
Chapter 3

Shanny along with Lia reach the bus stand were on the stand pole Liavagain see someone's blurry image at first she was convinced it was all her imagination later when even after rubbing her eyes a lot she could see the blurry image of a person she tried to avoid it at the best she could. She started looking the other direction. With no time bus arrives both the girls get in. Jash and Loren were sitting on the 2nd row sit on the right side to bring onto no more trouble Shanny ask Lia who seemed moody to her asked to sit on the other side.

Jash and Loren were busy reading the magazine so they didn't notice Lia sitting behind them Shanny who was swiping card once looked where Lia sat panicked she rushed to her but failed to remain unnotice as when Shanny rushed towards Lia she fell because of Loren bag which stuck in between. Jash Loren , others laughed a loud at her. Lia quickly picks her while listening to other sarcastic laughs.

Miss Nori distributed everyone's test papers .She praised Lia for scoring yhe highest .Again she remained quite once she saw Nia's paper .She left the class as soon as bell rang.It was lunch time all rushed to the cafeteria as the last one gets no food. It was Shanny to bring food , Lia sat on her bench reading then she closed the book.Lia lookd around to see hardly few classmates were in the classroom.

The one who were there they were either busy in gossip or studying. Lia was feeling a bit relaxe as she wasn't being haunted by the unknown person who made her restless she could finally breath as she felt all alone.It was all cool when she started hearing some footsteps not soft but loud.Slowly walking towards her . Lia turned to see if it was the the shadow or blurry image of a person she was seeing everywhere.It was strange for her to find no one except for some foot print on the floor what gave her goosebumps was they were appearing one by one with no shoes nor any classmate walking also when she looked for its source she kept starring at the wall as they came through walls.

So she rushes to Shanny who was in the Cafeteria