
Into the Dragons and Pirates Den

Dragons... I could never tame or soothe any of their kind. Aunt Sylvia, the lost soothsayer was very wrong to proclaim the village that I could conquer and tame the most ruthless and virile... the greatest of this kind. Cause here I am hiding from the upcoming vengeance that's supposed to be at the mercy of my hands. I am ought to be a dragon whisperer but in the end, I wasn't able to thwart them when they were gobbling the whole of my neighborhood. All of my family...

millineyaaah · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Apparently... the pirates core values

I groaned after the 50th plate.

"Do it faster!" said the different bald.

Faster your face!

He showed me his steel hook when I gave him a bombastic side-eye. I smiled mockingly and grabbed the 51st, scraping it rough and hard in his eyesight.

He threw me more challenging eyes.

I rolled my eyes!

Those were a lot of mouth and yet it is only me who is washing these tubs of dishes! Oh, how I never thought even the pirates has this maddening attitude!

Oh dear, what to expect right? As their stringent captain said, I should be grateful that they gave me food even when I am heedless. How humane of him! Isn't benevolence incorporated into this big ass ship's core values? How annoying as his rotten expressions!

"Who got you here?" asked him, my other pirate guard, who is polishing his hook, disregarding how they made me as their dishwasher slave.

One look at his cowboy pirate attire formalized by a black vest and brown coat, he is the neatest and most wealthy-looking pirate I saw on this ship. His hair is much even tangle-less and delicate looking than mine.

He should have been the captain. Not that rugged-looking captain whose only grandeur is his face.


"Maybe the almighty crabs. They carried me up here like a queen-"

I got shook to hell when the sharp hook that he was only polishing earlier struck the last plate on the first tub, which is… only centimeters away from my feet. My jaw dropped looking at the broken glass plate. And I felt like convulsing when he strode towards me, crouching low with a dark mist of gore on his face. The diagonal cut on his neck highlighted his embarking threat, especially when he stopped crouching at my face level.

"Fix your tongue, dear lady. You are in a pirate's den," he deeply quoted. "You better not go on walking here with that sharp tongue of yours, unless you wanted to see yourself floating by the ocean... again,"

His biceps strained when he pulled out the dug hook on the wooden floor, with the metal tub as its added accessory. He single-handedly broke it into two to unaccessorize his hook. He threw my eyes one last deep gaze before he returned to the entrance, polishing his hook again.

Like he didn't just whisper me a death threat!

I am speechless of how they could just casually speak it like it is a friendly remark!

Though he looked hot telling me that, I'd rather not hear from him again. So, with no choice and no right to reject the job role, I continued my WORK.

Yeah... sure. Most of them do look like a catch but I am not a slave to my bodily desires, so no. It's a no for me.

I am not born to be a woman just to be bamboozled by awful characters!

I am already gently pulling the 58nd plate with a zip mouth when Attias, with a happy expression, entered. Grinning at me.

He proudly and languidly placed another set of dishes and fastly stormed out of the kitchen like he didn't just commit a crime!

I stared in awe at the double amount of dishes surrounding me. The huge casseroles, pans, and basins are too much for my unwilling ego.

"What? You don't want to do it? " the bald noticed my aura and immediately made sure he'll be pointing me his hook while enunciating his obvious faux kindness. "Just tell me, I can easily be talked to-"

"Of course not! This is my dream you know. Scraping these and that. I am a woman who loves cleaning things! This home, no... ship chore is just basic. I can do it like a chef kiss," I even pursed my lips.

Indeed so basic I should not be killed for it.

"Just checking," he proudly grinned.

When his attention is not on me again, I scraped more passionately on the next plate with a murderous aura creeping on all of my body.

And as soon as it was my turn to soap a knife, I mischievously raised it up, leveling exactly at the middle of the doorway where Attias had just blithely stormed out.

Only to meticulously and gently swipe it in the air when the prince-looking pirate cruised his eyes a bit at my trajectory.

"Making sure the utensils are spotless and shiny as a pirate's smile, is an accomplishment," I loudly proclaimed even if no one is asking.

There you go.

Zasleigh Inera Oza— the pirates' dishwasher!