
Interstellar: King of Stars

In 2350, mankind entered the interstellar era. Nations disappeared, and all humans formed a coalition government. The human beings on the earth are divided into two categories according to their vitality: the elite area and the ordinary area. Originally mediocre, with a vitality of only 0.7, John could only stay in the ordinary area, living an ordinary life all his life, until one day, he met a mysterious mummy while chasing a stray cat... From then on, all is different…

EdwinKing · Fantasy
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30 Chs

17, Three-Realm Theory

"Three-Realm Theory is the result of the collective wisdom of many human spiritual masters and psychologists. It has become the core and basis of human cultivation. It was first put forward by Bruce Tyson and his wife. Later, it was refined and developed into a universal law like Newton's law. This is not a regular subject for teaching, but I will give you a brief introduction. Let me explain it to you."

Sister Knife pointed to a glass of water on the table and asked, "If you want to pick up this glass of water, what is the first thing you need to do?"

John was puzzled: "I need to stand up and grab the glass."

"Wrong." Sister Knife shook her head: "The simple act of picking up a glass of water involves the Three-Realm Theory. If you want to pick up this glass of water, first, you have an idea in your mind. But with just an idea, you can't directly pick up the glass. So what do you do with this idea? You need to use your body, stand up, reach out your hand, and lift the water. Only then can you achieve this goal. Do you understand what the Three-Realm Theory is now?"

"I don't get it."

John shook his head.

"Idiot!" Sister Knife snapped: "The idea of picking up water is the nether world, the imaginary world, and the divine world. And the water glass is the real world. The body is the link between the mind and matter. The Three-Realm Theory are about Mind, Matter, and Body, and how they interact with each other. Let me ask you, if you don't have a body and only think about picking up the water glass, will the water glass be picked up?"

"Correct." John answered briefly.

"Good. If you could, then it would mean that your mind can affect matter." Sister Knife said: "Let me ask you another question. If this glass was a swimming pool, could you pick it up?"

"No, I couldn't."

"Right. The more powerful your mind is, the more you can influence matter, but your body also needs to be strong enough. Otherwise, you are just overreaching yourself." Sister Knife said. "Of course, if your cultivation reaches a certain level, you can affect matter. This is called the realm of Spirit Manifestation, or Sage Manifestation.

"For example, the ancient people said that the Buddha appeared or the gods manifested.

"Actually, this is the mind affecting matter.

"What are gods and Buddhas?

"They are just the illusory spiritual world, which is also called heaven.

"Heaven is not real, but it exists in people's imagination. It is the human soul.

"A sage once said, 'Without my heart, there is no heaven, earth, ghosts or gods. There is nothing!'

"So, the Three-Realm Theory can also be called Heaven, Earth and Man, where Heaven is Mind, the idea; Earth is Matter, the reality; and Man is Body."

"I see!" John felt enlightened by this explanation. He learned a lot about cultivation in a moment.

"The realm of Spirit Manifestation is much higher than Fetal Breath. Let me explain to you. The current stages of human spiritual cultivation are Deep Sleep, Samadhi, and Fetal Breath.

"After Fetal Breath, there is Siggetting! It means to forget your own body, let go of your own intellect, liberate yourself from the constraints of body and mind, and merge with the universe. This is called Siggetting–sitting and forgetting."

"Sitting and forgetting?" John repeated the word slowly.

"In the Mauryan Empire, there was an Indian monk named Ashoka who wrote a detailed treatise called On Siggetting, but you don't need to read it now. This state is the state of the human spiritual masters, and it is not helpful for you to study it. You should practice gradually, and reach the third stage of Deep Sleep. That is the right way." Sister Knife advised.

"I understand that." John nodded: "Is the realm of Spirit Manifestation still above Siggetting?"

"Yes, the current stages of human spiritual cultivation are Deep Sleep, Samadhi, Fetal Breath, Siggetting, and Spirit Manifestation. Maybe in the future, as humans evolve, there will be new stages. The stage is the world record, and it can be broken constantly.

"However, even in the elite zone, there are only a few who can overcome the barrier between the mind and matter and directly Spirit Manifest." Sister Knife said: "If you want to improve your spiritual stage, I don't mind you learning hypnosis, because hypnosis is the direct influence of the mind on the mind.

"Of course, the most important thing is to replenish your body's nutrition.

"You can go to the work-study office of our school. There should be a job that suits you that is offered by the Police Department. You can go and check it out."

"Thank you, ma'am." John stood up, bowed, and walked out before closing the door.


He felt the hunger pangs again.

He rushed to the school cafeteria and ate a big meal. His stomach was full, but his hunger was still unsatisfied.

He had no choice. Normal food had too little nutrition, and his hunger was triggered by the tube of nutrient potion. He didn't realize it before, but it was actually very risky.

It was like a person who was starving and wanted to eat, but he was too weak to eat. The hunger was extreme and there was no food intake, so the body was breaking down its own stored fat and sugar, which was also a hidden way of depleting life potential.

John was in this state before, not feeling hungry at all, thinking that he was fine, but it was actually very dangerous.

Luckily, after drinking a tube of nutrient potion, he regained his hunger.