
CHAPTER 4 mystery of dead

So as we know iron man came to know that his father was killed not died in accident so he starts to search for more and more evidence .

next morning 12 am ,

ova Stan . Tony tony tony may I come in my son

stark . no 😆 old man stay out of new era , just joking come in .

ova .so what happens ? looking little bit angry?

stark . no I m not .

listen if I say that my parents was killed not died in accident than ?

Stan . wow, stark I think you need rest because it is confirmed 12 yrs ago that he was died in fatal accident near iping

stark . iping where is it , I want to visit right now .

Stan ok go but stark listen you are finished ..

stark . what , how and why ?

Stan . board of directors are against and they need new boss so you have just 4 weeks from now ...

stark .. oo new boss and who is that ?

Stan .. no one else it is me

stark.. oo than we have to celebrate because Stark industry means tony stark not Stan so just chill , I will take everything thats mine .

Stan .. ya this is something I want to heard . so what's your plan ..

stark .. sniper , missels .

Stan .. woowwww sounds goods so when we have to start on it .?

stark . now , even I have finished half of my work so just chill , open the tap and let's have some bear , soda and enjoy the ride baby ...

Stan.. sure stark .. my son is back from the ride


ok so where is iping I want to visit that place and also want to know more about there .

Stan ok tony as your wish but always remember past is unchange able but future is still in your hands so please don't destroy our future , ok my son.

stark.. ok I will try my best .

so at the time 12 I reach iping and get shock by the view of that place , Hi-Tech area , cool streets etc and than I saw the same person there also .

stark. stop I said stop who the hell are you and why you are following me , for graduation fee if you need that just call to my assistant ok .

mandrin .. just chill , I don't need any money I just want to kill you , not once but every single day ...

tony .. want to kill me , why even I don't know you ? who are you , why you want to do that ?

mandrin .. because Stark industry has destroy Everything that I had , your father and your company both are going to be destroyed one by one .

this is my promise , promise of a mandrin and I m going to finish you as soon as I can .

and after saying this mandrin start crying and he asked tony

did you remember the day when your father got this job , did you remember anything ?

stark .. not at all and remember one thing never mess with me . ok just stay out of my life and area you son of Bitch ,.

mandrin ... let's see who is going to die and say hi to Stan 👾👾👾

stark ...😳 how you know Stan ,

mandrin ... I work for Stan he is my boss and he want to kill you as soon as possible .

stark ... 😰😰😰 no you are telling lie this can't be possible , he is my best friend , you lier? get ready for what you wish for ....

mandrin .. use his 1ring ring of fire and burn the entire place , and tony stark toooo ....

and than he use second ring ring of Earth and crush the tony stark ...

😵😵😵😵 stark .... no my heart rates are going too slow Please help me please help me , and stark felt down .

mandrin ..now I feel like I m back ...


tony was injured very badly and lots of iron was filled in his chest and because of this there is chances that he will die as soon as possible

so he was on the ground and realize that he is just like another man's and one day he is also going to die 😖😖😖

tony ... no god no I didn't want to die like this at least let me eat my favorite chocolate ice cream once 😥