
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Wants And Needs

"... it's getting strange," Sora said while lying in Kara's bedroom, Lara with a confused look looked at Sora, and Sora sighed softly before explaining.

"Ashly, it's clear she likes you," Sora said softly, stunning kara to the point she sat up in shock. things began clicking within Kara's head, but even if she realized that she liked her, what could she do about it?

"We may have talked about it when you left... she wants a threesome, yesterday when we were doing it, we forgot to close the door, there was a reason I was mopping," Sora said calmly hitting Kara with another blow, she looked at Sora in shock not knowing what to think.

but Sora pulled her, making her lay on top of him while he held her butt. feeling the dragon hitting her secret place, her body shake slightly.

"I will be honest, I thought about this and I'm not against it. she thinks I'm taking you away from her, I can't bare such guilt... there is also the fact it would be fun, we both took each other first, don't you want to explore?" Sora asked with a smile while playing with her ass, moving her up and down, rubbing her secret place against his dragon.

"S-she my sister," Kara said softly, hesitating about all of this, sadly her mind was clouded at the moment, she had done her work and wanted to have fun with Sora before she hit the bed. and now she was hit with such knowledge, with Sora playing with her body.

"Even hotter, don't act like you were not turned on at the dinner table when we were doing it," Sora said softly into her ear.

"t-that's not true," Kara said weakly as she hid her face. Sora seeing this smiled, his hands slipped, entering her pants, and went under her panties. Kara's body only went weaker as his hands went wild.

"You're such a pervert. you're already wet," Sora said softly, kara didn't say anything and kissed Sora. the two hugged each other until Kara broke the kiss and nodded slightly with a blush.

"I-I agree." She said softly, Sora nodded before he went to get Ashly, and so, soon moans came from the room. Sora had the legendary threesome with three unmatched beauties. they of course had their fun to its limits, from Kara eating Kara while Kara went to work on his dragon. to one of them going cowing girl on him, while another sat on while, while the two kissed.

it was just a night filled with pleasure until the two hit the bed. Sora went on to leave to return home, where he saw Death waiting for him with an annoyed look.

"Some seem annoyed... good, you didn't break my dishes," Sora said with a nod of his head, Sora said with a smile. Death snorted slightly, Sora was gone for more than 2 hours, forcing her to say here doing nothing. feeling the passage of time move so slowly was just torture.

"Come, let's go take a bath before we hit the bed. tomorrow we will go shopping for clothing." Sora said calmly, Death didn't say anything and simply followed Sora into the bathhouse, which had a huge tub.

"you're such a pig, already trying to get me naked?" She asked with a snort, Sora shrugged slightly as he removed his clothing, before he went to wash.

"You still need someone to teach you to take a bath, so I have no choice... but the most important reason of all is that you're hot. so of course," Sora said with a shrug, death's face darkened, at least try and hide it.

but she was not mortal, so the concept of being naked is nothing to her. she was pretty much always naked, sure she seemed to have clothing on when she meant others. but people saw her in different ways, ways that they could comprehend. and when she actually did have clothing, it was created from a part of herself, so in a way, she was still naked. then again, she had nothing to hide, she had no gender

"So, how do I bathe?" She asked calmly, after removing her clothing. Luckily, Sora just went at it, so his little brother was too weak to have any real impact on his mind.

Sora waved at her to come over and went on to teach her the importance of watching herself. He also showed her some stuff like soap which could make her smell better and stuff.

"Is rubbing my breast a part of taking a death?" Death said coldly, but before Sora could explain, she took the soap away from him. Sora sighed in depression, before walking into the bath, and looking at the settings, he changed them to their liking before relaxing.

"What are you doing here?" She asked calmly as sat entered the bath,

"This is what only the rich could enjoy. relaxing without the pain of having to worry about anything, because everything is in the palm of your hands. and if you someone lose, it doesn't matter as it would be a small setback." Sora said with a smile, Death sat down for some time, but she didn't feel what Sora was feeling

"So, tell me about yourself. how does death have so much time to live as a mortal?" Sora asked with a smile,

"I'm Death, not the god of death. there are countless death gods who I gave a bite of my power to do my job. in truth, I don't even have a job. I just make sure there is an end," Mei said softly, Sora nodded slightly and went on to ask questions.

and so, the two talked. time passed, and they only got out when their body began suffering the effect of staying within the water for too long. Mei was slightly speechless when she found out they were in the bath for 2 hours, she was even more shocked when she found that it was only 12:00

"it's time for you to go to sleep. well," Sora said calmly, Mei nodded slightly, her eyes were happy. she didn't expect this was the thing known as sleep. She wondered if she would be able to dream, what would she dream off? so, she went to bed,

"Alright, I will read you a bedtime story," Sora said calmly as he pulled out his phone and found a story to read.

"a bedtime story?" Mei was confused hearing this, Sora nodded seriously, as he went on to explain the concept of a bedtime story

"a bedtime story is something you read to someone to help them sleep. I heard that it helps a person's dreams, since this is your first time sleeping, a bedtime story would be for the best." Sora said with a smile, Mei nodded slightly before she went on to help Sora pick out a book.

since she couldn't read, she wanted something with pictures, so a manga was chosen, one which was dark, and blooded. Death Book, a book belonging to the death god, when someone's name is written within this book, they would die within 30 seconds.

Sora went on to sleep close to Mei as she wanted to see the manga as Sora, so she went on to fall asleep in Sora's arms. Seeing this, Sora marked the page they left off on, before slowly leaving moving Mei to the side, and going downstairs to the basement, where he began setting up his lab.

"Techno, when are the parts coming along with everything else, I bought?" Sora asked calmly, today he only got the car and the house, but there was other stuff he was waiting for

"The rest of the cars should be arriving tomorrow, as for the other stuff, they would be coming around tomorrow or the day after," Techno said softly, Sora nodded slightly, before looking at his phone. he needed to upgrade his phone.

So, he took out the chip which Techno was within. looking at the watch, he went on to look at the bat-shaped device which he had taken apart. so, for the rest of the night, Sora went on to create a new watch. he took apart his phone, taking parts he needed while using his superpowers as tools

by morning, he had made a new watch, smaller, and smoother than the old man. putting the chip which held Techno back, Techno took a deep breath at the new improvement to this watch. its size had increased to the size of a city, filled with everything to the internet so he could stay in touch with modern times.

The world within was a split layer, two layers, each half the size of a city. the first layer was a perfect map of the world around Sora. allowing techno to see the world around Sora, from the trees to the buildings, along with stuff like walls and within builds,

the second layer was the world in which he was gone, allowing him to be a god with a wider range, the world was far more realistic than before,

but that was just stuff within the watch, outside the watch Sora could use the watch as a computer. for example, a hologram of a computer could appear in front of Sora, allowing Sora to do many things, but due to the limited recourses, Sora couldn't do things on this hologram, but it could be used for important things, like searching things up

Sora got up and went on to go to Mei's room, where he saw that she was still asleep, like a baby. but when the door closed behind Sora, she slowly woke up. letting out a yawn, before she rolled over, planning to go back to bed.

Sora walked over to tap her slightly, Mei slapped Sora's hand away, before turning away and covering her head with the blanket. Shaking his head, Sora left to go cook breakfast, he was in the mood for pancakes today.

meanwhile, Mei stayed in bed for about 20 minutes before she fully woke up. although unwilling, hearing Sora downstairs, in the kitchen, gave her the strength to get up, and do down to see what was happening.

"... go brush your teeth and get take a house. then come down for breakfast." Sora said calmly, confusing Mei who heard a few new things. brushing one's teeth, and breakfast. seeing this, Sora sighed before shaking his head, she could brush her teeth after she was done eating.

So, the two went on to enjoy breakfast, before they went on to brush their teeth before they went shopping. Sora needed clothing, he needed to look rich, and he was too rich to wear poor people's clothing.

But he quickly came to get annoyed with shopping, Mei who seemed like she wanted to end all life, suddenly came to love shopping. Sora blankly sat on a chair, watching Mei who was surrounded by females who were helping her pick clothing.

cloth shopping should have only been about 2 or so hours long, but it took 4 hours long, carrying over 10 bags filled with clothing, Mei's eyes were bright. of course, Sora would not carry the bags for her, why would he? females were more than capable of carrying their stuff.

"This was shockingly fun," Mei said softly as she put the clothing within the bag seat, Sora just nodded while tapping the hologram of a map, searching for their next stop.

"let's buy you a phone, along with a TV and a few other stuff," Sora said calmly as he found Best Buy and drove off. it didn't take long for them to arrive; they went on to buy 10 of the best TV, 10 of the newest phones from the best brands, and anything else Sora saw that might be useful.

they quickly arrived home and went on set up the Tv and phones, after the Tv was set up, Sora had Techno hack the Tv and had him upload A.I. to teach Mei how to read. while Mei sat down to learn, Sora went on to go take apart the 8 phones, and 8 TVs, as for the remaining ones, they were to be kept for later use.

So, Sora began taking apart the stuff and began creating a Super Tv and a Super Phone, while doing so, the remaining 4 cars he bought were delivered, and later that day the other stuff he had Techno buy was also delivered.

"Boss, Kara, and Ashly are outside," Techno said softly, Sora who was working on the phone froze hearing this, before having Techno connect him to the doorbell.

"You should have called and told me you were coming over," Sora said calmly,

"I thought a surprise visit would be better," Kara said with a smile, Sora shook his head slightly, and the door opened for the two, allowing them in. as they entered, they saw Mei who was sitting before the Tv, pen, and paper in hands, studying.

Mei looked at the newcomers, she frowned slightly before ignoring them and returning to learning, as a higher being, the fact Sora mocked her on the fact she couldn't read annoyed her greatly. so she was learning everything here, she was indeed smart, absorbing knowledge like a sponge, and everything came easy for her.

but the Tv suddenly froze, and the A.I. of the teacher who was teaching her was replaced by Sora, it showed Sora sitting on a stunning red chair, before a campfire, wearing robes,

"Welcome to my humble home. Mei, that's kara and Ashly. Kara, Asly this is Mei. if you need me, I'm downstairs doing illegal stuff." Sora said calmly, making Kara's eyebrow raise hearing the last part, but before she could ask, Sora was replaced with the A.I. teaching Mei

Ashly and Kara frowned slightly, what could Sora be doing that he wouldn't come to see them, seeing that Mei didn't want to speak with them, they went downstairs and saw what Sora was doing.

it was alleged to take parts of technology like Sora was doing. it was even more illegal to create your own stuff. after robots almost destroyed a city a while back, this law was passed down, as people can't be using their super smarts to create weapons and stuff.

"... you can't be doing this," Kara said with a frown, she let it go as when sora was building a PC, it was nothing too big. everyone builds their Pc. but what Sora was not doing was building a superphone.

how was it super you ask? it was a hologram that had a physical form. She didn't know where Sora got the tech or the knowledge to make something so complex. but the phone had a rest mode of a chip that connects within one ear, hard for it to call out, and hard for one to even remember they had it. this chip can form holograms around Sora, be it his hands, his head, or his whole body.

as for how she easily found this out, Sora was testing it out before her eyes, to say the least, this was something hundreds of years above their time. something which could be graded as grade 5 or higher tech.

Earth only had grade 2.5 tech, Sora within a day made something so complex that maybe even the greatest of minds on earth would struggle to recreate. but how was this possible? let's ignore how high-grade that tech was, where did Sora find the stuff needed to create such stuff on earth?

"Where did you find the stuff needed to even create such things?" Ashly asked in shock as he looked at the hologram of a gun Sora created. but when he shot the fun, the bullet disappeared within 2 meters of an earpiece.

"I created them, a true genius doesn't seek better resources, he instead uses the resources he has to create anything. with a metal link, this earpiece doesn't need one to say anything but to simply think of what they need. with 3 layers of protection against it causing any harm to the mind, and many other kinds of stuff, it's almost perfect... I just need to lower the power usage." Sora said softly, before looking at the two who were looking at him dumbfounded. this was going against logic, how was it possible to do something like this within a day?

"h-how much power does it use?" Ashly asked while looking at the trash laying all over the place, from car parts, phone parts, Tv parts, and much other stuff.

"About the power needed to drive a car for about 1 hour to form a simple hologram the size of a pinky for a second. but I of course could reduce this greatly, but even I would need a few days, which is a pain in the ass." Sora said with a shake of his head,

"... you want a job?" Kara asked suddenly, Sora looked at her, waiting for her to speak. Kara coughed slightly before explaining how Iron Bat refused to help them with teaching the kids.

"... sure, under one condition, Peter becomes my right hand," Sora said quickly, aunt may... I mean, Peter Parker was smart, the 3rd smartest person Sora came acroases.

"Deal, by the way, why is she learning how to spell and stuff upstairs," Kara asked with a smile, Sora smiled slightly before explaining who Mei was

"She is not of this world; she is just here to learn what it is to be a mortal. she is into death a lot, so if you want to get close to her use that," Sora said calmly, making kara instantly become short,

"She is an alien?" Kara asked with a frown.

"... yeah, so are you. you have no right to be racist here. plus, this is the land of the free. so what if she is an illegal immigrant." Sora said calmly, making kara speechless for a moment

"Is she dangerous?" Kara asked the main topic of the question to which Sora shrugged

"Is wanting to kill all living things in the universe considered dangerous? but she takes a step back to learn what she wants to take away," Sora said softly, stunning Kara and Ashly, Sora waiting now to tell her such information.

"What do you mean as a mortal, and why would she want to stay with you out of all people?" Ashly asked with a frown.

"What do you mean out of all people? she saw how I lived my life, how I go out of my way to give myself challenges to feel the beauty of hardship. just look at me, a run apartment to this, a nobody to someone smarter than Iron bat... I could be a billionaire by now, yet I chose to play fair." Sora said softly, making Kara's eyes twitch as she looked at the mess, all she saw was Sora breaking the law.

but she had to admit, Sora was one of a kind, from what she got when she researched Sora, he was as normal as normal can be, only having a dick of a family. she believed Sora changed when they meant and began using his capability bit by bit to be something more

"... does she have the ability to end all life?" She asked softly, Sora thought for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah, she seems annoyed that Thanos didn't fail," Sora said softly, making Kara and Ashly want to beat Sora up. such information like this, and this fool only say something because they asked?

"Don't worry, I will change her with the power of humanity. she saw no use in living, but she has slowly begun seeing a reason to enjoy living. plus, with my charms, this is not a hard change." Sora said calmly, before showing all of this to the back of his head and returning to making a super Tv.

"I have to go report this, s-she is too dangerous," Kara said as she turned to leave

"She isn't, she seems unable to act under some rules which force her. she has to have someone else act for her... such as Thanos was. now she wants me to act for her, she is best kept under my watch, so long as she is with me enjoy all that is to live for... she is harmless." Sora said calmly. Kara nodded slightly, but she still needed to report this, so she left.

"... so, what is the real reason she is here?" Ashly asked after a few minutes, she still didn't believe that Sora was normal. or humans that matter,

"I won't lie, it's below me. everything I said is the truth, take it as you wish." Sora said with a shake of his head, but deep drown he was in deep thought about Ashly. what did he do to make her sure he was not normal?

"Those who lie have something to fear... I fear nothing, all I have are wants and need." Sora said as he dropped everything he was dropped and pulled Ashly into his hands

"What I want right now is to make love with you. and my need is to make you mine," Sora said softly, Ashly blushed slightly, she tried to avoid eye contact, but Sora suddenly grabbed her head, shocking, giving Sora the opening to kiss her