
Instant Mastery in Another World

In response to the reincarnation where gods seem to like talking with the MCs and given them 5 to a bazillion number of wishes. If you are looking for overpowered MC at the start --- this is not for you. If you are looking for MC which has a massive harem of girls of all shapes and sizes --- this is also not for you. If you are looking for MC being the only one with relationships shown --- this is also not for you. If you are looking for massive lengths and good quality content --- Hopefully? The author is only writing for fun. And a story with proper spelling using Grammarly which is free for anyone to use.

FeatherLitePen · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 9 - Yum!

The next day.

After completing master Saitaima's training plan, I am currently under a large tree with its branches having a rope fixed in place, its other end has various lengths of wood tied to it. I had a thought after waking up. I needed to train my situational awareness. One of the ways I can think of is this.

I stood at the center and had all the pieces of rope swing towards my direction. The goal is to evade everything and not get hit using the least amount of movement.

The movement I can instantly do, the problem is learning when to evade and the timing. Then I had to do all that with me moving my mana inside my body. Anytime I get hit or lose concentration I have to do it all over again.

Aside from evading I also needed to familiarize myself with fighting properly. I can used the moves Masterfully true but it feels robotic and I cannot switch between moves seamlessly as I want it to. I would have asked Touya to spar with me but the guy is busy playing around with his phone.

I had to go and ask the more active girls of the group and chose to ask Yae for a spar. Since you know she came from a samurai family, then Elze got involved and it became a 3-way sparring match.

Since I am learning how to properly fight this was a very welcome opportunity if only the bruises I gained were not mandatory. Thank god for fantasy recovery periods and healing magic.


By afternoon I start heading towards the guild to take another quest. My target this time wild boars. The wild boars of this world are bigger, the magic present in the plants they eat increase their rate of growth. The main problem with them is their appetites. This Boars when close to farmlands eat everything they can get their mouths on.

The required hunting proof for the boars is their tusks. Though the meat is also sought after which is why the guild would also be paying for the boar meat.

This time I am accompanied by Touya and friends who also decided to help the farmers. Though I can see what Touya wanted the most was the boar meat as well.


I always love seeing farmlands filled to the brim with growing produce. I can see rows upon rows of Lettuce, Cabbage, Potatoes, etc. Fantasy farmlands sure are strange some of these plants need various levels of temperature to thrive in but they can grow here anyway.

We reached our destination. Broken Fences, half-eaten plants littered the farm and, a fat behind showing itself at the back of a broken shack.

"Guys look around, there might be more of those pigs. I will handle this one." I drew my sword and met everyone's eyes.

"Right. Yae, Elze split up, Linze you are with me. Let's go!" Touya drew his sword and headed on another direction with the short-haired twin Linze. Yae, and Elze each moving in different directions.

"Compared to the three wolves from yesterday, you are a straight forward enemy." I threw a Boost powered stone at its behind.


It squealed as it jumped in surprise, it faced me and I saw some plant matter on the side of its mouth.

"C'mon dinner, come to me boy."

I taunted the boar and it suddenly charged towards me, I was ready for it and moved towards the side, my earlier training proved more useful in this situation.

As the boar passed me I made a sudden Boost Powered Slash towards its neck.

I never did explain what other things Mr. Johnson taught me, aside from Skinning and Processing meat he also taught me how to sharpen knives.

"Sharpening is not just to having the blade move along the Whetstone and be done with it boy, you have to feel how to blade interacts with the stone, the right press, the right sound the proper angle..."

That said Mr. Johnson's knives are extremely sharp. When applied to swords, however...


The sword passes the neck in one clean slash. No resistance.



The Boars head was still squealing as the body slowed and fell down. Wasting no time I tied the boar's legs and hosted it up. The boar's blood this time being collected inside a metal pail.

My mouth involuntary waters thinking about the meal that involves using the blood later. I already found the fantasy world equivalent to some of the ingredients I needed to use.


Haha, When the girls realized I was going to make a meal out of the blood of the pig they had this disgusted face on them. Touya realized I was planning on making a Dish from my hometown and opted to be adventurous and try it out later.

We killed a total of 4 Wild Boars with the 5 being too young and Touya allowed it to escape. We sold 3 boars and 4 pairs of Wild Boar Tusks.

I had to rent a meat processing stall with the guild since the boar was large and I do not want it to stay inside the bag as it was. The day Touya gains access to an Inventory type magic is the day I can finally stop relying on this space bag of mine.

I gave a share of the meat to Touya and Miss Mika. Touya made a Barbeque the next day, but for today...


Que Cooking Montage where the MC describes the process of chopping the meat, prepare it, chops vegetables, prepare the cooking utensils, and then combine them all in one big pot. Boom.

Timeskip over. With a black colored soup with floating pork meat and pork meat bun as a side dish. Also a couple of sticks with square congealed pigs blood and pig small and large intestines grilled in a makeshift charcoal grill.

"Dinuguan, Grill Blood and Isaw. Want some?"

I offered the girls. Touya being the adventurous one tried some.


It was delicious. The food...

I miss Léchon...

Sisig too...

FeatherLitePencreators' thoughts