
Introvert gets transmigrated to jobless reincarnation with a gift

After taking a sip of water and heading to bed. Robin went to bed only to be awaken by a voice he never heard when he opened his eyes he was in a completely different place a whole new world.

Dr_Mochi · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Moria greyrat

"Hey Moria! Wake up you keep sleeping in even tho you said we were gonna practice magic together." A voice said . When robin who was now named moria opened his eyes to see a kid with dark blond hair in his face.

"The hell!" Moria said as his eyes widened and he scooted back on the bed before a surge of memories went into his head.

"Moria… that's the first time I've heard you talk" rudeus said as he stepped back and looked at moria. Moria then waved his hands frantically from left to right while he had an embarrassed look on his face.

"I-I I'll come join you in a little bit " moria uttered. He watched as rudeus walked out the room and closed the door. Right when the door closed he seen a big white screen pop up.

-/-/-///——! Gift arrived now integrating gift into reality. Gift contains multiple powers.


As soon as the white screen went away a big box popped onto the floor and Moria slowly walked over to it and opened the top to see a weird looking fruit in there that looked like it had bat wings and horns on it. Around it was several different colored orbs with Symbols and swirls on them he went to grab the fruit and the small orbs started to float before going into his body and disappeared as if his body absorbed them.

He continues to grab the weird shaped fruit and he went ahead and took a bite out of it. As soon as he did the box poofed into light and went into him. After he took a bite out of the disgusting fruit he noticed there was a small print on both of his hands. one was a bat the other looked to be a black flame or shadow.

"Ah I guess I should uh join my brother. I guess I shouldn't freak out or people might send me some where or my parents may get scared." Moria thought as he opened his door and walked down the hallway and took a turn and opened a door to see rudeus making water balls.

"Ah you made it! Hey I think where ready to try intermediate spells don't you think" rudeus said as he was now able to shoot a water ball across the room.

Moria nodded as he looked at rudeus and put his hands in his pockets. Rudeus grabbed the book and put it between them both. Moria looked at it and already had a spell he wanted to try out

"You ready!" Rudeus said as he raised his hand towards the Window. Moria took out his hand from his pockets as he raised one to the window "MHM!" Moria responded as they both started chanting there incantations . When rudeus made the big water ball moria finally seen himself he looked like rudeus but just had black hair and some hair handing down above his eyes.

"Ah" Moria said as him and rudeus released there magic and they exploded out of the houses as they spiraled around each other and exploded into a smoke cloud of black and water.

"Ah god were in so much trouble" rudeus said as he stared at the big hole in the house. Moria looked around as it dawned on him that he couldn't fix it even if he tried. Soon after the realization the door opened as zenith, Paul, and the made rushed in.

"A monster? No not in the day." Paul said as he looked at the hole in the wall zenith then spotted the book that was between rudeus and Moria

"Oooh boys you two didn't happen to say the words that's in these books hmm?!" Zenith said as she looked at Moria and rudeus. They both had the same scared and dreadful look on there face.

"S-sorry mother" they both uttered. As they both talked Paul and zenith was both surprised from hearing Moria's voice

"Aaah Paul we need to get them a magic tutor right away!" Zenith said as she was jumping with joy " hold on now zenith you said we would have swordsmen if they where boys!" As they started arguing Moria got up and motion for rudeus to come on.

They slowly slid out the room and went downstairs.


A few days after the magic tutor arrived at the house.

"Hi I'm Roxy migerdia" a short lady with a robe and a skirt on said as she engaged in a small conversation with zenith.

Soon after rudeus and Moria was brought to the yard. Moria was sitting there listening to Roxy explain magic theory but he soon noticed that rudeus a was rocking back inforth while sweating and he looked very uncomfortable.

"Is everything ok?" Roxy said as rudeus answers quickly "nothing" he responded with as Roxy then went to showing off some magic.

"Now one of you show me what you got" Roxy said as she turned back to them. "Um Mrs our mom spent a lot of time growing that tree" rudeus said as Roxy had a sacred look on her face as she ran over to the tree and healed it .

Moria and rudeus looked at each other and nodded with a smile as Roxy came back" ok now one of you can show me" she said " I'll do it sense my brother doesn't like talking in-front of others " rudeus said as he got out his chair and started casting the spell.

" wow shad" Moria thought as a gust of wind came by and blew up Roxy skirt as Rudeus looked at it completely cutting off the incantation and shooting the water ball.

"Y-you cut the incantation in half do you two usually do that?" Roxy said with a confused look on her face. As she asked the question moria started to scratch the back of his head with a guilty look on his face as Rudeus had a guilty smile on his face.

"We usual skip it. Hehe" rudeus said as Roxy stumbled back in surprise. "Ah ok it seems you two will be worth it after all" she then got yelled at by zenith before getting cheered up by rudeus as Moria was nodding after each word that rudeus said.

"Time for the welcoming party you three!" Paul said as he waved them over.

"This is getting real interesting" Moria thought as he walked along side rudeus with his hands in his pockets.