
Chapter 2

Shanny was making breakfast while asking Lia to never behave like yesterday as She is the eldest among them so she must behave like one. Then Shanny tells her how she called almost all their friends and parents but none of them were aware of where she was .Lia tells her that she knows how much worried she must have been. Shanny realized that Lia was regretting her mistake so she changed the topic saying she talked to their parents about vaccination and they agreed also very soon they might visit them.

Meanwhile Lia was on her phone reading some text and updates of last night.

Shanny the moment she saw Lia wasn't listening to her words and was busy in her phone she left to go yo her room to bring her bag. Lia saw up to look for her as she no more could hear her complain then Lia started eating her food when she sees some figure on her spoon so she she turns around in that direction there was no one.

Lia starts running to her room once reached her room she shuts the door she was breathing heavily when she freezes seeing another image on the curtain so she runs inside her bathroom reaching their she locks self inside. There too she starts feeling as if she wasn't alone she could feel someone breathing heavily near her ears.

Shanny gave a call to her hearing her voice Lia felt ease She rushed out of the bathroom picked her bag which was lying on the bed then she locks the door and starts walking her way to the bus stand with Shanny. It was a surprise to Shanny that Lia was so quite since last night , she didn't pay more attention as Lia sometimes act moody.