
Instant level up(Levelling up in an apocalypse)

In a world ravaged by an insidious disease that transformed the infected into savage beasts, humanity teetered on the brink of extinction. Those who succumbed to the infection became nightmarish creatures, viciously attacking any unfortunate soul they encountered. Yet, amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope emerged. Some individuals, infected by the disease but untouched by its horrific transformation, were reborn with extraordinary powers. These newfound abilities bestowed upon them the means to combat the relentless onslaught of the infected, granting a flicker of light in humanity's darkest hour. As the survivors huddled together behind towering walls, seeking refuge in an isolated sanctuary, a group of individuals emerged as their leaders. These gifted beings, blessed with the potent force known as Chaos Energy, shouldered the responsibility of venturing beyond the barricades to reclaim their lost homes. Among those left bereft by the apocalypse, a young boy named Kadori harbored a fervent wish: to join the ranks of the runners, the brave souls who ventured into the treacherous unknown to confront the abominable creatures. His heart ached with the loss of his last living family members, and he yearned for vengeance against the chaos that had stolen his loved ones. Then, one fateful day, Kadori's dream came to life. Permission was granted for him to step beyond the protective walls, armed with newfound hope and a fierce determination. But destiny is a capricious mistress, and tragedy struck on his very first foray into the hostile wilderness. Yet, even as Kadori's life hung in the balance, a mysterious force stirred. Whispers of a cryptic message echoed in the desolation: "[Host has been found.] [Survive one day alone outside the walls.] [Reward: Instant Level Up]" The tale unfolds with the promise of epic struggles, newfound powers, and the enduring spirit of humanity's will to survive. Kadori's journey has only just begun, and the world beyond the walls holds secrets, perils, and the key to humanity's resurgence.

Quiet_max · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Strange markings

Most high-ranked Chaos Energy users have a special ability they use in taming beasts, whether they are lower-ranked or higher-ranked.

This special ability can't be learned by all Chaos users. Only those who have attained Diamond 4 or Heroic Rank can summon a tamed beast.

But there has never been a case where someone could summon a beast they had slain in the past.

At first, Kadori thought the system was malfunctioning and was busy displaying the wrong thing. But after Kadori was able to move the dead beast to his arsenal, he became certain that the ability was real.

 All he had to do was...

"Summon!"Speaking the word, a large gust of wind enveloped the area and began to form a tornado.

The dust and the tornado began to clear slowly.

And when it finally cleared, the same Dinoclaw beast was standing right beside Kadori.

Kadori shifted his gaze to the beast and had his mouth wide open in surprise. It worked.

'Let's see if it knows its master,' Kadori pondered as he shifted his gaze to the beast, which was already charging towards him at incredible speed.

"Attack!" Kadori ordered.The beast beside Kadori charged forward towards the oncoming beast after hearing the order made by its master.

A huge grin appeared on Kadori's face after noticing the beast obeying his order.

The two beasts clashed and claws were sent out towards each other.

The size difference was obvious between the two beasts. The one summoned by Kadori was much smaller than the attacking beast.

But both were of the same Grandmaster rank.The claws of the beasts tore through their thick, hard skin and black blood splattered everywhere.

The attacking beast quickly sent out another slash towards Kadori's beast's head, making a huge cut on the head of the beast.

Kadori, on the other hand, just stood far away and watched the fight. If the attacking beast managed to kill his own beast, he could always bring it back to life by unsummoning and summoning it back.

Kadori noticed that the wound he inflicted on the beast's head during their fight was no longer there. Meaning it had healed up when it entered the arsenal.

So if the beast should die, he would store it in his arsenal then summon it back out to complete the job.

'Would that work though? Since I wasn't the one that killed it,' Kadori pondered.

The system did include in the description that he's only able to summon a beast slain by him.

'I guess I have to take part in that fight and prevent it from dying.'


The attacking beast kept sending out slash upon slash with its vicious claws towards the smaller beast.

Kadori's beast tried dodging the strikes but the slashes were too fast for it and it was already badly injured to move freely.

"Unsummon!"Kadori uttered, charging towards the attacking beast. When Kadori said the word, his beast vanished into thin air.

Charging forward, he opened his palms widely, pulling his arm backwards and swinging it out.

'Energy Claws!'Five thin black claw-like auras left Kadori's fingers at incredible speed and headed towards the beast.

Seeing the strange attack heading towards it, the beast raised up its huge claws to block the attack.

When the energy claws made contact with the claws, they shattered the claws to pieces and ended up pushing the beast backwards.

Kadori didn't stop there. He seized the opportunity by sending out three more Energy Claws towards the beast's head.

The beast raised up its second clawed arm to block the attack. Just like before, the claws ended up shattering, and the two Energy Claws headed towards the beast's neck.


The claws went right through the beast's head. The beast still stood tall for a few seconds before the huge head slid away from the neck and a loud thudding sound was heard when the beast's body hit the floor.









Just like before, notifications upon notifications kept popping up in Kadori's line of sight. But Kadori noticed the reward he received now was different from the one he received earlier.

The last rewards, he unlocked 3 new skills. While this new reward didn't give him any skill, instead it moved him from Bronze 1 to Bronze 2.

Although, Bronze 2 wasn't considered strong when it comes to rankings, for Kadori it meant something.

"Just a day here and I already got two level ups and 10 stats points?" Kadori marveled.

He decided to still stack up the attribute points until rainy days. Yukiko did tell him that if he needed to join the Terminator and hunt beasts, he needed to attend the Terminator academy for a year.

In case if he faces bullying or a test that requires a certain attribute in the academy, he could always place the stats points there.

Kadori knelt down beside the headless beast and placed his hand on it.


Kadori didn't expect it to work since the head of the beast was already separated from the body. But after touching it, the corpse vanished into his arsenal.

'Ah... What's that?' Kadori pondered as he felt a burning pain on his right arm.

Lifting up the sleeves of his brown jacket, he saw a word being written on his hand in a language he couldn't understand.

'What the hell is this?' Kadori pondered, glancing at the written words on his arm with a look of surprise and confusion.


Somewhere on planet Edom, an underground territory was located. Inside one of the buildings, a middle-aged man surrounded by beautiful women was busy doing pushups with his shirtless body.

"Master Khan!" A fierce-looking lady walked into the room.

The man doing pushups stood up, revealing his shirtless body that was covered in tattoos written in the same language as the one on Kadori's arm.

"Who dares disturb the Lord of Souls!" Khan uttered with a devilish look.
