
Instant Cultivation System

In a world where martial prowess determines one's fate, Su Lang wakes up in a new body after a tragic accident. Transmigrating into a future where humanity faces extinction from monstrous beasts, he discovers he possesses a unique system—the Instant Cultivation System (ICS). This system allows him to cultivate at an unprecedented speed, quickly reaching the pinnacle of martial arts. Struggling against his past of being considered worthless due to a weak physique, Su Lang vows to change his destiny. With the ICS, he navigates the dangerous landscapes of Earth, where ancient barriers protect humanity's dwindling strongholds from relentless monster attacks. As he gains strength, Su Lang uncovers secrets about his new identity and the true purpose of the ICS. Amid battles against formidable foes and internal conflicts, Su Lang forms alliances with fellow warriors and challenges the status quo of martial hierarchy. His journey transforms from a quest for personal strength to a fight for humanity's survival. Will Su Lang's mastery of the Instant Cultivation System be enough to turn the tide against the encroaching darkness threatening to engulf Blue Star? RAW: 键修炼系统瞬间百万级

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 25: I've Waited a Long Time

Two hours later.

"Host, the Sea of Cultivation is full. Would you like to breakthrough?"

Half-closed eyes suddenly wide open, Su Lang, who had been conserving his energy, burst forth with astonishing brilliance.

For him, this system prompt was more wonderful than the cry of a top-notch beauty!

"System, let me breakthrough!"

Without hesitation, Su Lang chose to breakthrough.

Instantly, a tremendous warm current circulated through his entire body, making his muscles, bones, and flesh become even more resilient and robust!

"Attribute Panel!"

[Name]: Su Lang

[Race]: Human

[Aptitude Level]: Impure Body

[Realm Level]: Quasi-Warrior

[Attack Level]: Primary Warrior-

[Defense Level]: Quasi-Warrior+

[Agility Level]: Quasi-Warrior+

[Endurance Level]: Quasi-Warrior+

[Mastered Techniques]: Boundless Heart Sutra, Return to Origin Body Refining Technique (Primary, Entry), Ghost Moon Saber Technique (Primary, Entry)

[Activated System Functions]: One-Click Cultivation (Level 3), One-Click Martial Learning (Level 2)

"What the hell!"

Looking at the attribute panel, Su Lang jumped up from his chair.

He never imagined that his attack level had actually reached the official Warrior level!

Although there was a minus sign after it, it was still unmistakably the official Warrior level!

The difference between Quasi-Warrior and Warrior was like heaven and earth, a world of difference.

Even if a dozen Quasi-Warriors surrounded an official Warrior, the result would undoubtedly be the Quasi-Warriors being crushed and slaughtered!

"Hehe, as long as I don't encounter an official Warrior, I'm invincible!"

Su Lang grinned broadly, "Even if I meet a Warrior, I have the strength to retreat unscathed!"

Just then, shouts suddenly came from outside.

"Hurry, open the gate! Boss Shi Yi is injured!"

"Where the hell are the people? If you don't open up soon, I'll peel your skins off!"

"Open the gate, our injured brothers need treatment!"


Crude and angry shouts continued to echo.

Without thinking, Su Lang knew it was the members of the Axe-Hunting Squad who had hunted down the E-grade Wind Wolves returning.

"I've waited a long time. Revenge, and the truth!"

A cold smile curved up at the corner of Su Lang's mouth as he swiftly walked to the base gate.

"Who's on duty at the gate today? Why isn't it open yet?"

"Damn it, my brother is almost done for!"


The members of the Axe-Hunting Squad outside were even more furious now, clearly their situation was not optimistic.

"Coming, coming! Sorry, something came up just now."

Su Lang shouted from behind the gate a few times, then cracked open the heavy gate slightly.

"Something came up? If my brother dies, then you'll really have something to deal with!"

A big man grumbled and pushed his way through the opening, "Kid, why isn't the gate wide open!?"

As he spoke, the big man squeezed through the gate and saw Su Lang smiling at him.


The big man saw Su Lang's face and hesitated, wanting to question him.

But before he could finish his sentence, he felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, then a coolness around his neck, and then lost consciousness.

"Peak Body Refiner, not even a match!"

Su Lang swung his Tang knife, blood spraying into the air.

"What the heck, why so chatty?"

Just then, another member of the Axe-Hunting Squad pushed open the gate.

Immediately, everyone in the Axe-Hunting Squad saw Su Lang holding a long knife and a headless body with blood gushing from its neck.

"This is!!"

"The base has changed!?"

"We have enemies! What? Just one person!?"

Including the two Quasi-Warriors, everyone looked at Su Lang in disbelief.

They couldn't believe that someone dared to challenge the authority of the Axe-Hunting Squad and destroy their base!

They couldn't believe that the one who destroyed the base was a Body Refiner without any spiritual fluctuations!

They couldn't believe that this Body Refiner not only destroyed the base but also waited for them to return, killing someone right in front of them!

It was unbelievable, unimaginable.

As the members of the Axe-Hunting Squad stared in shock at Su Lang, Su Lang was also sizing them up.

Counting the one he had just killed, there were fourteen in total, each with injuries. One was even lying on a stretcher, evidently heavily injured from the Wind Wolves.