
Chapter 10 : Clapping Flaxan Cheeks

As Mark soared across the sky he could see the chaos happening in the city even from way up here.

The invading alien Flaxan army were really going to town much more so then their comic book counterparts as they caused death and destruction everywhere they went.

With every blast from their Alien weaponry civilians, cops and even buildings were torn apart, had holes punched through them, burned or just exploded on impact.

If Mark had not already been bathed by the insanity and fires of the third world war in his past life he would have most certainly been shell shocked.

He looked toward the Eclipse like portal these green skinned little bastards were spewing out of like an endless horde.

The streets were a symphony of people screaming followed by the pitiful resistance of gunshots from the cops and any armed civilians and the deafening pew pews and zap zap noises coming from the alien weapons.

Just as they started putting up barricades and were getting ready to completely wipe out any human resistance Mark flew down with his fist raised.-VROOM!

A few of the vehicle tanks had actually managed to aim at Mark but he was able to dodge them mid air by narrowly avoiding each shot with a slight twist of his body.


Mark had not aimed for any of the alien soldiers instead focusing on all their vehicles first by launching himself through them like a cannonball creating a vicious chain reaction of explosions.

Getting behind enemy lines Mark could not be bothered to save the civilians.

This was because as a soldier Mark knew full well that if he tried to prioritize the safety and rescue of human lives by acting like a hero then more people would just end up dying.

It was better to cut off the source of the problem before dealing with the aftermath.

Just before the Flaxans could turn around to deal with Mark he used his super speed to raise his arms like an eagle and zoom right past the largest crowds of alien soldiers. VROOM!-VROOM!-VROOM-VROOM!

Like a violent wind current Mark instantly tore through there ranks.

Some were split in half with there lower bodies still standing as a fountain of red erupted splattering and spilling their guts on the warm street pavement.

While the Flaxans that were not as fortunate to be killed by Marks arms and leave behind a recognizable corpse.

Were essentially headbutted to death with there bodies being gnashed to gory bits on impact.

Making them indistinguishable from one another as they're remains decorated the sky, like a messy bright red and green confetti.

Some of the citizens that were running could not help but stop as the initial invasion force was completely wiped out in a matter of seconds.

Leaving behind large pools of alien blood, corpses and their flaming vehicles.

A good number of people started to pull out there phones taking pictures and recording the scene while others were even taking selfies of the disaster instead of running away.

It wasn't over yet, Mark flew into the air noticing the awestruck crowd of civilians and immediately shouted at the stupid bystanders to GO!

Swiping his right arm at them creating a light shockwave to get them to scram, as it would only get worse from here.

Just as Mark had thought this immediately more and more Flaxans started to pour out of the portal followed by many more vehicles of tanks.

Multiple portals started popping up around him too and the stupid civilians that hadn't left yet to record him with their phones were immediately gunned down.

Mark could not help but frown as it was such an easily avoidable death thinking to himself, wow humans are stupid no wonder my world went to shit.

Mark had already been drenched in Flaxan blood and when the incoming Flaxan troops noticed this they got angry and immediately focused fire on him.

Mark coldly scoffed as they pointed at him.

Killing this many Flaxan soldiers all at once with his current level of strength and speed it was just not reasonable.

However Mark knew that sooner or later these guys would begin to die from old age and retreat.

Mark flew down gently landing on the pools of blood and gore he left behind, with an indifferent expression.

He was completely surrounded and even with his enhanced durability he would definitely die if all these guys shot him at once.

All Mark had to do was keep them busy until then and follow them back into their portal.

Despite the large human death toll Mark was doing his best to keep it from growing any higher.

If all there attention was on Mark than it would mean that there invasion would not go beyond this battlefield.

The moment Mark heard an alien scream an order he reacted.


Just like what Omni-Man did when he first got serious with Mark during their training, Mark seemingly blurred from existence at that moment.


Mark reappeared floating beside a Tank as he grabbed it by the barrel and lifted it into the air.

Using it like a broom Mark swept away all the aliens around him before tossing the tank back into a portal crushing any aliens in it's path along the way.

The Flaxans reacted by shouting and firing back at him but Mark used this to his advantage and flew around the crowd creating waves of friendly fire as he punched and kicked away groups of aliens.

Even if Mark could not kill the Flaxan soldiers all at once he could continue to whittle away at their numbers until they became demoralized or old as they had no way of truly countering or stopping Mark.

However Mark was keenly aware that if he did not stop the Flaxans now they would just reappear in the future with a method to stop or kill him.

That was the scenario Mark wanted to avoid the most with the Flaxans...

A chapter a day keeps the Doctors away haha .-. Hello party peeps TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! :D I have taken the day off but I will only post 1 chapter because I want to spend time with my family :3 Might post another to end my B-day with a bang :D For some reason webnovel is not allowing me to make any comments? So I am unable to reply to you all which is sad. But someone commented that Viltrumite's do not have super hearing that might be true not too sure myself tho since I binge read the comics a second time when the tv show aired so my memory is not that fresh anymore.

But in the comics when Robot kills Mohawk-Mark he uses his knowledge of their ear sensitivity and figures out that Viltrumites are softer on the insde to do it, since the ears are a key part of why Viltrumite's are essentially flying bricks.

It is actually pretty debatable too when you consider how tv-show, Omni-Man killed the stealth soldiers and this fanfic is a mix of the tv show and comics so I think it's safe to say they do but I might be wrong :P

It would be too awkward to go back and change the story now so if its not true then lets all pretend that this is the fanfic reality where they do have super hearing XD

....and any other author misconceptions lol

Ultimate_Edgelordcreators' thoughts