
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs



Doom slammed Lex who was in a power suit to the ground, causing Lex to hit the ground hard and cough up mouthfuls of blood. Lex stepped on Lex's chest, before looking at the remaining great 4, laying on the ground defeated.

"How did you get so powerful?" Lex said in shock while looking at Doom's metal plate for a face, Doom calmly looked at him, before slowly putting force into his leg. the suit Lex was wearing caved it, causing Lex to scream in pain.

"just how do you think trash like yourself was able to lock me up? what you fought years ago was just me after fighting the Sage. she was quite powerful, but the injuries I gave her killed her. you only took that opening to lock me away..." Doom Said calmly, making Lex grit his teeth in pain

"You're trash Lex. the people see you as the smartest man, yet your struggle against Justice man, I will keep you alive. let you see just how out of class you were when you were playing with your alien friends." Doom said calmly as the ground shook, and robots that looked just like him flew out.

"I shall conquer this world, all who will stand in my way, hell has more than enough room for them." He said calmly as he looked at the sky filled with his robots flying out, he didn't move his leg, not bothering to even weaken his footstep as Lex struggle to move it.

meanwhile, The X-Man stood over Magento and his group. Magento gritted his teeth while looking at them, and his daughter who was avoiding eye contact with him.

"tell me, what good of normal humans ever brought to this world? they killed those with powers calling them witches, they kill and torture their own kind, and you are all going to stand and support them? we powers have been forced to suffer at their hands, tortured, and forced to hide... your other brother is dead because of them, your mother is dead because of them. you would be dead because of them," Magento said angrily, his daughter bit her lips slightly as she took a step backward

"That's enough, you have done enough damage." Processor X said as he stepped forward, Magento looked at Processor X before he closed his eyes accepting his defeat. Magento's life was filled with suffering, all at the hands of normal humans.

He still remembers the scream of his parents as they metaled from the inside out, how his other family members were tortured in unspeakable ways before their death, and how he only awakened his power at death's door. he ran away from the camp, living in hiding, and soon had his own family.

but once again, he couldn't be happy for long. his wife was killed as she had powers. called a witch, and he came home to find she was burned alive. enraged he killed them all, and ran away with his son and daughter, he named a warlock, and many humans came after him and his children.

so he began hating them and using his powers more and more often, as years went by he gathered a team, with the goal to kill all normal humans. at this point, his hatred for humans had reached a new height. seeing them as nothing more than a lesser beings,

everything seemed to perfect until his children betrayed him, joining sides with the normal humans, and the funny thing about all of this was that his son would be killed by the very people he was supporting. yet even with this, his daughter couldn't see how evil these humans were.


Processor X who was walking up to Magento was sent flying, he landed heavily on the ground, breaking the legs which were just fixed. everyone turned to look toward the scarlet witch, she slowly opened her mouth to speak, and after some time she spoke.

"I don't know what the right side is anymore... but the powerless they only brought suffering to me and my family. so, I will side with my family." She said softly as her scarlet red hair slowly floated in the air, her tears slowly fell from her eyes as she looked at the other members of the X-Men...

Within the sea, Mermaid Man was currently laying on the bottom of the sea as a man with a golden fish scale for armor stood over his body. standing by his side was a Man Ray. Man Ray is a humanoid being with a blue helmet shaped like the head of a Manta ray and a red bodysuit. His gloves, boots, and Speedo are all deep blue.

Man Ray evilly laughed, making Mermaid Man angrily look at him, but a helpless look appears in his eyes. he looked at Bikini Bottom which was destroyed by the monsters from the dark dimensions, before looking at the man who had defeated him

"Aquaman, you went too far." He said softly, he was not as young as he once was, he was no longer able to defeat this man.

"I'm the rightful ruler of the sea, you had me locked away, and those bitches on their small island dare to support you. the surface lander... for the longest they had dirtied my sea, killed my people, and you support them? what hero are you? because you're a former human, you ignore everything they do. you support everything they do, are you a protector?" Aquaman asked coldly as he stabbed the golden Trident into Mermaid Man's stomach, making him scream in pain.

"No more will my people be fed upon, no more will my home be dirty. we are going to war, and all land life will be destroyed." He said coldly, a mermaid Man gritted his teeth wanting to pull this Trident from his stomach.

meanwhile, within another dimension, a web could be seen seemly floating within the void. in the middle, there seems to be a spot where a person should be seated, yet it was empty.

outside, there was a web barrier that blocked people from the outside world. there a battle was taking place, a bunch of spider-man both males and females were fighting against a bunch of evil spiders

"... we are getting nowhere with this, the web is weakening, and we need the web garden." an iron Spiderman yelled

"No shit, thanks I didn't notice." a swordsman spiderman said in annoyance.

"Now boys, no fighting amongst each other. the fate of all reality is in danger." a female ninja spiderman said softly as he killed a few spiders.

"I think we have to break the rules... one of us should use the web to go find the garden. we can't hold on any longer." a female spiderman said softly, she had a white spiderman outfit, which was a rare color.

"I agree," a spiderman with guns said coldly as he fingers his funs off, which had endless ammo, killing the spiders.

"Then Gwen, you should go. we can't lose more manpower." a spider man with a red and blue costume said calmly, Gwen was the female spiderman. or Spider girl with the white outfit.

"... understood." She said softly, she turned towards the web which was protected by the web barrier before rushing towards it, jumping over a bunch of spiders along the way.

meanwhile, within another dimension, a six-eye red demon shattered the chains binding it before he evilly laughed while looking at the many females which died trying to stop it.

"I trigon am free... my daughter should have aged enough by now, together, I and she shall enslave all dimensions, being suffering to all universe and soon make our way to higher dimensions." He laughed evilly as he looked at the many aliens who were looking at him in horror.

"thought pain can one truly awakened... so suffer." He yelled as he held his palm out, a beam hit those who were running in horror, making them feel the pain that the mind couldn't handle. they would have died on the spot, but they kept the alive, making them feel the pain.

their pained cries slowly began to disappear, replaced with their mad laughs, through pain can one awaken. like that he made them all his mindless loyal slaves, with the sole goal to spread pain to others so that they too can awaken.

back to Sora, Sora was looking at Fire Empress who was rushed over. Sora sighed softly as he had a robot come over to heal her.

"why were you out?" Sora asked Anna, shouldn't she have left the spy life behind?

"If I can help, I will help. and with this earpiece, there a lot of good I can do..." She said softly as she looked at Sora, her words had a deeper meaning that she didn't need to say. Sora could move to help the world, yet he sat here ignoring the trouble outside. hell, he might have been the one who brought things to happen too soon.

"Haha," Sora said with a laugh as he threw an earpiece toward her, which she caught. using the earpiece, she quickly understands that this was the newly improved earpiece. her eyes widened seeing how better this earpiece was compared to the one she had.

"The deal was for you to live, not to live for others... but since you're so into doing good, how about you do good in my place," Sora asked with a smile, Anna frowned slightly before shaking her head.

"I will not be your little piece in your evil plans. you go out and do good." She said without a second thought and pushed back the earpiece towards Sora.

"Fine, I will make a robot, it would be better," Sora said with a smile, Anna's eyes shrank slightly which would be bad, ignoring the fact the robot might become evil. Sora would be able to do almost anything, the thought of sora being in two places at once was something she couldn't allow.

"Fine... what evil plan are you up to now?" She said as she took the earpiece, Sora's eyebrow raised just what evil has he ever done? sure he killed someone and has the gauntlet and a few other stuff, but none of that was evil.

"snort, the Sage said a robot broke the barrier leading the dark dimensions to attack early, there are only a few people who could pull such things off. since the robot used no magic, and it looked nothing like Doom bots, its high-tech complexity put you as the prime suspect" She said with narrowed eyes, Sora was speechless

"Well, I should have made it look ugly," Sora said with a shrug, Anna almost fainted, at last trying and hide that you were the same behind all of this.

"because of you, we have to face Darkseid, and the rippling from the barrier destruction led to Darkseid stepping into this universe?" She said angrily, Sora patted her head slightly, making Anna angrier.

"My little spy is so quick. that does not so spy-like... but thanks for the news, I didn't know Darkseid was here, this will be fun," Sora said softly, making Anna angrier. Sora pulled her into his arms, with a smile, not bothered by her angry mood.

"Are you saying that even a part of you does not exist with everything that's happening here? my sensor are sharp, and they are telling me that my little spy is enjoying getting back on the front lines." Sora said with a smile, Anna blushed slightly hearing Sora's words.

"I might miss it, but this isn't right." She said as she pushed Sora away, Sora shrugged slightly as he looked towards Fire Empress who was slightly opening her eyes.

"go and have your fun... Iron Man." Sora said with a wink, Anna roared her eyes slightly but she put on the new earpiece, and armor covered her body before she snorted and shot off. Sora smiled slightly as he watched her fly off, before having Fire Empress lay back down.

"Well, empress, it seems like you will be out of the line of work for some time," Sora said with a smile, Fire Empress wanted to get up, the battle was not over yet, but the spear which stabbed her sent dark dimension energy was spreading through her body, too much movement would only speed up her death.

"It looks like for the next few days I will be playing doctor and taking over your classes," Sora said with a smile, Fire Empress smiled slightly while looking at Sora. indeed, she fell in love with the right man, he was kind, and loving, and was going to be there for her in her time of need.

"Well, no need to talk. I will work on something that will remove the dark dimension energy within your body. so, for now, do you want to sleep or watch a movie?" Sora asked with a smile as he had her float up.

"I'm not sleepy... you don't have to. I can make flames that can take care of me." She said softly, yet Sora bought her to the living room, where he had her lie down, and went on to find an anime to watch, in the end, they watched Two Piece.

Fire Empress completely forgot about the outside world, as she simply rested within Sora's arms, while watching Two Piece.