
International love (rewrite)

Jessica and Bea are both fans of Hao Yang. Both are following him on social media. One day Jessica gets a message from him and both Bea and Jessica win a meet and greet with Hao Yang. They go to China and both fall in love at first side. Haio Yang knows what he wants in a woman, but knows that it's not good for his image to be with a foreign girl. Also jealousy brings Choas between the two friends and their idol. Who will he choose? And will it last?

zingertje_123 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

'Yeeeey we won! We won!' I screamed it out loud. As fast as I could I send Bea a message to let her know that we won.

Wow I am amazed. I thoughed we never would win out of all those people. Bea awsered directly.

I took a bit of time to digest the nervousness and awsered back, I know right. I was so nervous that I closed my eyes and crossed my fingers after my back to dubble our chances.

I thought that was just a myth crossing your fingers after you back, but it turns out it could be working.

Bea put a laughing smilley at the end of the message. I bet she was laughing with me.

I told you it worked and I stared laughing and hit the button for voice message.

'Since when do you use voice message for a good laugh.'

Her voice sounded kind of weird in the message and I was thinking maybe my voice was evn weirder. I blushed. Luckely she didn't see me. Bea would of laughed more.

Oh now I just think about it let's get ready. I will send you the tickets. In the three days we will go to China. I can't believe that it would be so fast already.

I know right. I wold like to go shopping tomorrow. Want to come?

Sounds great. I will be there.

My mom called me from down the stairs. She already sounded irritated so I went down in a hurry. She gave me an angry glare and I gave her one back.

'Manners Jessica.' She said.

'Sorry mom, I won't do it again.'

I didn't mean it but, she just let it be.

I went to the table at the beginning of the living room. I directly smelled pancakes.

'Mmm what do I smell. I think it's pancakes. My dads delicious ones.'

'Thank you Jessica I knew you would like them.'

His pancakes where tic but, I really liked them. My mom and sister always nagged about it every time and that made my dad sad. So every time that happened I would say I liked his pancakes and he would smile at me and thank me.

Sitting at the table my stomic turned when I remebered I had to tell my parents about China. I hope they would let me go and for sure my mom with that attitute from half an hour ago. In three days Bea and I had to go to China. I better had teld them when I participated. Despite the fact I didn't I hoped still they would let me go.

'Mom, dad I need to tell you something. I participated together with my friend Bea in a compitition to have a meet and greet with our favorite actor. I just got the message yesterday and we won. The flight is in three days. I hop we can go? Because I need both your concent to go.'

My parents looked at each other and then finally my dad said, 'you can go, but promise to message us everyday if you have wifi. I guess you will have almost everywhere when you are in a big citty like Shangai.

I smile came over my lips and I almost screamed like a little girl.

'Oh thank you. Thank you dad. I love you so much and I promise I will send a message everything when I have wifi.

I felt amazing but, I knew my parents would worry when I was gone. It's not as safe as some people think on the streets and for sure not in the dark, but still I wanted to go and I was sure Bea tought the same about it.

Still I was very happy my parents let me go despite the fact that they know it was not always safe in China and for sure not for foreigners.

I asked Bea if she knew more and she send me a voice message with the same scream that I wanted to make.

'I also can go.'

I know she was probably still laughing with me about the voice message and that was why she kept doing that. I loved her humor but, she was to much now. She annoyed me by now and I wanted to say can you please stop that but, instead I just messaged her.

Can we please message again.

Ok. She just said the word ok and that was how I know she was angry.

I didn't awnser anymore and just let her be because I knew that would help. Still I hoped we could shop together tomorrow.

I put a pair of matching clothes together and went to bed. When I just put the light out I saw that Bea send me a message. Probably with an appology but, I was to tired. So I just fell in a deep sleep.

The next morning it was difficult to come out of my bed. I had laying in a bad position whole night and every mussle in my back hurt. I out of my bed. Atleast I tried to, but it was a challenge.

I had to go to the shop I almlost forgot so, I took a fast shower and I felt better directly and I went to the mall to meet Bea.