
Chapter 5 : A Viltrumite's Might

This was the moment of truth that would decide how worthy Mark was of becoming a true Viltrumite Warrior. Omni-Man's eyes slightly narrowed with anticipation to give his final evaluation of Mark, if he could not handle this then he was not cut out to be treated and trained like a born and raised Viltrumite.

But if Mark could, it would change everything the fate of his species a second golden age for the Viltrumite Empire and his mission would become the greatest contribution to such a glorious future. Omni-Man's eyes shined as Mark recovered and spoke to him.

Mark : "That all you got old man?"

Mark was smiling despite his pathetic state, he spoke to his father with the determination and look in his eyes that reflected the decades of his life as a patriotic soldier. One that whole heartedly believed in achieving either Victory or Valhalla in battle. Omni-Man could no longer control himself as he closed his eyes clenching his fist tightly thinking, my boy...

Mark : "My turn!"

While Omni-Man was distracted a fully recovered mark saw this as his chance to strike and accelerated forward again this time flipping over to perform a dropkick. To Mark's surprise Omni-Man took it like a champ only managing to push his floating body back a few inches.

When Omni-Man opened his eyes he grabbed Mark by the throat speaking in a tone that exuded his authority while crushing his vocal cords.

Omni-Man : "I'm not going to hold back if you want to give up now shake your head and I will let you go".

Mark : "..."

He looked at Mark the same way you would look at an enemy on the battlefield trying to exert his dominance and intimidate his son.

Omni-Man : "There is no shame in giving u-"

But before he could finish talking Mark had already responded by arm locking the hand that grabbed his throat and using his feet to repeatedly stomp on his face.

Omni-Man's grip loosened after two stomps despite the damage being miniscule he touched his nose seeing his blood on the finger. He was constantly being surprised by Mark today. Although Omni-Man was aware of Earths various fighting techniques he did not expect Mark to use such an unfamiliar technique on him.

Omni-Man no Nolan, Mark's father laughed, it was such an unexpected and hearty laugh that Mark did not interrupt it to attack, instead asked if his father was okay?

Making Omni-Man laugh even louder at his sons concern which was quite funny to him. This situation had gone far beyond any expectations Omni-Man had toward his own son. He no longer viewed Mark as a human like his wife and everyone else on the planet.

From this moment on Mark was without a doubt a full blooded Viltrumite in Omni-Man's eyes and his mission and ambitions were more clearer than they had ever been before. Omni-Man finally relaxed and returned to his usual cool self speaking to Mark man to man.

Omni-Man : "Mark I'm going to show you what exactly I'm capable of, are you ready for it?"

Mark : "You kidding I was born ready, lets go dad!"

Mark had pressed all the right buttons and his fathers opinion of him skyrocketed.

Omni-Man : "Don't say I didn't warn you".

Omni-Man's eyes widened as his body seemingly blurred from existence. Mark's brain could not comprehend the sudden change and before he knew it Mark was already free falling across the sky. BOOM!-BOOM!-BOOM!-BOOM!

It was all he could hear as his head was sent spinning across the world, He could no longer tell which direction was up down left or right as his body was being rag dolled across the country.

After a while Omni-Man stopped so that Mark's broken body could fully recover. Just as Mark's body healed back to peak condition, Omni-Man continued and the cycle repeated again and again and again until Mark was able properly retaliate.

As a father Nolan felt some guilt about beating his son so senselessly and if Mark had voiced any objection to the training he would have immediately stopped and apologized to his son.

But Mark did not instead after every beat down he would continue to fight until his body failed him. Thanks to the Viltrumite's incredible natural healing capabilities Mark was not only gaining real hand to hand aerial combat experience but building muscle mass and rapidly improving at an observable rate. Mark had never once thought about giving up every time he was knocked down he got right back up again, each and every time.

With every punch and kick that Mark was able to throw out he was promptly countered by Omni-Man with an even more powerful punch or kick. Each and every painful failure made Mark's retaliation become fiercer and deadlier. After all even during war when engaging an enemy experience was king and Mark was gaining a portion of his fathers lifetime battle experience in there long battle.

Mark's body was repeatedly broken be it bones or internal organs but thanks to his DNA he would bounce back while growing a tolerance for the pain. As a soldier it was quite common for a man to develop a type of pride and arrogance that drove them to prove there superiority over their comrades.

If you did not have the ambition to become the strongest the fastest and the very best at what you do then you were just a pencil pusher in the military of his old Earth. Failure was never an option and for Mark. No matter how difficult or painful the situation became it was either Victory or Valhalla and Mark liked both.

The father and son were so engrossed in there training that they lost track of time and didn't stop until the sun had set and Omni-Man noticed how late it was getting. He wondered where did all the time fly I guess he was having so much fun that it just went right past him he thought.

Omni-Man : "Alright Mark it's time to stop".

Mark : "Huh? Already?".

Mark looked absolutely miserable his clothes' were tattered and covered in bloodstains and he had yet to fully recover from there recent fight so he was still covered in bloody bruises.

Meanwhile Omni-Man looked perfectly normal as if he had spent the entire day going on a leisurely stroll instead of an intense battle.

Mark's smile became even wider as he purposely goaded his dad into continuing.

Mark : "What's wrong dad you getting soft on me? "

Omni man could not help but chuckle while thinking when did this brat get so cheeky?

Omni-Man : "You did well today but your mother is going to be worried if we show up any later. Let's go home and pick up where we left off tomorrow".

Mark smiled nodding his head as the two flew away.