
Instant Cultivation System

In a world where martial prowess determines one's fate, Su Lang wakes up in a new body after a tragic accident. Transmigrating into a future where humanity faces extinction from monstrous beasts, he discovers he possesses a unique system—the Instant Cultivation System (ICS). This system allows him to cultivate at an unprecedented speed, quickly reaching the pinnacle of martial arts. Struggling against his past of being considered worthless due to a weak physique, Su Lang vows to change his destiny. With the ICS, he navigates the dangerous landscapes of Earth, where ancient barriers protect humanity's dwindling strongholds from relentless monster attacks. As he gains strength, Su Lang uncovers secrets about his new identity and the true purpose of the ICS. Amid battles against formidable foes and internal conflicts, Su Lang forms alliances with fellow warriors and challenges the status quo of martial hierarchy. His journey transforms from a quest for personal strength to a fight for humanity's survival. Will Su Lang's mastery of the Instant Cultivation System be enough to turn the tide against the encroaching darkness threatening to engulf Blue Star? RAW: 键修炼系统瞬间百万级

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 26: Three Heads Severed in an Instant

"Intriguing! My name is Teng Bao. And you are?"

"Why do you harbor such animosity against my Broken Axe Hunting Group?"

The burly man in the red outfit, who served as the group's guardian, took a deep breath, suppressing the turbulent emotions within him. His voice was cold and steady.

"Boss, why bother talking to him? Let me kill him!"

"Yeah, Boss Teng, let's finish him off!"


Teng Bao snorted coldly and raised his hand, silencing his men immediately.

"Su Lang, have you heard of him?"

Su Lang's lips curled into a faint smile as he spoke.

"What? Su Lang? Isn't he supposed to be dead?"

Teng Bao's expression showed shock, then he said, "No, you must be here to avenge him. To dare provoke my Broken Axe Hunting Group, you have quite the audacity!

To have such courage, there must be someone backing you. Tell me, which faction gave you this bravery?"

Upon hearing this, Su Lang knew for certain that Teng Bao was involved in his predecessor's death.

However, it seemed this man had never seen his face, or if he had, he didn't remember it.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I am Su Lang."

Su Lang shrugged his shoulders, looking at Teng Bao with a playful glint in his eye, "How does that make you feel? Surprised and thrilled?"

"You're Su Lang? That's impossible, he was just an ordinary person!"

Teng Bao stared coldly at Su Lang, "Enough of this. You dared to cross the Broken Axe Hunting Group, it doesn't matter who you are, you must die!"

"Hahahaha, so arrogant, so domineering!"

"Too bad… Just you few, I can kill with a flick of my finger!"

Su Lang laughed heartily, and with a flick of his thumb, a bright blade flashed out of its sheath.

"You insolent brat!"

Teng Bao sneered, drawing his own long blade, "I'd like to see how you kill us all with just a flick. Attack!"

"Everyone, get him!"

"I'm going to skin him alive and drink his blood!"

"Keep him alive; it's rare to find someone so fair-skinned and tender!"


The other twelve men, their faces twisted with cruelty, drew their weapons and charged at Su Lang.

In an instant, the clash of blades and the cold gleam of steel filled the air.

To the members of the Broken Axe Hunting Group, Su Lang appeared young and lacked any spiritual energy fluctuation, at best a quasi-warrior.

These men had slain even two quasi-E-rank Wind Wolf Kings and dozens of lower-level Wind Wolves.

With such formidable strength, dealing with a young quasi-warrior seemed a simple task. But when Su Lang made his move, their assumptions were shattered instantly!

"Ghost Moon, Flash!"

Facing the ten or so men charging at him, Su Lang took a step forward, his blade moving in sync with his body, a flash of blood-red light appeared!

In a moment, three members of the Broken Axe Hunting Group were decapitated, and two others were severely injured.


"He's this powerful!?"

"A flick of the finger truly severed three heads in an instant!"

The remaining members of the Broken Axe Hunting Group were struck with terror, their cruel smiles replaced with expressions of horror.

"Ghost Moon Sword Technique?"

Teng Bao's pupils contracted, "Could he have found my manual and mastered the technique?

No! That's impossible, he's just a mere body refiner, how could he master it!?

I've spent a whole year and couldn't perform even a single move from it!

But he executed it flawlessly, what's going on?"

Teng Bao was utterly dumbfounded, completely bewildered.

"I enjoy seeing your astonished faces!"

Su Lang sneered, twirling his blade to shake off the blood, making its edge gleam once more.

"He's only a quasi-warrior, don't panic, surround him and kill him with me!"

Teng Bao swallowed his saliva, knowing Su Lang was formidable, but he didn't believe Su Lang could wipe them all out.

As long as Su Lang couldn't kill them all quickly, he would eventually be worn down and killed!

"Let's go all out!"

"Avenge our brothers!"

Led by Teng Bao, the remaining seven men charged at Su Lang.

Teng Bao and another quasi-warrior led the charge, reaching Su Lang in half a breath's time.

One wielded a long blade, the other a long sword, their momentum fierce, aiming straight for Su Lang's vital points.

"Ghost Moon, Slash!"

Su Lang's steps did not falter. With a flick of his wrist, his Tang blade slashed diagonally, unleashing a flurry of snowy white light.