
Introvert gets transmigrated to jobless reincarnation with a gift

After taking a sip of water and heading to bed. Robin went to bed only to be awaken by a voice he never heard when he opened his eyes he was in a completely different place a whole new world.

Dr_Mochi · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


"I didn't know the superb was that scary" rudeus said as him and Moria got out there chairs

"Yeah well my hair could look green in the wrong light and some end up thinking the worst.•" she said as she fiddled with her hair on the bed and started to stretch.

"Well me and Moria think your hair looks real pretty" rudeus said as Moria nodded his head and looked at her before him and rudeus walked out the room. Moria slid his hands in his pockets before him and rudeus went into there room.

"Ah I'm beat" rudeus said as he sat down on his bed." I can say the same" moria responded as he sat down on his bed and looked over at him. " why is it that you only talk the most around me huh?" Rudeus asked Moria as he looked up. " well you see I just over think a lot. What if my voice is annoying or what if I say something that makes others uncomfortable. You know things like that"

"Oh I never thought about it like that. I'm glad your able to talk to me so well" rudeus said as he smiled " ah also you wanna talk about what Mrs Roxy was doing in that hallway the other night?" Moria said as he blushed a bit after he said that rudeus also blushed" maybe that should be left unspoken about" rudeus answered


Rudeus walked in the house with Moria "ah are they preparing for our birthday" rudeus said as he stoped by the dining room to see zenith cooking a whole bunch of food.

"Hmm looks like it" Moria said as he then looked up to see Paul looking in on zenith cooking aswell. "Hmm let's just go train a little I'm sure they will call us in when there done" Moria said as he walked by rudeus.

Later that day they where called in when the celebration was ready. "Now let's start!" Paul said as he started to drink a big cup of beer.

Later that day both rudeus and Moria got gifts and they where both praised by Roxy as she then stated that there graduation will be tomorrow.

Even tho they both knew it would also mean it would be there last day seeing Roxy they still looked at her and smiled.


Moria watched as rudeus had to be put on the horse as he was scared to go out side. The whole while they exited rudeus kept shaking and closing his eyes. Moria then put his hand on Rudeus shoulder and nodded his head at Rudeus.

Rudeus then stoped shaking and started realizing that no one was out to hurt him or make fun of him. " hey it's honestly not that bad heheh." Rudeus said as he laughed a bit"mhm.." Moria said as he had a face that showed that he didn't believe him.

They soon arrived on a big plain where Roxy showed of a spell that made the clouds spiral and lighning started to strike all around. One of the lighning bolts hit the horse as Roxy then stoped casting the spell to go and heal the horse.

"Alright I got this!" Rudeus said as he raised his wand to the sky and started to cast the spell. It was far bigger than Roxy storm and the lighning bolts were huge. After he finished Moria stepped up

Moria face got serious as a drop of water slowly went off his chin onto the ground he rose his hand up to the sky. Even tho it was a little bigger than Roxy storm it was still smaller than rudeus storm. But the clouds where black like a void as the lighning was blood red.

Moria soon got done and they all three sat down and gazed at the sun set for a bit." I never told you two to put shine me especially you Moria with your red lightning and your black clouds."

Moria blushed a bit before he looked away as he was flustered. " and rudeus yours covered the whole sky completely!" She told him with a smile. Moria nodded his head as he agreed with Roxy.

"Well what can I say I'm the best!" Rudeus said with a smile on his face.


Early in the morning Roxy left and rudeus was able to tell her thank you from the bottom of his heart but Moria wasn't able to say his as loud. But they both looked at her walking away with a smile on there face's

Moria walked back towards there family with his hands in his pockets with rudeus next to him.

"What does this world have in stored for me" Moria said as looked at the sun rise.