
Chapter 3 : It's a bird, It's a plane, It’s-

Mark : "Hey William, wait here for a second and keep the car running".

William : "What come on Mark? I'm busy today man".

Opening the car door Mark shouted just a sec, thanks! Not giving William any more room to complain or voice his opinion. William sighed and laid his head back in annoyance as he waited for Mark in the car.

Mark walked in through the front door of the burger joint with an indifferent look on his face. He had some minor business that he needed to take care of here before his powers kicked in and wanted to have a little fun to break up the monotony of interactions he's had so far. Pretending to be William's friend was boring and around his parents he needed to act like these strangers were his lifelong family which was a chore.

Mark wanted to have at least one genuine interaction with somebody to not only vent his frustrations a bit but enjoy full heartedly and nothing says fun like telling a douchebag boss to go eat it.

Just as quickly as William had seen Mark walk in, he had seen him rush out screaming at him to open the door. Out of panic and confusion he quickly opened the car door allowing Mark to jump in as he saw a scary obese angry man wearing a burger uniform running after him, screaming at Mark to get back here.

Mark shouted at William to Drive! Drive! Drive! in a haze of sudden confusion and adrenaline William recklessly drove the car out of the parking lot and into the streets. Mark could see his former boss in the rear view mirror, his face turning a bright red with anger as he ran into the middle of the streets throwing his hat on the ground and stomping over it, while swearing at Mark.

Mark could not help but laugh at the amusing sight behind him as William asked what the hell was going on. After Mark had finished chuckling he laid back and casually summarized the events.

Mark : "I quit my job".

William "You quit your job? What? Who was that scary looking guy? He looked like he was ready to bite your head off Mark".

Mark : "Heheh yeah, I may have shoved a burger into his mouth before I quit".

William : "Huh! You what?"

Mark yawned already bored by William and told him to stop the car here. William stopped the car and Mark got off telling him thanks for the ride and that he'd see him at school tomorrow. When William tried to ask for more details Mark waved him off with a goodbye and walked into a park sitting down beneath a tree with a pen and notepad in his hands. Managing to secretly snatch these off the Burger joints cashier desk on his way out.

He decided to take a break from his new life and stay at this park laying on the cool grass until his super powers kicked in. Enjoying the serene view and doing his best to write down key events from the plot. Focusing on the more imminent ones first. Rock Man, Suit, Robbery, Mauler Twins, meeting the teen team soon after and last but not least the big shots Alien Invasion and terrorist teacher who turned students into bombs over the death of his child.

Mark frowned, this is what more or less should happen in the comics but there was a very high chance that perhaps none, some or even something entirely new will occur instead. Mark sighed, putting the notepad away in his pocket. He patiently waited holding onto a rock to let him know when his powers awakened. The moment this rock crumbled in his grip he would know for sure.

As a former pilot the super power he looked forward to getting the most wasn't super strength but flight. With his decades of experience flying he wondered how difficult or easy it would be to actually do it…

Mark was tossing the rock on his hand up and down thinking about how he would handle the upcoming threats. If listed by priority then dealing with that terrorist teacher is definitely a first on my to do list. Just as he thought this, the rock in his hand was suddenly flung high into the air like a speeding bullet.

Mark smiled immediately climbing the tree and jumping off with his eyes closed like in the comics and Just like the comics he laughed and found himself floating aimlessly in the air like a balloon. It was a bit awkward at first but after imagining himself as one of the war jets he used to pilot and relying on his muscle memory he quickly found himself flying as naturally as a bird. He excitedly shouted as he flew off into the sky.


A bystander from the park squinted his eyes and pointed up at the flying Mark saying It's a bird. But another person beside the man said, It's a plane. Just before the last person could finish his sentence Mark was long gone as he muttered, It's-.