
Interstellar: King of Stars

In 2350, mankind entered the interstellar era. Nations disappeared, and all humans formed a coalition government. The human beings on the earth are divided into two categories according to their vitality: the elite area and the ordinary area. Originally mediocre, with a vitality of only 0.7, John could only stay in the ordinary area, living an ordinary life all his life, until one day, he met a mysterious mummy while chasing a stray cat... From then on, all is different…

EdwinKing · Fantasy
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30 Chs

16, Sister Knife’s Favor

John entered respectfully, and a fragrance filled his nose. The office was about 100 square meters, and all the furniture was made of wood. The wood gave off a pleasant aroma.

"This is sweet scale wood, a rare and valuable type of wood. Only the wealthy can afford to make furniture out of it. Living in this sweet-scale wood can make one feel calm and happy all day long. It's very beneficial for meditation. The furniture here must be worth more than half a million stars. Sister Knife is so rich?" He sniffed, wanting to smell more.

Sister Knife was sitting on a wooden mat in the middle, wearing a large Zen robe. She seemed to be practicing.

"Sit down, on this mat." She opened her eyes and pointed to a mat in front of her.

"Yes, ma'am." John sat down.

"I heard you have reached the second stage of Deep Sleep. Let me see!" Sister Knife didn't waste time, and went straight to the point.

"Alright." John sat with his legs crossed and started to meditate. After a while, his mind was clear, his breathing was steady, and he entered Deep Sleep.

About ten minutes later, he heard a voice: "Wake up!"

He opened his eyes, and saw Sister Knife talking.

"As expected." Sister Knife's eyes sparkled: "The second stage of Deep Sleep, to enter samadhi anytime, anywhere. That means you can use this to rest and recover quickly after exercise. Less than ten people in the whole school have achieved this stage."

"Miss, you are too kind… But I still have many weaknesses." John said honestly.

"Yes, you have many shortcomings. I heard about your fight with Peak yesterday. I watched the video recording of it. I noticed that your physical condition is very poor. Your cells are starving and need a lot of nutrition." Sister Knife looked at him: "I have a tube of nutrient potion here, drink it now."


Sister Knife raised her hand and tossed something at his face. John quickly caught it and saw that it was a tube of Green God Nutrient Potion, which was worth hundreds of stars.

"Miss, this…" John hesitated. It was too valuable.

"Don't talk back! Just do as you're told." Sister Knife yelled.

"O…okay." John drank it fast, and as soon as it reached his stomach, he felt a warmth spread through his body. Then the nutrient potion seeped into every part of his body. He felt his cells twitching, and every cell was like a hungry beast freed from a cage. They devoured the food greedily and never got enough.

After drinking, John felt a hunger rising from deep inside.

"I don't know what's going on with you, but your cells are very active, as if they have been stimulated. But you don't have enough nutrition, so even though your cells are growing, they are starving. Your vitality has increased rapidly lately. But in fact, your cells are consuming your potential. If you don't get enough nutrient supplements, you will die soon if you keep this up. You are using up your life potential."

Sister Knife's voice was cold.

"What? Using up my life potential!" John was shocked. He had thought that after reaching Fetal Breath, he could heal any wounds, improve his physical condition, and be in good shape all the time. But he didn't expect that it came at the price of using up his body's potential: "It seems that I can't continue Fetal Breath! Otherwise, I will age prematurely, or die, and I won't live past twenty…"

"But you will be fine as long as you have enough nutrition." Sister Knife said: "But I won't provide you with the nutrition for your future training. You have to work hard and earn money yourself. I'm a teacher, not your mother. I only teach you about training issues. From now on, if you have any questions about training, you can ask me, and I will help you anytime."

"Alright." John knew that high-quality nutrient potions were very expensive. Sister Knife had given him a tube to drink, which was already a great favor. She couldn't afford to provide him with it for a long time.

"Miss, can you tell me what's wrong with Fetal Breath?" John was actually depressed. He had hoped that his training would go smoothly with Fetal Breath, but he didn't realize that he was actually using up his life potential.

"The fetus in Fetal Breath does not refer to the placenta, but to the holy fetus." Sister Knife closed her eyes: "What is the holy fetus? It is the human soul, also called mind, spirit, or thought…whatever you prefer. Fetal Breath means breathing with the soul, breathing with the heart. Some people explain that Fetal Breath is like a baby's breath, breathing through the navel. That's nonsense!

"Fetal Breath means that the fetus is born with its 'god'. But actually, the 'god' is the human soul, the spirit, the thought… Breathing with the soul is similar to how plants do photosynthesis. If a person truly enters Fetal Breath, they can actually absorb some energy from the outside world with their spiritual breath to sustain their body's needs.

"For example, some ancient practitioners could sleep for a month without eating or drinking. That's Fetal Breath."

"What if there was a technology that could make ordinary people enter Fetal Breath directly?" John asked again.

"It's simple. There was such an experiment in the elite area. They wanted to create a master, so they used a spiritual master to hypnotize ordinary people into Fetal Breath. But their cells were activated without enough energy to supply them. At first, their strength increased greatly, but in the end, they died suddenly." Sister Knife said with no emotion in her voice:

"Actually, even those ancient monks who entered Fetal Breath thought they didn't need to eat or drink.

"But the energy that Fetal Breath absorbs is not enough to cover the body's needs.

"Even if they ate edible bird's nest and ginseng every day, how much nutrition could they get? They can't compare with the current nutrient potions. Many famous monks died sitting and became mummies, because they all starved to death.

"The higher the spiritual level, the more nutrition the body requires.

"In ancient times, there were no such resources, so few people really reached a high level of cultivation.

"The Three-Realm Theory has proven this point long ago."

"Three-Realm Theory?"

John had never heard of such a thing.


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