
International love (rewrite)

Jessica and Bea are both fans of Hao Yang. Both are following him on social media. One day Jessica gets a message from him and both Bea and Jessica win a meet and greet with Hao Yang. They go to China and both fall in love at first side. Haio Yang knows what he wants in a woman, but knows that it's not good for his image to be with a foreign girl. Also jealousy brings Choas between the two friends and their idol. Who will he choose? And will it last?

zingertje_123 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

The shopping mall was not that for form home, so I went with the bike.

After a windy one hour ride I arrived. I parked my bike at the parkinglot for bikes and locked it. When I walked into the shopping mal it was so busy that I couln't find Bea direclty. A bit later I felt a tiny touch on my choulder. It scared me and when I turned my head to see who it was I saw Bea. She was laughing at me.

'I scared you right?'

'Yeah a lot.' I gave her a little pinch in her arm. I know it was a bit childish but still I needed to do that for letting her now that it was enough. Still we were joking so, I didn't do it to hard.

'Ouch.' She wispered and I thought it was funny and I bursted out in laughter.

Then like she tought of something there came a smile on her face. 'It's almost there. We are going to China.' She almost screamed it out and people looked at us. They thoughed probably that we were crazzy. We knew why we were like this. So we didn't let those serious people stand in our way of our excitment and just kept laughing.

In between the stores we talked about various things. Like what was the plan in our free time in China. Also who would Hao Yang like the most of us. That was quiet a difficult subject but, Bea came up with it. This was rather a serious conversation. So, I changed it to a lighter one.

We gossip about the people around us.

The tile flow by but we didn't have nothing yet till we came at that one store. It was big and everyone seemed to go there. We also got in and bought multiple clothes for no much money.

The clothes were also just our style. Much colors and knee length dresses. Also short sleeves. But short shorts. I also needed a bathingsuite and I boughed on in light blue.

My eyes had directly fallen on it and when I had it on it suite me amazing. Like a model on the cover of a magazin.

We got home with each one big bag. Lucky that I had two big bags on my bike. I unlocked my bike and we said our goodbyes.

I was riding the way home when I felt a presence next to me. It was Bea.

'Hi what are you doing here?'

'I am on my way to Lokeren station because this weekend there was no train in Sint-Niklaas to Gent.'

'Oh, now we can drive a bit together. Hahaha.'

'Let's gossip a bit more.' Bea suggested.

We talked about a woman who passed us by with a really weird look on her face. It was like she was going to cry. But instead of lauging with it we were thinking about the reason how she ended up like that. Maybe she had an accident and had to opperated it and it went wrong or maybe she was born like that.

We came at the point were we had to say goodbye till we were going to China. I had to go right and Bea had to keep going.

When I came home I put the hard on the table. Everyone looked at me and I looked back with a grumpy face.

'I am just tired people, can I go to sleep please without everyone looking.'

I lay down in the sofa and I fell in a deep sleep.

When I woke up it was in the middle of the night. Everyone went already to bed. Before I fell a sleep before my plan was to pack my things. But I forgot because I was so tired. So I just went upstairs and started packing.

After a while I went to bed and decided to check if I had everything tomorrow.

The next morning was a hell to wake up because at night we would go up with the plane. It was already four in the afternoon. I must of been really tired. I showered fast and made me ready to go on the plane because I was not planning to sleep much anymore.

I checked fast all my things and now I know I had everything.

My mom came my room in and asked, 'you sure you have everything right?'

'Mom, I am very sure.' I sighed.

I looked at the clock and it was already seven. Bea and my flight came each hour closer and closer.

The nervouseness came harse on my stomic. When I had to go to the toilet the doorbell rang. That must be the taxi chauffeur already. I went back and my parents stood ready before the door to give me a hug. I gave them a hug and I went outside. They waved one last time and before I closed the door from the taxi I said. 'Goodbye, take care. I would be home in one mounth. Don't worry I am safe; I have my friend also ok. I waved one last time and closed the door.

Bea was also in the taxi. We paid the driver and then started talking.