
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasy
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Chapter 32 The king of Daria. An Ambush

The two guards in in silver armor didn't move they stood there erect and at attention, they had helmets on to protect their heads and they held spears that stood taler than they

were. There were many people moving around and in front of them. Johnald led them on a horse of his own through the gates, as the moved they observed the people around them and Levi noticed a group of 3 middle aged men staring at them weirdly. It wasn't too obvious they were being targeted but with how they've been on the run for weeks now, they have learnt to be very sensitive to their surroundings and those around them.

Levi's expression was grim, "Iris, so you ..." But he was cut off before he even finished his sentence, "yes" Iris relied softly, "I noticed them too"

"What are you talking about?" Kara asked,

"A group of men have been staring suspiciously at us" Iris' reply made Kara worry, "but we just git here, how could they know or even recognize us?" They were quiet for a while, until Levi spoke up.

"It's the bounty" he said with one hand on his chin stroking his facial hair.

"How would they know what we looked like?" Iris asked levi.

"It could be dwarfes," Levi said, "they are great artists and craftsmen. It's like their brains were blessed by the gods, even with the tiniest information they could deduce what a person looked like and draw them almost flawlessly."

"So you're saying king Steven employed dwarves to draw pictures of us and place it in walls all over the seven kingdoms" Iris said.

" it seems your father is going to great lengths to have you killed" Levi said with a chuckle, and Iris gave him a deathly stare,

"I mean come on what did you do to offend the tyrant of the seven kingdoms? Hmm iris"

Iris got more irritated by Levi's playful comments, "Levi, don't make me get down from this horse" Iris said to Levi, making both Levi and Kara laugh out loud. Johnald was a bit far from them so he didn't completely hear everything they said, but he did get the gist.

The minute they rode through the gates, they jaws dropped in admiration of the beautiful city of Daria. Beyond the golden gates was a market filled with all sorts of goods and people and if you look closely you'd spot some dwarves among them, the streets were filled with beautiful stones and flowers, and on the far end there was a small pond with beautiful fishes swimming happily within. Ahead of them was a beautiful flowing stream with a bridge above it. The houses were made of stones and bricks and by the windows of some were beautiful flowers. They rode for a few minutes until they arrived in front of a small house, there was a well beside it. They got off their horses and led them to a wood to keep them from moving away.

Johnald went ahead of them and opened the door with a key he took from his waist, "well, welcome to my humble home" he said to them with a smile on his face.

They all went in and got themselves settled.

"Be careful how you move around" Johnald said to them, "although not many people know you, I doubt king Steven wouldn't have sent people ahead of you. 20 gold is not a small amount."

They were left alone in the house as Johnald returned to his duties. They loved their stay in the city, and for the past few days nothing happened.

In the throne room of Daria, a young man who seemed to be in his 20s stood in front of a throne, and on that throne sat a bearded man who was clothed in fine jewelry and gold robes and a gold crown settlec on his head as he sat on the throne comfortably while listening to the young man speak. He is the king of Daria.

The young man before the king was dressed in full dark blue armor set which resembled the ones worn by the spears of Kingsland.

"Listen uhh, what was your name again?" King Nolan asked nonchalantly.

"Derek sir Derek Blade" the young man answered with a tinge of annoyance laced in his voice.

"Right, Derek. Look I respect your father and I do not wish to start a war, but the terms that he has stated isn't too satisfying, if you know what I mean. For now as a sign of good will from me to your father, when the boy arrives you may have him and his friends."

Derek nodded in response, "thank you your majesty. Apprehending them will require assistance." The king stroked his chin for a few seconds before replying, " I will provide you with 20, no, 10 good men. That plus the ones with you will be enough to capture three people wouldn't it.?"

Derek thanked the king, "I will make sure my uncle hears of your kind gesture towards us, and I will also ask him to consider some adjustments on the terms of our.. .. partnership."

The king yawned, "it's fine, you may leave now I need to get some sleep."

"Umn when will I get the .." he was interrupted by the king, "sont worry I'll send them to your quarters later". Derek Blade bowed and left the throne room.

It was evening, almost night time, Kara was outside the house practicing some sword moves, Levi and Iris were either asleep or resting in the living room. While she was practicing, Kara heard something. Johnald's house was sort of secluded. It was away from the main city but close enough for him to get to work. Johnald doesn't come home everyday, but he comes at least twice or three times a week to check up on his brother and his friends. They have been in Daria for three weeks now and today was one of the days Johnald wouldn't come home.