
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

So Daring

"Where do you find the infinity gauntlet." Death asked calmly seeing everything in Sora's room was cleared out, all but his gauntlet, which she cared most about. although she can't use it, would be nice to know its location.

"Haha, I exacted you to be able to sense a part of you... I also find it strange that a part of you can overwhelm you." Sora said softly,

"Alone the gems are nothing, but together they are the strongest things in the universe. a part of infinity is still infinite. their level to it., of course, it depends on who is using them. normal people can't bring the gem full power, but Thanos could... and he was close." She said with a shake of her head, Sora ignored the last but and only forced on the first few words.

"So, what did the law have you do to clear your name?" Sora asked lazily, Death blankly looked at her, sighing slightly, Sora snapped his finger, leading to the gauntlet appearing on his hands.

"I had to bring back everyone Thanos killed in his search for those gems... he didn't say when, so I'm taking my time." She said with a shrug, making Sora speechless for a moment. Snapping his finger again, the gauntlet disappeared.

"So, you had the gauntlet exist within a space only you know of, sense off, and can easily accuse with but a snap. you even rewrote reality in ways that benefit you... you greedy brat, how are you challenging yourself?" She said speechlessly, all this talk about making things harder for him since everything always comes easy for him, why not give the gauntlet to her so she can give it to some who would put it to good use?

"I want to have some fun, not kill myself. there is a difference." Sora said with a roll of his eyes, Death shook his head not understanding Sora. Sora nodded at the drivers who were taking his stuff away, he gave them all a key to enter his new house.

"Techno, buy apartments all over the United States... I want them to be a source of incoming for some time until they are useless to me. also, when are the stuff you bought coming over? if possible, change them to my new address. if not, hack and do it." Sora said calmly,

"y-yes," Techno said softly, he was still getting used to this whole being nothing more but a tool thing, but he had everything he needed within the watch, so for now he had nothing to complain about.

"Also, buy me a car, a Ferrari. make sure it's red and be the best one." Sora said calmly to which Techno quickly agree. Iron Bat bought his PC for 1.5 million dollars,

"b-boss, the best Ferrari cost 1.4 million," Techno said softly, Sora only had about 1.6 million, that's not to add the fact he just got a house, would it be smart to use up so much money?

"Damn it, buy 5 cars which cost 50 to 70k, I will build my own supercar, those 5 cars have to be different, a truck, sports car, and so on. might as well buy me all types of paints," Sora said calmly, Techno nodded slightly and went on to do as Sora said.

Sora turned to look at Death who was looking at the watch in interest, Sora thought for a moment before having Techno call him a taxi. with that, they went to Sora's new house. it was a large house, it was a white house with looked almost like a mansion. 5 rooms and 5 bedrooms. with it being over 5,000 sq ft.

"Sigh, to think I have to pay over 20k a month. for 30 years... what a rip-off." Sora said softly, making Death look at him strangely, if it was a rip-off, why go on with it in the first place? but Sora didn't explain and went to look at the movers who had laid everything on the ground waiting for him so they could leave.

Sora spoke for them for a moment, and after making sure everything was good, Sora paid them, and they set off with their day. with a thought, everything which was laying outside his house floated into the sky and followed him inside. but upon entering, he saw there was some stuff within. compared to these things, Sora's stuff seemed like trash, making sora sigh softly. but iron Bat and someone else had tracks on this stuff, so he kept them.

"Sigh, anyways. What will people be calling you from now on?" Sora asked calmly while making sure the trackers don't pick up his voice

"Just pick a name, I don't care." She said without care, but a strange sound suddenly came from her stomach, making her frown as she held her stomach.

"I think I feeling the thing known as hunger..." She said with a frown as she looked at Sora, waiting for him to do something. but Sora thought for a moment before having Techno order fast food. but he felt displeased, how could eat something like Wandy with such a nice house... that didn't do. he was too rich to eat poorly.

"Boss, the car will be here within 10 minutes," Techno said softly, Sora nodded slightly, and told Death to wait. but as time went by, she grew more and more hungry, making her mood drop.

"How do you humans struggle against death when you have to struggle through such torture?" She said almost in tears, Sora looked at her speechless. she really made herself a normal human? she didn't think maybe she should make herself superhuman.

"don't look at me like that... you interested me, so I wanted to see what it was to be a normal mortal. but this only makes my goal to end all life burn greater, allow me to end all of your sufferings." She said softly as her body cracked slightly, seemly about to break the cage known as a mortal body.

"Sigh, you're like a baby feeling hunger for the first time. so, hunger is hitting you worse than others... in other words, you are just a baby right now. greater is my ass." Sora said in disgust, weakness disgusted him.

"... y-you." Death's body shook in rage, looking at that look of disgust, she almost forgot her plan for being here and almost released her true form and fought Sora to death. since when was she ever looked down upon like this? no matter who it is, even the law would have to show some level of respect before her, she was fucking death, all creation with die one day, and she would be there to take it

"y-you, when I clam you out of everyone. I will make sure yours is painful." She said coldly as she sat up, Sora's eyebrow raised slightly. but he just shrugged slightly at her words. soon, he got a phone call, answering it, it was the person delivering his new DODGE DURANGO.

"Well, let's go to the store," Sora said calmly, Death quickly got up. upon leaving his house, Sora saw a new Jeep waiting for him. showing his driver's license, he was given the keys. Death quickly got into the car and rushed Sora,

"Use this time to search for something you want me to cook," Sora said calmly, Death frowned slightly and took the phone. she tapped it slightly, confused about how to work the thing, Sora who was driving looked at her speechlessly for a moment,

"you're saying, a being like you who should be all-knowing doesn't know how to use something as simple as earth tech?" Sora asked making, death grit her teeth. she was almost all-knowing, meaning most questions she sought could be easily found. why would she ever want to know something as trashy as this? how bored would she be?

"Sigh, I will teach you later," Sora said with a shake of his head, soon they arrived at a store where they first went to buy something for her to eat to ease her hunger.

"What is this?" Death asked as she looked at the many snakes she could pick, Sora looked at them all before frowning slightly.

"you're about to eat, I will not stand for any leftovers, so pick only 2," Sora said calmly, death snorted in disdain like she would enjoy eating these mortal's food. Sora shook his head and bought a chocolate bar.

When she tried to do it, Sora slapped her hands away, making angering her. Sora had to explain how he had to buy the food first, making her speechless. but once Sora bought the chocolate bar, she quickly took a bite, but all she tasted was plastic

"The food is within the plastic; you don't eat the plastic," Sora said with a shake of his head, Death was annoyed. but she was hungry, quickly removing the plastic, she saw the bar within. she took a bite and her eyes widened slightly. she had never truly eaten before, and thanks to her hunger and the human body, she felt as if she was eating the best things in the world

"Go buy me more. this is not enough to fill the hunger." She said as she looked at Sora, Sora snorted slightly and hopped into the call. Death unwillingly entered, while looking hatefully at Sora,

the two went to the grocery store, Sora used this chance to buy everything that would fill the kitchen, as well as some seeds, new pans, and puts, along with countless other stuff. in total, it cost over $300, Sora didn't hold back at all.

to say the least, it was a pain in the ass putting all of this into the car. Death being too hungry to help, she lay in the car easing her hunger with the snakes Sora bought. Sora on the other hand had to worry that he was being watched, so he had to personally pick everything up, and put it into the car. taking over 30 minutes.

"It would be funny if death dies of hunger..." Sora said with a smile, Death who was laying on the ground, so hungry that she had a headache, that she didn't have the energy to care about Sora's words. Sora didn't say anything else and gave her an apple, and some painkillers. and drink he bought.

"I... I hate this." Death said almost in tears, the pain didn't out weight the pain of being a mortal. She was at her limits, all the walking, her legs hurt, the feeling of having to breathe, and so on. she hated this

"All I hear is weakness," Sora said in disdain, death biting her lips slightly, holding back the tears. She was not knowing what she was getting herself into when she became a mortal, but she had to endure, fight through the suffering,

soon, they arrived back at their house, where Sora went on to go cook while death rested as she eats all the fruits Sora had bought for her. Sora went on to begin cooking, Death went on to watch him skillfully cook as if dancing.

it didn't take long for her to smell something that made her legs almost float off the ground, and her hunger came back, 10 times worse than before. lucky for her, Sora was pretty much done, giving her a plate, and the two sat down to eat.

"t-this is amazing." Death said in shock upon taking the first bite, she thought the chocolate bar was something out of this world, but then she saw the fruits, and now this which was countless times better. She began eating the curry chicken as if it would run away while eating the other stuff Sora had cooked

"Take your time and enjoy the food," Sora said softly while he removed the mess on her face, Death froze slightly before snorting moving Sora's hand away. to say the least, love was something she never felt before.

Thanos had a love rival, someone known as Deadpool, but even that was but a game in her eyes, a way to force Thanos deeper and deeper into madness.

"Well, go wash the dishes and since you look Japanese, I will call you Mei from now on, you're a friend who was kicked from her home and is living here. avoid telling people anything more about yourself" Sora said calmly seeing Death sitting back, rubbing her stomach slightly. the feeling of being full was something new to her

"w-what? how do I wash dishes?" Mei asked in confusion, Sora said and took her to the kitchen where he taught her how to watch the dishes. when Mei began complaining, she had no choice but to cook, or else she was not going to be eating.

Sora left her alone, and back to Ashly's house, upon arriving, he saw that Kara was home on her laptop doing her job. Kara was too busy to greet Sora, she just waved slightly and returned to work, while Ashly was in her room, fast asleep. it has only been around 4 hours

"Well, I just finished moving, if you want to move in with me..." Sora said softly as he hugged Kara from behind, after putting the food he had bought down.

"Stop, I have done little work all week... wait, you moved again?" Kara asked in confusion, this was the second time Sora moved within a month.

"Yeah, a house worth 6 million. a swimming pool, 5 bedrooms, and 6,773 sq ft." Sora said softly, making Kara speechless, where did Sora get the money?

"Don't worry about the money, I will just sell stuff to criminals, I'm sure they would go a step and above to get their hands on my tech," Sora said softly, Kara jumped onto her feet hearing Sora's words,

"I'm joking, I'm going to have many forms of passive in coming... but for extra cash, I will be selling my stuff online," Sora said before kara could say anything, Kara frowned, as a hero, she, of course, didn't like such high-grade tech following into the wrong hands. but before she could say a speech, Sora gave her the leftover. which instantly drew attention.

"... oh yeah, I'm going to Japan for a few weeks. because of the hero academy opening there, high-grade heroes are required to teach the new heroes." Kara said softly, after Thanos attacked Earth, the world realized that the current hero was not enough.

Japan was taking the first step in creating a hero academy to help teach students with powers to be heroes, this would, of course, have a huge effect. for one, these kids would most likely stay off the streets, and the fact that they get to learn to use their power means that they could avoid harming others.

Many heroes have stepped forward, agreeing to help out, there was so the fact that from now on Heroes can get paid for doing their jobs. this would help other people work harder to become a hero,

"Ashly is coming with me... do you want to come? I will spend most of my time teaching, but after the first week, we would have enough time to hang out." Kara said with hopeful eyes, Sora stretched his head slightly at her words

"When is this?" Sora asked softly,

"In 3 days," Kara said softly, Sora hesitated for a moment before telling Kara of the friend who was staying over. Kara's eyes twitched slightly hearing another woman would be sleeping under the same roof as her boyfriend.

"s-she can come, I will love to know this, Mei," Kara said with a smile, Sora stretched his head slightly, but he nodded in the end. this would cause a lot of problems, but in the end, but there might be some good that comes out of it.

"So, does my little princess need help to relax?" Sora asked with a smile as he hugged Kara, grabbing her butt. but Kara smacked his hands away,

"I have to work," Kara said softly, Sora sighed softly. sitting down, he lazily watched her work, but soon his attention was caught by Ashly who was walking out of her room. Ashly froze seeing Sora sitting with Ashly.

the things she did with Sora instantly hit her, she had betrayed her sister. she had done the unspeakable and went behind her back... yet she found herself feeling no guilt, it was too good for her to feel guilty. she had the time of her life, the most pressure... but at what cost?

"Ashly, come eat," Sora said with a smile, but in Ashly's eyes, that smile was evil. a smile of a dick who wanted to see her next move. would she tell, or keep quiet and act as if nothing happened?

Ashly wanted to leave, but she thought it would be weird if she refused, plus she hasn't eaten all day. so, she sat down and weakly began eating the food, avoiding eye contact with the two. Kara was busy working, so she didn't notice anything weird.

Ashly's eyes suddenly twitched as her body froze, under the table, Sora's leg was rubbing hers, and slowly moving in between her legs. she suddenly let out a soft moan, acting Kara's actions, but she quickly acted as if she was moaning from how food the food was. Kara rolled her eyes and returned to her laptop, but her eyes twitched as Sora's hands towards her lap.

Ashly rested her head on the table, the danger that she could get caught at this moment.... made her more turned on

She threw sharp daggers toward Sora, but Sora just smiled at her, her hands rubbing against her special place. Kara hides in front of the computer, the fact that they were doing something so daring which could lead to them being caught.... it made her more turned on