
Instant Mastery in Another World

In response to the reincarnation where gods seem to like talking with the MCs and given them 5 to a bazillion number of wishes. If you are looking for overpowered MC at the start --- this is not for you. If you are looking for MC which has a massive harem of girls of all shapes and sizes --- this is also not for you. If you are looking for MC being the only one with relationships shown --- this is also not for you. If you are looking for massive lengths and good quality content --- Hopefully? The author is only writing for fun. And a story with proper spelling using Grammarly which is free for anyone to use.

FeatherLitePen · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 10 - I am gonna be a Kakashi

"Woo Boy it sure raining hard."

I shook my head wet from the rain. Hello, Markus Ortias here, It has been a few days now. I just got back from doing a quest and the heavy rain caught up to me.

"Hm, shogi again? I think this world lacks a lot of entertainment for that to be this popular."

Seeing it in the anime, and reading it on the manga is one thing seeing how absorbed the people of leaflet get when Touya introduced the gameboards to the Inn Owner, Mika's father, who then spread the game to the rest of the town.

Speaking of, Touya just came down from upstairs.

"Afternoon. Are you guys not going on a quest?"

I ask the guy and sat by the bar section of the inn.

"Hm, Elze said we should take a break today, she and Yae said something about a new cake sale from Cafe Pallet. Linze is upstairs catching up on the books she was wanting to read."

Well considering the guy taught a chef from the Cafe how to make ice cream they decided that Touya would be the go-to person for new recipes.

"By the way what quest did you take?"

"Horned tiger. It was a rank-up quest."

I have been blitzing through the various quests as I have gotten some momentum after the wild boar quest. I was recommended that quest for my rank up. What is up with this world and its horned monsters equivalent to normal earth animals anyway.

We had some small talk waiting for the food to arrive when the two active members of Touya's group decided to come in from the front door of the inn.

"We are back~"

"We have returned."

Elze and Yae came in slightly wet even with the Umbrella Touya and I help make.. I did not notice the rain suddenly became stronger.

"Man we're soaked."

"Welcome back, did you get it?"

Mika just finished giving us our meals and greeted the two.

"No Problem. Thankfully the rain made it so that there are few people."

Elze showed a bag full of boxes.

"It was Delicious"


...And they also had eaten from the shop go figure.

I ignored the rest and started eating my meal. Boar Meat Stew. Oh hey, Touya got told to go and deliver some cake to the Duke's family. Touya was looking at me for help. I smiled.

Not my problem.

That look of betrayal though. hehehe


The next day.

Well, the guy sure knows how to hold a grudge, I got shanghaied into helping the group on a quest against a Dullahan. It was a monster hunt quest at the nearby ruins. The location was at the Old Capital of the Country now in ruins.

"Markus towards the left, Yae it is going to go towards you."

Responding to Touya's request I lured the monster towards me then used a Boost to kick it towards the Samurai Girl of the group. Using the chance I provided, Yae did a full-powered swing towards the back of the headless suit of Armor.


It changed trajectory again and this time heading towards Touya, he had his two fingers pointing towards the Dullahan's right arm.

"Piercing Light, Shining holy Spear: Shining Javelin!"

The spear of light managed to severe the right shoulder of the Dullahan.

"My Turn! Boost! Enchant Light!"

I jumped my sword coated in Light Element Magic. The Dullahan recovered quickly and managed to swing its large sword directly at my blade.


My sword broke!


I yelled as the force of the exchanged managed to send me flying a few meters away from the clash. My attack did not fail though, since the effect of using a light element attack managed to injure it more. I managed to right myself and land without injury.

"Markus are you alright?"

Yae called out.

"I am fine. My ego is a bit wounded though."

Seriously even when I maintained the sword it is still made from Iron and not that tough in the long run. Drawing my back up, I was left with a dagger.

"I need better weapons."

Looking at the remains of the sword. Its material got weakened by using an Enchant on it. Result of me being a cheapskate and kept on using the one sword I bought.


Elze and Linze came back having dealt with the monsters accompanying the Dullahan around the ruins.

"This guy sure is tough."

Elze just punched the Dullahan and did a small amount of damage.

"Well since the gang is all here why don't we go for an all-out attack?"

"Right, Linze! Stop its legs using Ice Magic!"

"Eh? I- I understand!"

She backed off a bit and started chanting. I was busying darting back and forth from the Dullahan dealing some minor damage hoping to draw its aggro though Yae and Elze also helped catch the Dullahan's attention with a few hits here and there.

"Twist together O ice, Freezing Curse: Ice bind!"

Linze finished chanting and raised her wand pointing the tip towards the target causing the feet of the Dullahan to get stuck with a block of ice growing from the floor.

Elze used the chance and did a Haymaker on the Monster's front while Yae did a strong overhead diagonal slash from its back.

They both hit the Dullahan at the same time make it stagger but the ice still held.


Oh hey, new magic. Touya spammed summon some magic circles in the air and started chanting.

"Piercing Light, Shining holy Spear: Shining Javelin!"

Instead of one Light spear, each of the magic circle summoned a light spear. It hit the Dullahan but it was not yet down though it did stagger back weakly. It must have only a slight amount of Durability left.

"This time for sure! Enchant Fire! Boost!"

I crouched under it, the grip on the handle reversed, and then jumped!

"Rising Dragon Dagger!" (AN: Shoryutanken => Shoryuken)

My last attack did the trick, being severely weakened the Dullahan's Armor Durability was at the lowest and my attack bisected the monster from the middle. The black flame inside its armor dissipated into the air.

"My god!"

I panted sitting on the floor laughing at the absurdity of me using rising dragon in this life. Still, that last attack caused me to use a lot of Magic.

"Are you alright Markus?"

Linze came by and asked if I wanted to be healed, I told her I was okay and the rest of the party grouped up to talk about the quest.

I was already sprawled on the ground and started cloud watching. The group left me alone seeing as I was too tired to move.

Hm? Treasure hunt? What?

Oh hey. New chapter. I am slowly reaching the next part of Smartphone. Soon we will be changing worlds but not yet...

I still want to do a few things in this world.

FeatherLitePencreators' thoughts