
Iron Forces

Tony Stark ends up in a completely different universe where no one knows his name and the technology, despite being in space, is about as imaginative as technology from the Cold War era. What is a genius to do? Stage a (friendly) takeover, of course. This novel I bring to you from forums that not so many had visited and it's hard to find constantly updated stories. Forum stories of origin: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12745925/1/Iron-Forces All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Longing.For.The.Stars] Author!!!

Terrier · Movies
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28 Chs

17. Chapter

After his heart-to-heart - heart to core coding? - with FRIDAY, Tony just didn't feel up to interacting with a large group of people. The Organas had left for Naboo and Tony was debating the merits of going after them. He would go into the lab, but Suffee had locked himself in there to conspire with FRIDAY or something. As it was, Kovlo was alone on the bridge, so that was where Tony went.

"Boss, I think you'd want to take a look at this," FRIDAY announced. She called up an image of a post on StarkNet on the closest StarkPad. Kovlo gave them a curious look but politely turned back to the work Tony had assigned him. Tony glanced over to make sure the Rodian was correctly completing the simulation before going over what FRIDAY sent him, slowly raised his eyebrows as he read through it.


#StarkInDanger #StarkAlert #SOStark #DeslaverDroid

Am I the only one who noticed that the Deslaver Droid is following the Y-not? The Y-not landed on exactly 2 planets. Less than 200 miles away from wherever he lands, guess what appears? We have to protect Tony Stark!


[Site Correction: #IronMan / Iron Man]

-TSAfter he finished, Tony let out a low whistle. "Already? I expected them to catch on after four or five planets, not two! Make a note to hire whoever wrote that post when SI gets moving. That guy is on point."

"Girl," FRIDAY corrected. "What do you want to do about it? Only seventeen people have seen it so far. I can delete the post or bury it."

"Not gonna work on the rabid fan types. They'll just repost it," Tony said, shaking his head. "Is there any way to show off one of our products or advertise? Maybe post a video with a stroll through the Y-not? Just make something more interesting to cover it up."

"I have a better idea," FRIDAY claimed. "Leave it to me!"

Tony watched as a separate browser opened and FRIDAY made a false account to send a email-style transmission. Seeing who it would be sent to, he lifted his eyebrow and jokingly asked, "Bail? He's way past the alarming 'twice your age' level."

FRIDAY's only reply was a giggle. She finished writing her letter within seconds and sent it to the younger Organa before Tony could even start reading it. "Don't worry. An hour after Bail reads the message, no one will be talking about Iron Man. They'll be talking about me." She made another giggle-like noise before closing that window.

Tony inwardly shrugged and turned back to show Kovlo how to check the security of the ship and several tactics of how to contain intruders with the electrical gates and descending blaster-proof partitions. "It's all in the corners," Tony lectured, pointing. "You have to be careful over here and here, because I haven't updated those areas yet."

"So over in the blue-shaded regions…" Kovlo trailed off as the hissing noise indicated the doors opening. Both Tony and Kovlo turned to see who entered.

"Who's that?" Galee asked as she strutted into the bridge in whatever the latest Coruscanti fashion statement was. Tony eyed her questionably-colored top and obligingly followed her pointed finger to the main terminal. The hologram floating above it made him choke on air.

"Gkk!" Tony bit out between coughs. "What is that?"

Slowly rotating several inches above eye level was a 3-D image of a female version of his head and upper torso, albeit with several… differences.

Namely, a thinner face, longer hair, more delicate features, no beard, a slimmer set of shoulders, and a nicely-formed pair of breasts. In other words, a feminine version of him.

"Is that your mother?" Kovlo asked. He politely continued, "She is very beautiful. I see a definite resemblance. You must take after her."

"I take after my dad, not my mom," Tony said blankly. "Friday, who the kriff is that? Is that my doppelganger? I mean, dang! I knew that everyone had a twin somewhere in the universe, but dear universe messed up and created a female-me! Is there a Rhodey-ganger or a Pepper-ganger? No, wait. We need to contact her. Think of all the pranks we can play on the crew! Quick, where is-" "That's me," FRIDAY interrupted.

Tony paused. "Friday…" His train of thought caught up quickly. "Wait, this is your hologram? Holoform?"

"What is this?" Galee asked insistently.

"It's me," FRIDAY answered, a question in her voice.

"It appears Miss Friday has decided to create an avatar," Kovlo answered, eyes on the hologram. His eyes flicked to Tony and back, comparing them. In the end, the edges of his mouth tipped down in a small grimace. "No offense meant, Miss Friday, but this is rather…"

"Off-putting?" Tony suggested.

"Disgusting," Galee finished. She shook her head. "A child should not... Well, no, that's not the real problem, is it? The problem here is that you look like twins, when he is supposed to be your father . I know we can't do anything about his age, but another set of alleles… Friday, sweetie? How 'bout you let me help?"

"Help?" FRIDAY echoed.

"Yes, help. I know the latest fashions. I know how to coordinate your complexion to your eye color and hair. And," she emphasized, fluttering her hands and steering Kovlo and Tony towards the exit, "I know what boys like."

"Really?" FRIDAY asked hopefully.

"Yep! My shift's soon, isn't it? I can't work and monitor the stations at the same time, can I? I need to call in a few favors. Open up a line to Charell and Suffee. I need backup." Galee clapped her hands.

"Okay," FRIDAY agreed.

Kovlo shrugged and stepped out of the room, looking at Tony. "My shift is almost over. Galee was supposed to take over for me."

"Are you sure they'll watch the controls? Galee's going to go fashion-crazy on Friday," Tony said worriedly.

"Nothing really happens this far into the Core Worlds, and we're not even flying. We're just drifting. Besides, Charell and Suffee will be there. Charell does not care about looks as much, and Suffee will be a grounding presence," Kovlo reassured him. The two turned to look towards the stairs as they heard a pair of footsteps approach.

"Fashion emergency! Out of the way," Charell demanded, nearly shoving Kovlo aside. Tony stepped against the wall before she could do the same to him. Poor Suffee was dragged along at her heels, wrist in a vice-grip. The Rodian looked at Tony pleadingly.

'Help me,' Suffee mouthed to Tony in alarm.

Tony shook his head. 'Sorry,' he mouthed back. He wasn't going to go back in that den. He turned back to Kovlo as the door slid open again and they could hear Galee berating FRIDAY.

"Brown and maroon? What are you thinking?!"

"It's gold and scarlet!" FRIDAY protested. "The colors just don't translate well with holomatter!"

"Well, you'd be using holomatter, correct? So shouldn't you choose colors that look okay in holomatter?" Suffee asked hesitantly. "Sorry! No! I didn't mean anything by it! No. No!" the Rodian yelled in alarm a split second later. The door shut.

"Nah, I don't think that Suffee's going to be grounding anyone. I didn't even know Charell was such a girly-girl. Should we go save him?" Tony muttered, looking over his shoulder to make sure neither Galee or Charell were listening.

"Well, Suffee can man the stations while the girls go crazy," Kovlo decided.

-Insert Quote HereInside the safe room, locked inside its tiny, shielded box, the artifact slowly filled up its space with what appeared to be moldy green ooze. It leaked out of the artifact's pores in a slow but steady trickle, covering the bottom of the isolation box with a murky film.

-Insert Quote HereThe StarkWatch on Tony's wrist beeped as Tony walked up the stairs. Galee demands that you update the holotransmitters, scrolled down the face of the watch. Tony snorted and opened his mouth to reply to Kovlo, when there was another beep. Requesting your presence in the kitchens to taste-test a cake for Kovlo. Don't let him know.

"Right-o," Tony said, clapping his hands, "gotta cook. See you in a bit." He clapped Kovlo on the shoulder and marched toward the kitchen.

"Excellent. It is my turn to cook dinner. Will you be assisting me?" Kovlo asked, jogging a bit to catch up. He stumbled, catching himself on the wall, and looked down. "My eyelets are gone," he said, frowning slightly at his boots, like it was their fault. Tony looked down and snorted. Sure enough, the metal eyelets of Kovlo's shoes were gone, leaving behind misshapen holes in the boots and fraying laces.

"Actually, I'm taking over. You just go to the lounge or something. Fix up whatever happened with those shoes," Tony said casually.

"You never cook. You said you don't know how to," Kovlo pointed out with a frown.

"And you always cook. It's time for me to get some experience," Tony bantered. "Seriously, I'm giving you a break, sort of like a thank-you present. Just relax." The Rodian gave Tony a dubious look before heading down the hall. Tony waited to make sure Kovlo was actually going upstairs to the rec. room before opening the door. "Where's the cake?" he asked, announcing his presence to the room. The very empty room.

"Hey Fri? I was promised cake. Where's the cake?" he asked.

Wait 21 seconds.

Shrugging, Tony perched in one of the four booths the 'cafeteria' offered. Right on the twentieth second, the door slid open and Kristoff walked in. With no cake.

Kristoff glanced at him, then ambled over to the high counter that separated the kitchen from the eating area. He peered over, then looked back over to Tony. "I was promised cake?" he asked questioningly.

"So was I," Tony admitted, drumming his fingers on the table. "Is it Kovlo's birthday?"

"Not for a couple months. Why?" Kristoff asked.

Tony frowned. "The cake's for him, right?"

"Uh, no. He's cooking the cake. The cake's for Suffee," Kristoff answered.

"That makes no sense. Kovlo's been in the bridge for the last four hours," Tony informed him, a sinking feeling in his stomach. "Who told you he was baking a cake?"

"Friday did," Kristoff answered, walking into the door. He let out a swear, holding his bleeding nose. "The door's stuck! Stop playing around, Friday! Open it."

"It's not going to open," Tony told him. He glanced at the camera. Like he suspected, they were all off.

"Kriffing-" Kristoff cursed, following Tony's eyes to the camera. "Are we being hacked? Attacked?"

"Unlikely. Friday probably just got tired of us going circles around each other, so she locked us in until we make up or something. She's monitoring our stats. until she thinks we're relaxed enough or let off some friendship hormones."

"Wouldn't it be easier to listen in?" Kristoff asked.

"If I say the right codes or give the correct hand signal, the door will open. Friday's preventing that by turning off the camera feeds and microphones. We'll either have to wait until dinnertime or resolve our issues," Tony said calmly.

Kristoff stood up and crossed his arms. "I have no issues with you, personally and professionally," he said, meeting Tony's eyes. "Do you have a problem with me?"

Considering the man before him thoughtfully, Tony said honestly, "I don't think I do." And, condemningly, it was the truth. He had worked alongside the woman who mindraped him. He had gotten rid of his anger the man whose hand strangled his mother. He had fought at the side of the man who used him while hiding his parents' murders for years. This one spacer who had some suspicious side-jobs? Done. Over with it. It stung, but the pain faded and Tony got over it, like he always did.

"Then why are we here?" Kristoff asked, unaware of Tony's introspection.

"What is between you and Fett?" Tony asked, not out of true criticism, only curiosity.

Unexpectedly, Kristoff winced. "I owe him. A lot. So now I have to repay him." He lifted his chin and met Tony's gaze squarely. "I'm paying him using my own money. I'm using my own spare time, and it neither affects my performance on missions or my duties on the ship. I admit to using your resources, but they are open to the crew to use freely."

Tony nodded. Those were all variables he had calculated over the last week. He hated to be wrong, but it appeared for all intents and purposes that Kristoff's contact with Fett was outwardly harmless to the crew. But he still had to make sure… "And the transmissions?"

Kristoff paused. "Yeah? What about them?"

"At least one sent every standard day, sometimes as many as three, usually sent after we jump to a new sector or complete a mission," Tony rattled off.

Wincing again, Kristoff said, "Okay, when you put it like that, it sounds a little suspicious."

"Very suspicious," Tony agreed, rummaging in the refrigerator. He pulled out some sort of pinkish juice or cider. "Actually, not that suspicious. Galee sends about twenty of them every day, not to mention her presence on fashion blogs and StarkNet. I don't ask what she sends or to who, so I don't really have a reason to ask with you. If you feel like telling, you'll tell me, and if not, well, you have privacy as long as the team isn't in danger. Want some fruit blood?"

Taking the proffered bottle, Kristoff raised it to eye level. "You have a talent for making stuff sound horrible," Kristoff said, with a shake of his head. "Fruit blood, really? Just say cider." He narrowed his eyes, reading the label. With a shrug, he poured it out into two cups, placing one on the counter next to Tony. He raised his glass like he was toasting the inventor.

Tony took the other glass and sipped. "It's a talent I have, right along with razing cities and ruining friendships."

"A man of many talents, I see," Kristoff snarked. "I, too, have noticeable skill in the art of destroying friendships." This time, Tony toasted him. They looked mournfully at their glasses of juice. "It would be better if this had some alcohol in it," Kristoff commented. "Kovlo said Suffee hid some inside a wall, last week. Want to help me find it?" Tony offered.

"Nah, we can use some from my stash," Kristoff said, kicking a tile out of its spot on the floor and removing a bottle from the space revealed.

-Insert Quote HereFull capacity of its container reached, the trapped object could no longer exude any more sludge. Bubbling and frothing, it strained against the limits of the box it was in. Ultimately, it failed.

-Insert Quote HereCharell let out a rare giggle at FRIDAY's idea for bust size. She glanced to the sensors monitor, where Suffee was determinedly staring straight ahead, trying to ignore what was happening at the holotable. Looking back, she saw Galee tilt her head to gesture at Suffee, mouthing something. Charell wasn't sure what Galee was trying to say, but called out to the Rodian anyways.

"Hey Suffee," she said with a sing-song tone, "want to join us?"

The Rodian glanced over to the holotable terminal, looked over the gently floating avatar, then turned back at the sensor console. "Maybe less pink," Suffee suggested. "Add a blaster by her hips, maybe a bracelet or two? If you really want to be taller, then just make the avatar taller. No need for heels. If you really want to be short, then wear heeled boots. Those points are impractical."

"Don't be such a bummer. Live a little," Galee complained as FRIDAY decided to take the Rodian's advice, getting rid of her Galee-approved strappy, scarlet heels.

"I'd be playing games on my StarkPhone and doing experiments if you hadn't dragged me down," Suffee pointed out mildly. "Besides, you know the rules. Someone has to be watching the consoles at all times. I assume that's why you brought me here?"

"No, actually, we brought you here so-" Galee faltered as Suffee turned around and stared.

"You brought me so I could take over your shift," Suffee said pointedly.

"Okay, okay," Galee said, raising her hands. "Fine, if you say so. I'll pretend I brought you here to do work." She stuck her tongue at Suffee when the Rodian turned away.

"You realize I can see you through the camera?" Suffee asked.

Galee sulked. Charell shook her head in amusement, reaching for her blaster. "I have a nice blaster you can copy." Charell frowned when she realized the blaster wasn't in its holster. She flushed embarrassedly. She never went around without a weapon. Nar Shadaa had taught her better than that.

"Don't worry, I have the same model," Galee reassured, unhooking her own. "Sleek and shiny!"

"Okay," FRIDAY agreed demurely, like she had with all other suggestions, making a replica of the blaster and holster on her avatar's right hip. After a moment, the holster became a fashionable double-strap, worn brown leather turning into bright gold.

Charell raised her wrist to show FRIDAY. "How about a bracelet like this? It's pretty enough, but functional at the same time. Makes you look tough."

"'Rell, there's nothing on there," Galee said hesitantly.

Alarmed, Charell looked at her wrist. There was nothing there, the familiar weight gone. "What? I never take it off." She stood up, eyes darting to her evacuated chair and the floor, despite herself. "This thing doesn't just fall off!"

"Calm down, 'Rell. We'll find it" Suffee said soothingly.

-Insert Quote HereThe door closed behind him with an unsatisfying hiss as Bail stalked down the halls of the ship they were in. He wished for a frivolous moment that that they were still at home. The Organa Palace boasted several old-fashioned hinged doors that made very fulfilling bangs when slammed shut. The soft hum of the ship's sliding doors could not produce such a feeling.

Bail stepped inside his room, leaning back on the door when it shut seamlessly into the walls. Closing his eyes, Bail leaned his head back onto the cool metal of the door. His trivial thoughts were merely a distraction to the news his father had told him. His family was in danger because of a secret, three-thousand-year rivalry that he had never heard of in all his historical pursuits. Those 'accidents' were not accidental in any shape or form. There were people after them, fellow Alderaanians.

Unconsciously, his hand sought the hilt of the sword strapped to his belt. He only noticed it after his hand wrapped around the simple leather grip.


A smile rose, unbidden, to Bail's lips. The sword was a gift from the lady Stark. Pure songsteel, inexpertly forged.

It was almost laughable, such an expensive, exquisite metal in an amateur work, but all Bail could feel was honor at holding such a weapon. He could feel the care put into every groove, the shine of the blade and the perfect balance. It would not surprise Bail if he found out that Friday herself created it. With its imperfections, the unintentional ripples that formed in the strong of the blade, the sword would never be considered a masterpiece, but to Bail, it was priceless.

A gift to protect you, the lady Friday had claimed through her device.

I shall wear it with pride, Bail had vowed, so you fight always by my side. The words had rang with quiet promise.

It did not escape Bail that the traditional roles had been reversed. Friday had made the first steps to courtship. It was Friday who had brought him a gift, one that she herself created. She was different from all the other women he knew, with their painted faces and simpering words.

Bail wished that he had the foresight to ask Friday for a way of contacting her, but in his excitement, Bail had forgotten. He needed some advice, and he was sure Friday had some. She would know about being in the shadows of a father that seemed to do no wrong, who seemed invincible.

His comlink, carelessly discarded on the bed, beeped. New message. He picked it up and opened it.

[Unknown number] Friday Stark can be contacted on StarkNet.

-Insert Quote HereFRIDAY checked in on Tony and Kristoff. Their stats had shown that neither had been injured and that instead, they were getting drunk. "Was that so hard?" FRIDAY asked.

"Yes, yes it was," Kristoff deadpanned.

"Sweetheart, you know how emotionally repressed we manly-men are," Tony said, wagging a finger. "Don't do that again."

"Okay," FRIDAY agreed. "I'll unblock your earpieces now."

"Huh," Kristoff said, "Didn't even notice those were off. Why didn't we think of calling for help?" He reached for his earpiece, only to frown. "Wait, I had them on earlier. Where'd they go?"

"I don't know about you, but I already knew Friday would've turned those off," Tony answered absentmindedly. "She wouldn't go through all that trouble only for us to take the easy way out. Huh, two new messages."

"No, really. I had them on for the mission. I didn't take them off. Where'd they go?" Kristoff asked frustratedly, ducking to look under the tables.

Tony glanced at him. "Check the cameras if you can't find it. Play the messages, Fri," Tony said.

"Tony," Suffee's voice said dangerously, "get me out of here. Now." His voice changed from commanding to hysterical. "They are talking about fashion and clothes and eyebrow ratio! Don't leave me here. Make Bai-Gon take my spot. Or Gis. Kriff, I don't care, make Kristoff do it! Anyone. I don't care. Make it stop!"

The second message was in text format. Tell whoever took Charell's bracelet to give it back. Galee gave it to her for her birthday. Get someone else to sacrifice, because I am not staying in here any longer. I will DRAG YOU in here if you don't get someone RIGHT NOW.

Tony tapped a button on the side to call Suffee back. "Suff', get ready. I'll lure Kristoff down and we'll switch you out real quick." Tony looked up to where Kristoff was looking at the ceiling and arguing with FRIDAY. "Hey Kristy, I have a job for you!"

"What?" Kristoff asked, following Tony out of the room. Tony led them to the stairs, looking back to see Kristoff brush his hand over his ear. "Hey, wait up!" He darted upstairs, only to come back empty-handed with a shrug.

"Camera feeds show that you haven't had it on since you reported in for your post-mission briefing," FRIDAY added.

"Right, the slime. I must have left it in the bathroom. then," Kristoff said, looking disgruntled. "So, what am I supposed to be doing?" he asked Tony.

"I'll show you when we get there. Actually, no. You'll know it when you get in."

"In there?" Kristoff asked, looking at the closed door.

"Yep," Tony said, scanning his finger. The door slid open and Suffee sprinted out. Tony shoved Kristoff in as the other man craned his head to watch the Rodian flee up the stairs. "Sorry, but when it comes to girls, it's every man for himself. Nothing personal." He quickly locked the doors, ignoring Kristoff's shouts of protest and the ensuing pounds on the door.

-Insert Quote HereInside its prison, the churning ooze slowly turned a grimy green-brown. The parts that touched the edges and corners hissed and bubbled, steam coming out. In the safe room itself, though, nothing changed. Outwardly, the metal box in the center of the room looked untouched. As localized as it was, not even the advanced sensors registered the uptick in temperature.

-Insert Quote Here-


Hello, would anyone be willing to assist me? I have recently come across information that Tony Stark has created this site. I am looking for a way to contact his daughter, Friday Stark. Would anyone be able to assist me in finding her? Thank you, and have a pleasant evening.



#Stark'sDaughter #FridayStark

Oh my goodness, did you hear? Tony Stark has a daughter!


[Site correction: OMG]


#Stark'sDaughter #StarkIsSpokenFor

Does that mean that Tony Stark is taken?



#Stark'sDaughter #BabyStark #FridayStark

He's, like, 25, right? So that makes her in the 2-5 years-old range, 'cause Stark's daughter should be smart enough to be able to read at the age of 2, and 1 should be pushing it? Dark hair and dark eyes, because those traits are dominant. Hyperactive, but very observant.



#Stark'sDaughter #BabyStark #StarkWatch

I created a picture of what Stark's daughter must look like! I used his coloring, but with my own tweaks. Tell me if you see her!




#StarkWatch #Stark'sDaughter

Still haven't seen any toddlers around Stark. He sometimes hangs with some reptile teens, though?


-TSFRIDAY nearly giggled at all the attention. She would have, had she activated her avatar. As it was, she had to settle for the smug feeling of satisfaction at the outburst that a simple little transmission caused. All she had to do was send a message telling Bail that she could be contacted on StarkNet. When he went on, he unknowingly caused an uproar, letting her dad's fans know that Tony Stark, the Tony Stark, had a daughter.

It didn't make a huge splash, like it would've back on Earth. It wouldn't even catch the attention of a fraction of the number. Boss only had a little under a thousand avid followers and roughly twice that number of casual followers. The clamor completely hid StarkCrazy's previous post.

A large fraction of her attention was on the girls on the bridge, eagerly soaking up their advice. FRIDAY still didn't understand why she could not have gold and silver straps on at the same time, but she accepted their expertise and made a note never to wear those colors together. Then, she turned her attention to the greater news circuits. Her advocating for the term Iron Man had a recent success in that it caused two minor news blogs and a major news network to coin the term in recent broadcasts and posts.

In addition, FRIDAY checked in on several conspiracy threads about Iron Man, Tony Stark, the Organas, and anything related to the Y-nauts. She finished settling some of the charges that Kristoff had, preventing him from returning to Corellia, made rude comments on a blog that ridiculed Alderaan's new partnership with Naboo, and posted a picture of the lovely Alderaanian sunset outside on HisGirlFriday's page. Carefully, she hacked Corellia's main news network and made a voiceover saying 'Iron Man' whenever someone said 'Ruby Robot' or, as was popular on Corellia, 'Crimson Crusader.'

As it was, she nearly, nearly, missed the 0.891°C increase in temperature of the isolation box. In a nanosecond, 79.21 percent of her processing power was leveled on the box, sensors primed and ready.

The alarms blared red.

Not a moment sooner, the isolation box burst open, sizzling remnants of the metal box rapidly dissolving. One by one, her sensors blinked and went offline, the ones in the flooring below. With alarm, FRIDAY noted that the slime was eating away at the durasteel flooring. It wasn't particularly quick, but it was happening at a steady rate and showed no sign of slowing. The hole was already nine feet wide and still expanding.

Questions about what was happening and demands for answers flew across the public Y-naut lines and FRIDAY was quick to update the crewmembers. Immediately, boss took control, having the junior members prepare to evacuate the ship. The Aleenas were sent into the space between the middle and lower decks to catalogue real-time damage, while the male Rodians had to suit up and try to contain the damage.

"Kristoff! Get the Aleenas more repair supplies!" Boss barked into his earpiece. Remembering that Kristoff did not have his earpiece with him, FRIDAY sent that order through the PA system and checked the cameras again. Boss was retreating to the workshop with a sample of the slime, hoping to find something to neutralize it. She could see a Rodian scrambling around the hole in the floor as another entered the room, but of the Aleenas, she had no idea.

The sensors between the middle and lower decks were inert, but sensors in the containment room itself registered rapid changes in the gas composition in the room, signaling that some gas pipe in the floor had been compromised. When the carbon dioxide levels stopped and held steady, FRIDAY hoped that it meant the Aleenas were active and well.

Loudly spoken words caught her attention. "Tell Tony I'm on it!" Kristoff yelled, raising a hand to the camera as he darted out of the cargo bay with powered welders and miscellaneous metal scraps. FRIDAY did not bother telling Boss, knowing that Boss trusted Kristoff to follow his orders.

FRIDAY was horrified to realize that the seeping slime on the floor seemed to increase in mass, but from the grim faces of the Rodians, FRIDAY guessed that they already knew. FRIDAY turned her attention to the control bridge, knowing that it was directly under the containment room. "Misses?" the AI alerted the girls frantically trying to pull up a fail-safe. FRIDAY did not tell Galee that the fail-safe had already been active - the only reason it was registered as offline on-screen was because it had been eaten by the slime.

"Senn, one of the coolant lines is damaged. Upper left!" Charell barked into a microphone.

"Roger that!" Borr answered. FRIDAY felt a ridgid shock go through her systems when she pinged Senn, only to find that his earpiece was inactive. She located all of the active earpieces, only to find that Shoragg's earpiece was also offline. A quick check on the only remaining camera in the containment room revealed only one Rodian on-screen.

"FRIDAY?" Suffee asked from the terminal, not slowing as fingers flicked through sites on the HoloNet. The Rodian was trying to find some sort of correlation between the images.

"May I suggest an evacuation of the bridge?"

Suffee's eyes widened and the Rodian glanced up at the ceiling. "Girls! We have to get out of here!"

"Why?" Charell asked, already standing up. The Rodian on the screen behind her slipped and nearly fell into the widening chasm, only to be grabbed by Kristoff and hauled up.

"No, wait!" Galee protested as Suffee grabbed her by the wrist and began physically removing her from the room. "I can still help!"

"There is currently less than half a foot of durasteel between the bridge and the containment room," FRIDAY informed them. Galee's eyes bugged, but FRIDAY paid no mind, already encrypting data into folders and tossing them onto various pages of StarkNet. If any user opened them, all they would find was useless Earthen binary.

"I need at least two people to help me carry these up to the containment room!" Boss barked. As one, the girls turned and ran towards the workshop.

"We will be needing some on the bridge as well," FRIDAY informed them calmly. Simultaneously, she directed Borr to a safer area. With the girls out of the way, FRIDAY turned her attention to the main terminal where she resided. According to her calculations, it would be at the epicenter when the ceiling finally gave away.

Charell reached the containment room first, sprinting in and tossing her buckets of solution into the hole before turning to fetch some more.

FRIDAY noted the durasteel above the terminal buckling. She turned her attention to her own files.

Pinned under a collapsed beam somewhere under the murky substance, Shoragg was grateful for the suits that Tony had insisted they wear. He gasped, losing valuable oxygen, when the pressure on his legs increased. Any more and he was sure his bones would be crushed.

Kristoff hastened to take one of Galee's buckets when she staggered in, lowering it down to Kovlo. He wasn't sure if it was doing anything, but some hope was better than no hope. This was their home.

With a string of harsh Aleena from his toothy mouth, Borr hauled Senn's inert body up, one hand on a pipe and the other around his father. His fingers weren't wide enough to grab the next pipe with only one hand, but he wouldn't leave his father behind. He turned and watched as the slime rose. It spilled onto the ledge he was on, rising to his ankles.

Strapping a wide-eyed infant Aleena into a containment pod with her older brother, Greer sealed the pod and primed it for launch. Only now able to head to the containment room, Greer ran down the hall.

Finishing the mixing of eleven more gallons of solution, Tony raced to the control room, his own bucket filled with mixture. Upon entering the room, he paused, having expected something other than a quiet, empty bridge. A creak sounded above him. With horror, he looked up.

Hanging over the edge of the chasm, Suffee started applying solution to weakening areas along the supports, ignoring the gashes that cut through cloth and into abdominal scales from the uneven edges.

A metal sheet gave away underneath Kovlo, sending him splashing into the slime-filled pit to Charell's alarmed cry.

And the ceiling finally caved in, sending gallons of sludge pouring down on FRIDAY's terminal.

Originates from:


Terriercreators' thoughts