to New York. The school we go to is one of the most exclusive and expensive private school. I'm making friends with industry leaders of America and the world while I'm here. There are children of royalties and UN dignitaries in the school as well.

Because of a lot of Military and shield base near new York, he is able to reduce some of his own travelling times as well. He is also able to become friends with someof the parents of my schoolmates, increasing stark industries standing in the world.

Emma and Hope become such good friends with me that we could often be seen at my home tinkering with machines and such. While Emma usually didn't have the will to pursue sciences, constantly being around me and hope has changed that to a degree.

Before moving in to New York, Howard had to create alab for himself in the new house, so I asked that he build one for myself as well. When Howard is working in his lab, I often assist him, getting some great father-son bonding. When he is not home, I usually work on my own projects in my own lab.

When I'm 11, I approach Howard with a project of mine. It is a prototype satalite telescope. Usually, a satalite telescope can take readings in limited Electro-Megnatic spectrums. Mine is deferent in that it can detect every type of E-M signal and differentiate it.

It is still a prototype, barely the size of a football. I want my dad to launch it in geo synchronous orbit, above new York City. Because it's a prototype and so small, it is better used to predict weather than to uncover the mysteries of the universe.

My dad is actually very excited about this project. He gets with some of his employees and launches my satalite into the sky, without bothering with government permission. Once it is in its place, we moniter the readings from it and it works as expected.

My dad instantly asks my help to build a bigger one to point at our sun. He is currently working on the Arc reactor, and readings from such a telescope might just be the breakthrough he needs.

I help him with this project while I continue to filter my readings from my satalite that I had named oracle. During one of these readings, I found the anomaly I was looking for. New York Sanctum.

I helped my dad plan and build the telescope. We couldn't launch a big thing to space without the government finding out, so we decided to send it in small bits such that it could assemble itself in the orbit. These could be disguised as enthusiast launches or students wanting to test their prototypes.

After the launch, I told my friends Emma and hope about my readings and asked them to come with me to check it out. We went to the entrance of new York Sanctum and knocked. An old lady in monk robes opened the door.

We introduced ourselves and inquired about the place. They tried to shoo is away but I brought up the readings and showed her the pictures of certain EM waves avoiding the mansion. I brought up my guess that it is magic wards, while Emma though that the house was haunted.

The lady was interrupted by master of the sanctum, a middle aged black guy. The sanctum master introduced himself and the concept of magic to us. We told him that we wanted to learn it. He refused, telling us we were too young to pay the costs of magic.

I still insisted that my curiosity is much more to understand the magic and not necessarily to cast it. I told him that I will constantly bring out new devices to measure and moniter magic and he will have to be my lab rat and assistant. If he teaches me magic, I can do the experiments by myself.

He told me that as long as I keep magic a secret, he will assist he with my experiments, saying that atleast that will make sure that my experiments are under his supervision. The girls also promise to keep magic a secret, but they might have to reveal the location of their visit, since their bodyguards often follow them.

Over the next few years, me and my friends go to New York sanctum in the name of learning martial arts after school. We do end up learning a lot of martial arts here afterall.

The libraries of Sorcerers are some of the oldest and biggest collections of knowledge anywhere. For people who's day job is fighting demons, martial arts is bound to develop greatly. Even the master of the sanctum is a veteran of the US navy who fought in world war.

During our time here, I develop alot of technology to study and understand magic, even adding to sorcerer's own understanding of magic.

After all, it is one thing to know that sun gives of light and heat, but another to know what light is , it's speed of travel and its capacity to transfer that energy through mechanisms like photosynthesis.

After a year of this, We were finally exposed to some of the magics that were not considered Sorcerery. By that time, we were still too young to handle magic of greater beings and dimensions, but we could start to learn by observing our own energies.

A human body has 3 main sources of energies, according to Sorcerers. One is qi, the energy we get from eating food and optimise with phisical exersise. It flows in our blood in the form of ATP molecules and harmones.

Second is the Psionics energy we get from consuming qi. It takes the form of our experience, knowledge, emotional control and logical reasoning.

Psionic energy and qi form the combination of yin and Yang, combining to create chakra, a more versatile form of energy that can be used for magic similar to Sorcerer's . Chakra, although versatile, can have perticular propensities towards lighting, heart, illusions, etc. depending on one's personality.

The third type of energy in humans is soul energy. It's a trans dimensional form of energy, similar to lightforce and darkforce. It interacts with the world to form the metaphysical concepts of fate and Karma.

The sorcerer's told us that using qi and psionic energies or even chakra of oneself in limited amounts would not harm us. We have to just make sure to not exhaust ourselves.

As for magic from other dimensions, like most Sorcerers use, it creates backlash and accumulation of poisonous energy in body. Because of limitations of humans, the native energies are not enough to practice magic at the scale to protect the multiverse.

For an asgardian, their energies native to their body is so high that they don't need to tap into other sources. For example, Thor's lightning is formed by combining his Qi from his body and psionic energy from his ferocious personality to create lightning chakra.

Humans can only do smaller things with just their qi or psionic energies. Basic human limit for psionic abilities are similar to Sherlock Holmes. Memory castle can increase memory. Mine Logic gates and algorithms like occam's razor. Hipnotism and face/body language reading are also skills that use this energy.

Qi abilities mostly come in form of phisical enhancement. Increasing your strength, speed, agility and endurance can be achieved by reinforcing the body with qi. More exotic types of qi abilities would be disrupting opponents ki, stunning them or even paralysing then if hit at certain points.

Humans don't inherently have chakra, they have to have training like that of Sorcerers to create chakra from qi and psionic energy. Sorcerers themselves use chakra minimally because of how little can be produced at a time, atleast by a normal human.

We started our training under the supervision of master of the New York Sanctum and the ancient one, Sorcerer supreme. This was our first time meeting her and master introduced her to us as the leader of the order.

She gave us a motherly smile and told us to tread lightly upon the path of Sorcerery. She was even impressed with my scientific findings about magic and said that the two fields are rather compatible and complementary.

After being taught basics of observing qi and psionic energy, we found a few anomalies.

I have excess qi compared to normal humans because of the diet and exercise Dr Erskine developed to create super humans.

Emma on the other hand, had excess of psionic energy. She admitted that she was great at reading people, but she knew nothing more about it than we did.

After observing such anomalies, we wanted to control it, even increase it. I told the girls that if they follow my guidelines with regard to diet and exercise, I can guarantee an increase in their qi. We still don't know how Emma got so much psionic energy do we don't know how to replicate it.

From the libraries, we even found some mental techniques to increase our memory, logical thinking, and emotional control. Hopefully practicing these techniques will give us some insight to increase our psionic energy.