
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 31 Levi Samson

They just got to the borders of Daria there were a few soldiers in armor handling the movement of goods and travelers, they were in silver armor that seemed to be at the advanced tier, and how do they know that, you ask? Well, it just got to the farmer's turn to be inspected by the guards. The farmer brought out a rectangular brown object with a symbol imprinted on it, it was a pass. He presented it to the guard in front of him, the guard took it and inspected it while another guard went to check the contents of the carriage.

"That is a two person pass" Levi said to Iris, Iris frowned and turned to him, "how do you know that?" Levi chuckled and answered "during my younger days in Danville when I served as the king's personal escort, there were times we came to Dawnville for political business."

"... How old are you even?"

Levi put his hand on Iris' shoulder "You know Iris, it is disrespectful for children to ask your elders their age."

"Don't try to be smart with me" Iris said as he slapped Levi's hand away, "I'm 19, I'm not a child"

"You see Iris, that's the difference between a child and an adult, you wouldn't say I'm not a child if you're so confident you're not one" Iris frowned at his response. 'this nigga's trying to be smart with me.'

Mean while Kara was thinking about something and Iris noticed this, "what are you thinking about Kara?"

Kara gave a frustrated sigh, " I was thinking about how easy it would have been if I could use my identity to get us in"

"Yeah but we don't know if the king of Daria is in cahoots with the tyrant, plus we can't go around announcing ourselves, we have a bounty on our heads the only positive thing is that our names are unknown."

"Alright it's our turn," Levi said and they rode their horses forward. The old man and his daughter came back and thanked Iris Levi and Kara before he left.

"Let me see your pass" the guard in front said to them. Levi turned to Iris, "I'll do the talking.

"Is squad leader Johnny still around?" Levi asked the guard which made his expression shift a bit,

"Sorry do you mean captain Johnald"

" Oh he's captain now" Levi said with a wide smile.

"who are you?" He asked,

"I am Levi Samson, tell Johnald his elder brother is here for him. The frown on the guard's face deepened, "five me a moment." he said and walked away.

"You didn't tell me you had a brother ?" Iris asked, "ahh, half brother" Levi replied.

"Wait ..... What?" Even Kara was shocked.

"It's a not so long story that I wouldn't like to bring up" Levi said with a sad smile. Not longer after, they spotted the guard with a man in almost full silver body armor, he had dirty blonde hair in contrast to Levi's brown hair. Levi got down from his horse and walked towards the man. They stood at the same eye level and assessed each other for a few seconds then they moved and gave each other a big hug, it lasted for almost a minute before they let go of each other.

"I heard what happened to Dawnville," Johnny said "I thought you would be dead."

"And I thought Daria would be more on the edge about the issue, but everything seems to be going on as usual. There's no panic, trade seems to be normal. And.... I heard you became captain."

Johnald chuckled and scratched his head, he turned to the guard beside him, "let them in" but the guard seemed hesitant, "sir, are you sure?" Johnald gave him a stare that made him take a step back. "are you stupid? That's my elder brother and his friends. Bring them in."

" Yes sir" the guard replied and ran to Iris and Kara. They left their horses with the guard and went on foot with Johnald. He led them to his office, which is located within a small building where some other soldiers rested.

"So what brings you here brother, and uhh.... Who are your friends?" Johnald asked. "This is Iris Wit one of the best swordsman I know, he was a fellow captain before Dawnville was invaded." Then he turned to Kara, "this is princess Kara, the last rightful heir to Dawnville." Johnald's eyes widened when he heard that. "You are not joking, are you brother?"

"This is hardly a time for jokes, Johnny the thing is...,..."

Johnald was on his chair, his head was in his hands and his elbows were on the desk. After a few minutes, he lifted up his head and turned to Iris, " So you're blessed by the gods." Iris nodded, " and you want to leave the seven kingdoms to train," Iris nodded "then you'll come back to kill the tyrant" again, Iris nodded. Then Johnald turned to face Kara, " you're trying to gain strength and allies," Kara nodded, " and you'll come back for Dawnville," again Kara nodded. Then he turned to face Levi, " and you swore an oath to protect her, and also made a promise to accompany Iris Wit to beyond the seven kingdoms." Levi nodded.

"Listen Johnny I know this is a lot to take in, but we really need your help to get this done."

"Well the the trade ship and transport ships the that transport goods and humans beyond the seven kingdoms will arrive in about three to four weeks so you will have to wait."

"I thought we could go on land?" Iris asked, "well, you can but it is safer and faster to go by sea." Johnald replied, " by land it would take you about two months but by sea it would take just about four weeks and you'd still have wait because it leaves at the same time as the ship."

"For now I will help you guys settle in, I'll get you a six months pass to stay clear of city guards, but I'm just a captain, I don't hold much power so you'll need to stay out of trouble."

He opened up a drawer and brought out passes and handed it to them, then did some documentation and they were good to go. He led them out and escorted them to the gates.

The gate looked about 20 feet tall, it looked to be made of solid gold ... at least that's what the travelers thought. It had intricate designs on it.. runes dwarvin maybe. The walls .... The walls were almost 50 feet which makes sense because the kingdom of Daria is under and behind the mountains, you could say that the mountain itself and the hills surrounding it IS the kingdom of Daria. Standing on both sides of the gates were two soldiers in full silver armor, if you get close enough you could feel the energy emanating from the men in the armor, it is clear that these were no ordinary men.

this was hectic. sorry Iris is 19 years old sorry for the change. vote

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