

The first thing Mark did when he woke up in the morning was fly out of the room window to pick up his new suit. His training yesterday with Omni-Man went about as you'd expect. Mark got his cheeks clapped for a majority of the fight but still managed to land a few good hits.

Leaving his dad with some small bruises and a bloody nose occasionally. All of which were quickly healed in a matter of seconds not giving Mark anytime to enjoy his small successes.

Mark was punched so hard at one point that his left eye popped out of its socket after he managed to land a hit, Not to mention that he also lost track of how many teeth he lost during it. Feeling thankful for his Viltrumite DNA which grew them all back and fixed his dangling eye along with the broken bones and internal organs.

On the bright side Mark was finally able to learn how to do a barrel roll at top speed without crashing so his flying skills were definitely improving but he still could not be considered anywhere near Omni-Man's level of flight or strength.

When he finally got the suit from Art, Mark thanked him and immediately left to put it on and give it a test run.

Mark had made a few changes to the suit replacing the blue with a red color and extending the yellow "i" logo to reach down to his crotch instead of his stomach. The goggles were also tinted red and had sharp edges to resemble a scowl.

Mark wanted the suit to stay true to the original but he also wanted to give it his own flair as he did not like the dorky oval shaped goggles and preferred the color red over blue.

Slicking back his hair, Mark flew across the city half focused on improving his maneuvering skills and the other half focused on looking for any trouble. While flying he noticed a yellow crane high in the sky and wondered if he could enjoy the view from up there. He had never sat on one before so he figured why the hell not. First time for everything right?

Mark shrugged and sat down on the crane a bit to stretch. The view was nice but flying was nicer. Just as Mark had hopped off he heard trouble and saw a red laser blow a hole through a skyscraper from a distance.

He quickly rushed over and saw some random villain he could not recognize wearing armor with a strange bionic left arm claw shooting red hot laser beams from it at the police. Mark frowned as he could not remember if this guy showed up in the comics or not.

Even if he did it was entirely possible that Mark simply forgot about him. Its not like everyone could remember each and every book they read word for word or page for page.

Just before the villain could blow up another group of cops, Mark swooped in blocking the shot with his body. He was not worried about the laser as he had already seen the damage it could do and compared to a punch from Omni-Man it was like being hit with a warm water balloon.

Initially the random supervillain with the bionic arm cheered as he thought Mark was dead meat but when the dust cleared, he cried out in shock. and asked.

Villain : "Wha-What are you? invincible?"

Mark could not help but smile at the question and as if on cue he said.

Mark : "No I'm-"