
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


"... it's like the worst of the worst just happened." Justice Man said while looking at the cries for help coming from all over the universe, Dormammu just retreated, but it was safe to say that he would move to conquer this world.

Darkseid, Trigon, Doom, Magneto, and Aquaman. these were villains they had faced, but they had managed to pull off a win. now with them all coming together all at once, their clash for power will destroy the universe

"... I will ask Sora to help us deal with Doom." Justice Girl said softly, but she was not sure if Sora would be able to help out. Doom had magic and Tech, and his was at a scary level and could rival even the likes of Sora. his magic was far above the Sage, although the save was new and still growing.

"..." Justice Man frowned slightly upon hearing Sora's name, he looked deeply into Justice Girl's eyes, who froze slightly. she had a look of hesitation but nodded and flew off towards Sora. Justice man sighed softly while looking at her leave, he looked towards the planet for some time, a deep look in his eyes.

"what's the matter?" Iron bat who was sitting before his screen looking at the calls for help all over this world, while tapping away on the keyboard.

"it's Sora... I just hope she keeps her eyes open... until it's time to take him down." He said softly as he shot out of the base on the moon and headed towards the sun. he needed to supercharge himself, before rushing out,

"Yawn, tonight seems like a long night," Sora said lazily while creating something, Fire Empress was asleep, it's just that tonight seemed oddly longer than normal.

"I have been picking caries for help all over the universe, from my knowledge, the big bad of the universe are on the move. Darkseid is just one of them. there is Trigon, Doom, Magneto, and Aquaman, they are all moving out. it seems like when I destroyed the ripple, used I used pure strength to overwhelm it, the ripples might have caused this." Techno said softly making Sora smile slightly, so all of this was his doing.

"Well, what other interesting things are happening?" Sora asked with a smile, and Sora, Techno spoke away of the stuff all over the universe. some stuff truly shocked Sora. but he soon turned his attention away from Techno as Justice Girl arrived and rushed toward him.

"... are you able to act into Doom Bots?" Justice Girl asked sight away, to which Sora nodded calmly as a screen appeared behind him, showing the Doom bots were already hacked, they turned and waved towards the screen, shocking Justice girl.

"Well, since we ask questions. when will you take over the planet?" Sora asked softly, Justice Girl's eyes widened upon hearing Sora. he spoke, but she couldn't make out a clear sentence.

"The Alpha race. the strongest race within the universe. for the past few years, they have been sending out their shields to planets with intelligent life forms with the capability of one day exploring their galaxy. they would act as their protector, making the lifeform dependent on them 100%, to the point that they would see you as some symbol of peace and willing to do anything you ask." Sora said softly while looking at the shock in her eyes. Sora didn't say anything else and simply looked at her.

"... the Alpha... we Alpha are the strongest race because of our powers, and minds. we have even conquered death. this planet would be conquered soon. but with your mind, you would be valued highly by our race. so..." She said softly, but she didn't know what to say next.

"I will not submit to anyone... it seems like I would be killed if I don't," Sora said softly, Justice Girl bit her lips hearing Sora's words.

"w-we can run away. go to another dimension where they can't reach us." She said quickly, Sora smiled slightly at her words, what did he have to worry about?

"Why are you more worried about this than I am? I hacked into your race tech and got the knowledge there. there is nothing I have to fear from them." Sora said softly, Justice girl's eyes widened slightly. her race was the strongest, she was from a branch within the race known as Alpha shield.

which was the shield they were able to create, the other branch was a sword as shield alpha, they would create a sword that was sharp enough to do crazy stuff, like cutting space. it only gets sharper the stronger they were.

Justice Man and Justice Girl were special within their race, they were of pure blood which was simply called the Alpha. as they could draw upon the sword and shield, but as could be seen, they never show their swords. as they were simply shields.

as for why they were sent here, not long ago their planet faced something which made the elders within the race panic, so they sent them out to save their pure blood. luckily the race survived, but they let Justice Girl and Justice Man remain with their mission, this way they could grow stronger and study this unique planet that had humans with all types of different powers.

"I will never abandon you, the fact you had that look as if I would care about such a small matter hurt," Sora said softly as he held her gentling in his arms, while holding her check gently, Justice Girl's eyes widened while looking at Sora in shock she looked blankly into Sora eyes,

"No matter what happens, I will always love you," Sora said softly, Justice Girl almost cried, she just hugged Sora and the two just stayed like that for some time. how lucky was she? sure, Sora had his problem, but he worked hard and truly loved her.

'Well, now I can tell her who I am without having to worry about anything... I should go get some popcorn and see who will win in this upcoming battle.' Sora thought with a smile, but that smile disappeared once Justice Girl looked up at him. Justice Girl suddenly kissed him, and the two scared a lovely kiss before it slowly broke off.

"you guys get back to the front line, I will support you all from here," Sora said softly, Justice Girl smiled slightly. after giving him another kiss, she flew off.

"Send the robot I created over to join the Doom army," Sora said calmly, and a moment later, a silver robot appeared on the screen, joining the Doom army. with that, Sora pretty much drew a line between that robot and himself.

a hologram of fires appeared, which he took and eat. his hologram was now real. if he wants to create an airplane then that would be a real airplane, and no longer a hologram.

and So, Sora sat back as he watched countless powers coming together, uniting as one to face the danger. so, within another dimension, the Sage flashed and appeared before a much of wizards. each guild was split into different guilds,

one was known as the Sabor Teeth guild, another the fairy tail guild, and many other powerful guilds. among them were dragons, and celestial spirits. they all stood before him, waiting for him to speak.

these wizards were from a realm known as Ishgar, a realm full of magic. this was where the former Sage brought him to learn and grow among the wizards, it's also how he managed to befriend them and seek help from them.

"Thank you all for coming, the universe as we know it might be conquered. unlike Thanos, many of these guys want to take away all sense of free will and leave behind pure suffering." The Sage said softly, making everyone's heart drop.

similar things were happening across the universe, within countless dimensions, and many powers were called upon. unlike with Thanos, where they couldn't come into contact with these powers, or they refused to see Thanos as anything worth wild, and among many other things, they now had no other choice but to come together and fight. be it, Thanos, be it Trigon, or Dormammu, they were names that made the universe shake in fear,

"whose that?" Sora asked upon seeing a beauty flash on the screen he was watching, she lead an army from the dark dimensions, rushing forward to clash with the Darkseid army, in fact, everyone was attacking Darkseid,

"She Dormammu with sister Umar..." Techno said as the image of Umar Sora nodded slightly as he added her to the list. Sora turned his attention to another woman, Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty.

as Sora listed down his future harm members, his attention turned towards a screen wish that appeared, showing something, which was happening in New York. there, he saw a spider girl who fell from the sky, but she quickly shot out a web and swung to a monster, which she used to drive into another,

she webbed out, wrapping a bunch of monsters in her web, before electing them. she swung onto another monster, which she had flown to the ground. the monster went on to slide heavily onto the ground, leading to its flesh being left behind on the ground.

She smoothly stepped off the monster, while looking around at the new universe she was within. but she shook her head, she needed to find the web garden, and although she wants to help, above all things she needed to find her. she didn't know how long the others could last.

"Well, it seems like May's fate is here," Sora said softly seeing how she turned to look toward where Aunt May was at. he got up and went on to leave his house, shooting off within his armor suit. in a few seconds, Sora appeared above her, killing the monsters all over the place. and quickly making the place lack any monsters. just when he was about to fly off, he froze as he looked down below at her

"you're not of this universe, what brings you here?" Sora asked as he slowly floated down to her, the woman was stunned seeing how easily Sora caught on to who she was, but she nodded slightly.

"I'm Spider-woman, one of the wed warriors. the fate of all realities is on the edge of being destroyed, I'm here to find the person who could stop it... it's you?" She said in shock while looking at Sora who removed his face piece, she felt the spider-sense coming off Sora and realized he was the web garden. but it should be a woman,

"Oh, I seem to know what you're talking about. but I'm not the one you seeking. I can take you to get her." Sora said with a smile, stunning her even more, but she was in a hurry. if it was not Sora then she should find the right one. she would get done to the bottom of this, as this was a trap, her Spidey sense didn't tell her anything.

She planned to swing after Sora, but she couldn't help but let out a soft cry when Sora suddenly picked her up in a princess carry and shot off into the sky.

"no need to worry, we have armor capable of withstanding the power of the sun blocking our skin contact... and this is far faster than you know, you swing after me," Sora said softly as he fly into the sky, dodging the flying monsters, while from his back weapons came out, shooting at them

"So, what is your universe like? this universe spiderman is a male, and by the reading of your voice, your Gwen is a close friend of this world Spider-man." Sora said with a smile as he looked at her, Gwen who was annoyed with Sora's action had her annoyance turned into shock. Sora so easily found out who she was,

"Well, no need to be shocked. I'm smart, you must be confused about everything happening here. well, Trigon, Darkseid, and a few others are moving their plan to conquer the universe and stuff all at once. right now, they are working to push Darkseid back before they backstab each other." Sora said softly,

"But to think all of this is happening while the web of reality is within such a state, what a pain in the ass. just a few weeks back, Thanos killed 99% of all life, and now this." Sora said with a sigh, Gwen was in shock, just what bad luck did this universe have?

"Well, we are here," Sora said softly as he flew down, landing before a palace, Gwen looked at the mansion in shock, before looking at the sky, where she saw monsters attacking the barrier, only for them to be destroyed when they touched the barrier.

"This is my home, the one you seek is within. you should be able to sense her, she is coming out to greet you. I will have my chief make something for you." Sora said lazily as he went inside, with Gwen following after him in shock

"Wait, I don't have time to waste with food." She said quickly, but Sora ignored her and went to call Aunt May and Erina.

"What?" Erina asked with slight annoyance, this house was filled with too many mouths that eat too much. Mei was the leading cause of her annoyance,

"We have a guest, cook her something nice," Sora said with a smile, Erina looked at the newcomer, a part of her was not shocked that it was a woman and a hero at that. she sighed softly as she went to cook, meanwhile Aunt May looked at Spider-Woman in confusion.

Sora ignored them as Spider-woman quickly explained what Aunt may be destined to do, this of course stunned Aunt May. but she shook her head, shocking Spider-woman.

"Someone else can replace me... I want to stay." Aunt May said softly as she looked toward Sora, Spider-Woman was speechless. the fate of all reality was in this woman's hands, and she wants to stay.

there is only one you with your abilities, it's only you." She said softly, Aunt May was stunned for a moment hearing this, but she nodded slightly. she looked towards Sora who was talking with Erina, giving him tips on her cooking.

"... every time I make some level of improvement, you only show me that you're always a step ahead," Erina said softly, as she laid the food out on the dishes.

"I believe that Mito is now better than you, tomorrow you two should have a slight challenge," Sora said with a smile, stunning her. she was one of the best, yet Sora was saying that Mito who ranked among the low end was now better than her? how could she believe that? she of course didn't,

"Well, I see it in your eyes that you made up your mind to leave," Sora said softly while looking at Aunt May who walked over toward him. Aunt May nodded slightly, to which Sora nodded.

"Well, go and seat upon your throne. I will find a way to reach you and maybe find a way to find something or someone else who could replace you" Sora said with a smile, Aunt May nodded weakly, she didn't want to leave. but she trusted Sora, stepping forward she hugged sora deeply. who knows how long it would be until they meant?

Spider-woman, on the other hand, eats the food, and was instantly in love upon taking the first bite, she never eats anything like this. the two eat enjoying this meal it would be a sin if they didn't. Sora gave them the leftover to take, and Spider-woman thanked Sora.

the two went outside and the sky shattered, and a powerful shocking force picked them up, swallowing them.