
Invincible’s Older Brother: Eternal

Warning! Spoilers! Obviously! Nolan was sent to Earth alone on a mission, but what if he wasn’t actually alone? What if he had taken his newborn son with him from Viltrum? Nolan took his newborn son in a space pod to Earth. He carried the pod all the way. He had to raise his son while also trying to blend in. Nolan met a man named Cecile Stedman who set him up as Omni-Man, Earth’s newest and mightiest hero. Meanwhile he met a woman named Debbie, who he would eventually marry. Debbie would give birth to Nolan’s second son. They named the youngest child Mark Grayson. The eldest, Jayden Grayson. Jay for short. Debbie was a great mother to both Mark and Jay and raised them the same. She was a great mother to her sons and wife to her husband. Jay was six years older than Mark and enjoyed his role of being the big brother. Mark was the typical little brother. He loved Jay, but he would get jealous or angry at him for being older. But as they grew up they didn’t drift apart and stayed close. Even after Jay got his powers, Mark would pray that he got his soon. But they never came. Mark watched as Jay became a superhero along with their dad and helped save people. Jay’s superhero name was: Eternal Not really by choice, but it grew on him. It was kinda just stuck to him randomly one day in his early active superhero days. And that’s all for now. You’ll have to read for more. —————— I don’t own anything! Except for the MC and OC. I don’t own Invincible or any photos I may use. Repeat! I only own MC or OCs

Quade_The_Unknown · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Ch. 2 School Life

Jay pulls into the schools parking lot and puts on his fake glasses.

"Do those things even work?" Mark asks.

Jay slides them up his nose and looks at his brother. "They work well enough" He shrugs.

"Whatever man, let me out. I don't particularly want to be seen with you" Mark hops out of the car.

"Love you too, Mark!" Jay shouts with an evil grin as some people look towards him as Mark slinks away.

Jay goes around to the side of the building to the Faculty parking and parks his car. He opens his door and gets out like a normal, civilized, person.

"Hello Mr. Grayson" A females voice rings out through the air.

Jay walks towards the building and sees his coworker Ms. Yumisaki, Meri Yumisaki.

She was your generic bubbly and energetic teacher that loves teaching. Very friendly and sociable. But the rougher students tend to try and walk over her, and that's where Jay comes in and handles those students.

Ms. Yumisaki had long golden yellow hair that barely went down past her shoulder blades. She had turquoise-blue eyes. She stands cutely at an even 5'0" tall. Unless she wears heels to try and stand a little taller. She prefers sweaters to a more stricter business style attire. She wears jeans or pants rather than dresses or skirts. And her curves are nice too.

"Ms. Yumisaki, good morning. I hope things have gone smoothly in my short absence?" Jay stops to chat with one of his teacher friends.

Meri laughs nervously. "Hehe…. yeah….. smoothly…"

Jay winces. "That bad? I wasn't gone for that long, who has it been? And couldn't you have asked Mr. Harvey or Mr. Davison?"

"I tried to handle it on my own" Meri says in a low and sad tone.

Jay puts his hand on her shoulder gently. "It's not a bad thing to do things on your own. But you must know when to ask for help. It isn't s a sign of weakness or failure. We are all here to help the youth right? And there are things you are great at and not so great at, everybody is like that!" He tries to cheer her up.

"Even you?" Meri asks as she looks up at Jay's face with big eyes.

"Yep!" He nods and let's her shoulder go.

"But what are you not good at? You seem near perfect! I mean… You can do anything anyone asks if you. I don't think I've seen you fail at something" Meri holds her book bag tightly.

"Hahaha! Thanks! I'm glad it looks that way!" Jay laughs heartily. He then leans down and whispers. "But I am just terrible at things too. Can you keep a secret?"

Meri nods her head once. "Yes!"

Jay continues in a whisper. "Ok. One thing I'm not great at is…." He lets the suspense build "… is dating"

Meri wasn't expecting this. She takes a step back and turns slightly red. "D-dating?! Li-Like going out with someone dating?!"

"Shhhhhh! Not so loud please! Secret remember! Secret!" Jay shushes her. He knows she isn't one that can keep a secret, but it's not like he really cares if people know about this. "And yes, dating with the opposite gender doesn't go well for me. Can't keep a girlfriend for more than a few weeks" He helplessly shrugs.

"Really? I didn't even know that you were trying to date?" Meri thought about it.

"I'm trying and I'm failing spectacularly, just last night my date fled mid-meal and hasn't returned any calls or texts" Jay shakes his head.

"That's horrible! I wonder why somebody would do that" Meri wonders.

"Who knows, it's like I'm cursed to be alone forever" Jay looks around the parking lot and sees a few other teachers.

"I'm sure there is somebody out there for you! I'm sure!" Meri tries to cheer him up.

Jay looks at her and how she is so adamant and positive. "Thanks, at least somebody believes that. Now let's get to your class. I've got nothing to do and my first mission back is to set a few delinquents straight!" Jay raises his fist in the air as he walks into the school.

"Th-they aren't delinquents! They're just…. currently misguided!" Meri tries to catch up to Jay.

"Either way, it's my job to get them back onto their right path" Jay waves at a few teachers as a greeting.

Jay and Meri talk as they go towards her classroom. Jay greets many students and teachers. He's kinda popular, mostly due to his good looks and how he treats the students like they're adults and not kids. They like talking with an adult that doesn't talk down to them. Sure Jay does from time to time when he needs to set a student straight, but he tries not to resort to that. Most of the time it's just stress and frustration and they need to vent. And Jay keeps his mouth shut when he is asked about what they discussed. Unlike some other counselors. There are situations he has to talk to their parents and make sure they get the right help though.

Jay and Meri get to her classroom and she gets her papers and books ready for the day. Jay walks around the room to not get bored. The desks are the same, but there were a few posters and pictures on the walls that weren't there before.

Meri tells Jay about the trouble makers and he waits for them to get to class and he talks with them and sets them straight. The usual thing. Strike one out of three sorta deal. Some advice, and an ear to listen if they wanna talk.

Unfortunately, some girls are very bad. But Jay knows better than to risk catching a case so he makes sure to do proper procedures at all times. High schoolers are horny as hell, and Jay being close to their age and handsome sets off some things in their head.

The female teachers, like Meri, have to worry about the guys. Luckily there hasn't been anything bad going on between teachers and students. But maybe that means that the ones doing it are just that sneaky.

Jay walks through the halls and sees Mark talking with his friend. Jay being Mrak's brother, he knows his only friend.

"How's the stage 5 gayness treating you William?" Jay greets Mark's best friend William Clockwell.

"I was wondering why Mark was in the trenches this morning" William says to himself as he looked up and down Jay. "Guess it's because his hot big brother came back today. And I think you just made it stage 6"

"Still a counselor dude, and still not gay" Jay says as he walks up to them.

"But I've known you since before you were a counselor, so you can't use that excuse" William smirks and points a finger at Jay.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but in still not gay. But I'll take the compliment though. Helps after I got walked out on by my date and ghosted by her last night" Jay leans on the lockers next to Mark's open locker.

"Ouch" William winces. "That's rough no matter the sexuality"

"Can we talk about something else guys!" Mark complains as he rummages around his locker.

William leans against the windowsill on the opposite side of the hall where the windows are. "How about…" He pulls his phone out after remembering the morning news. "… the Mauler Twins attacking the White House? Nuts… right?"

"I saw" Mark says as he takes a book out of the locker.

"I 'also' saw" Jay says with a straight face. But internally he was dying of laughter. Of course, it was at the fact he was there in person.

"I can believe the Guardians of the Globe let them get 'that' close to killing the President" William says as he reads a new article that was published on his way to school.

Mark looks at William. "They didn't even get into the building" He states. "And Omni-Man was there too!" He quickly adds.

"You are such an Omni-Maniac. Way to root for the underdog. Big fan of the 'Yankees~' are you?" William teases.

"Hahaha!" Jay couldn't help but laugh. He was not expecting that one. Sure it wasn't the funniest joke, but he will be damned if he doesn't laugh at that one.

William smiles and continues. "I mean sure he's hot and all…"

Jay stops laughing. Mark shuts his locker and looks at William with an uneasy look.

William looks at nothing as he clearly is visualizing something. "And that mustache~" He says in a low tone like it's the thing he is fantasizing about.

Mark's and Jay's eyebrow twitch.

Mark picks his backpack up off the ground and puts his book inside. "Eeehhhhhh…"

"Sorry, ok. Straight stuff. You up for some Clash Crash tonight? I'm hoping for a level 43 chest armor" William walks over to Mark.

"Danny! Get down!" Jay shouts down the hall. "Sorry guys, duty calls" Jay begins walking down the hall. "I saw your face Danny! Come back here before I have to catch you!"


William looks at Jay's back and admires his….. shoulder width and strength of his jeans. Yep. Strength of his jeans. Not what they're covering. "Is it me or does he get even hotter when he gets commanding and demanding?"

"It's you dude. It's you" Mark stands up. "And about tonight…."

William looks at Mark. "Don't bring up that stupid job man. Don't be that person"

"When's the last time you bought a comic book? Those things are expensive. AND they're doing séance dog twice a month all summer" Mark defends himself and his spending habits.

William folds his arms across his chest. "You're into the stupidest stuff"

"Knock it OFF, Todd!"

Mark and William look to down the opposite hall Jay went. They see a school bully, Todd, harassing Amber Bennet.

Todd is the typical blond hair blue eyes jock and bully combo.

Amber has dark skin, black hair and brown eyes. She is a pretty chill and relaxed person. She has a strict moral compass and doesn't take nonsense from anyone. She's understanding and caring unless you are unreasonable Dont don't tell her important things.

Amber tries walking around Todd to get to her class.

But Todd just walks next to her. "Cmon~. Quit playing games. I know your crazy about me" He stops walking next to her and puts his hands in his pockets. "Marcy told me"

Amber stops walking, turns around, and walks up to Todd who has a smug look on his face and crosses his arms on his chest like he's the top dog.

"Well… you are big and strong aren't you…" Amber says.

Todd grins as he flexed his right bicep. "You know it~"

Amber scowls and points a finger at Todd's face. "And YOU think that makes it ok for you to harass me?!" Amber was about to walk away but Todd forcefully grabs her arm.

Amber swipes his hand off her arm and flares at him.

"Hey, don't walk away from me! What are you, a 'Lesbian~' or something?" Todd makes fun of her.

This sets Amber off. "Oh my God~" she clasps her hands together. "I wish!" She says before turning back to Todd and pointing at him again, this time with her middle finger. "Would you leave me alone then?" She tries walking away but Todd grabs her again.

"Let go of me so I can go find a girl to kiss!" Amber tries to get out of Todds grasp.

Mark steps towards the scene. But William puts a hand on his shoulder. "Don't. Guys twice your size"

Mark stares at the scene angrily. "Maybe you can sit back and watch this, I can't"

"I can, because I'm not Omni-Man. And neither are you" William states.

Mark begins walking towards Todd. "Let's see"


Jay had already dealt with the clock thief. Why the fuck do teenagers have to steal school shit like clocks and other things for social media? Who decided that was a good idea?

He had gone back to see if Mark and William were still talking and sees the situation a bit further down the hall with Amber and Todd.

Jay has dealt with Todd many times. He thinks he's king of the hill or something equally stupid.

"Mark, you got this. Just don't make a complete fool of yourself. Believe you can do it. Just go and show him what you're made of" Jay says beneath his breath.

Sure he could go and settle this. But he wants Mark to be the one to do it. To give him confidence and a reputation boost. Maybe even hit things off with Amber. Who knows.

He just wants his little brother to be able to stand on his own two feet.

That doesn't mean Jay won't jump in if things escalate.


Mark walks up behind Todd and clears his throat. "Ehem! I think Amber's been pretty clear on how she feels. Todd" Mark says trying to sound cool.

Todd turns around and walks up to Mark. "Are you serious Grayson?" *BAM*

Todd didn't hesitate before punching Mark square in the face.

"Gaahhh!" Mark stumbles backwards and grabs his face in pain. His feet barely staying under him.

Todd doesn't give Mark time to recover as he delivers an uppercut to Marks abdomen.

"Uhhh!" Mark groans as he keels over and holds his stomach. He stands for a second before falling to his side, couching as he tries to get his breath back.

Todd stands over Mark and is about to stomp on his face.

But Amber quickly runs up behind Todd and punts his balls from the 50 yard line to the field goal.

The kick literally lifts Todd off his feet.

When Todd's feet touch the ground his knees buckle together as his eyes shrink and his hands hold where his balls used to be.

He can either taste them or he needs to go searching for them inside his body. But judging by how he wants to throw up it's safe to say he can taste him.

Todd's voice goes up a few pitches and he moans and groans.

"Leave him alone!" Amber shouts at Todd.

The bully tries to run away but he then feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns around and sees a smiling Jayden Grayson. The counselor and brother of the person he just pummeled.

Jay smiles with his eyes closed as he looks at Todd. "I don't know where you're about to run off to but it better be my office"

Todd is still groaning. "Mhm" he gets out.

"Then get there in two minutes" Jay pushes Todd's shoulder forward.

Todd didnt need to be told twice to leave. He runs with his hands between his legs down the hall past the other students who make way for him as he tries to run.

William moves to Mark's side and gets him off the ground and sits him up before giving his shoulder to lean on.

Mark uses Williams shoulder to lean on and groans as he is stood up. "Urrghhh"

"Good kick Amber. After I'm done with him I think the nurse may have to find his balls somewhere around throat I assume" Jay looks around. "Ahem!" He coughs into his hand. "I mean, I need to see you in my office later. You shouldn't have resorted to violence"

"Sure thing Mr. Grayson" Amber says and turns to Mark and William.

"You got him?" Jay asks William who gives a nod in return. "Good, I'll go deal with that idiot. And I'm sorry you had to deal with that Amber" Jay heads towards his office where Todd should be near at this point since he was running.

Amber looks at Mark. "Thank you" She says as she releases a sigh and sounds relieved.

"Gah, yeah, ugh" Mark is able to get out as he is still holding his stomach where he was punched.

"Come on Mark. Let's go see the hot nurse all you straight boys love so much" William says as he guides Mark down the hall.


It's the end of the school day and Jay had a busy day back. He had helped Meri with the rambunctious students. Met up with Mr. Harvey and Mr. Davison, his two male teacher friends that are pretty chill. And dealt with other situations around the school. Apparently things fell apart in his quick absence. Or maybe it's just the kids getting riled up because of hormones or whatever else.

He texts Suzu that he's almost done for the day and she tells him she will be done at 5 and to meet up at a bar they used to go to a while back.

"Hadn't been there in a while, neat" Jay says to himself.

Amber walks in and he tells her to sit down. He has her explain what happened so he can finish the incident report.

It's simple and easy so it took less than five minutes.

"Thank you Ms. Bennet" Jay then relaxes in his chair. "And I'd like to thank you as Mark's brother as well. He's a bit…. head strong with an even stronger moral compass. I'm surprised he doesn't get in more fights"

Amber gets up. "It's not a problem. He's the one that helped me first"

Jay waves that away. "Still, if you have any more problems come to me. I owe you one for helping my little bro out. That could have gotten much worse"

Amber nods. "Will do Mr. Grayson" and she walks out of his tiny office"

Jay sighs as he leans back on his chair. "This place is some how even smaller than I remember"

His office is basically a bit bigger than a walk in closet. He has a desk, a single filing cabinet in the back corner, his chair behind the desk, and two crappy folding chairs for students to sit on. His computer isn't fancy either, just big and clunky.

Jay was about to get up when there was a knock on his door. He looks over and sees Meri standing with her book bag in her left hand.

"I'd like to thank you again for today Mr. Grayson" She smiles brightly at him.

Jay stands up. "Any time. And when I have questions about any litterateur I'll be sure to come to you Ms. Yumisaki"

"I'll be ready for any questions!" She cheers.

Jay smiles. "Great, anything else?"

Meri looks around the room. "There is one other thing"

Jay sits on the corner of his desk. "What is it?" He can hear her heart pounding when he uses his superhearing.

"I-It's nothing really. I was just wondering if you would…. Ummm, maybe want to hang out not at school? Like on the weekend?" She looks at the corner of the room and avoids Jays eyes. She fiddles with the strap of her book bag as she nervously stands there.

Jay's eyes widen in surprise. "Ms. Yumisaki. Are you… asking me on a date?"

"Eh?!" Meri looks at Jay and drops her book bag. "N….Ye… I mean, maybe? W-Would you want to?"

Jay puts his right hand behind him on his desk to lean on. "I don't normally date coworkers Ms. Yumisaki…"

Meri looks back at the ground sadly. "I unde-"

"But I think I can make an exception for you"

Meri whips her head back to Jay and sees him smiling gently at her. "Is th-"

Jay cuts her off again. "That's a yes. Let's plan on this Saturday?"

Meri rapidly nods her head. "Yeah! This Saturday works!" She then steps backwards out of his office since she barely entered it. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then! I-I mean, for work tomorrow. I-If there are any students that are too much you know.. I… bye!" She quickly leaves his office.

Jay looks at her book bag that is still on the ground. He walks over to it and picks it up. It's decently heavy. Certainly heavier than it looks. But it's nothing for Jay.

He walks out of his office, shuts the lights off, and locks it up. Then he walks down the hall hoping to find Meri.

He finds her around the corner of the hall that leads to his office.

She was leaning her back against the wall with a very red face and her breathing was quick.

"You left something" Jay says in a playful tone.

"Eeeh!" Meri almost jumps out of her shoes at the sudden appearance of Jay.

"Didn't mean to spook you. You just left your bag and I was worried if I would have to search the school to find you. Speaking of which, can I have your phone number? Not your work one since me calling the classroom won't do me a bit of good" Jay leans his shoulder on the corner of the walls.

"Oh, yes. That… here" Meri grabs the bag from Jay and puts it on her shoulder. She takes out a pen and writes her number on his hand in cutesy numbers.

Jay looks at it. "Didn't know you were an artist as well" He admires the weird finesse of it.

"S-sorry! I'm just used to writing numbers like that… my brain is a bit wonky right now…" Meri embarrassingly smiles.

Jay holds his hand up with the numbers on it. "I don't mind, it's cute"

Meri blushes harder and looks at the ground to try and hide it a bit. "R-really? Thank you. I-I should get going now. Bye!"

And off she goes. She wasn't wearing heels today so she was able to go decently fast. But she was clearly not very athletic. Very much like the ditzy and clumsy teacher trope.

Jay watches her go. He wonders if she will actually date him. And if that would be a good or a bad thing. He decided not to focus on all the 'what if's…' and just see what happens. Since he was technically done for the day he could go home and get dressed for the bar.

Maybe he could pretend to be 'The Officer' again? Just in case some guy tries to hit on her like last time he can chase the guy away by pretending to be FBI. The last guy nearly pooped his pants.

"I think I still have my sunglasses back at home" Jay says to himself. "Those things used to make me feel-"


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