
Chapter 9 : Dead Guardians

It was just another day Mark thought, he would go to school train with his dad and probably bump into the Mauler Twins before meeting the teen team.

Omni-Man was sure enough going to one shot the entire Guardians of the Globe pretty soon like in the comics. But there was nothing Mark could do about it.

Even if he wanted to help Mark was not stupid and realized that despite his major improvements he would end up no better than the original Mark and get his ass pulverized.

Instead of trying to save the guardians Mark thought about how to prevent his dad from openly killing civilians.

This was because in the comics even after his redemption arc Omni-Man was unable to return to Earth due to this massacre.

Mark thought to himself, I can't stop him from going ape shit, but maybe he could contain the scope of the battle.

So that in the future he would be able to still publicly help during the Invincible Wars without public back lash.

Cecil was the kind of man who would keep Omni-Man on his payroll even after his betrayal and with his father around Mark would not have to worry about Cecil or robot doing any of their weird fuck shit like in the comics.

Another problem was Mark's soon to be born younger brother Oliver the half alien purple Viltrumite spawn between his dad and a giant purple ant alien he made after leaving Earth.

Oliver and this breeding farm planet of alien ants would be essential in the future so Mark still wanted this to happen like in the comics.

Mark's old eyes gleamed as he finally thought up a scheme.

Instead of fighting Omni-Man I should lure him somewhere remote and let him beat my ass there by not fighting back.

When I'm all good and ready I'll pull the same guilt trip card the original Mark used to ensure the birth of Oliver and move the plot along.

As long as nothing too drastic changes from the comics around this time it should all work out.

Just as Mark was thinking about this in his bed getting ready for school it happened.

A couple of suits rolled up to their front door and drove them to the pentagon informing them that Omni-Man was beaten into a coma.

A wrench was thrown into his plans and Mark was left bewildered beyond belief at the condition of his father.

They were led by a man named Donald the right hand man and probably secret butt buddy to Cecil.

A guy so ass deep in mysterious and shady government shit that Cecil made Nick Fury look like a mall cop who was only using his authority to get free coupons.

They were led through an elevator into a secret underground base built beneath the Pentagon and as they walked through the sterile clean metallic hallways.

Mark could not help but whistle at the sci-fi geared soldiers holding some pretty fancy tech.

Despite Mark coming from an alternate Earth whose timeline was around 100 years more than this worlds, such technology like invisible soldiers and plasma guns was not something he had seen.

Donald tried giving us the tour of the facility but my mom wasn't having any of it and told him to hurry up.

Donald promptly apologized saying, sorry Debbie.

What a shame Mark thought he actually wanted the tour as he looked through the glass walls to see a hangar of war jets.

When they arrived at the door Mark saw his dad looking even worse than he did after their training sessions together.

While Debbie went to comfort her husband Mark's frowned intently as his expression turned gloomy.

Donald and a Cecil hiding in the corner of the room noted this change and mistook it for anger but what Mark was really feeling was anxious.

His mom asked who did this and Cecil responded surprising everyone with his appearance.

Cecil : "We have no idea, not yet anyway, but well find out and when we do they're gonna look a hell of a lot worse".

Cecil introduced himself to me as the director of the GDA, Mark shook his hand while still looking at his dad.

When Cecil tried to comfort his mom and she started acting up he dropped one hell of a truth bomb and said that the Guardians of the Globe were murdered with Nolan being the only survivor.

Mark's mother asked how that was even possible? But Mark was no longer paying attention to their conversation thinking about the source material.

In the comics Omni-Man had effortlessly killed the Guardians, basically one shorting them all at once but you're telling me they actually managed to beat Omni-Man into this condition?

Mark knew first hand how strong his dad was and for the guardians to have been this strong too, it made Mark gulp.

If this was how Omni Man turned out then he would have definitely stood no chance against the guardians and died in his situation.

Mark gritted his teeth as he thought who else would have gotten this ridiculous power up from the comics- Thragg? Conquest? Angstrom?

Fuuuck I'm still too weak, if I don't get stronger soon I'll end up like Omni-Man or worse. I need to train, I need more time while Mark was unintentionally giving everyone in the room the impression of suppressed impatient anger.

Donald got an emergency call and informed Cecil who was upset at the poor timing of the event, telling Donald that they were a little understaffed due to the deaths of the Guardians and an incapacitated Nolan.

Mark did not have the time to worry about his father anymore as he knew his injuries despite being very serious would eventually heal.

When Mark received an emergency news alert on his smartphone that showed aliens were invading the city, his eyes shined with an ominous light.

THE FLAXANS! These bootleg Tau creatures were the solution to all his problems.

Mark practically jumped for joy while ignoring his grieving mom and the alarmed security guards around him.

Flying out of the Pentagon while tearing his way through the doors and glass walls from the hangar to leave as quickly as possible.

Out of all the unexpected events to happen this was actually a really good one Mark's heart raced with anticipation while he blasted off into the city at a blinding speed!

I gotta go to work tomorrow so I will not be able to post until next week :P

Ultimate_Edgelordcreators' thoughts