
Invincible’s Older Brother: Eternal

Warning! Spoilers! Obviously! Nolan was sent to Earth alone on a mission, but what if he wasn’t actually alone? What if he had taken his newborn son with him from Viltrum? Nolan took his newborn son in a space pod to Earth. He carried the pod all the way. He had to raise his son while also trying to blend in. Nolan met a man named Cecile Stedman who set him up as Omni-Man, Earth’s newest and mightiest hero. Meanwhile he met a woman named Debbie, who he would eventually marry. Debbie would give birth to Nolan’s second son. They named the youngest child Mark Grayson. The eldest, Jayden Grayson. Jay for short. Debbie was a great mother to both Mark and Jay and raised them the same. She was a great mother to her sons and wife to her husband. Jay was six years older than Mark and enjoyed his role of being the big brother. Mark was the typical little brother. He loved Jay, but he would get jealous or angry at him for being older. But as they grew up they didn’t drift apart and stayed close. Even after Jay got his powers, Mark would pray that he got his soon. But they never came. Mark watched as Jay became a superhero along with their dad and helped save people. Jay’s superhero name was: Eternal Not really by choice, but it grew on him. It was kinda just stuck to him randomly one day in his early active superhero days. And that’s all for now. You’ll have to read for more. —————— I don’t own anything! Except for the MC and OC. I don’t own Invincible or any photos I may use. Repeat! I only own MC or OCs

Quade_The_Unknown · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Ch. 3 Unexpected Turn of Events

Jay was driving to his house. Not his parents house. HIS.

He really liked that he had his own place.

Just like Mark, he was a comic book lover as well. It's just that, since he got his powers at a young age he pretty much lived in one.

Why would you read lots of comics when you live in one? His dad was Omni-Man for crying out loud.

He had trained his powers while he was in high school and only became a superhero part-time when he went to a special school due to one of his dad's friends.

Jay remembers fighting crime as an extracurricular activity. For a degree that would allow him to become a psychiatrist. Yep, because those two are related.

Jay likes to say. "I can physically fight, but now I can mentally as well" or something equally stupid.

He had been physically strong. But he wanted to sharpen his mind and understand the psyche of those he fought. And if he could help a few students while he's at it then why not?

Jay gets to his home. It's a single story house with a basement. Nothing fancy. But for a single guy it was plenty big. He turned the basement into the man-cave every guy wishes to have.

He finds the suit he wants and finds his pair of aviator sunglasses. He debates slicking his hair back for the style points.

It takes him 5 minutes just to decide to do it. He lets some of his bangs to fall over his forehead. And it's not pulled straight back like Mark's and Nolan's either. He made it go to the side slightly for a bit of difference. He threw on a gray dress shirt and his black suit pants and jacket.

He was about to walk out when he realizes he forgot his tie. He turns back and finds a darker gray tie than his shirt.

He looks in the mirror and makes sure nothing is missing. He gives himself a charming smile before wiping it off.

"What am I doing?" Jay mutters.

He looks over at his superhero suit hiding spot and stares at it.


Jay snaps out of his thoughts and looks around for his phone. He finds it in his jeans he was previously wearing.

He looks at it and sees that it's a text from Suzu.

'I'm ready'

"The fuck does that mean?" Jay utters.

Is she ready to be picked up? Is she already there? Is she on her way there?

'Want me to pick you up?' Jay sends.

He waits for a minute before he gets a reply.

'If your offering sure. It's not like alcohol affects you anyway even if you decide to drink'

Jay puts his phone in his pocket and grabs his wallet. He sends another glance at his hiding spot for his hero suit and walks out the door.

He drives back across town and gets to Suzu's place.

He wonders how empty it must feel now that her parents are gone. Shit...

He parks in her driveway and gets out of his car.

Jay walks up to her door and knocks. He checks his watch and it's already 6:30. It didn't take him too long to get here. How long was he staring at the suit?


The door unlocks and then swings open.

Jay's eyes go wide as he sees Suzu walk out of her house.

She is absolutely stunning.

"Why does it feel like I'm underdressed?" Jay looks down at his suit.

"I think you meant 'out of your league'" Suzu smiles at Jay.

"Yeah, that" Jay wonders when she jumped above a 10.

"Let's get going. We have lots to catch up on. Has your driving improved?" Suzu says as she walks up to Jay.

"God I hope it has" Jay smiles and walks next to Suzu to his car.

They get in and Jay begins heading to the bar.

"I think we're a little over dressed for the bar. Have you eaten?" Jay asks.

"No, ive been too busy today. I had breakfast but had to skip lunch" Suzu leans back in her seat, the wind blowing her hair back.

"I haven't had dinner either. I know a place we can go, my treat" Jay is thinking of a decent restaurant.

"Dinner sounds great honestly" Suzu watches the scenery fly past her as Jay drives smoothly to their destination.

Not much else is said for the rest of the drive.

They arrive at a decently fancy restaurant that Suzu hadn't heard of before.

"And here we are" Jay says as he parks his car and gets out.

Suzu gets out and looks at Jay. "I thought you hated places like this"

"Dislike Suzu, dislike. But when we get dressed up why not treat ourselves" Jay leads Suzu into the restaurant.

They get seated and order their food.

"So how do you afford everything on a high school counselors salary? Your house, car, and whatever else you have. It's questionable" Suzu asks.

"What can I say? I'm a superhero and I get paid by the government to beat up bad guys whenever they pop up? Oh yeah! That's why I was gone for the past 2 weeks. I was on the other side of the planet dealing with that subterranean problem over there" Jay sarcastically remarks.

Suzu sighs. "Haaaah… I was expecting too much from you Jayden. You could have just said you locked yourself up in your room to play games"

Jay leans forward. "What? I wouldn't do that after high school. I really was on the other side of the world though. I was asked by one of my dads friends to help relieve the damage over there. I helped the people recover and rebuild. Honest"

A waiter comes by and pours wine for them both.

Suzu takes the glass in her hand. "Ok, let's say I believe you. Why wouldn't you tell me?"

Jay looks at the liquid in his cup. "It's not like we really talked much lately anyway. I just…. didn't see the point in bothering you about it. I barely told my mom and brother anyway too" Jay somberly says.

"Jay, are you ok? It's like, ever since sophomore year of high school you have become more….. detached or something" Suzu asks.

"Sophomore year huh?" Jay remembers this is around the time when he started seriously training his powers. "It hasn't been easy. And I know it's the same for you Suzy"

"Really?" Suzu drinks her glass. "That's your excuse? It hasn't been easy? No shit Jay"

Jay doesn't know how to explain it. He knows she lost her parents during highschool and she had to take over the family business. That's why she's always so busy, and stressed. He couldn't be there for her all the time when she needed him to. That's another reason he didn't pursue her romantically, as much as he wanted to.

"I'm sorry Suzu. But seriously, it's not like you've been completely honest with me either" Jay says as he takes a sip of the red liquid.

"It's not like you make it easy Jayden….." Suzu looks to the side. "Can we talk about other things…."

"Why don't we try going back to the way we were... back in high school when we were still close" Jay asks.

Suzu smiles and turns back to Jay. "That… would be nice…"

They eat their food when it comes and talk casually. Jay doesn't have a lot to talk about since most of the time is a no-go to talk about because of his superhero work. But he's gotten used to changing the words around to sound normal.

"So basically, you've been bored until you became a counselor at our old school" Suzu comments.

"And basically you have been working to the bone and stressing out this whole time" Jay comments.

They both sigh at the same time.

"Why does being an adult have to be like this" Jay laments.

"It truly does suck" Suzu drinks another glass.

Jay lost track on which glass she was on. Her pale face turned a light shade of red due to the alcohol, so she drank enough to get drunk.

"Hey Jayden….?" Suzu asks.

"Yeah Suzy?" Jay has stopped drinking. It doesn't do much for him anyway. His metabolism is too much for the alcohol.

"…..nevermind…." Suzu puts her forehead in her palm while she lets her elbow rest on the table.

"What is it?"

Suzu shakes her head. "It's stupid. Forget I said anything"

Jay raises an eyebrow. "Stupid? Now I have to hear it. Cmon, it can't be that bad" Jay requests.

Suzu looks at Jay through her fingers. "…Idiot…"

"Wow, going back to high school insults too, thanks" Jay rests his chin on his hand as he leans on the table.

"Urghhh….fine" Suzu looks at her empty glass. "How many dates have you been on?"

"Dates?" Jay parrots.

"Yeah, and are you still straight?" Suzu runs her finger around the lip of the glass.

"Yes I'm still straight!" Jay says louder than he meant to. "Ahem. I mean, yes. I'm still straight. Did you think I turned gay? Like the irradiated frogs?"

"Was just asking. William had the hardest crush on you. Remember?" Suzu continues messing with the glass.

"Sorta, but. Not really honestly. I remember him coming out, and how he struggled with it. But now I see him and he's grown. It's quite a story to be told. Although I wish he doesn't try to get with me" Jay reminisces.

"Yeah, that was hard for the guy. He had a crush on you before he came out Jayden. I could tell" Suzu watches Jay's reaction.

"I would assume so. We all went swimming together and….. wait. Why would you know if I didn't? I'm not that oblivious" Jay pauses and questions. His hopes rising slightly, but falling just as quickly.

"Trust me Jayden. You are 'definitely' that oblivious" Suzu states with emphasis.

Jay clears his head. "I guess you're right. Maybe that's why all my relationships end in weeks"

"How many?"

"Some don't get past the first date" Jay admits in a defeated tone.

"Not how long, how many?" Suzu corrects.

Jay thinks. Some were more memorable than others. "Too many to accurately remember"

"Just give a ballpark"

"Ballpark? Over 50…" Jay easily says. "Lowballing I think"

"Jesus Jayden, what the fuck?" Suzu picks her head up and looks at Jay in disbelief. "Is that why you ignored me?"

"No! It's not like I ignored you! I…" Jay stops himself.

"You what? Slept with almost every girl you found pretty?" Suzu rudely comments.

"Don't act all angelic Suzu. You weren't much better back in the day. I've tried dating. It just doesn't work out…. It never does" Jay gets a bit pissed.

"I didn't date more than 4 guys! And I haven't dated anyone since Brian!" Suzu angrily says. She didn't like how Jay implied she was slutty.

"Brian? That was like, halfway through senior year! You told me you dated after him, did you lie?!" Jay was getting worked up now. He felt a heat in his chest that clouded his mind. He hadn't felt like this in a while. The anger he keeps locked away was trying to break free, as cringe as that sounds. He got used to bottling certain things up.

"I!….yeah….." Suzu admits.

"Why? Why lie about that?" Jay demands. He might have asked her out back then. Even with all his hesitation. Senior year he was the closest to cracking. If she wasn't dating anyone he would have broken up with….. Jaz? He can't even remember her name.

"Because…. No, this isn't on me. You were the one jumping from one girl to the next!" Suzu points at him.

Jay has a confused look on his face. How did they get to this topic in the first place. "Ok. And? I was…." Jay was going to say lost. But he just doesn't have an actual answer.

"What? It wasn't lonely, that's for sure"

"I was going through some shit, and I didn't cope well" Jay remembers killing his first person. It didn't affect him much. But, that's what scared him. Not killing, but the fact he didn't care he killed.

"So was I Jay!"

"And I tried to be there! For you, I really tried!" Jay remembers trying to juggle everything at once. Even if he was only training, he still did some hero work. Only when it was absolutely necessary. Which happened kinda often when the big shots were dealing with big shot villains. The little guys had nobody to look out for them. So Jay tried to help where he could. Vigilante style. And he was sloppy.

"Well you didn't try hard enough! You were never there when I needed you, or you would leave and come back later like nothing happened. The look in your eyes…. When you came back it was like you were a different person no matter how hard you tried to act normal"

Jay realizes how shitty he was. But that's why he didn't date her to begin with. Because she deserved better. But she never chose anyone better. It was always the bad boy. But apparently only the first 4 were real. "I'm sorry about that…"

Suzu just glares at him. "I'll get a cab" She stands up and begins walking out.

Jay stands up. He tosses money into the table and walks after Suzu who was already outside. "Wait! Suzu!"

He gets outside and sees her stands with her fists balled up at her sides. "What?" She says with venom in her voice.

"At least let me drive you home. That way I know you'll be safe" Jay pleads.

"Since when do you care about my safety? When the damn lizard league appeared you ditched me and ran for it!" Suzu brings up.

Jay had left her with the other kids on the field trip and helped defend them. He never could balance his lives. "I told you! I made sure you and the others were safe! Did you guys even see a lizardman when I left?"

Suzu turns around with tears running down her face. "No! But that doesn't explain where you went! Or what you did to keep them away! And that's not the only time either. Remember how scared I was? How I begged you to not go? But you brushed my hand off and smiled as you left. Like you weren't going towards danger or to abandon us!"

Jay doesn't know what to say to that. He really doesn't.

"Jay, I've tried to forget about you. I really have. To get your damn smile out of my head. Or the way you laugh and joke around. The way you used to make me feel safe…. But I couldn't. I can't. I couldn't move away from my house because it was where I could catch glimpses of you going there every now and then and we would talk. Even with all your faults my heart has been stuck on you. But you just didn't see it, or should I say want to see it. I tried making you jealous, but it only backfired in the end. You didn't care, you warned me but you never stopped me. No other guy was…. Is…. like you Jayden Grayson. But this is it. I just wanted to talk with you one more time and see if I can get over my feelings…."

"Stop! Please for a minute! Please just stop!" Jay doesn't know what to do. His mind was swirling as he remembered his past.

"I wish it was that easy Jay. I've tried stopping. But I just kept falling harder for you. Even while you were gone. My work barely distracted me…" Suzu wipes her tears.

"Suzu, I…I" Jay walks up to her. "I want to tell you so much. Tell you everything. I've been a bad friend… and…"

Suzu grabs his collar and pulls him, or tries to. He lets her pull him down. "Then why don't you tell me?! Enough with the lies and excuses Jay! Or I'm really gone! Tell me how you feel about me….. or have you never seen me in that way…."

"Damn it Suzu" Jay grabs her hands and kisses her.

Her eyes go wide for a second before they close and tears fall harder from them. She focuses on the kiss she had been waiting for for so long over the years.

Jay breaks the kiss. "I've tried so hard Suzu…. to stay away… to not do this… to you…" Jay looks at his childhood friend. "Suzu, I've had a crush on you since fucking middle school"

"…..why? Why not tell me? Why date other girls then?! Why let me date other guys?! Why leave me alone?! Jay! Why?!" Suzu started out quiet, but gets louder until she's shouting.

"To forget about you. To not drag you down with me. To give you a better life than you could have with me. Because I didn't want to see you sad or see you disappointed in me. Because I was young and stupid! I still am! There's reasons why I did what I did… I promise you that" Jay passionately tells Suzu. "And I tried moving on so we could still be friends. I've dated so many women, tried to. But they just weren't the ones…"

Jay cups her cheek with his hand and uses his thumb to wipe a tear from her eye. He smiles longingly at her. "…they weren't you"

"You truly are an idiot Jayden Grayson" Suzu puts her hand over his and closes her eyes. "And I love you still"

"I love you too Suzu Mitsu" Jay leans in again and kisses her.

She grabs his suit jacket as they kiss.


It started with just one clap, but more people quickly joined. Some people whistled and cheered.

Jay and Suzu looked around and saw they had quite the crowd amassed and watching them. There weren't even this many people at the restaurant.

"Let's go" Jay says as he grabs her hand as the crowd continues cheering and congratulating them.

Suzu gets pulled along and doesn't resist. She's too embarrassed, happy, excited, emotional, and drunk to resist.

Jay gets her to the car and puts her in. He hops in and starts the car.

The people make a path for him to exit the parking lot.

Jay looks at all the cameras pointed at them. "Do people have nothing better to do?"

Suzu slinks down into her seat. "That might be somewhat my fault…"

Jay gets to the street and speeds away. "How? I don't see how it ca-"

"Unlike the counselor at Reginald Vel Johnson High School, I'm a tiny bit more popular" Suzu says with a bit of regret.

"Tiny bit more popular? Suzu, I don't think you ever told me what your company does" Jay keeps his eyes on the road. And Suzu's heart has been beating rapidly for the past 10 minutes.

"About that….." Suzu looks at Jay's hair blowing in the wind.

"Dont just leave me hanging in suspense! Cmon, it can't shock me that badly" Jay says.

"It's kind of….. MTC" Suzu finally says.

"MTC?!" Jay nearly swerved into the next lane.

He gets his car back under control. "MTC! As in MTC, the giant business that advanced technology a few year into the future back in the day, MTC? The same company that supplies the government? Wait….. M.T.C. Dont tell me…"

"MTC. Mitsu.Tech.Company"

"That has to be the lamest name for a giant company like that one! There had been rumors of what the letters meant. Like Monetary.Titan.Company or some shit!" Jay says in disbelief.

"My parents weren't the best at naming things. And I didn't want to change it once I owned it"

Jay takes a deep breath. "And how would they know that you were the CEO, or where you were?"

"I don't know. I just figured I would tell you since we're…. what are we Jay?" Suzu asks drunkenly.

"So basically you just jumped to conclusions and gave me a heart attack. I thought your identity got leaked and now I would be known as the guy who is dating the CEO of th-"

"Are we dating?" Suzu asks and cuts him off.

"Suzu, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Jay asks without looking away from the road. He moves his roach hand towards her with his palm facing the sky.

He feels Suzu grab his hand in both of hers. "Yes"

"Then we are officially dating" Jay says and squeezes her hand gently.

Suzu tightly holds onto his hand with both of hers. This had been a dream she used to have for many, many years. It feels surreal. It makes her feel-


3508 words

Had to give the childhood friend a win. They always get rejected in everything. It’s always the new girl that gets the MC guy. But not this time! It might have taken years for them to get together, and it might have been bumpy for them. But they’re together now!

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts