
Into The Marvel-verse

I do NOT OWN anything except mc OC and some events. The Timeline will be Wacky and our MC is an Anti-Hero not cold blood or ruthless he will kill when absolutely necessary. . . . . . I died, got some wishes and tried to survive. . . . . . . . . . I'm writing for fun, read if you want to don't need any money... yet. Let's see how this goes.

Lethal_Drinker · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter — 17


'huh... hmm *yawn*..., how long have been sitting here passed out... 3 Hours!'

"Well I guess it's enough pitying around I suppose. According to my calculations, it will take Uncle Ben and party about 2 hours to reach home. So in that time why don't we catalogue our findings shall we. Mr. Bean how's the 'search and salvage' going buddy?", I ask rubbing my eyes and forgetting about the shitt I just did.

— "Sir everything is going at a steady pace. But Sir, is it wise to go ahead onto the next stage so quickly?"

"Why not? What's the problem?", I was confused at the fact that my A.I. was progressing at such a rate.

— "Shouldn't you take it easy, or perhaps talk about your feelings with a therapist. The internet cites that it's quite helpful to attend sessions with therapist after one suffers great emotional trauma in wars and such.", the young A.I. was showing 'human' tendancies like worry and care really surprised Azmuth, though he had deduced such a result it was surprising nonetheless.

"Talk about feelings? We don't do that here. I like my feelings to float in the air and disappear... like a fart in the wind. My actions were of logical necessity that's all there is to it.

Now show me my loot."

— "It would seem your assumptions of mines of Vibranium and Anti Metal being down Mole Man's lair are now confirmed. Though it would take some time and effort to successfully acquire them."

"Hah... Thank God it exists in the version otherwise I'd had to tangle with the Wakandans to get my hands on it. And the same goes for savage land.", I was so relieved hearing that I didn't have to expend more effort on getting such resources.

But that wasn't all I was looking for, you see while I could get my hands on resources like Vibranium and Anti Metal, Deviant (possibly Celestial Technology) and a method of immortality in a number of ways, these rewards don't justify my actions. But this does.

— "Sir I have located artefact 'CC-n'."

"Show it to me...", I replied with my eyes focused on the screen of my computer.

There it was, shining bright blue surrounded by heaps of garbage, a true diamond in the rough,"... The Cosmic Cube..."

The Cosmic Cube is an item that can control matter and energy, answering to the will of the sentient beings that use them. They require immense practice to be used properly, but a skillful user can alter all reality to answer to its thoughts, granting anything they desire.

Most Cosmic Cubes are cube-shaped matrixes. However, similar objects with different shapes are known as Cosmic Containment Units. The most common example being the Tesseract which is used to house the Space Gem by the Asgardians, which also happens to be leaving Earth with Thor.

Sentient beings wanting to create a Cosmic Cube must first generate a force field to open a rift to another dimension inhabited by the Beyonders, allowing the extra-dimensional energy to filter through the rift. When entering the Earth's dimension, the energies can be held in a matrix, and the force itself would shape the matrix into a perfect cube. It would also provide the Cube with its almost unlimited power. I had postulated doing that on my as A.I.M. had done but there is no way I could keep it a secret as Hydra would immediately know about its existence as it was Armin Zola who helped in its creation. But cube possessed too much power at its creation and just simply sank into the ground.

Zola was fired due this mishap and he went to work with Red Skull because he discovered the Tesseract.

The Cosmic Cube's primary ability is "wish granting" or rather an extreme level of reality warping. Originally thought to be powerful enough to affect reality on a multiversal scale, it turned out that most of its effects were probably illusory in nature. However, Doctor Doom still believes that the conquest of a universe is possible with one Cosmic Cube.

It's an artefact that rivals the Infinity Gauntlet but it does have its weaknesses and limitations.

One of them being that the Cosmic Cube cannot affect souls and, given the Beyonder's inability to affect time, we can presume even the Cubes cannot affect time as the cubes possess only a fraction of the Beyonder dimension's power.

The other one being that the Cube will eventually develop its own intelligence, commonly influenced by the beings who had manipulated it. Mephisto has postulated that the Cubes are hosts to a semi-sentient will and that, even in Cube form, they can choose how they want to be used and to deny certain wishes. Mephisto also has proposed that a billion-sentient universally-linked wills could overcome this problem and that the Cubes could be as powerful as the Infinity Gems.

— "But Sir, May I ask what use this artefact is to you?"

"It has many uses but the most important one being that the artefact 'cannot' affect time. What I mean by that is this artefact is constrained and restricted to their own sequential timeline, so they are unable to facilitate anything that messes with time.", I explained with a joyous look on my face.

— "So how that help us?", Mr. Bean replied confused as to how this works to our advantage.

"Simple. We'll just use it to protect our 'existence'. Meaning no one can go back in time to kill us or fuck us over.", yep it was totally worth a genocide, I feel better already.

— "I understand. But is it foolproof?"

"Nothing in this Omniverse is foolproof my friend but we've gotta make do with what we get.", this uncertainty has always been an annoyance but I've learnt to live with it.

— "Sir, what do we do with the bodies?"

"Preserve them. We'll be using them as foundation combined with the Chitauri DNA and create a new species which will make up my army.", I sat down on chair and started studying the DNA of both samples.

This continued on for the next Hour, after which I took a bath and just watched the News trying to catch a glimpse of Stan Lee.

P.O.V. The Eternals

We the Eternals, or the Homo-Immortalis, have secretly protected the world from being conquered by others and here we witnessed an invasion but we did not interfere because the Humans see me doing rather well for themselves.

And since the repelled the attack all by themselves, we were spared the need to reveal ourselves. And it was quite a blessing as we still hadn't heard anything from the Titan Eternals for centuries.

Something sinister was on the rise and we must be prepared for it.





A/n:- Yo readers. As you can see that this chapter was more of a aftermath type chapter cause I needed to catalogue and justify the 'needless killing' and war.

Anyways you might also notice that I didn't really delve into the Eternals all that much, cause I frankly don't like them much. Sure Jack "The King" Kerby made them but I still think that his "Old Gods and New Gods" are much better.

Anyways leave your thoughts, suggestions, criticism and corrections in the comments. Do leave a review if you like my work.

Peace out ✌️ Live Long and Prosper 🖖
