
Iron Forces

Tony Stark ends up in a completely different universe where no one knows his name and the technology, despite being in space, is about as imaginative as technology from the Cold War era. What is a genius to do? Stage a (friendly) takeover, of course. This novel I bring to you from forums that not so many had visited and it's hard to find constantly updated stories. Forum stories of origin: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12745925/1/Iron-Forces All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Longing.For.The.Stars] Author!!!

Terrier · Movies
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

12. Un(Fett)ered

It was the last day they were allowed to be on what Tony dubbed to forever be called 'Croissant.' Technically, he could apply for some more time. With his new fame and reputation, they wouldn't deny him. He just… didn't want to. Something about the planet just screamed wrong to him. It made him want to get away, to get out. With all the willpower of staying awake during board meetings, he pushed those instincts away. It was probably nothing. After all, none of his crew seemed to feel the same, not even FRIDAY. It was probably all in his head.

The Organa family had insisted on paying for their new ship. Tony, uncomfortable with using their money, promised to pay back their credits, insisting that it was a loan. Now, they had a sleek starship that was built for speed and maneuverability, with decent enough space inside. Tony, not in the mood for theatrics, just dubbed it the 'Y Not' and called it a done deal.

Senn and his whole family clan, the ones on the ship, at least, were trying to visit a relative named Kazdan Paratus. Kazdan had apparently been taken to Croissant last year. The Aleena-kid would be two this year. Suffee and Galee disappeared somewhere in the endless crowds, Kristoff had taken off to a smuggler's' den somewhere in the undercity, and Quinton and Bai-Gon had turned most of the crew into a rag-tag tourist group.

FRIDAY was in an expanded version of the FRIDAY-Orb, bigger and with an exponential amount of functions. For their last day, Tony, Gis, and FRIDAY were spending 'family time' together. That mainly consisted of Gis and Tony trying many different, way-too-expensive dishes while FRIDAY recounted their history and impacts on the body, FRIDAY insisting she wanted to see something-or-the other and dragging the other two with her, and Tony and FRIDAY tailing Gis as he wandered the slums in the undercity, making sure the kid didn't get into any trouble. All-in-all, it was a pretty fun day.

Then one of them - Tony was firmly of the idea that it was Gis's fault - decided that 'infiltrating' the Jedi Temple would be a fine way to end the afternoon. FRIDAY concurred, pointing out the fact that the Jedi had a 'public' sector where civilians could wander around in. That was how Gis and Tony ended up in their Tony-made tourist disguises. He even had a miniature hat for the FRIDAY-orb. It was just a disguise that doubled as decoration. Nope, certainly no automatic blasters folded into the sides.

Studiously ignoring the fact that FRIDAY had somehow concentrated her blaster into a single, steady laser beam and was slowly cutting through the plexiglass that protected 'LIGHTSABER of Satele Shan,' Gis both encouraging her and drawing attention away from the Very Suspicious Floating Orb, Tony took several image captures of the displayed lightsabers. He tried to scan them to find what was inside, but the plexiglass deflected most of the waves, the rest absorbed by the very metal that made up the saber.

Reaching the dead end of that particular hall, Tony began backtracking. He looked around to see if he missed anything, only to spot an opening that hadn't been evident when walking from the front of the hall to the back. He curiously eyed the partitioned-off corridor that branched off from the main one.

"Want to know," Gis's voice came from right behind him.

Tony ruthlessly quashed the urge to to yelp and do a spinning jump to face his ward. He hadn't known that the Saurin had snuck up on him. "You know that's not allowed," Tony said without any bite.

"When that stop us?" Gis said blankly.

"I second that!" FRIDAY's voice came out on speaker. Tony looked over to see that part of the VSFO had been disassembled and loosely placed back on top, a… thing… sticking out from where Gis and FRIDAY had squeezed it between gears and wires.

A message flashed on the inside of his sunglasses. [You don't want to know.]

"Plausible deniability, right. You guys know me so well. Despite the fact that you're both my wards and that I'd be in trouble anyways, if you're caught," Tony said, smirking. With a quick glance to make sure the coast was clear, Tony unhooked the ribbon and they slipped in.

There was nothing fascinating about the hallway inside. There were boxes upon boxes, piled high up on the shelves, reaching up towards a high ceiling. Tony opened one and peered inside, only to see... junk. Gis reached over, grabbed a foam that had the consistency of jello, and squeezed. It sprung back with a happy wave.

Grimacing, Tony looked away, opening the next box. It simply had common household items. "Fascinating," Tony deadpanned.

"What do you think you're doing?" a young voice demanded.

Tony looked behind him. No one. He looked down. There was a little kid with his hands on his hips scowling up at him. He was dressed in miniature Jedi clothes. "Aw…" Tony said, patting the kid on his head. "That's kinda cute..."

"I'm not cute! I'm a Jedi. We are respectable, not cute!" The kid slapped his hand away with more force than necessary. "Are you spying on us?" he accused them. To be fair, they were in a corridor that was probably sectioned off for a reason.

"What makes you think that?" Tony asked.

Unfortunately for him, the same moment he said that, Gis opened his mouth and answered, "Yes." When the kid's eyes widened in shock, Gis pointed at Tony and said, "Tony idea."

"Spies! Are you Sith?" The kid fumbled at his belt, withdrawing a silvery cylinder that sort of looked like a miniature thermos.

"Sith?" Tony couldn't resist asking.

"Dark Force users!" He held the thermos at them threateningly.

"Dark?" Gis repeated with a frown. He pointed at Tony again. "Tony likes dark. Always dress in dark clothes!"

"Sith!" the Jedi-kid yelled. He turned on the cylinder to reveal a bright blue light, shaped into a beam. Oh, right… Tony had forgotten all about those. It was one of the lightsaber things.

Tony had kind of been thrown off by the scaled-down size, the much more modern look (the ones on display must be ancient), and the fact that it was a kid holding the very dangerous weapon.

Gis eyed the overpowered stick with awe and childish glee, then turned to Tony, his snout stretched into a wide grin.

"Grounded. For life," Tony said crossly.

"Obi-Wan!" an older man scolded, turning the corner and walking briskly towards them. He gave Tony and Gis a polite smile. "I'm sorry. He can be a little impulsive."

"Master," the kid - Obi-Wan - said automatically, turning his lightsaber off and straightening into a slightly militaristic pose. "Wait, no! Master, these are Sith!"

"Hey, you can't just go around making accusations like that!" Tony said, indignant. "All you know is that I'm not a Jedi and that I like wearing black sometimes!"

"Wearing the color of darkness. A clear sign of the Sith," the Jedi Master said drolly. Tony nearly snorted in surprise. He didn't think Jedi with a sense of humor existed.

"You and I are going to be friends," Tony said seriously.

The Jedi Master lifted an eyebrow. "Indeed?"

Tony gave a nod. "Yep, we will stroll around the Temple on our off days and troll the rest of the Jedi. Strolling and trolling."


"Do random stuff and prod them for a reaction."

"Intriguing. I would very much lik W e to join you on that excursion."

"Master, you can't do that!" Obi-Wan protested, tugging adorably at the Jedi Master's sleeve. "They aren't allowed to be here!"

"We can make an exception. I'm sure they have a good reason for being here." With that, 'Master' turned and gave Tony a stern look that was offset by the mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"We got curious. If you really didn't want us here, you guys would've put locked doors, just like in the main hall," Tony brushed off.

"I see," 'Master' said, giving a sage nod. "A fair defense."

"Master!" Obi-Wan said, scandalized.

Tony's StarkPhone chirped cheerfully. Tony pulled it out and checked the message. "Well, gotta go! It was nice meeting you, but you know how it is. Things to do, people to meet, ships to save..." Tony gave a snappy salute and walked for the exit, snagging Gis's arm as he walked past. Gis began trailing after him, not letting go of the whatever-it-was he had in his hand. Tony could feel the Jedi pair's eyes on them, but they didn't try to stop Gis, so he figured it was okay.

"Master, we have to get their names! What if they try to come back?" Obi-Wan immediately began protesting.

"I'm surprised you don't know who he is," the older Jedi's voice floated after them. "He was on the news quite recently. Don't you remember?"

"What did he do, try to steal from a senator?"

"Famous, not infamous."

"So is he a senator, then?"

Tony let out a bark of laugh as the conversation faded away due to the distance. Once they were outside, the hazy light of day hitting their face, Tony began jogging, calling out over his shoulder, "Come on, kiddos! First one to the ship gets to choose the next mission!" Gis let out a whoop and began sprinting away, uncaring of the attention they were attracting. "Wrong way, you little maniac," Tony yelled after him.

"I take shortcut. Come in first!" Gis declared loudly, not looking back.

"Not likely," FRIDAY scoffed. The repulsor tech that kept the orb aloft hummed audibly. The VSFO hung in the air for a moment, then blasted off in a nearly vertical direction.

"Hey, no fair!" Tony laughed, swinging around a corner and discreetly using Extremis to pump his legs faster.

-Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk-


Here's a montage of How Tony Looks Awesome No Matter What

[image954 jpg.]

[image1894 jpg.]

[image1324 jpg.]

[Expand List - 198 More Images]




Well, last night at about 3, Tony forgot that he crashed the ship, tracked its location to the junkyard, and was shocked to find it wrecked? He woke my family by calling them and

screaming incoherently. I already know Tony Stark, but if I win, can I just have a million credits instead?




Here's why we love Tony Stark

[Open Document Here]




That Colton guy really makes my day.



#TonyStarkMeme #ThatColtonDude

Those aren't memes.

[Notification to all users: I have placed a tracker on Colton's account. Anyone not within three cities of Colton using it will automatically be recorded and receive a lifetime ban from StarkNet. As will their immediate relatives and descendants.]


-Sometimes you gotta run before you can walkFRIDAY got back to the Y Not first. Of course she did. She didn't have to obey the traffic laws like they did, and her connection to the ship meant that she knew exactly where it was. Of course, that didn't mean she was able to choose the next bounty - Suffee had already picked one out. Tony guessed that the Rodian deserved it after all the times he nearly died.

It was an open-and-shut type of case, straightforward and with a fair price. Two rival planets that shared the same star had gotten into yet another fight. The Minister of one of the planets had asked them to retrieve his daughter, who was taken by the rival government. She didn't do anything, and involving a normal, innocent kid in a political-fight-turned-physical was a kriff move. Tony wasn't sure if he used the K-word correctly, but whatever.

It was supposed to be simple.

A bright red blaster bolt shattered the darkness, casting a red light on their surroundings as the flew towards them. It had bad aim, flying too low for a fatal hit. That didn't mean that Tony didn't have to try to keep his friends safe. Still, Tony was too slow to knock Greer out of the way, and the near-human let out a muffled yelp as it hit his leg and he crumpled to the ground.

"Go, go, go!" Tony barked hushedly, internally wincing at how harsh the word sounded in Basic. In English, it had a more rounded sound. However, it didn't seem to matter to the crew.

Knowing that they were discovered would do something like that. They burst out from the bushes and doorways and ran in the general direction of the ship, tackling the guards as they went.

Hefting a tense but silent Greer over his shoulders, Tony followed, pausing as he realized one of his crew was left behind. He locked eyes with Kovlo, who jerked his head in a shake.

Realizing the Rodian was laying down cover fire and trusting that he could make it back on his own, Tony continued on. "Quinton, Bai-Gon, Kovlo is covering us. Make sure he gets back safely. Retreat with him to point two"

"Yep, got'cha," one of them said.

There was a muffled conversation and a yelp before the other said in a more formal tone, "Yes, sir!"

Refusing to hesitate or look back, Tony pressed on, eyes alert for any hidden officers. Tony had specifically chosen the cousins for their talents. Statistically, they had the highest chance of survival. With their dark hair and eyes, yet freckled caucasian features, they fit in seamlessly with the rest of Yandr's population. With their familiarity with each other, they should be able to come up with a story on the spot if they were spotted.

That thought didn't help.

With Kovlo drawing the main forces away and the cousins discreetly running interference, the rest of the extraction team had a clear path to the ship. Ahead of him, he could see Gis holding his left arm out, Borr and his cousin leaping off of a rooftop and landing safely on his arm before scrambling onto Gis's shoulder. Tony made a note to talk to Gis about leaving the ship without permission.

"Actually, boss, I told him that Borr and Norr were finished scouting and asked him to retrieve them…" FRIDAY told him, evidently following his gaze.

"Group of guards heading down West Street," Suffee bit out. "Gis, I think they saw you." Tony could've told them that from the raised shouts that erupted. Gis grunted an affirmative.

"Keep going. I got this. Suff' you alright?"

"Fine," Suffee said in a way that told Tony that he was very much not fine. It didn't make sense. Tony had benched Suffee due to poor health. The Rodian was supposed to be in the ship.

There was no reason for him to be hurt.

Just several meters in front of him, the group of guards Suffee had warned them about rushed to the crosswalk and turned, chasing after Gis. They shouted in indistinct Y'rian into their comms. Tony picked up a young, fallen tree and threw it at the back of their legs, reinforcing the throw with Extremis. The branches did their work, tangling with the moving limbs and taking down the row. Like dominoes, the guards knocked each other down as they fell.

As they pulled apart from each other, one of the Yandrians spied him and pointed him out to his comrades. Unable to resist the urge to try out some of the Y'rian he picked up in the six hours they were there, Tony shouted out some things that probably translated to 'chew these shoes,' and 'my girlfriend's hotter than yours' in the crudest way possible before jogging away. Seeing that they weren't following him, he pulled out a can of spray paint and approached a clean wall as threateningly as he could. The Yandrians, condoners of order and uniformity they were, took notice right away, abandoning their chase after Gis's fleeting figure to swarm the more immediate threat - Tony about to spray bright red graffiti on their white wall.

Tony took off down the street opposite from the one the guards came from, laughing loudly the whole time. These guys were easier to wind up than Rogers!

"The princess is in the house!" Kristoff proclaimed. "Well, in the safe house, at least. When will the ship swing around? An hour? Two?" Tony heard a thump, followed by a high-pitched wail. Tony didn't understand. The kid was supposed to be eight or something!

"You didn't-?"

He could almost feel Kristoff's eye-roll. "I didn't drop her on the floor. I'm not a savage. I just tossed her across the room, onto the couch."

"Like that's much better," Greer said. Tony started. He hadn't known the near-human was awake. "I can walk now," he told Tony.

"Six hours," Suffee told Kristoff.

"Yeah, no," Tony said, not needing to even think about it. "You had a high-power blaster bolt to your leg. You aren't walking for another day, at least."

"Your shielding worked!" Gree protested.

"I can still smell something burning. It's your leg, by the way," Tony deadpanned.


"Two days," Tony threatened. Greer fell silent. "That's what I thought," Tony said, smirking widely. Why couldn't he? There was no one to see the rare, unhidden glee. The blinking dots on his sunglasses indicated that everyone else had fallen into their safe positions. All that was left on the list was to lay low, wait out the guards, then slip past the defenses.

With that in mind, Tony mentally rerouted Extremis into his legs, springing forward and leaving the guards in the dust. Several more twists and turns later, he ducked into an abandoned building scouted out earlier, climbing to the top and setting Greer down. "Let's have a look," Tony mumbled, setting his glasses to night vision and pulling out a bacta patch. Greer grimaced and pulled his pants-leg up, revealing…

"Huh," Tony said, mildly impressed with himself. He poked at the pinkened skin. "Okay, I guess you can walk, then." That burning smell must be the pants, then.

"I told you so," Greer said.

"For that, I'm detaining you in the med bay for six hours anyways." Tony looked up. "Twelve," he corrected himself as Greer opened his mouth to argue. Greer snapped his mouth shut with an audible clack of his teeth.

Tony split open their ration bars as Greer shuffled a deck of cards, moving to a brighter section of the warehouse. They laughed and talked, the guards searching for them in the street providing a brief form of entertainment. The sun dipped fully behind the buildings in the distance and Greer took a nap while Tony settled down for first watch.

-Sometimes you gotta run before you can walkJust two hours into his watch, the earpiece crackled. "Stark? Guys?" came Kristoff's worried voice. "I thought you said six hours?"

"Hmmm?" Suffee hummed as Tony shook the cobwebs from his head.

"What," stated Kovlo in a irritable voice.

Greer shifted and murmured. Tony glanced over and turned off the other man's earpiece before quietly answering Kristoff, "Yeah. Six hours, Kristy. Leaving at the stroke of midnight, like all the fairytales." He wasn't sure if Republic fairytales had that detail, but it was a wide galaxy. Statistically, someone had to have used the 'at the stroke of midnight' phrase.

"So if you three are still at the safepoints, then who's at the door?" Kristoff asked crossly.

Tony was instantly alert. "What do you mean, who's at the door?" he asked, hoping he was wrong.

"Gee, I don't know, maybe that someone's at the door, trying to get in?!" Kristoff asked incredulously. Tony usually liked being right, but this time he hated it.

Shoving Greer, then moving to collect their stuff, Tony snapped, "Get up, get up, get up, get-"

"I'm up!" Greer all but shouted, sitting bolt upright.

Tony yanked the blanket off of him and folded it sloppily. "Friday will explain on the way. Right now, we need to get to Kristoff!"

Obviously confused but trusting him, Greer was on his feet in seconds, grabbing the blanket and shoving it into his pack. "Let's go!" The two of them tore through the night streets.

Having the safepoints far away from each other seemed like a good idea to be untraceable, but it was more of a hindrance, right now. After some mild panicking and fumbling on the other man's part, Greer found out the reason FRIDAY was silent was because his earpiece was off. "What do you mean? That place is secure. We made sure of that!"

"Kristoff, report! Tony, why hasn't Kristoff been answering?"

Suffee was right, Tony realized with dawning horror. After that last, alarming rhetorical question, the ex-smuggler had gone silent. "Friday, what's wrong? Friday?"

"I don't understand," FRIDAY said, sounding puzzled. "The transmissions are going through. The earpiece is intact. Kristoff just isn't answering."

"Not good," Gis said.

"Slow down!" Greer shouted to Tony.

"Gis, go to sleep!" Tony scolded.

"Can help."


"Not my dad," Gis grumbled.

"Gis-" Tony began.

"Boss… Gis already turned off his earpiece," FRIDAY told him.

"Family drama later! We need a game plan!" one of the cousins, probably Bai-Gon, said.

"Right. Where are you guys?"

"Four blocks away." Kovlo's group.

"Two minutes." Suffee.

"We're there," Tony said, sliding to a stop in front of the building, He turned to Greer to discuss their battle plan. "Well, I'm there," Tony amended himself. He must have left Greer behind somewhere. "Suffee, stay on the ship. Be ready to follow if they exit the building. Everyone available, I'd appreciate it if you form a perimeter. Group two, when you get here, go back me up." Tony didn't wait for them to signal their approval of his plans, heading right into the building and darting up the stairs.

Once he reached the room they had agreed on using beforehand, Tony charged at the closed door. He twisted at the last second, putting all the force into his shoulder, ramming the door open. Sensing three people, Tony put himself between them, back facing the group of two.

"You know, you didn't have to do that. It was unlocked," Kristoff's voice said from behind him. Tony couldn't catch any inflection in the ex-smuggler's words, but he couldn't turn to check. His focus was on the unidentified man in front of him. FRIDAY blinked a little icon on his sunglasses to indicate she was still connected and that there was no jamming device. As agreed, they didn't speak, Tony wary that there might be listening devices that he didn't hear about, or that the man wasn't quite human.

Still, no threatening moves.

As his battle readiness slowly winded down after recognizing a lower threat level, Tony's awareness broadened. The stranger was sitting stiffly on the loveseat, spine stiff in a way that was half-way reminiscent of the Bucky Barnes's Winter-Soldier-doesn't-know-how-to-relax and half-way Wilson's tense ready-to-grab-a-gun-and-fire. Kristoff's earpiece and primary blaster lay discarded by his feet, alongside a slightly-glowy knife and a angular blaster. Kristoff himself was probably on the accompanying couch with the minister's kid, judging from their reflection on the chrome counter.

Simply shooting the man was not an option. After all, the stranger hadn't made a threatening move yet, despite the fact that he was not supposed to be there. Tony didn't want to talk first, to put himself in the position of less power, but it was clear the other was comfortable sitting in silence for prolonged periods of time. It was clear Tony had to make the first move.

"Who are you?" Tony asked the stranger, unable to see his eyes due to the light and shadows the man had artfully hidden himself in. A play of light by the man's side had Tony glancing to the stranger's side, seeing a helmet clutched tightly in the man's hand. Not just any helmet, though. Tony heard of it from rumors other bounty hunters sprouted, seen it on the HoloNet. It was a Mandalorian helmet.

"You are Tony Stark." It was stated quietly with voice rough with disuse. It didn't answer the question, though.

"What's with people telling me my name?" Tony complained. "I already know what my name is!"

Text scrolled across his vision. [I have run identification scans on facial structure, body composition and stance, and armor. There is a 86.42% match with bounty hunter Jango Fett.]

Fett. Tony had heard that name before, usually along with 'Mandalorian,' 'yeah, that guy,' 'probably the best of the best,' and 'that kriffing son of a-!' This wasn't a man to make an enemy out of. The eighty-six percent match was a surprise, though. FRIDAY usually had a hit around the mid-to-upper nineties, especially since she should be unaffected by the strange shading. He'd like to ask Fett his secret, but he didn't think the other bounty hunter would reveal it.

Tony and Fett gazed warily at each other. Normally, Tony would've jumped for a chance to befriend someone as (in)famous as Fett; connections like the more experienced bounty hunter had would be invaluable in their line of work. However, Tony was also experienced at picking out warriors. Fett didn't stand like Captain America or his frozen bestie, but the way he stood didn't resemble Clint or Natasha's either. It told of a mixture between Roger's focus, Natasha's cunning, and Clint's spontaneity.

...At least, that was what Tony thought. He could be wrong, though. He wasn't a excellent profiler like Agent Agent. He was better than Natasha, though, so that was something.

"Your armor," Fett said in a voice that was loud, yet hushed, breaking Tony out of his thoughts. "Not Mandalorian. Better. Where did you get it?"

Internally, Tony swelled with pride, though he outwardly expressed it with a frown. Mandalorian armor was probably one of the best around, and this more experienced bounty hunter admitted his was better. "I built it. Did you get yours from a Mandalorian?" Tony knew this type of negotiation well. Never give something without gaining something. Mandalorians didn't willingly part with their armor, made of the expensive material they were. They were also fearsome warriors. If Fett had defeated one and taken the armor... he was a bigger threat than Tony thought.

Seemingly reading his mind, Fett answered, "I earned it."

Tony considered it. 'Earn' could mean two different things. Fett could've meant he won it fairly in a fight or that he had taken it as a trophy, but... something about the way he intoned it made Tony think differently. Could the rumors about Fett being a Mandalorian be true? "It is astonishing what you could earn with a good bounty," he said agreeably.

"Not a bounty." Still no inflection in his voice, though there was still a heavy frown on his face. It seemed like a defense, not a default expression, though. The fingers of his right hand clenched tightly. A nervous tick?

"If you say so, Fett," Tony said, saying his name for the first time. The man shifted when Tony revealed his name, but Tony didn't know enough to say if it was because of surprise or something else. "Why are you here?"

"My target." Fett waved vaguely in Kristoff's direction, the skin between his eyebrows creased.

"Tough luck. We got her first." Even as he said this, Tony tensed, ready for a fight. It wouldn't do to be overconfident, but Tony knew that he could take on the other bounty hunter. Why was he here anyways? The bounty on the retrieval wasn't that high! Fett only took the most well-paid bounties. This one was in the middle range, almost completely average!

He wasn't expecting for Fett to dip his head in acquiescence, features loose. "I know. Good game. I will be seeing you around," Fett said calmly, holding his hand out for a shake.

Why was everyone sure they would meet him again? First, that Jedi, now Fett. Tony wasn't able to catch his surprise in time and before he could react, Fett was frowning again and withdrawing his hand. Instead he brought it back to his helmet, fingers white against the painted metal. The bounty hunter cautiously stepped backwards, away from Tony, bending his knees to scoop up his blaster and knife. He slipped out of the room, doing all this without breaking eye contact.

Tony turned to Kristoff. "What was that all about?" he demanded. "Friday, tell the crew to stand down. Fett is not a threat. I repeat, he is not a threat."

"Fett? He got to meet Fett?" he heard through the earpiece.

"Pretty sure he was just tracking us down to test out his skills, see what he did wrong and how he could improve," Kristoff said, shrugging. "He could've killed me twice over, but didn't, so I thought I'd take a leap of faith. Apparently, Fett's never gotten his target snatched from right under his nose yet. Then again, he just started a couple of years ago, so that's not saying much." Tony didn't think that was a viable reason to lead a team member into a possible trap and found himself questioning his teammate's loyalty. Truly, what did he know about Kristoff, other than the fact that he used to smuggle? In a mirror of Fett's earlier movements, Kristoff bent and picked up his equipment before backing away to flop onto the couch, narrowly missing the little girl, who squeaked and scrambled away.

[I don't like this.] FRIDAY made her feelings clear. Her line of thoughts ran parallel to his. Tony paused, wariness warring against both the urge to help and to make things right, then rushed towards the door. He stopped halfway through and turned around.

"Stick with the kid," Tony said, pointing accusingly at Kristoff. "And we'll be talking about this later. Tony brushed off his wariness about where Kristoff's loyalty truly lay. It didn't matter right now. Then he was off, rushing after Fett. He didn't know why, but his feet led him up the stairwell instead of down. Tony trusted his instincts, bounding up the stairs three at a time.

"Oi! Fett! Wait up!"

Originates from:


Terriercreators' thoughts