
Into The Marvel-verse

I do NOT OWN anything except mc OC and some events. The Timeline will be Wacky and our MC is an Anti-Hero not cold blood or ruthless he will kill when absolutely necessary. . . . . . I died, got some wishes and tried to survive. . . . . . . . . . I'm writing for fun, read if you want to don't need any money... yet. Let's see how this goes.

Lethal_Drinker · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter - 14

"Down we Go."


"Mr. Bean, deploy the signal wire.", the Subterranean world is miles and miles below the surface and it would take me about 3 hours of free fall to reach there.

But I don't have that much time so I'll be driving my way there on the path that microbots build beneath my light cycle.

However, given the depth I'll be diving in, it would cause me to loose connection with Mr. Bean for the duration of time till I've connect the signal wire to my frequency catcher, because he'll be watching my back up above the surface giving me regular updates regarding the war and my time limit.

—"Yes Sir. Have a safe drive."

"Talk to you later buddy", the line disconnected as I was falling into the darkness. I turned the lights on and the light pattern on 'Flynn' started emitting bright blue light making it easier for me to see.

After what felt like ages, I finally saw that I am reaching the end of my journey, I disengaged the light cycle and constructed a Quinjet, with the microbots making the bulk of the jet, while the Nano bots making the engine of the Quinjet.

Using the thrust from the jet I broke my fall and landed the Jet on the ground.

Stepping out of the jet, I saw a dark barren waste land with many pillar coming down the ceiling. I took out two ball from my duffle bag and pressed a button on it.

"Map the layout of the area.", the balls started glowing green and floating around, emitting out pulses which would then hit the surface and come back with an accurate measurements, thus forming a map for me to navigate.

As the drones went on their way, I sat down and started configuring the frequency catcher. It took about to minutes, "Mr. Bean, you there."

—"Yes Sir. The signal is strong and secure. No one can listen in on this frequency."

"This method is so crude that it's embarrassing. I've got to complete the satellite and launch it in space.", I sighed in resignation of the fact I just don't have the resources or time to complete such a delicate project. It's times like these that make me question my choice of reincarnating in Parker household but then I remember that despite the negatives of being here. This is still the best place to be if one were to sit down and compare to any other place.

—"Sir the environment here is too dark. Would you like to activate the night and thermal vision?", Mr. Bean's enquiry brought me out of my musings.

"No. That's a rookie mistake. This deep underground everything is giving a heat signal and thought the night vision is a viable option but we are on the clock in this mission and in this environment full of obstacles, it would be more hindering than usefull.", I replied remembering the troubles the Fantastic4 faced when they traveled to the Subterranean region and fought Mole Man.

—"So it would be option number 3 Sir."

"So it would seem.", I whispered as I closed my eyes and calmed down my breathing and slowed my heart down. I pound the floor with my feet.


The echo came back to my ears and I was able to "see" everything within 30 meters. You see, Martial Arts wasn't the only thing I gained from my fight against DareDevil. His ability of echolocative sense was not gained due to some serum or biological enhancement, it's a feat accomplished by his own body.

And anything that the body can accomplish on its own be it Hawkeye's or Bullseye's accuracy or Daredevils super hearing, anything that's the bodies physical feat can be copied by me.

"The limit is 30 meters, 50 if I strech it. Mr. Bean, guide me to our destination.", the world seemed rather wierd in this "vision", I could also "see" the tectonic plates moving ever so slightly.

—"There is a cave leading out of here 200m straight ahead."

"Oh yeah I almost forgot. What's the situation up above?", I asked as I ran towards the cave with my duffle bag on my back.

—"The fight is still in progress but the Chitauri are now encroaching outside our perimeter."

"Huh? Now that's surprising. Didn't we already overestimate the range of their attack.", I was rather cautious in regards to predicting the scale of the attack.

`` Protocol 'Sabotage' must worked out much better than my expectations, thus causing Loki to grow more impatient and not screw around. He might have just called the Chitauri in much greater numbers.``, well shit!! I did not expect that, but I was expecting not to expect something so it doesn't count.

There was too much unknown and unpredictable about an alien army. I did the best I could with what little I knew about them. But my sabotaging must have been of more use. The Avengers can handle it.

"Keep me posted Mr. Bean."

—"Yes Sir. We are reaching the lair of Mole Man, Sir."

What greeted me made dizzy from excitement and greed. Rows upon rows of Moloids guarding the lair but what was beyond them were things that would help me greatly in my journey to become a being on the Level of the abstract entities.

"Victory Shall be MINE."






P.O.V. Mole Man

"Aliens have invaded the surface world!!!! HAHAHAHA, it must be fate. Such a Great opportunity to initiate an invasion of my own.", yes I can finally end this disgusting species and rule over the surface world and would no longer have to hide like rat in the gutter but my joy was short lived," No, no no, I can't. If leave now that bastard Tyrannus might attack no, no I can't risk this place.", this place is my home. When the humans rejected me for being born different it was Subterranea that gave me refuge, my son is here as well.

"Well if I can't invade the surface world, I can atleast acquire the Alien technology. Let's see how does it compare to the Deviant technology.", I got up from my throne and walked towards the edge of the raised platform.

"MOLOIDS!!! use the tunnels to reach the surface world and bring me some of the alien tech. GO!!!", I walk back to the throne and start drinking from my chalice.

'If it weren't for you I won't have survived this long.', a smile formed on my face as I recalled how I stole the fountain of youth from Tyrannus and look on his rapidly ageing face. "HHAHAHAHAAHA, No worries I'll kill you someday as well.", and gulped down the water from the fountain of youth.

"Soon... all of mankind shall be sightless... unable to stop the Mole Man from conquering the entire planet!" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAaaaa.


A/n:- Soon... the war against Mole Man will begin... and it will be... Satisfactory, eh that's all I can promise I'm not that great of a writer so I'll see what comes out of my next chapters.

Speaking of writing, I have been having some criticism, most of which is rather valid and I'm working to improve on them, but there are three main "criticism", so to speak, which have been rather prevalent; 1)The story being cliché, which I admit is true, especially in the beginning but I'll try to spice it up. 2)The Use of movie "scenes", which if I'm being honest, I only used to just give away the necessary screen time to the side characters so as to not bring them up again in the arc and interrupting the flow. 3) This is not a Harem novel......... FUCK YOU, I WON'T PUT HAREM. Some bastard posted a review solely on the fact that this ain't a Harem novel complete disregarding anything else from my work. But I kept that single review and deleted all other such one star reviews who just ignored the rest of the novel and only gave a single star just cause it ain't a HAREM. I mean I get it if u did that cause you found the novel as an "OVER USED CLICHÉ". But this is just bullshit. Anyways, Rant over.

Give your suggestions, criticism, reviews or whatever the fuck you want just don't shit on stuff just because u don't have some amature +18 writing to fap too. There are many other degenerates who write such stuff and call it literature and "Culture". Better yet go watch some octopus fucking an underage girl, maybe that's enough "Culture" for you.

Thank you to the people who still had some brain cells to understand that if a novel doesn't have a Harem tag it's by default not a Harem story.

Excelsior Motherfuckers.
