
Inter-Dimensional Exchange GC!

Dreaming of being transmigrated into an anime world, with a system, becoming powerful, world hopping, etc. That was what a certain average youth experienced, after getting beat up by his abusive father. He experienced months of doing what he dreamed as his ideal life, his desire. But all of that disappeared as he woke up from that wonderful dream. But just when he was losing hope once again, a floating holographic board appeared in front of him asking him whether he accept being the owner of a dimension group chat. [Congratulations! You have been selected as the admin of the Inter-dimensional Exchange Group Chat! Do you wish to accept? Yes/Of course] Disclaimer:I do not own the characters nor the anime nor manga used in this fan-fic.This is also my first time writing so please bare with the language or the plot.So please comment your honest thoughts on how I can make it better Thank you.

Lazy_Author69 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Quest Start!

After the bright light died out, four figures appeared on a plain just outside of Axel, three males and one female.

One of the males a white daosit robe, another wore a suit of armor while holding a bow. The last male was a youth wearing some casual clothes; a white shirt with a black jqcket on top and pants along with shoes.

The last one was a beautiful girl wearing an open white trench coat, cargo pants, bandages covering her chest with her navel revealed and white boots.

As soo these four people arrived, they looked at each other.

"U-um, nice to meet you all, I'm Sirius." The average youth was the first to speak, getting the attention of the others.

The next one to speak was the beautiful girl, "I really didn't expect all of it to be true. By the way, I'm Kunieda Aoi, nice to meet you."

"I'm An Lin, nice to meet you too." The youth wearing daist robe said cheekily before glancing at the exposed navel of Aoi, making the girl emabarassed.

"An Lin, it's rude to ogle like that. By the way, I'm Gu Qing Shan, nice to finally meet you." The youth in armor said, "So what should we do next?"

"Um, the quest did say that we need to register as an adventurer, so we should probably enter that town ahead. I think that should be Axel, we also need to quickly level up after registering." Sirius said while pointing at a town about 20 meters ahead of them.

The other three looked where he was pointing and saw the town. They nodded in agreement, so their first course of action was go there. There's just one thing...

"Aren't we too eye-catching with our current outfit?" An Lin said while glancing at his companions.

He was wearing a daoist robe, Sirius was wearing modern clothes, Gu Qing Shan was wearing armor for soldiers, and Aoi was in that outfit. Maybe, Aoi's outfit could still pass in this western fantasy setting but the other three's outfit really stand out.

"Well, we can't do anything about it, can we. Although there was a countdown, I have some circumstances so I was dressed like this. The others should too, right?" Aoi said, after all she was with her gang when she was transported hence her outfit.

Gu Qing Shan nodded, he was in the cultivation world when the countdown ran out. Siriusalso nodded, what could he do, he was in a modern world hence his clothes.

"Well...we can't be concerned by our clothes now, we could change after we enter the town." Sirius said

The others agreed and they started walking towards the town of Axel.


The group finally entered Axel and as expected they attracted quite some attention.

"Um hello, can we ask where the adventurer's guild is located?" Sirius asked one of the gate guards.

As for language barrier, that's not a problem. The GC has an in-built language translator. The best proof is, the chat members could easily communicate without problems despite having different languages.

The guard stared at their group but replied shortly after. "Go straight from here and on the 3rd alley, turn right. There you can find the adventurers guild herejn Axel."

"Thank you!" Sirius said before nodding to his companions and they started walking towards the direction given by the guard.

On their way there, they talked to each other. With Sirius being the most enthusiastic although he was still quite shy around the members, being a loner and all in his world.

"An Lin, how does your world look?" Sirius asked with gleaming eyes. Although, he did see An Lin's world in the form of illustration from the manhua but that's not the real view.

An Lin smiled proudly before replying, " Taichu Continent is the place I currently lived in. It is a mystical and beautiful place with various sights. It's also filled with beasts from legends such as dragons."

"Whoa...! I want to see such sights in the future." Sirius mumbled

"An Lin, you world seems kind of similar to mine. There are sects and cultivators too right?" Gu Qing Shan asked curiously. After hearing An Lin's words earlier, his thoughts drifted to the cultivation world where he was currently stucked.

"Yes, there are many sects around. I even have the top talents of such sects as my classmates and friends." An Lin replied

"Looks like your worlds are vastly different from ours. My world should be relatively normal." Aoi said to which Sirius nearly retorted.

'What normal world, can you find high school students who could destroy concretes or stones and fight supernatural beings like demons in a normal world?'Is what Sirius's thought but he didn't say it out loud. It's not like Aoi will believe it if he said his opinion.

Instead, he decided to give some clues to her. "Kunieda-san, I think you should not come into the conclusion that your world is all normal. Who knows if there is a hidden side to it that only certain types of people know."

Kunieda Aoi contemplated and nodded. She did notice some bizarre events happening around in some places.

"Anyway here we are, this should be the adventurer's guild." Sirius said, staring at the big building in front of them. Even from outside, the group could hear the rowdiness of the place.

The four then entered the place and was greeted by a rowdy bunch, either drinking or eating. The place was full of people with varying outfits, some in armor, some in robes, etc.

"Welcome! If you're dining in, please take any open seat." A waitress welcomed them with a smile. "If you're looking for job guidance, please head for the counter at the back."

"Thank you!"

The group headed directly at the counter where a well-endowed woman with fair skin, wavy blonde was waitobg for them with a smile.

Her outfit consists of a red ribbon worn around her neck, a white off the shoulder low-cut top that reveals a large amount of cleavage, with black shoulders and sleeve cuffs, low-rise jean shorts, and short brown boots.

"Um we'd like to register as adventurers." Sirius said towards this guild staff.

Luna smiled politely, "Yes, then please pay the registration fee first."

"I see, then how much would it cost?" Sirius asked, he already knew about the registration fee as he watched the anime. But his companions are quite troubled after all they don't have any money from this world.

"Yes, for the four of you, it wpuld be 4000 eris." Luna replied calmly

Sirius nodded and mentally communicated with the GC. 'GC can I buy some eris with my DC?'

[Yes admin! 10,000 eris is equivalent to 1 DC.]

'Buy 100,000 eris for me'

[Yes admin!]

After some time, Sirius put his hand inside his pocket and tool out the amount needed from his inventory. He then handed it towards Luna, this surprised his companions but Sirius whispered.

"I'll explain later..."

"Then allow me to formally explain. Each adventurer has his or her own job or "class". And this is a registration card, it keeps track of how many monsters you've subjugated." Luna took a small card and showed it to the group. She then continued explaining, "As your level increases, you'll earn points that ypu can use to learn skills, so please work hard on levelling up."

The group nodded in response.

"Well then, please place your hand on top of the crystal here." Lune gestured at what seemed to be a kind of magical device. The device consists of a circular blue crystal being help up with some gears around.

"Who will go first?" Luna asked as she placed one of the cards sheld under the device, Aoi stepped out first.

"I'll go" Aoi then placed her right hand on top of the crystal and it glowed before a beam lit up the card and started inscribing on it.

"With this, you will learn your current status, so please choose your desired class based on your stats." Luna said before grabbing the card after the process was done.

"Thank you very much, let's see...Kunieda Aoi, right? Hmm...Whoa, all your stats are excellent with only dexterity being average and luck being above average. With this, except for archer, you could pick any class you want!" Luna's voice was quite loud and attracted quite the attention.

"Thank you, can I get my card now?" Aoi asked, Luna quickly passed her card.

"Then I'm next!" An Lin stepped forward and thecsane process ensued.

"Wow! The same as Kunieda-san, except for archer, you can pick any class."

Next came Gu Qing Shan, all his stats were way above average that it shocked Luna. And lastly was, Sirius.

"Sirius, all your stats are average except for your luck and intelligence which is exceedingly high. You are very suitable for the the Arch Wizard, an advance class!"

Sirius nodded, he was expecting his stats to be something like this. But the luck and intelligence stat to be high, caught him off guard a bit.

'Was the intelligence stat because of my eidetic memory? Did it somewhat affect it? Well, I guess no reason to brood over it.'

"Then what class would you choose?" Luna asked the group.

"I don't really have much choice, do I? I'll go with Arch Wizard." Sirius said

"I use sword as my primary weapon so I think I'll go with sword master class." Aoi said

"I think I'll choose Rune Knight class." An Lin chosed this class as he was studying immortal spells back on his world so he has some knowledge of runes. And this class also can use swords, so it's a perfect class for him.

"...Then I'll just go with master archer." Gu Qing Shan chose this class as their group already got two vanguard, and a rear support/damage that being Sirius.

So while he was mainly a sword user, he chose master archer which was the advance class for archers. With that, he can support for mid to long range.

"I see, then please select your class choice by selecting it on your card." Luna said and the group did as she said.

After that they were congratulated by the guild staff. After which they decided to buy some proper equipment for them. They asked Luna where to buy equipment. Though before they left the guild, they officially applied as a party.

Along the way there, Sirius explained that he bought the currency here from the shop using DC. He got those extra DC from doing those basic quests given to them.

Anyway after getting to the weapon shop, they each bought equipments. And of course, Sirius was the one who paid for it all.

An Lin got some light armor as he already got his own sword. Aoi didn't see katanas sold so she opted for some light armor too. Luckily, she brought her wooden sword which was in her inventory.

For Gu Qing Shan, he just bought few quivers of arrows. He already got a bow which he brought back from the cultivation world. As for Sirius, he bought a wooden staff which enhances the magic spells casted.

Then they went to a equipment store and bought clothes to match the people of this world. After they were done, they decided to go to the plains, an hour away from Axel which has giant frogs which are monsters.


"Are those the monsters that we will kill?" An Lin pointed at the gigantic frogs which are 3 meters tall ranging with different colors. They were scattered scarcely around the plains.

Sirius nodded, earlier on after gettibg back from shopping, they went back to the guild and decided to learn some skills from the adventurer card which has their own class skills.

Although in the end, they only got some basic skills due to limited skill points. That's also why they decided to hunt some weaker monsters like the giant frogs to quickly level up.



The group heard a loud shout before a large explosion was heard and a pillar of flame appeared in the distance ahead.

" {Farsight} " Gu Qing Shan muttered and his vision zoomed into the distance where he saw two people. One of them was a youth with slightly spiky chestnut-brown hair and green eyes.

He wore a green tracksuit with a short sword on his belt. A few meters away from him was a young girl with shoulder-length dark brown hair.

She wears a classical witch attire such as a black cloak, a red robe, orange boots and a black wizard's hat, all with gold border and trimmings, alongside black choker, belt and fingerless gloves.

Her right leg is wrapped in white bandages and a black stocking on the left one. She also has a brown staff with a floating red gem beside her. Currently, she was lying, face down on the ground.

Off in the distance was a green giant frog with someone inside it's mouth, evident by the hanging feet from it's mouth. Then there's another giant frog coming out if the ground quickly approaching the remaining two.

"There's a group ahead, 2 of them were down. One was being eaten by a giant frog, and another was down on the ground. The only functioning member is a youth with brkwn hair. One giant frog is approaching them, they need help." Gu Qing Shan said

"You should support them from a distance first, Brother Gu." An Lin said before he along with Aoi run ahead. The two of them took out their sword while running.

Closely behind the two was Sirius who was utilizing his breathing technique and catching up to the two ahead.

On the other hand, Gu Qing Shan brought out a quiver that they bought and brought out his bow too before firing yowards the giant frog approaching the defenseless girl.

Thwang! Swoosh!

" {Snipe} " Gu Qing Shan muttered before shooting some arrows.

The arrows travelled swiftly through the air and just before the guant frog ate the young girl who was down, an arrow lodged itself into it's eyes.

Amd before it could react, more arrows came and hit various vital spot of it. Finally, it fell on the ground full of arrows.


Meanwhile, Kazuma was shocked at the sight. But then, two no three people arrived before them. Two people holding a sword each and a guy with a staff.

"We'll go on ahead, Sirius, please support us." Aoi said before she and An Lin rushed ahead to another giant frog.

Sirius on the other hand nodded, " {Create Water} " He muttered before a small jet of water was launched at the giant frog ahead soaking it's feet.

" {Freeze} " Sirius then used another magic and the water which soaked the feet of the guant frog frozed.

And lastly, the two vanguard arrived and slashed the giant frog with their sword. Blood gushed out out of it's body and it died.

"Whew, hello there! Nice to meet you, I'm Sirius, we came to help." Sirius said towards a still shocked Kazuma.